Commit 2ef919b2 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Make HttpHeaderTable const-correct.

This really is more of a data structure than a resource type, and it's useful to be able to share it between threads and whatnot.
parent 7a7c4007
......@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ HttpHeaderTable::HttpHeaderTable()
HttpHeaderTable::~HttpHeaderTable() noexcept(false) {}
kj::Maybe<HttpHeaderId> HttpHeaderTable::stringToId(kj::StringPtr name) {
kj::Maybe<HttpHeaderId> HttpHeaderTable::stringToId(kj::StringPtr name) const {
auto iter = idsByName->map.find(name);
if (iter == idsByName->map.end()) {
return nullptr;
......@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ kj::Maybe<HttpHeaderId> HttpHeaderTable::stringToId(kj::StringPtr name) {
// =======================================================================================
HttpHeaders::HttpHeaders(HttpHeaderTable& table)
HttpHeaders::HttpHeaders(const HttpHeaderTable& table)
: table(&table),
indexedHeaders(kj::heapArray<kj::StringPtr>(table.idCount())) {}
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public:
kj::StringPtr toString() const;
void requireFrom(HttpHeaderTable& table) const;
void requireFrom(const HttpHeaderTable& table) const;
// In debug mode, throws an exception if the HttpHeaderId is not from the given table.
// In opt mode, no-op.
......@@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ public:
HttpHeaderTable* table;
const HttpHeaderTable* table;
uint id;
inline explicit constexpr HttpHeaderId(HttpHeaderTable* table, uint id): table(table), id(id) {}
inline explicit constexpr HttpHeaderId(const HttpHeaderTable* table, uint id)
: table(table), id(id) {}
friend class HttpHeaderTable;
friend class HttpHeaders;
......@@ -214,16 +215,16 @@ public:
KJ_DISALLOW_COPY(HttpHeaderTable); // Can't copy because HttpHeaderId points to the table.
~HttpHeaderTable() noexcept(false);
uint idCount();
uint idCount() const;
// Return the number of IDs in the table.
kj::Maybe<HttpHeaderId> stringToId(kj::StringPtr name);
kj::Maybe<HttpHeaderId> stringToId(kj::StringPtr name) const;
// Try to find an ID for the given name. The matching is case-insensitive, per the HTTP spec.
// Note: if `name` contains characters that aren't allowed in HTTP header names, this may return
// a bogus value rather than null, due to optimizations used in case-insensitive matching.
kj::StringPtr idToString(HttpHeaderId id);
kj::StringPtr idToString(HttpHeaderId id) const;
// Get the canonical string name for the given ID.
......@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ class HttpHeaders {
// exception.
explicit HttpHeaders(HttpHeaderTable& table);
explicit HttpHeaders(const HttpHeaderTable& table);
HttpHeaders(HttpHeaders&&) = default;
......@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ public:
kj::String toString() const;
HttpHeaderTable* table;
const HttpHeaderTable* table;
kj::Array<kj::StringPtr> indexedHeaders;
// Size is always table->idCount().
......@@ -666,7 +667,7 @@ private:
// =======================================================================================
// inline implementation
inline void HttpHeaderId::requireFrom(HttpHeaderTable& table) const {
inline void HttpHeaderId::requireFrom(const HttpHeaderTable& table) const {
KJ_IREQUIRE(this->table == nullptr || this->table == &table,
"the provided HttpHeaderId is from the wrong HttpHeaderTable");
......@@ -674,9 +675,9 @@ inline void HttpHeaderId::requireFrom(HttpHeaderTable& table) const {
inline kj::Own<HttpHeaderTable> HttpHeaderTable::Builder::build() { return kj::mv(table); }
inline HttpHeaderTable& HttpHeaderTable::Builder::getFutureTable() { return *table; }
inline uint HttpHeaderTable::idCount() { return namesById.size(); }
inline uint HttpHeaderTable::idCount() const { return namesById.size(); }
inline kj::StringPtr HttpHeaderTable::idToString(HttpHeaderId id) {
inline kj::StringPtr HttpHeaderTable::idToString(HttpHeaderId id) const {
return namesById[];
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