Commit 4b771dcd authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Dynamic API mostly done... not tested. This commit actually starts embedding…

Dynamic API mostly done...  not tested.  This commit actually starts embedding the schema data in the generated code.
parent b2edb433
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ class Data::Reader {
// also be implicitly constructed from a NUL-terminated char*.
typedef Data Reads;
inline Reader(): bytes(nullptr), size_(0) {}
inline Reader(const char* bytes): bytes(bytes), size_(strlen(bytes)) {}
inline Reader(char* bytes): bytes(bytes), size_(strlen(bytes)) {}
......@@ -113,6 +115,8 @@ class Text::Reader: public Data::Reader {
// such as std::string.
typedef Text Reads;
inline Reader(): Data::Reader("", 0) {}
inline Reader(const char* text): Data::Reader(text, strlen(text)) {
CAPNPROTO_INLINE_DPRECOND(text[size()] == '\0', "Text must be NUL-terminated.");
......@@ -139,6 +143,8 @@ class Data::Builder {
// other types.
typedef Data Builds;
inline Builder(): bytes(nullptr), size_(0) {}
inline Builder(char* bytes, uint size): bytes(bytes), size_(size) {}
......@@ -194,6 +200,8 @@ class Text::Builder: public Data::Builder {
// so it is never necessary for the caller to do so.
typedef Text Builds;
inline Builder(): Data::Builder(nulstr, 0) {}
inline Builder(char* text, uint size): Data::Builder(text, size) { text[size] = '\0'; }
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "dynamic.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace capnproto {
......@@ -52,17 +52,31 @@ struct SchemaPool::Impl {
std::unordered_map<std::pair<uint64_t, Text::Reader>, schema::EnumNode::Enumerant::Reader,
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> compiledTypeIds;
SchemaPool::SchemaPool(): impl(new Impl) {}
SchemaPool::~SchemaPool() {
delete impl;
// TODO(now): Implement this. Need to copy, ick.
void add(schema::Node::Reader node) {
void SchemaPool::add(schema::Node::Reader node) {
FAIL_CHECK("Not implemented: copying/validating schemas.");
void SchemaPool::add(const internal::RawSchema& rawSchema) {
auto node = readMessageTrusted<schema::Node>(rawSchema.encodedNode);
if (impl->compiledTypeIds.insert(node.getId()).second) {
for (const internal::RawSchema*const* dep = rawSchema.dependencies;
*dep != nullptr; ++dep) {
void SchemaPool::addNoCopy(schema::Node::Reader node) {
if (impl == nullptr) {
impl = new Impl;
......@@ -79,8 +93,41 @@ void SchemaPool::addNoCopy(schema::Node::Reader node) {
bool SchemaPool::has(uint64_t id) const {
return (impl != nullptr && impl->nodeMap.count(id) != 0) || (base != nullptr && base->has(id));
Maybe<schema::Node::Reader> SchemaPool::tryGetNode(uint64_t id) const {
auto iter = impl->nodeMap.find(id);
if (iter == impl->nodeMap.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return iter->second;
schema::Node::Reader SchemaPool::getNode(uint64_t id) const {
auto maybeNode = tryGetNode(id);
PRECOND(maybeNode != nullptr, "Requested node ID not found in SchemaPool", hex(id));
return *maybeNode;
schema::Node::Reader SchemaPool::getStruct(uint64_t id) const {
auto node = getNode(id);
PRECOND(node.getBody().which() == schema::Node::Body::STRUCT_NODE,
"Looking for a struct node, but this node ID refers to something else.",
return node;
schema::Node::Reader SchemaPool::getEnum(uint64_t id) const {
auto node = getNode(id);
PRECOND(node.getBody().which() == schema::Node::Body::ENUM_NODE,
"Looking for a enum node, but this node ID refers to something else.",
return node;
schema::Node::Reader SchemaPool::getInterface(uint64_t id) const {
auto node = getNode(id);
PRECOND(node.getBody().which() == schema::Node::Body::INTERFACE_NODE,
"Looking for a interface node, but this node ID refers to something else.",
return node;
// =======================================================================================
......@@ -141,7 +188,7 @@ internal::FieldSize elementSizeFor(schema::Type::Body::Which elementType) {
case schema::Type::Body::ENUM_TYPE: return internal::FieldSize::TWO_BYTES;
case schema::Type::Body::STRUCT_TYPE: return internal::FieldSize::INLINE_COMPOSITE;
case schema::Type::Body::INTERFACE_TYPE: return internal::FieldSize::REFERENCE;
