Commit 2d1c9a53 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Remove a bunch of mutexes.

parent bf7af0b6
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ private:
mutable kj::Vector<kj::String> caps;
kj::Vector<kj::String> caps;
......@@ -249,26 +249,22 @@ public:
tasks(*this) {
tables.getWithoutLock().resolutionChainTail = kj::refcounted<ResolutionChain>();
resolutionChainTail = kj::refcounted<ResolutionChain>();
kj::Own<ClientHook> restore(ObjectPointer::Reader objectId) {
QuestionId questionId;
kj::Own<QuestionRef> questionRef;
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
auto& question =;
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
auto& question = lock->;
// We need a dummy paramCaps since null normally indicates that the question has completed.
question.paramCaps = kj::heap<CapInjectorImpl>(*this);
// We need a dummy paramCaps since null normally indicates that the question has completed.
question.paramCaps = kj::heap<CapInjectorImpl>(*this);
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(*this, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *questionRef;
auto questionRef = kj::refcounted<QuestionRef>(*this, questionId, kj::mv(paf.fulfiller));
question.selfRef = *questionRef;
auto message = connection->newOutgoingMessage(
......@@ -293,15 +289,15 @@ public:
void disconnect(kj::Exception&& exception) {
// Carefully pull all the objects out of the tables prior to releasing them because their
// destructors could come back and mess with the tables.
kj::Vector<kj::Own<PipelineHook>> pipelinesToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Own<ClientHook>> clientsToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl>> capInjectorsToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>> tailCallsToRelease;
kj::Vector<kj::Promise<void>> resolveOpsToRelease;
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
if (lock->networkException != nullptr) {
if (networkException != nullptr) {
// Oops, already disconnected.
......@@ -311,7 +307,7 @@ public:
__FILE__, __LINE__, kj::str("Disconnected: ", exception.getDescription()));
// All current questions complete with exceptions.
lock->questions.forEach([&](QuestionId id, Question& question) {
questions.forEach([&](QuestionId id, Question& question) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(questionRef, question.selfRef) {
// QuestionRef still present. Make sure it's not in the midst of being destroyed, then
// reject it.
......@@ -324,7 +320,7 @@ public:
lock->answers.forEach([&](QuestionId id, Answer& answer) {
answers.forEach([&](QuestionId id, Answer& answer) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, answer.pipeline) {
......@@ -342,25 +338,25 @@ public:
lock->exports.forEach([&](ExportId id, Export& exp) {
exports.forEach([&](ExportId id, Export& exp) {
exp = Export();
lock->imports.forEach([&](ExportId id, Import& import) {
imports.forEach([&](ExportId id, Import& import) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, import.promiseFulfiller) {
lock->embargoes.forEach([&](EmbargoId id, Embargo& embargo) {
embargoes.forEach([&](EmbargoId id, Embargo& embargo) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(f, embargo.fulfiller) {
lock->networkException = kj::mv(networkException);
this->networkException = kj::mv(networkException);
......@@ -492,31 +488,29 @@ private:
kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection> connection;
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> disconnectFulfiller;
struct Tables {
ExportTable<ExportId, Export> exports;
ExportTable<QuestionId, Question> questions;
ImportTable<QuestionId, Answer> answers;
ImportTable<ExportId, Import> imports;
// The order of the tables is important for correct destruction.
std::unordered_map<ClientHook*, ExportId> exportsByCap;
// Maps already-exported ClientHook objects to their ID in the export table.
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> resolutionChainTail;
// The end of the resolution chain. This node actually isn't filled in yet, but it will be
// filled in and the chain will be extended with a new node any time a `Resolve` is received.
// CapExtractors need to hold a ref to resolutionChainTail to prevent resolved promises from
// becoming invalid while the app is still processing the message. See `ResolutionChain`.
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> networkException;
// If the connection has failed, this is the exception describing the failure. All future
// calls should throw this exception.
ExportTable<EmbargoId, Embargo> embargoes;
// There are only four tables. This definitely isn't a fifth table. I don't know what you're
// talking about.
kj::MutexGuarded<Tables> tables;
ExportTable<ExportId, Export> exports;
ExportTable<QuestionId, Question> questions;
ImportTable<QuestionId, Answer> answers;
ImportTable<ExportId, Import> imports;
// The Four Tables!
// The order of the tables is important for correct destruction.
std::unordered_map<ClientHook*, ExportId> exportsByCap;
// Maps already-exported ClientHook objects to their ID in the export table.
