Commit 452c84b2 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

More parsers.

parent 37ee4819
......@@ -55,6 +55,61 @@ TEST(Parsers, ExactElementParser) {
TEST(Parsers, ExactlyConstParser) {
StringPtr text = "foo";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = exactlyConst<char, 'f'>()(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
result = exactlyConst<char, 'o'>()(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
result = exactlyConst<char, 'x'>()(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
auto parser = exactlyConst<char, 'o'>();
ParserRef<Input, Tuple<>> wrapped = ref<Input>(parser);
result = wrapped(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
TEST(Parsers, ExactChar) {
constexpr auto parser = exactChar<'a'>();
StringPtr text = "a";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(parser(input) != nullptr);
StringPtr text = "b";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(parser(input) == nullptr);
TEST(Parsers, ConstResultParser) {
auto parser = constResult(exactly('o'), 123);
StringPtr text = "o";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, *i);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 123, got null.";
TEST(Parsers, SequenceParser) {
StringPtr text = "foo";
......@@ -328,6 +383,151 @@ TEST(Parsers, AcceptIfParser) {
TEST(Parsers, CharRange) {
constexpr auto parser = charRange('a', 'z');
StringPtr text = "a";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('a', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "n";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('n', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "z";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('z', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "`";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
StringPtr text = "{";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
StringPtr text = "A";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
TEST(Parsers, AnyChar) {
constexpr auto parser = anyChar("axn2B");
StringPtr text = "a";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('a', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "n";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('n', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "B";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ('B', *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "b";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
StringPtr text = "j";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
StringPtr text = "A";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<char> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
TEST(Parsers, CharGroupCombo) {
constexpr auto parser =
many(charRange('0', '9').orRange('a', 'z').orRange('A', 'Z').orAny("-_"));
StringPtr text = "foo1-bar2_baz3@qux";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Array<char>> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ("foo1-bar2_baz3", str(*value));
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
} // namespace
} // namespace parse
} // namespace kj
......@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ class ParserRef {
template <typename Other>
ParserRef(Other& other): parser(&other), wrapper(WrapperImpl<Other>::instance()) {}
constexpr ParserRef(Other& other)
: parser(&other), wrapper(WrapperImplInstance<Other>::instance) {}
KJ_ALWAYS_INLINE(Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const) {
// Always inline in the hopes that this allows branch prediction to kick in so the virtual call
......@@ -131,20 +132,23 @@ private:
Maybe<Output> parse(const void* parser, Input& input) const override {
return (*reinterpret_cast<const ParserImpl*>(parser))(input);
static WrapperImpl& instance() {
static WrapperImpl obj;
return obj;
template <typename ParserImpl>
struct WrapperImplInstance {
static constexpr WrapperImpl<ParserImpl> instance = WrapperImpl<ParserImpl>();
const void* parser;
Wrapper& wrapper;
const Wrapper& wrapper;
template <typename Input, typename Output>
template <typename ParserImpl>
constexpr ParserRef<Input, Output>::WrapperImpl<ParserImpl>
ParserRef<Input, Output>::WrapperImplInstance<ParserImpl>::instance;
template <typename Input, typename ParserImpl>
ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>>
ref(ParserImpl& impl) {
constexpr ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>> ref(ParserImpl& impl) {
// Constructs a ParserRef. You must specify the input type explicitly, e.g.
// `ref<MyInput>(myParser)`.