case schema::Type::Body::OBJECT_TYPE: FAIL_CHECK("List(Object) not supported.");
case schema::Type::Body::OBJECT_TYPE: FAIL_CHECK("List(Object) not supported."); break;
FAIL_CHECK("Can't get here.");
return internal::FieldSize::VOID;
......@@ -156,6 +203,35 @@ inline internal::StructSize structSizeFromSchema(schema::StructNode::Reader sche
} // namespace
namespace internal {
ListSchema::ListSchema(schema::Type::Reader elementType): nestingDepth(0) {
auto etypeBody = elementType.getBody();
while (etypeBody.which() == schema::Type::Body::LIST_TYPE) {
etypeBody = etypeBody.getListType().getBody();
this->elementType = etypeBody.which();
switch (etypeBody.which()) {
case schema::Type::Body::STRUCT_TYPE:
this->elementTypeId = etypeBody.getStructType();
case schema::Type::Body::ENUM_TYPE:
this->elementTypeId = etypeBody.getEnumType();
case schema::Type::Body::INTERFACE_TYPE:
this->elementTypeId = etypeBody.getInterfaceType();
this->elementTypeId = 0;
} // namespace internal
// =======================================================================================
schema::EnumNode::Reader DynamicEnum::getSchema() {
......@@ -189,9 +265,9 @@ uint16_t DynamicEnum::asImpl(uint64_t requestedTypeId) {
// =======================================================================================
DynamicStruct::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema) {
DynamicStruct::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::asStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema) {
PRECOND(schema.getBody().which() == schema::Node::Body::STRUCT_NODE,
"toStruct() passed a non-struct schema.");
"asStruct() passed a non-struct schema.");
if (reader.kind == internal::ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER) {
return DynamicStruct::Reader(pool, schema, internal::StructReader());
......@@ -200,9 +276,9 @@ DynamicStruct::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toStruct(schema::Node::Reader schem
return DynamicStruct::Reader(pool, schema, reader.structReader);
DynamicStruct::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::toStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema) {
DynamicStruct::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::asStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema) {
PRECOND(schema.getBody().which() == schema::Node::Body::STRUCT_NODE,
"toStruct() passed a non-struct schema.");
"asStruct() passed a non-struct schema.");
if (builder.kind == internal::ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER) {
return DynamicStruct::Builder(pool, schema, internal::StructBuilder());
......@@ -212,21 +288,21 @@ DynamicStruct::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::toStruct(schema::Node::Reader sch
return DynamicStruct::Builder(pool, schema, builder.structBuilder);
DynamicStruct::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toStruct(uint64_t typeId) {
return toStruct(pool->getStruct(typeId));
DynamicStruct::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::asStruct(uint64_t typeId) {
return asStruct(pool->getStruct(typeId));
DynamicStruct::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::toStruct(uint64_t typeId) {
return toStruct(pool->getStruct(typeId));
DynamicStruct::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::asStruct(uint64_t typeId) {
return asStruct(pool->getStruct(typeId));
DynamicList::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toList(schema::Type::Reader elementType) {
return toList(internal::ListSchema(elementType));
DynamicList::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::asList(schema::Type::Reader elementType) {
return asList(internal::ListSchema(elementType));
DynamicList::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::toList(schema::Type::Reader elementType) {
return toList(internal::ListSchema(elementType));
DynamicList::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::asList(schema::Type::Reader elementType) {
return asList(internal::ListSchema(elementType));
DynamicList::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toList(internal::ListSchema schema) {
DynamicList::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::asList(internal::ListSchema schema) {
if (reader.kind == internal::ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER) {