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> resolutionChainTail;
// The end of the resolution chain. This node actually isn't filled in yet, but it will be
// filled in and the chain will be extended with a new node any time a `Resolve` is received.
// CapExtractors need to hold a ref to resolutionChainTail to prevent resolved promises from
// becoming invalid while the app is still processing the message. See `ResolutionChain`.
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> networkException;
// If the connection has failed, this is the exception describing the failure. All future
// calls should throw this exception.
ExportTable<EmbargoId, Embargo> embargoes;
// There are only four tables. This definitely isn't a fifth table. I don't know what you're
// talking about.
kj::TaskSet tasks;
......@@ -655,12 +649,10 @@ private:
RpcClient(RpcConnectionState& connectionState)
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)) {}
virtual kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(
rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, Tables& tables) = 0;
// Writes a CapDescriptor referencing this client. Must be called with the
// RpcConnectionState's table locked -- a reference to them is passed as the second argument.
// The CapDescriptor must be sent before unlocking the tables, as it may become invalid at
// any time once the tables are unlocked.
virtual kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor) = 0;
// Writes a CapDescriptor referencing this client. The CapDescriptor must be sent as part of
// the very next message sent on the connection, as it may become invalid if other things
// happen.
// If writing the descriptor adds a new export to the export table, or increments the refcount
// on an existing one, then the ID is returned and the caller is responsible for removing it
......@@ -743,18 +735,15 @@ private:
: RpcClient(connectionState), importId(importId) {}
~ImportClient() noexcept(false) {
// Remove self from the import table, if the table is still pointing at us. (It's possible
// that another thread attempted to obtain this import just as the destructor started, in
// which case that other thread will have constructed a new ImportClient and placed it in
// the import table. Therefore, we must actually verify that the import table points at
// this object.)
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, lock->imports.find(importId)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, import->importClient) {
if (i == this) {
// Remove self from the import table, if the table is still pointing at us. (It's possible
// that another thread attempted to obtain this import just as the destructor started, in
// which case that other thread will have constructed a new ImportClient and placed it in
// the import table. Therefore, we must actually verify that the import table points at
// this object.)
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, connectionState->imports.find(importId)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, import->importClient) {
if (i == this) {
......@@ -775,8 +764,7 @@ private:
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(
rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, Tables& tables) override {
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor) override {
return nullptr;
......@@ -817,8 +805,7 @@ private:
kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops)
: RpcClient(connectionState), questionRef(kj::mv(questionRef)), ops(kj::mv(ops)) {}
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(
rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, Tables& tables) override {
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor) override {
auto promisedAnswer = descriptor.initReceiverAnswer();
......@@ -863,7 +850,8 @@ private:
kj::Promise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> eventual,
kj::Maybe<ExportId> importId)
: RpcClient(connectionState),
inner(Inner {false, kj::mv(initial)}),
......@@ -893,8 +881,7 @@ private:
// contain a pointer back to it. Remove that pointer. Note that we have to verify that
// the import still exists and the pointer still points back to this object because this
// object may actually outlive the import.
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, lock->imports.find(*id)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, connectionState->imports.find(*id)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, import->appClient) {
if (c == this) {
import->appClient = nullptr;
......@@ -904,21 +891,20 @@ private:
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(
rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, Tables& tables) override {
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor) override {
__atomic_store_n(&receivedCall, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return connectionState->writeDescriptor(*inner.lockExclusive()->cap, descriptor, tables);
return connectionState->writeDescriptor(*cap, descriptor);
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> writeTarget(
rpc::MessageTarget::Builder target) override {
__atomic_store_n(&receivedCall, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return connectionState->writeTarget(*inner.lockExclusive()->cap, target);
return connectionState->writeTarget(*cap, target);
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInnermostClient() override {
__atomic_store_n(&receivedCall, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return connectionState->getInnermostClient(*inner.lockExclusive()->cap);
return connectionState->getInnermostClient(*cap);
// implements ClientHook -----------------------------------------
......@@ -926,19 +912,18 @@ private:
Request<ObjectPointer, ObjectPointer> newCall(
uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId, uint firstSegmentWordSize) override {
__atomic_store_n(&receivedCall, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return inner.lockExclusive()->cap->newCall(interfaceId, methodId, firstSegmentWordSize);
return cap->newCall(interfaceId, methodId, firstSegmentWordSize);
VoidPromiseAndPipeline call(uint64_t interfaceId, uint16_t methodId,
kj::Own<CallContextHook>&& context) override {
__atomic_store_n(&receivedCall, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
return inner.lockExclusive()->cap->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
return cap->call(interfaceId, methodId, kj::mv(context));
kj::Maybe<ClientHook&> getResolved() override {
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
if (lock->isResolved) {
return *lock->cap;
if (isResolved) {
return *cap;
} else {
return nullptr;
......@@ -949,12 +934,9 @@ private:
struct Inner {
bool isResolved;
kj::Own<ClientHook> cap;
bool isResolved;
kj::Own<ClientHook> cap;
kj::MutexGuarded<Inner> inner;
kj::Maybe<ExportId> importId;
kj::ForkedPromise<kj::Own<ClientHook>> fork;
......@@ -962,7 +944,7 @@ private:
// ensure the continuation is not still running.
