Commit 2d4bf146 authored by Matthew Maurer's avatar Matthew Maurer

Added units compliance

parent 5db2c8f8
......@@ -1559,14 +1559,14 @@ struct WireHelpers {
if (canonical) {
// Truncate the data section
while ((dataSize != 0) &&
(value.getDataField<uint64_t>(dataSize - 1) == 0)) {
while ((dataSize != 0 * WORDS) &&
(value.getDataField<uint64_t>(dataSize * (ELEMENTS / WORDS) - 1 * ELEMENTS) == 0)) {
dataSize -= 1 * WORDS;
// Truncate pointer section
while ((ptrCount != 0) &&
value.getPointerField(ptrCount - 1).isNull()) {
while ((ptrCount != 0 * POINTERS) &&
value.getPointerField(ptrCount - 1 * POINTERS).isNull()) {
ptrCount -= 1 * POINTERS;
......@@ -1577,15 +1577,15 @@ struct WireHelpers {
if (value.dataSize == 1 * BITS) {
// Data size could be made 0 by truncation
if (dataSize != 0) {
if (dataSize != 0 * WORDS) {
*reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr) = value.getDataField<bool>(0 * ELEMENTS);
} else {
memcpy(ptr,, dataSize * BYTES_PER_WORD);
memcpy(ptr,, dataSize * BYTES_PER_WORD / BYTES);
WirePointer* pointerSection = reinterpret_cast<WirePointer*>(ptr + dataSize);
for (uint i = 0; i < ptrCount; i++) {
for (uint i = 0; i < ptrCount / POINTERS; i++) {
copyPointer(segment, capTable, pointerSection + i,
value.segment, value.capTable, value.pointers + i,
value.nestingLimit, nullptr, canonical);
......@@ -1643,26 +1643,26 @@ struct WireHelpers {
WirePointerCount ptrCount = 0 * POINTERS;
if (canonical) {
for (auto ec = ElementCount(0); ec < value.elementCount; ec++) {
for (auto ec = ElementCount(0); ec < value.elementCount; ec += 1 * ELEMENTS) {
auto se = value.getStructElement(ec);
WordCount localDataSize = declDataSize;
while ((localDataSize != 0 * WORDS) &&
(se.getDataField<uint64_t>(localDataSize - 1) == 0)) {
(se.getDataField<uint64_t>((localDataSize - 1 * WORDS) / WORDS * ELEMENTS) == 0)) {
localDataSize -= WORDS;
if (localDataSize > dataSize) {
dataSize = localDataSize;
WirePointerCount localPtrCount = declPointerCount;
while ((localPtrCount != 0 * POINTERS) &&
se.getPointerField(localPtrCount - 1).isNull()) {
se.getPointerField(localPtrCount - 1 * POINTERS).isNull()) {
localPtrCount -= 1 * POINTERS;
if (localPtrCount > ptrCount) {
ptrCount = localPtrCount;
totalSize = (dataSize + ptrCount * WORDS_PER_POINTER) * value.elementCount;
totalSize = (dataSize + ptrCount * WORDS_PER_POINTER) / ELEMENTS * value.elementCount;
} else {
dataSize = declDataSize;
ptrCount = declPointerCount;
......@@ -1679,7 +1679,7 @@ struct WireHelpers {
const word* src = reinterpret_cast<const word*>(value.ptr);
for (uint i = 0; i < value.elementCount / ELEMENTS; i++) {
memcpy(dst, src, dataSize * BYTES_PER_WORD);
memcpy(dst, src, dataSize * BYTES_PER_WORD / BYTES);
dst += dataSize;
src += declDataSize;
......@@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ struct WireHelpers {
src += (declPointerCount - ptrCount) * POINTER_SIZE_IN_WORDS;
src += ((declPointerCount - ptrCount) * WORDS_PER_POINTER) / WORDS;
return { segment, ptr };
......@@ -2714,32 +2714,32 @@ bool StructReader::isCanonical(const word **readHead,
return false;
if (this->getDataSectionSize() % BITS_PER_WORD != 0) {
if (this->getDataSectionSize() % BITS_PER_WORD != 0 * BITS) {
// Using legacy non-word-size structs, reject
return false;
WordCount32 dataSize = this->getDataSectionSize() / BITS_PER_WORD;
// Mark whether the struct is properly truncated
if (dataSize != 0) {
*dataTrunc = this->getDataField<uint64_t>(dataSize - 1) != 0;
if (dataSize != 0 * WORDS) {
*dataTrunc = this->getDataField<uint64_t>((dataSize - 1 * WORDS) / WORDS * ELEMENTS) != 0;
} else {
*dataTrunc = true;
if (this->pointerCount != 0) {
*ptrTrunc = !this->getPointerField(this->pointerCount - 1).isNull();
if (this->pointerCount != 0 * POINTERS) {
*ptrTrunc = !this->getPointerField(this->pointerCount - 1 * POINTERS).isNull();
} else {
*ptrTrunc = true;
// Advance the read head
*readHead += dataSize + this->pointerCount;
*readHead += (dataSize + (this->pointerCount * WORDS_PER_POINTER)) / WORDS;
// Check each pointer field for canonicity
for (WirePointerCount16 ptrIndex = 0;
for (WirePointerCount16 ptrIndex = 0 * POINTERS;
ptrIndex < this->pointerCount;
ptrIndex++) {
ptrIndex += POINTERS) {
if (!this->getPointerField(ptrIndex).isCanonical(ptrHead)) {
return false;
......@@ -2896,18 +2896,18 @@ bool ListReader::isCanonical(const word **readHead) {
// front of it, so our check is slightly different
return false;
if (this->structDataSize % BITS_PER_WORD != 0) {
if (this->structDataSize % BITS_PER_WORD != 0 * BITS) {
return false;
auto structSize = (this->structDataSize / BITS_PER_WORD) +
(this->structPointerCount * WORDS_PER_POINTER);
auto listEnd = *readHead + this->elementCount * structSize;
auto listEnd = *readHead + (this->elementCount / ELEMENTS * structSize) / WORDS;
auto pointerHead = listEnd;
bool listDataTrunc = false;
bool listPtrTrunc = false;
for (ElementCount ec = ElementCount(0);
ec < this->elementCount;
ec++) {
ec += 1 * ELEMENTS) {
bool dataTrunc, ptrTrunc;
if (!this->getStructElement(ec).isCanonical(readHead,
......@@ -2926,10 +2926,10 @@ bool ListReader::isCanonical(const word **readHead) {
if (reinterpret_cast<const word*>(this->ptr) != *readHead) {
return false;
*readHead += this->elementCount;
*readHead += this->elementCount * (POINTERS / ELEMENTS) * WORDS_PER_POINTER / WORDS;
for (ElementCount ec = ElementCount(0);
ec < this->elementCount;
ec++) {
ec += 1 * ELEMENTS) {
if (!this->getPointerElement(ec).isCanonical(readHead)) {
return false;
......@@ -2944,8 +2944,8 @@ bool ListReader::isCanonical(const word **readHead) {
auto bitSize = this->elementCount *
auto wordSize = bitSize / BITS_PER_WORD;
if (bitSize % BITS_PER_WORD != 0) {
if (bitSize % BITS_PER_WORD != 0 * BITS) {
wordSize = wordSize + 1 * WORDS;
*readHead += wordSize;
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