return DynamicList::Reader(pool, schema, internal::ListReader());
......@@ -235,7 +311,7 @@ DynamicList::Reader DynamicObject::Reader::toList(internal::ListSchema schema) {
return DynamicList::Reader(pool, schema, reader.listReader);
DynamicList::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::toList(internal::ListSchema schema) {
DynamicList::Builder DynamicObject::Builder::asList(internal::ListSchema schema) {
if (builder.kind == internal::ObjectKind::NULL_POINTER) {
return DynamicList::Builder(pool, schema, internal::ListBuilder());
......@@ -775,6 +851,7 @@ DynamicValue::Reader DynamicList::Reader::operator[](uint index) {
case schema::Type::Body::LIST_TYPE:
FAIL_CHECK("elementType should not be LIST_TYPE when depth == 0.");
return DynamicValue::Reader();
case schema::Type::Body::STRUCT_TYPE:
return DynamicValue::Reader(DynamicStruct::Reader(
......@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ struct DynamicList {
class Builder;
template <Kind k> struct DynamicTypeFor_;
template <> struct DynamicTypeFor_<Kind::ENUM> { typedef DynamicEnum Type; };
template <> struct DynamicTypeFor_<Kind::STRUCT> { typedef DynamicStruct Type; };
template <> struct DynamicTypeFor_<Kind::LIST> { typedef DynamicList Type; };
template <typename T>
using DynamicTypeFor = typename DynamicTypeFor_<kind<T>()>::Type;
class SchemaPool {
// Class representing a pool of schema data which is indexed for convenient traversal.
......@@ -74,21 +82,9 @@ class SchemaPool {
// This will make it easier to deal with ownership and to batch-add related nodes.
SchemaPool(): base(nullptr), impl(nullptr) {}
// Constructs an empty pool.
explicit SchemaPool(const SchemaPool& base): base(&base), impl(nullptr) {}
// Constructs a pool that extends the given base pool. The behavior is similar to copying the
// base pool, except that memory is shared. The base pool must outlive the new pool.
// The purpose of this is to allow a pool to be shared by multiple threads. The from*() methods
// may add new schema nodes to the pool if they aren't already present, and therefore they are
// not thread-safe. However, if you create a shared pool that contains all the types you need,
// then it is reasonably efficient to create a fresh SchemaPool on the stack extending the shared
// pool each time you need to manipulate a type dynamically. If the shared pool ends up
// containing everything that is needed, then the extension pool won't allocate any memory at all.
void add(schema::Node::Reader node);
// Add a schema node. It will be copied and validated, throwing an exception if invalid. If
......@@ -97,20 +93,15 @@ public:
// an exception will be thrown.
template <typename T>
void add();
inline void add() { add(internal::rawSchema<T>()); }
// Add schema for the given compiled-in type and all of its transitive dependencies, including
// nested nodes, but NOT necessarily including annotation definitions (because those are not
// always compiled in) or parent scopes (because adding parent scopes would necessarily mean
// adding all types in the file and in all transitive imports, which may be much more than you
// want).
bool has(uint64_t typeId) const;
template <typename T> DynamicEnum fromEnum(T&& value);
template <typename T> DynamicStruct::Reader fromStructReader(T&& reader);
template <typename T> DynamicStruct::Builder fromStructBuilder(T&& builder);
template <typename T> DynamicList::Reader fromListReader(T&& reader);
template <typename T> DynamicList::Builder fromListBuilder(T&& builder);
Maybe<schema::Node::Reader> tryGetNode(uint64_t id) const;
// Try to look up the node, but return nullptr if it's unknown.
schema::Node::Reader getNode(uint64_t id) const;
// Look up the node with the given ID, throwing an exception if not found.
......@@ -120,16 +111,32 @@ public:
schema::Node::Reader getInterface(uint64_t id) const;
// Like getNode() but also throws if the kind is not as requested.
template <typename T>
ReaderFor<DynamicTypeFor<FromReader<T>>> toDynamic(T&& value) const;
template <typename T>
BuilderFor<DynamicTypeFor<FromBuilder<T>>> toDynamic(T&& value) const;
// Convert an arbitrary struct or list reader or builder type into the equivalent dynamic type.