kj::Promise<void> resolveSelfPromise;
mutable bool receivedCall = false;
bool receivedCall = false;
void resolve(kj::Own<ClientHook> replacement) {
if (replacement->getBrand() != connectionState.get() &&
......@@ -978,15 +960,13 @@ private:
auto disembargo = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initDisembargo();
auto redirect = connectionState->writeTarget(
*inner.lockExclusive()->cap, disembargo.initTarget());
auto redirect = connectionState->writeTarget(*cap, disembargo.initTarget());
KJ_ASSERT(redirect == nullptr,
"Original promise target should always be from this RPC connection.");
EmbargoId embargoId;
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
Embargo& embargo = lock->;
Embargo& embargo = connectionState->;
......@@ -1007,18 +987,12 @@ private:
// Careful to make sure the old client is not destroyed until we release the lock.
kj::Own<ClientHook> old;
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
old = kj::mv(lock->cap);
lock->cap = replacement->addRef();
lock->isResolved = true;
cap = replacement->addRef();
isResolved = true;
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(
ClientHook& cap, rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, Tables& tables) {
kj::Maybe<ExportId> writeDescriptor(ClientHook& cap, rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor) {
// Write a descriptor for the given capability. The tables must be locked by the caller and
// passed in as a parameter.
......@@ -1033,20 +1007,20 @@ private:
if (inner->getBrand() == this) {
return kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*inner).writeDescriptor(descriptor, tables);
return kj::downcast<RpcClient>(*inner).writeDescriptor(descriptor);
} else {
auto iter = tables.exportsByCap.find(inner);
if (iter != tables.exportsByCap.end()) {
auto iter = exportsByCap.find(inner);
if (iter != exportsByCap.end()) {
// We've already seen and exported this capability before. Just up the refcount.
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(tables.exports.find(iter->second));
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(exports.find(iter->second));
return iter->second;
} else {
// This is the first time we've seen this capability.
ExportId exportId;
auto& exp =;
tables.exportsByCap[inner] = exportId;
auto& exp =;
exportsByCap[inner] = exportId;
exp.refcount = 1;
exp.clientHook = inner->addRef();
......@@ -1117,9 +1091,8 @@ private:
// Update the export table to point at this object instead. We know that our entry in the
// export table is still live because when it is destroyed the asynchronous resolution task
// (i.e. this code) is canceled.
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(lock->exports.find(exportId));
auto& exp = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(exports.find(exportId));
exp.clientHook = kj::mv(resolution);
if (exp.clientHook->getBrand() != this) {
......@@ -1131,8 +1104,7 @@ private:
// be able to just reuse the existing export table entry to represent the new promise --
// unless it already has an entry. Let's check.
auto insertResult = lock->exportsByCap.insert(
std::make_pair(exp.clientHook.get(), exportId));
auto insertResult = exportsByCap.insert(std::make_pair(exp.clientHook.get(), exportId));
if (insertResult.second) {
// The new promise was not already in the table, therefore the existing export table
......@@ -1148,7 +1120,7 @@ private:
messageSizeHint<rpc::Resolve>() + sizeInWords<rpc::CapDescriptor>() + 16);
auto resolve = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initResolve();
writeDescriptor(*exp.clientHook, resolve.initCap(), *lock);
writeDescriptor(*exp.clientHook, resolve.initCap());
return kj::READY_NOW;
......@@ -1178,8 +1150,7 @@ private:
resolutionChain(kj::mv(resolutionChain)) {}
~CapExtractorImpl() noexcept(false) {
KJ_ASSERT(retainedCaps.getWithoutLock().size() == 0 ||
connectionState.tables.lockShared()->networkException != nullptr,
KJ_ASSERT(retainedCaps.size() == 0 || connectionState.networkException != nullptr,
"CapExtractorImpl destroyed without getting a chance to retain the caps!") {
......@@ -1197,7 +1168,7 @@ private:
// If `final` is true then there's no need to lock. If it is false, then asynchronous
// access is possible. It's probably not worth taking the lock to look; we'll just return
// a silly estimate.
uint count = final ? retainedCaps.getWithoutLock().size() : 32;
uint count = final ? retainedCaps.size() : 32;
return (count * sizeof(ExportId) + (sizeof(word) - 1)) / sizeof(word);
......@@ -1218,15 +1189,13 @@ private:
// message's release.
