Commit 3fcd0f46 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

WebSocket pump() should end at Close message.

This reverts the core change from:

There are a few reasons to believe that change was wrong:
- It meant that a pump would always throw and catch a DISCONNECTED exception, which violates the rule that we don't throw exceptions in "normal" operation.
- It could lead to trouble when combined with the previous commit, which could delay WebSocket disconnect until the service "completes" -- which would lead to a hang.

The commit message where I introduced this said something about bad behavior on OSX. We should address that directly, if it is still a problem.
parent 90d48343
......@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ KJ_TEST("HttpInputStream responses") {
auto resp = input->readResponse(testCase.method).wait(waitScope);
KJ_EXPECT(resp.statusCode == testCase.statusCode);
KJ_EXPECT(resp.statusText == testCase.statusText);
......@@ -2610,13 +2610,6 @@ KJ_TEST("newHttpService from HttpClient WebSockets") {
.then([&]() { return backPipe.ends[1]->write({WEBSOCKET_REPLY_MESSAGE}); })
.then([&]() { return expectRead(*backPipe.ends[1], WEBSOCKET_SEND_CLOSE); })
.then([&]() { return backPipe.ends[1]->write({WEBSOCKET_REPLY_CLOSE}); })
// expect EOF
.then([&]() { return backPipe.ends[1]->readAllBytes(); })
.then([&](kj::ArrayPtr<byte> content) {
KJ_EXPECT(content.size() == 0);
// Send EOF.
.eagerlyEvaluate([](kj::Exception&& e) { KJ_LOG(ERROR, e); });
......@@ -2484,9 +2484,9 @@ static kj::Promise<void> pumpWebSocketLoop(WebSocket& from, WebSocket& to) {
.then([&from,&to]() { return pumpWebSocketLoop(from, to); });
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(close, WebSocket::Close) {
// Once a close has passed through, the pump is complete.
return to.close(close.code, close.reason)
.then([&from,&to]() { return pumpWebSocketLoop(from, to); });
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