// Example:
// DynamicStruct::Reader foo = pool.toDynamic(myType.getFoo());
template <typename T> DynamicEnum fromEnum(T&& value) const;
template <typename T> DynamicStruct::Reader fromStructReader(T&& reader) const;
template <typename T> DynamicStruct::Builder fromStructBuilder(T&& builder) const;
template <typename T> DynamicList::Reader fromListReader(T&& reader) const;
template <typename T> DynamicList::Builder fromListBuilder(T&& builder) const;
// Convert native types to dynamic types.
struct Impl;
const SchemaPool* base;
Impl* impl;
SchemaPool& operator=(const SchemaPool&) = delete;
void add(const internal::RawSchema& rawSchema);
void addNoCopy(schema::Node::Reader node);
template <typename T, Kind k = kind<T>()>
struct ToDynamicImpl;
friend class DynamicEnum;
friend struct DynamicStruct;
friend struct DynamicList;
......@@ -265,8 +272,8 @@ public:
inline typename T::Reader as() { return asImpl<T>::apply(*this); }
// Convert the object to the given struct, list, or blob type.
DynamicStruct::Reader toStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema);
DynamicList::Reader toList(schema::Type::Reader elementType);
DynamicStruct::Reader asStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema);
DynamicList::Reader asList(schema::Type::Reader elementType);
const SchemaPool* pool;
......@@ -279,8 +286,8 @@ private:
// Implementation backing the as() method. Needs to be a struct to allow partial
// specialization. Has a method apply() which does the work.
DynamicStruct::Reader toStruct(uint64_t typeId);
DynamicList::Reader toList(internal::ListSchema schema);
DynamicStruct::Reader asStruct(uint64_t typeId);
DynamicList::Reader asList(internal::ListSchema schema);
friend struct DynamicStruct;
friend struct DynamicList;
......@@ -294,8 +301,8 @@ public:
inline typename T::Builder as() { return asImpl<T>::apply(*this); }
// Convert the object to the given struct, list, or blob type.
DynamicStruct::Builder toStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema);
DynamicList::Builder toList(schema::Type::Reader elementType);
DynamicStruct::Builder asStruct(schema::Node::Reader schema);
DynamicList::Builder asList(schema::Type::Reader elementType);
const SchemaPool* pool;
......@@ -308,8 +315,8 @@ private:
// Implementation backing the as() method. Needs to be a struct to allow partial
// specialization. Has a method apply() which does the work.
DynamicStruct::Builder toStruct(uint64_t typeId);
DynamicList::Builder toList(internal::ListSchema schema);
DynamicStruct::Builder asStruct(uint64_t typeId);
DynamicList::Builder asList(internal::ListSchema schema);
friend struct DynamicStruct;
friend struct DynamicList;
......@@ -413,6 +420,7 @@ private:
friend struct DynamicList;
friend class MessageReader;
friend class MessageBuilder;
friend class SchemaPool;
class DynamicStruct::Builder {
......@@ -491,6 +499,7 @@ private:
friend struct DynamicList;
friend class MessageReader;
friend class MessageBuilder;
friend class SchemaPool;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -542,6 +551,7 @@ private:
friend struct DynamicStruct;
friend struct DynamicObject;
friend class DynamicList::Builder;
friend class SchemaPool;
class DynamicList::Builder {
......@@ -587,6 +597,7 @@ private:
friend struct internal::PointerHelpers;
friend struct DynamicStruct;
friend struct DynamicObject;
friend class SchemaPool;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -791,6 +802,35 @@ struct PointerHelpers<DynamicList, Kind::UNKNOWN> {
// =======================================================================================
// Inline implementation details.