// Called on finalization, when all extractions have ceased, so we can skip the lock.
kj::Vector<ExportId> retainedCaps = kj::mv(this->retainedCaps.getWithoutLock());
kj::Vector<ExportId> retainedCaps = kj::mv(this->retainedCaps);
kj::Vector<kj::Own<ClientHook>> refs(retainedCaps.size());
auto lock = connectionState.tables.lockExclusive();
auto actualRetained = retainedCaps.begin();
for (ExportId importId: retainedCaps) {
// Check if the import still exists under this ID.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, lock->imports.find(importId)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, connectionState.imports.find(importId)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ic, import->importClient) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ref, kj::tryAddRef(*ic)) {
// Import indeed still exists! We'll return it in the retained caps, which means it
......@@ -1253,23 +1222,21 @@ private:
static kj::Own<ClientHook> extractCapAndAddRef(
RpcConnectionState& connectionState, Tables& lockedTables,
rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor) {
RpcConnectionState& connectionState, rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor) {
// Interpret the given capability descriptor and, if it is an import, immediately give it
// a remote ref. This is called when interpreting messages that have a CapabilityDescriptor
// but do not have a corresponding response message where a list of retained caps is given.
// In these cases, the cap is always assumed retained, and must be explicitly released.
// For example, the 'Resolve' message contains a capability which is presumed to be retained.
return extractCapImpl(connectionState, lockedTables, descriptor,
*lockedTables.resolutionChainTail, nullptr);
return extractCapImpl(connectionState, descriptor,
*connectionState.resolutionChainTail, nullptr);
// implements CapDescriptor ------------------------------------------------
kj::Own<ClientHook> extractCap(rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor) override {
return extractCapImpl(connectionState, *connectionState.tables.lockExclusive(), descriptor,
*resolutionChain, retainedCaps);
return extractCapImpl(connectionState, descriptor, *resolutionChain, retainedCaps);
......@@ -1280,15 +1247,15 @@ private:
// this message from being invalidated by `Resolve` messages before extraction is finished.
// Simply holding on to the chain keeps the import table entries valid.
kj::MutexGuarded<kj::Vector<ExportId>> retainedCaps;
kj::Vector<ExportId> retainedCaps;
// Imports which we are responsible for retaining, should they still exist at the time that
// this message is released.
static kj::Own<ClientHook> extractCapImpl(
RpcConnectionState& connectionState, Tables& tables,
RpcConnectionState& connectionState,
rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor,
ResolutionChain& resolutionChain,
kj::Maybe<const kj::MutexGuarded<kj::Vector<ExportId>>&> retainedCaps) {
kj::Maybe<kj::Vector<ExportId>&> retainedCaps) {
switch (descriptor.which()) {
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_HOSTED:
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_PROMISE: {
......@@ -1303,7 +1270,7 @@ private:
// No recent resolutions. Check the import table then.
auto& import = tables.imports[importId];
auto& import = connectionState.imports[importId];
KJ_IF_MAYBE(c, import.appClient) {
// The import is already on the table, but it could be being deleted in another
// thread.
......@@ -1323,7 +1290,7 @@ private:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(rc, retainedCaps) {
// We need to retain this import later if it still exists.
} else {
// Automatically increment the refcount.
......@@ -1354,7 +1321,7 @@ private:
return cap->addRef();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, tables.exports.find(descriptor.getReceiverHosted())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, connectionState.exports.find(descriptor.getReceiverHosted())) {
return exp->clientHook->addRef();
return newBrokenCap("invalid 'receiverHosted' export ID");
......@@ -1369,7 +1336,7 @@ private:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, resolutionChain.findPipeline(promisedAnswer.getQuestionId())) {
pipeline = p;
} else {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, tables.answers.find(promisedAnswer.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, connectionState.answers.find(promisedAnswer.getQuestionId())) {
if (answer->active) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, answer->pipeline) {
pipeline = p->get();
......@@ -1407,11 +1374,9 @@ private:
~CapInjectorImpl() noexcept(false) {
kj::Vector<kj::Own<ResolutionChain>> thingsToRelease(exports.size());
auto lock = connectionState.tables.lockExclusive();
if (lock->networkException == nullptr) {
if (connectionState.networkException == nullptr) {
for (auto exportId: exports) {
thingsToRelease.add(releaseExport(*lock, exportId, 1));
thingsToRelease.add(connectionState.releaseExport(exportId, 1));
......@@ -1420,22 +1385,22 @@ private:
// Return true if the message contains any capabilities. (If not, it may be possible to
// release earlier.)