......@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ ref(ParserImpl& impl) {
template <typename T>
class Exactly_ {
explicit Exactly_(T&& expected): expected(expected) {}
explicit constexpr Exactly_(T&& expected): expected(expected) {}
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
......@@ -175,13 +179,77 @@ private:
template <typename T>
Exactly_<T> exactly(T&& expected) {
constexpr Exactly_<T> exactly(T&& expected) {
// Constructs a parser which succeeds when the input is exactly the token specified. The
// result is always the empty tuple.
return Exactly_<T>(kj::fwd<T>(expected));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// exactlyConst()
// Output = Tuple<>
template <typename T, T expected>
class ExactlyConst_ {
explicit constexpr ExactlyConst_() {}
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
if (input.atEnd() || input.current() != expected) {
return nullptr;
} else {;
return Tuple<>();
template <typename T, T expected>
constexpr ExactlyConst_<T, expected> exactlyConst() {
// Constructs a parser which succeeds when the input is exactly the token specified. The
// result is always the empty tuple. This parser is templated on the token value which may cause
// it to perform better -- or worse. Be sure to measure.
return ExactlyConst_<T, expected>();
template <char c>
constexpr ExactlyConst_<char, c> exactChar() {
return ExactlyConst_<char, c>();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// constResult()
template <typename SubParser, typename Result>
class ConstResult_ {
explicit constexpr ConstResult_(SubParser&& subParser, Result&& result)
: subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), result(kj::fwd<Result>(result)) {}
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Result> operator()(Input& input) const {
if (subParser(input) == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return result;
SubParser subParser;
Result result;
template <typename SubParser, typename Result>
constexpr ConstResult_<SubParser, Result> constResult(SubParser&& subParser, Result&& result) {
// Constructs a parser which returns exactly `result` if `subParser` is successful.
return ConstResult_<SubParser, Result>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<Result>(result));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// sequence()
// Output = Flattened Tuple of outputs of sub-parsers.
......@@ -192,7 +260,7 @@ template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class Sequence_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename T, typename... U>
explicit Sequence_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
explicit constexpr Sequence_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
: first(kj::fwd<T>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<U>(rest)...) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -238,7 +306,7 @@ public:
template <typename... SubParsers>
Sequence_<SubParsers...> sequence(SubParsers&&... subParsers) {
constexpr Sequence_<SubParsers...> sequence(SubParsers&&... subParsers) {
// Constructs a parser that executes each of the parameter parsers in sequence and returns a
// tuple of their results.
......@@ -252,7 +320,7 @@ Sequence_<SubParsers...> sequence(SubParsers&&... subParsers) {
template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne>
class Many_ {
explicit Many_(SubParser&& subParser)
explicit constexpr Many_(SubParser&& subParser)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -283,14 +351,14 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser>
Many_<SubParser, false> many(SubParser&& subParser) {
constexpr Many_<SubParser, false> many(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Constructs a parser that repeatedly executes the given parser until it fails, returning an
// Array of the results.
return Many_<SubParser, false>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
template <typename SubParser>
Many_<SubParser, true> oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) {
constexpr Many_<SubParser, true> oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Like `many()` but the parser must parse at least one item to be successful.
return Many_<SubParser, true>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
......@@ -302,7 +370,7 @@ Many_<SubParser, true> oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) {
template <typename SubParser>
class Optional_ {
explicit Optional_(SubParser&& subParser)
explicit constexpr Optional_(SubParser&& subParser)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -323,7 +391,7 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser>
Optional_<SubParser> optional(SubParser&& subParser) {
constexpr Optional_<SubParser> optional(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Constructs a parser that accepts zero or one of the given sub-parser, returning a Maybe
// of the sub-parser's result.
return Optional_<SubParser>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
......@@ -341,7 +409,7 @@ template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class OneOf_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename T, typename... U>
explicit OneOf_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
explicit constexpr OneOf_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
: first(kj::fwd<T>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<U>(rest)...) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -375,7 +443,7 @@ public:
template <typename... SubParsers>
OneOf_<SubParsers...> oneOf(SubParsers&&... parsers) {
constexpr OneOf_<SubParsers...> oneOf(SubParsers&&... parsers) {
// Constructs a parser that accepts one of a set of options. The parser behaves as the first
// sub-parser in the list which returns successfully. All of the sub-parsers must return the
// same type.