template <typename T>
struct SchemaPool::ToDynamicImpl<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
static inline DynamicStruct::Reader apply(const SchemaPool* pool, typename T::Reader value) {
return DynamicStruct::Reader(pool, pool->getStruct(typeId<T>()), value._reader);
static inline DynamicStruct::Builder apply(const SchemaPool* pool, typename T::Builder value) {
return DynamicStruct::Builder(pool, pool->getStruct(typeId<T>()), value._builder);
template <typename T>
struct SchemaPool::ToDynamicImpl<T, Kind::LIST> {
static inline DynamicList::Reader apply(const SchemaPool* pool, typename T::Reader value) {
return DynamicList::Reader(pool, internal::ListSchemaFor<T>::schema, value.reader);
static inline DynamicList::Builder apply(const SchemaPool* pool, typename T::Builder value) {
return DynamicList::Builder(pool, internal::ListSchemaFor<T>::schema, value.builder);
template <typename T>
ReaderFor<DynamicTypeFor<FromReader<T>>> SchemaPool::toDynamic(T&& value) const {
return ToDynamicImpl<FromReader<T>>::apply(this, value);
template <typename T>
BuilderFor<DynamicTypeFor<FromBuilder<T>>> SchemaPool::toDynamic(T&& value) const {
return ToDynamicImpl<FromBuilder<T>>::apply(this, value);
#define CAPNPROTO_DECLARE_TYPE(name, discrim, typeName) \
inline DynamicValue::Reader::Reader(ReaderFor<typeName> name##Value) \
: type(schema::Type::Body::discrim##_TYPE), name##Value(name##Value) {} \
......@@ -885,26 +925,26 @@ struct DynamicValue::Builder::asImpl<T, Kind::LIST> {
template <typename T>
struct DynamicObject::Reader::asImpl<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
static T apply(Reader reader) {
return reader.toStruct(typeId<T>()).as<T>();
return reader.asStruct(typeId<T>()).as<T>();
template <typename T>
struct DynamicObject::Builder::asImpl<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
static T apply(Builder builder) {
return builder.toStruct(typeId<T>()).as<T>();
return builder.asStruct(typeId<T>()).as<T>();
template <typename T>
struct DynamicObject::Reader::asImpl<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
static T apply(Reader reader) {
return reader.toList(internal::ListSchemaForElement<T>::schema).as<T>();
return reader.asList(internal::ListSchemaForElement<T>::schema).as<T>();
template <typename T>
struct DynamicObject::Builder::asImpl<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
static T apply(Builder builder) {
return builder.toList(internal::ListSchemaForElement<T>::schema).as<T>();
return builder.asList(internal::ListSchemaForElement<T>::schema).as<T>();
......@@ -35,11 +35,6 @@ class SchemaPool; // Needs to be declared for dynamic Object accessors.
class DynamicStruct; // So that it can be declared a friend.
template <typename T>
inline constexpr uint64_t typeId();
// typeId<MyType>() returns the type ID as defined in the schema. Works with structs, enums, and
// interfaces.
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
......@@ -127,24 +122,50 @@ struct PointerHelpers<TrustedMessage> {
struct RawSchema {
const word* encodedNode;
const RawSchema* dependencies;
const RawSchema* const* dependencies;
template <typename T>
inline constexpr const RawSchema& rawSchema();
struct RawSchemaFor;
template <typename T>
inline const RawSchema& rawSchema() {
return RawSchemaFor<T>::getSchema();
template <typename T>
struct TypeIdFor;
} // namespace internal
template <typename T>
inline constexpr uint64_t typeId() { return internal::TypeIdFor<T>::typeId; }
// typeId<MyType>() returns the type ID as defined in the schema. Works with structs, enums, and
// interfaces.
} // namespace capnproto
#define CAPNPROTO_DECLARE_ENUM(type, id) \
template <> struct KindOf<type> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::ENUM; }
template <> struct KindOf<type> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::ENUM; }; \
template <> struct TypeIdFor<type> { static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; }; \
template <> struct RawSchemaFor<type> { \
static inline const RawSchema& getSchema() { return schemas::s_##id; } \
#define CAPNPROTO_DECLARE_STRUCT(type, id, dataWordSize, pointerCount, preferredElementEncoding) \
template <> struct KindOf<type> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::STRUCT; }; \
template <> struct StructSizeFor<type> { \
static constexpr StructSize value = StructSize( \
dataWordSize * WORDS, pointerCount * REFERENCES, FieldSize::preferredElementEncoding); \
}; \
template <> struct TypeIdFor<type> { static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; }; \
template <> struct RawSchemaFor<type> { \
static inline const RawSchema& getSchema() { return schemas::s_##id; } \
template <> struct KindOf<type> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::INTERFACE; }
template <> struct KindOf<type> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::INTERFACE; }; \
template <> struct TypeIdFor<type> { static constexpr uint64_t typeId = 0x##id; }; \
template <> struct RawSchemaFor<type> { \
static inline const RawSchema& getSchema() { return schemas::s_##id; } \
......@@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ template <typename T>
using BuilderFor = typename internal::MaybeReaderBuilder<T>::Builder;
// The type returned by List<T>::Builder::operator[].
