Commit 2d72fe55 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Create KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF to switch over OneOf.

Up until now, I've always felt kj::OneOf had a rather janky interface, which made me avoid using it in other interfaces. With this macro I'm pretty happy with it as *the* way to define variants.
parent b3411054
......@@ -98,4 +98,41 @@ TEST(OneOf, Copy) {
EXPECT_STREQ("foo", var2.get<const char*>());
TEST(OneOf, Switch) {
OneOf<int, float, const char*> var;
var = "foo";
uint count = 0;
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(i, int) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("expected char*, got int", i);
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(s, const char*) {
KJ_EXPECT(kj::StringPtr(s) == "foo");
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(n, float) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("expected char*, got float", n);
KJ_EXPECT(count == 1);
KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF(kj::cp(var)) {
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(i, int) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("expected char*, got int", i);
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(s, const char*) {
KJ_EXPECT(kj::StringPtr(s) == "foo");
KJ_CASE_ONEOF(n, float) {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("expected char*, got float", n);
} // namespace kj
......@@ -37,6 +37,31 @@ struct TypeIndex_ { static constexpr uint value = TypeIndex_<i + 1, Key, Rest...
template <uint i, typename Key, typename... Rest>
struct TypeIndex_<i, Key, Key, Rest...> { static constexpr uint value = i; };
enum class Variants0 {};
enum class Variants1 { _variant0 };
enum class Variants2 { _variant0, _variant1 };
enum class Variants3 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2 };
enum class Variants4 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2, _variant3 };
enum class Variants5 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2, _variant3, _variant4 };
enum class Variants6 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2, _variant3, _variant4, _variant5 };
enum class Variants7 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2, _variant3, _variant4, _variant5, _variant6 };
enum class Variants8 { _variant0, _variant1, _variant2, _variant3, _variant4, _variant5, _variant6,
_variant7 };
template <uint i> struct Variants_;
template <> struct Variants_<0> { typedef Variants0 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<1> { typedef Variants1 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<2> { typedef Variants2 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<3> { typedef Variants3 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<4> { typedef Variants4 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<5> { typedef Variants5 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<6> { typedef Variants6 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<7> { typedef Variants7 Type; };
template <> struct Variants_<8> { typedef Variants8 Type; };
template <uint i>
using Variants = typename Variants_<i>::Type;
} // namespace _ (private)
template <typename... Variants>
......@@ -48,7 +73,12 @@ class OneOf {
inline OneOf(): tag(0) {}
OneOf(const OneOf& other) { copyFrom(other); }
OneOf(OneOf& other) { copyFrom(other); }
OneOf(OneOf&& other) { moveFrom(other); }
template <typename T>
OneOf(T&& other): tag(typeIndex<Decay<T>>()) {
ctor(*reinterpret_cast<Decay<T>*>(space), kj::fwd<T>(other));
~OneOf() { destroy(); }
OneOf& operator=(const OneOf& other) { if (tag != 0) destroy(); copyFrom(other); return *this; }
......@@ -96,6 +126,22 @@ public:
// block call allHandled<n>() where n is the number of variants. This will fail to compile
// if new variants are added in the future.
typedef _::Variants<sizeof...(Variants)> Tag;
Tag which() {
KJ_IREQUIRE(tag != 0, "Can't KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF() on uninitialized value.");
return static_cast<Tag>(tag - 1);
template <typename T>
static constexpr Tag tagFor() {
return static_cast<Tag>(typeIndex<T>() - 1);
OneOf* _switchSubject() & { return this; }
const OneOf* _switchSubject() const& { return this; }
_::NullableValue<OneOf> _switchSubject() && { return kj::mv(*this); }
uint tag;
......@@ -150,6 +196,20 @@ private:
template <typename T>
inline bool copyVariantFrom(OneOf& other) {
if (<T>()) {
ctor(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(space), other.get<T>());
return false;
void copyFrom(OneOf& other) {
// Initialize as a copy of `other`. Expects that `this` starts out uninitialized, so the tag
// is invalid.
tag = other.tag;
template <typename T>
inline bool moveVariantFrom(OneOf& other) {
if (<T>()) {
......@@ -176,6 +236,53 @@ void OneOf<Variants...>::allHandled() {
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
#define KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF(value) \
switch (auto _kj_switch_subject = value._switchSubject(); _kj_switch_subject->which())
#define KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF(value) \
// Without C++17, we can only support one switch per containing block. Deal with it.
auto _kj_switch_subject = value._switchSubject(); \
switch (_kj_switch_subject->which())
#define KJ_CASE_ONEOF(name, ...) \
break; \
case ::kj::Decay<decltype(*_kj_switch_subject)>::tagFor<__VA_ARGS__>(): \
for (auto& name = _kj_switch_subject->get<__VA_ARGS__>(), *_kj_switch_done = &name; \
_kj_switch_done; _kj_switch_done = nullptr)
#define KJ_CASE_ONEOF_DEFAULT break; default:
// Allows switching over a OneOf.
// Example:
// kj::OneOf<int, float, const char*> variant;
// KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF(variant) {
// KJ_CASE_ONEOF(i, int) {
// doSomethingWithInt(i);
// }
// KJ_CASE_ONEOF(s, const char*) {
// doSomethingWithString(s);
// }
// doSomethingElse();
// }
// }
// Notes:
// - If you don't handle all possible types and don't include a default branch, you'll get a
// compiler warning, just like a regular switch() over an enum where one of the enum values is
// missing.
// - There's no need for a `break` statement in a KJ_CASE_ONEOF; it is implied.
// - Under C++11 and C++14, only one KJ_SWITCH_ONEOF() can appear in a block. Wrap the switch in
// a pair of braces if you need a second switch in the same block. If C++17 is enabled, this is
// not an issue.
// Implementation notes:
// - The use of __VA_ARGS__ is to account for template types that have commas separating type
// parameters, since macros don't recognize <> as grouping.
// - _kj_switch_done is really used as a boolean flag to prevent the for() loop from actually
// looping, but it's defined as a pointer since that's all we can define in this context.
} // namespace kj
#endif // KJ_ONE_OF_H_
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