......@@ -394,7 +462,7 @@ public:
inline const Position& end() { return end_; }
Span() = default;
inline Span(Position&& begin, Position&& end): begin_(mv(begin)), end_(mv(end)) {}
inline constexpr Span(Position&& begin, Position&& end): begin_(mv(begin)), end_(mv(end)) {}
Position begin_;
......@@ -402,14 +470,14 @@ private:
template <typename Position>
Span<Decay<Position>> span(Position&& start, Position&& end) {
constexpr Span<Decay<Position>> span(Position&& start, Position&& end) {
return Span<Decay<Position>>(kj::fwd<Position>(start), kj::fwd<Position>(end));
template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc>
class Transform_ {
explicit Transform_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform)
explicit constexpr Transform_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform)
: subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), transform(kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(transform)) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -432,7 +500,8 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc>
Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transform(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) {
constexpr Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transform(
SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) {
// Constructs a parser which executes some other parser and then transforms the result by invoking
// `functor` on it. Typically `functor` is a lambda. It is invoked using `kj::apply`,
// meaning tuples will be unpacked as arguments.
......@@ -447,7 +516,7 @@ Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transform(SubParser&& subParser, TransformF
template <typename SubParser, typename Condition>
class AcceptIf_ {
explicit AcceptIf_(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition)
explicit constexpr AcceptIf_(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)), condition(kj::mv(condition)) {}
template <typename Input>
......@@ -469,7 +538,7 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser, typename Condition>
AcceptIf_<SubParser, Condition> acceptIf(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition) {
constexpr AcceptIf_<SubParser, Condition> acceptIf(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition) {
// Constructs a parser which executes some other parser and then invokes the functor
// `condition` on the result to check if it is valid. Typically, `condition` is a lambda
// returning true or false. Like with `transform()`, `condition` is invoked using `kj::apply`
......@@ -494,11 +563,72 @@ public:
EndOfInput_ endOfInput() {
constexpr EndOfInput_ endOfInput() {
// Constructs a parser that succeeds only if it is called with no input.
return EndOfInput_();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// CharGroup
class CharGroup_ {
constexpr CharGroup_(): bits{0, 0, 0, 0} {}
constexpr CharGroup_ orRange(unsigned char first, unsigned char last) const {
return CharGroup_(bits[0] | (oneBits(last + 1) & ~oneBits(first )),
bits[1] | (oneBits(last - 63) & ~oneBits(first - 64)),
bits[2] | (oneBits(last - 127) & ~oneBits(first - 128)),
bits[3] | (oneBits(last - 191) & ~oneBits(first - 192)));
constexpr CharGroup_ orAny(const char* chars) const {
return *chars == 0 ? *this : orChar(*chars).orAny(chars + 1);
constexpr CharGroup_ orChar(unsigned char c) const {
return CharGroup_(bits[0] | bit(c),
bits[1] | bit(c - 64),
bits[2] | bit(c - 128),
bits[3] | bit(c - 256));
constexpr CharGroup_ invert() const {
return CharGroup_(~bits[0], ~bits[1], ~bits[2], ~bits[3]);
template <typename Input>
Maybe<char> operator()(Input& input) const {
unsigned char c = input.current();
if ((bits[c / 64] & (1ll << (c % 64))) != 0) {;
return c;
} else {
return nullptr;
typedef unsigned long long Bits64;
constexpr CharGroup_(Bits64 a, Bits64 b, Bits64 c, Bits64 d): bits{a, b, c, d} {}
Bits64 bits[4];
static constexpr Bits64 oneBits(int count) {
return count <= 0 ? 0ll : count >= 64 ? -1ll : ((1ll << count) - 1);
static constexpr Bits64 bit(int index) {
return index < 0 ? 0 : index >= 64 ? 0 : (1ll << index);
constexpr CharGroup_ charRange(char first, char last) {
return CharGroup_().orRange(first, last);
constexpr CharGroup_ anyChar(const char* chars) {
return CharGroup_().orAny(chars);
} // namespace parse
} // namespace kj
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