template <typename T>
using FromReader = typename RemoveReference<T>::Reads;
// FromReader<MyType::Reader> = MyType (for any Cap'n Proto type).
template <typename T>
using FromBuilder = typename RemoveReference<T>::Builds;
// FromBuilder<MyType::Builder> = MyType (for any Cap'n Proto type).
namespace internal {
template <typename T, Kind k> struct KindOf<List<T, k>> { static constexpr Kind kind = Kind::LIST; };
......@@ -169,6 +177,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::PRIMITIVE> {
class Reader {
typedef List<T> Reads;
Reader() = default;
inline explicit Reader(internal::ListReader reader): reader(reader) {}
......@@ -187,6 +197,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::PRIMITIVE> {
class Builder {
typedef List<T> Builds;
Builder() = default;
inline explicit Builder(internal::ListBuilder builder): builder(builder) {}
......@@ -274,6 +286,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
class Reader {
typedef List<T> Reads;
Reader() = default;
inline explicit Reader(internal::ListReader reader): reader(reader) {}
......@@ -292,6 +306,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::STRUCT> {
class Builder {
typedef List<T> Builds;
Builder() = default;
inline explicit Builder(internal::ListBuilder builder): builder(builder) {}
......@@ -353,6 +369,8 @@ struct List<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
class Reader {
typedef List<List<T>> Reads;
Reader() = default;
inline explicit Reader(internal::ListReader reader): reader(reader) {}
......@@ -371,6 +389,8 @@ struct List<List<T>, Kind::LIST> {
class Builder {
typedef List<List<T>> Builds;
Builder() = default;
inline explicit Builder(internal::ListBuilder builder): builder(builder) {}
......@@ -433,6 +453,8 @@ template <typename T>
struct List<T, Kind::BLOB> {
class Reader {
typedef List<T> Reads;
Reader() = default;
inline explicit Reader(internal::ListReader reader): reader(reader) {}
......@@ -451,6 +473,8 @@ struct List<T, Kind::BLOB> {
class Builder {
typedef List<T> Builds;
Builder() = default;
inline explicit Builder(internal::ListBuilder builder): builder(builder) {}
......@@ -52,21 +52,24 @@ struct NoInfer {
typedef T Type;
template <typename T> struct RemoveReference { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct RemoveReference<T&> { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct RemoveReference_ { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct RemoveReference_<T&> { typedef T Type; };
template <typename> struct IsLvalueReference { static constexpr bool value = false; };
template <typename T> struct IsLvalueReference<T&> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
template <typename T>
using RemoveReference = typename RemoveReference_<T>::Type;
// #including <utility> just for std::move() and std::forward() is excessive. Instead, we
// re-define them here.
template<typename T> constexpr T&& move(T& t) noexcept { return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
template<typename T>
constexpr T&& forward(typename RemoveReference<T>::Type& t) noexcept {
constexpr T&& forward(RemoveReference<T>& t) noexcept {
return static_cast<T&&>(t);
template<typename T> constexpr T&& forward(typename RemoveReference<T>::Type&& t) noexcept {
template<typename T> constexpr T&& forward(RemoveReference<T>&& t) noexcept {
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<T>::value, "Attempting to forward rvalue as lvalue reference.");
return static_cast<T&&>(t);
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Text.Printf(printf)
import qualified Data.Digest.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
import Util(delimit, intToBytes)
import Data.Bits(setBit)
-- Error helpers
......@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ childId name Nothing parent = let
hash = MD5.hash (intToBytes (descId parent) 8 ++ UTF8.encode name)
addByte :: Word64 -> Word8 -> Word64
addByte b v = b * 256 + fromIntegral v
in foldl addByte 0 (take 8 hash)
in flip setBit 63 $ foldl addByte 0 (take 8 hash)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LZ
import Data.ByteString(unpack, pack, hPut)
import Data.Word(Word64, Word8)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Function(on)
import Semantics
import WireFormat(encodeSchema)
import CxxGenerator(generateCxx)
type GeneratorFn = [FileDesc] -> [FileDesc] -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
type GeneratorFn = [FileDesc] -> [Word8] -> Map.Map Word64 [Word8] -> IO [(FilePath, LZ.ByteString)]
generatorFns :: Map.Map String GeneratorFn
generatorFns = Map.fromList [ ("c++", generateCxx) ]
......@@ -120,7 +121,24 @@ main = do
evalStateT (handleFiles isVerbose searchPath files)
(CompilerState False Map.empty)
mapM_ (doOutput requestedFiles allFiles) outputs
let (schema, schemaNodes) = encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles
toEntry ((i, _), node) = (i, node)
schemaMap = Map.fromList $ map toEntry schemaNodes
areDupes (i, _) (j, _) = i == j
dupes = filter (\x -> length x > 1) $ List.groupBy areDupes
$ List.sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ map fst schemaNodes
unless (null dupes) (do
hPutStr stderr $ concat
("Duplicate type / delcaration IDs detected:\n":
map (concatMap (uncurry $ printf " @0x%016x %s\n")) dupes)
hPutStr stderr
"IDs (16-digit hex strings prefixed with @0x) must be unique. Sorry I'm not\n\
\able to be more specific about where the duplicates were seen, but it should\n\
\be easy enough to grep, right?"
mapM_ (doOutput requestedFiles schema schemaMap) outputs
when failed exitFailure
......@@ -140,8 +158,7 @@ parseOutputArg str = let
pluginName lang = if '/' `elem` lang then lang else "capnpc-" ++ lang
callPlugin lang wd descs transitiveImports = do
let schema = encodeSchema descs transitiveImports
callPlugin lang wd _ schema _ = do
(Just hin, _, _, p) <- createProcess (proc (pluginName lang) [])
{ std_in = CreatePipe, cwd = wd }
hSetBinaryMode hin True
......@@ -271,13 +288,13 @@ handleFile isVerbose searchPath filename = do
Right _ -> return Nothing
Left desc -> return $ Just desc
doOutput requestedFiles allFiles output = do
doOutput requestedFiles schema schemaMap output = do
let write dir (name, content) = do
let outFilename = dir ++ "/" ++ name
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory outFilename
LZ.writeFile outFilename content
generate (generatorFn, dir) = do
files <- generatorFn requestedFiles allFiles
files <- generatorFn requestedFiles schema schemaMap
mapM_ (write dir) files
liftIO $ generate output
......@@ -350,8 +350,12 @@ encodeMessage _ _ = error "Not a message."
type EncodedPtr = (Integer -> [Word8], [Word8])
encodeSchema :: [FileDesc] -> [FileDesc] -> [Word8]
encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
-- Given the list of requested files and the list of all files including transitive imports,
-- returns a tuple containing the appropriate encoded CodeGeneratorRequest as well as a list
-- of ((typeId, displayName), encodedNode), where encodedNode is the encoded schema node
-- appropriate for reading as a "trusted message".
encodeSchema :: [FileDesc] -> [FileDesc] -> ([Word8], [((Word64, String), [Word8])])
encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = (encRoot, nodesForEmbedding) where
encUInt64 = EncodedBytes . flip intToBytes 8
encUInt32 = EncodedBytes . flip intToBytes 4
encUInt16 :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> EncodedData
......@@ -366,10 +370,11 @@ encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
$ zip [0,elemBits..] elements
in (encodeListReference (SizeData elementSize) (genericLength elements), bytes)
encPtrList :: [EncodedPtr] -> EncodedPtr
encPtrList elements = let
(ptrBytes, childBytes) = packPointers (genericLength elements) (zip [0..] elements) 0
in (encodeListReference SizeReference (genericLength elements), ptrBytes ++ childBytes)
-- Not used, but maybe useful in the future.
--encPtrList :: [EncodedPtr] -> EncodedPtr
--encPtrList elements = let
-- (ptrBytes, childBytes) = packPointers (genericLength elements) (zip [0..] elements) 0
-- in (encodeListReference SizeReference (genericLength elements), ptrBytes ++ childBytes)
encStructList :: (DataSectionSize, Integer)
-> [([(Integer, EncodedData)], [(Integer, EncodedPtr)])]
......@@ -429,6 +434,10 @@ encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
allDescs = concatMap flattenDescs $ map DescFile allFiles
allNodes = map encNode allDescs
nodesForEmbedding = map encodeNodeForEmbedding allNodes
encRoot = let
......@@ -437,10 +446,15 @@ encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
segment = ptrBytes ++ childBytes
in concat [[0,0,0,0], intToBytes (div (length segment) 8) 4, segment]
encodeNodeForEmbedding ((typeId, name), node) = let
ptrVal = encStruct nodeSize node
(ptrBytes, childBytes) = packPointers 1 [(0, ptrVal)] 0
in ((typeId, name), ptrBytes ++ childBytes)
codeGeneratorRequestSize = (DataSectionWords 0, 2)
encCodeGeneratorRequest = (dataValues, ptrValues) where
dataValues = []
ptrValues = [ (0, encStructList nodeSize $ map encNode allDescs)
ptrValues = [ (0, encStructList nodeSize $ map snd allNodes)
, (1, encDataList Size64 $ map (encUInt64 . fileId) requestedFiles)
......@@ -527,18 +541,20 @@ encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
encStructList annotationSize $ map encAnnotation $ Map.toList annotations
nodeSize = (DataSectionWords 3, 4)
encNode :: Desc -> ([(Integer, EncodedData)], [(Integer, EncodedPtr)])
encNode desc = (dataValues, ptrValues) where
encNode :: Desc -> ((Word64, String), ([(Integer, EncodedData)], [(Integer, EncodedPtr)]))
encNode desc = ((descId desc, dname), (dataValues, ptrValues)) where
dataValues = [ (0, encUInt64 $ descId desc)
, (64, encUInt64 $ scopedId desc)
, (128, encUInt16 discrim)
ptrValues = [ (0, encText $ displayName desc)
ptrValues = [ (0, encText dname)
, (1, encStructList nestedNodeSize $ map encNestedNode $ descNestedNodes desc)
, (2, encAnnotationList $ descAnnotations desc)
, (3, encStruct bodySize body)
dname = displayName desc
(discrim, bodySize, body) = case desc of
DescFile d -> (0::Word16, fileNodeSize, encFileNode d)
DescStruct d -> (1, structNodeSize, encStructNode d)
......@@ -604,7 +620,7 @@ encodeSchema requestedFiles allFiles = encRoot where
ptrValues2 = [ (0, encText $ fieldName field)
, (1, encAnnotationList $ fieldAnnotations field)
, (2, encStruct (DataSection32, 2) (dataValues3, ptrValues3))
, (2, encStruct (DataSectionWords 1, 2) (dataValues3, ptrValues3))
-- StructNode.Field
......@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ enum class {{enumName}}: uint16_t {
namespace capnproto {
namespace schemas {
extern const ::capnproto::internal::RawSchema s_{{schemaId}};
} // namespace schemas
namespace internal {
......@@ -131,6 +138,8 @@ namespace {{namespaceName}} {
class {{typeFullName}}::Reader {
typedef {{typeName}} Reads;
Reader() = default;
inline explicit Reader(::capnproto::internal::StructReader base): _reader(base) {}
......@@ -163,11 +172,14 @@ public:
::capnproto::internal::StructReader _reader;
friend class ::capnproto::SchemaPool;
{{! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }}
class {{typeFullName}}::Builder {
typedef {{typeName}} Builds;
Builder() = default;
inline explicit Builder(::capnproto::internal::StructBuilder base): _builder(base) {}
inline operator Reader() { return Reader(_builder.asReader()); }
......@@ -220,6 +232,7 @@ public:
::capnproto::internal::StructBuilder _builder;
friend class ::capnproto::SchemaPool;
......@@ -49,3 +49,26 @@ const ::capnproto::internal::AlignedData<{{defaultWordCount}}>
} // namespace
namespace capnproto {
namespace schemas {
static const ::capnproto::internal::AlignedData<{{schemaWordCount}}> b_{{schemaId}} = {
{ {{schemaBytes}} }
static const ::capnproto::internal::RawSchema* const d_{{schemaId}}[] = {
const ::capnproto::internal::RawSchema s_{{schemaId}} = {
b_{{schemaId}}.words, d_{{schemaId}}
} // namespace schemas
} // namespace capnproto
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