return !caps.getWithoutLock().empty();
return !caps.empty();
void finishDescriptors(Tables& tables) {
void finishDescriptors() {
// Finish writing all of the CapDescriptors. Must be called with the tables locked, and the
// message must be sent before the tables are unlocked.
exports = kj::Vector<ExportId>(caps.getWithoutLock().size());
exports = kj::Vector<ExportId>(caps.size());
for (auto& entry: caps.getWithoutLock()) {
for (auto& entry: caps) {
// If maybeExportId is inlined, GCC 4.7 reports a spurious "may be used uninitialized"
// error (GCC 4.8 and Clang do not complain).
auto maybeExportId = connectionState.writeDescriptor(
*entry.second.cap, entry.second.builder, tables);
*entry.second.cap, entry.second.builder);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exportId, maybeExportId) {
KJ_ASSERT(tables.exports.find(*exportId) != nullptr);
KJ_ASSERT(connectionState.exports.find(*exportId) != nullptr);
......@@ -1444,21 +1409,19 @@ private:
// implements CapInjector ----------------------------------------
void injectCap(rpc::CapDescriptor::Builder descriptor, kj::Own<ClientHook>&& cap) override {
auto lock = caps.lockExclusive();
auto result = lock->insert(std::make_pair(
auto result = caps.insert(std::make_pair(
identity(descriptor), CapInfo(descriptor, kj::mv(cap))));
KJ_REQUIRE(result.second, "A cap has already been injected at this location.") {
kj::Own<ClientHook> getInjectedCap(rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor) override {
auto lock = caps.lockExclusive();
auto iter = lock->find(identity(descriptor));
KJ_REQUIRE(iter != lock->end(), "getInjectedCap() called on descriptor I didn't write.");
auto iter = caps.find(identity(descriptor));
KJ_REQUIRE(iter != caps.end(), "getInjectedCap() called on descriptor I didn't write.");
return iter->second.cap->addRef();
void dropCap(rpc::CapDescriptor::Reader descriptor) override {
......@@ -1481,7 +1444,7 @@ private:
CapInfo(CapInfo&& other) = default;
kj::MutexGuarded<std::map<const void*, CapInfo>> caps;
std::map<const void*, CapInfo> caps;
// Maps CapDescriptor locations to embedded caps. The descriptors aren't actually filled in
// until just before the message is sent.
......@@ -1508,7 +1471,7 @@ private:
: connectionState(kj::addRef(connectionState)), id(id), fulfiller(kj::mv(fulfiller)) {}
~QuestionRef() {
if (connectionState->tables.lockShared()->networkException != nullptr) {
if (connectionState->networkException != nullptr) {
......@@ -1534,16 +1497,13 @@ private:
// Check if the question has returned and, if so, remove it from the table.
// Remove question ID from the table. Must do this *after* sending `Finish` to ensure that
// the ID is not re-allocated before the `Finish` message can be sent.
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
auto& question = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(
lock->questions.find(id), "Question ID no longer on table?");
if (question.paramCaps == nullptr) {
// Call has already returned, so we can now remove it from the table.
} else {
question.selfRef = nullptr;
auto& question = KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(
connectionState->questions.find(id), "Question ID no longer on table?");
if (question.paramCaps == nullptr) {
// Call has already returned, so we can now remove it from the table.
} else {
question.selfRef = nullptr;
......@@ -1599,38 +1559,32 @@ private:
RemotePromise<ObjectPointer> send() override {
SendInternalResult sendResult;
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, lock->networkException) {
return RemotePromise<ObjectPointer>(
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// We'll have to make a new request and do a copy. Ick.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(e, connectionState->networkException) {
return RemotePromise<ObjectPointer>(
size_t sizeHint = paramsBuilder.targetSizeInWords();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// We'll have to make a new request and do a copy. Ick.
// TODO(perf): See TODO in RpcClient::call() about why we need to inflate the size a bit.
sizeHint += sizeHint / 16;
size_t sizeHint = paramsBuilder.targetSizeInWords();
// Don't overflow.
if (uint(sizeHint) != sizeHint) {
sizeHint = ~uint(0);
// TODO(perf): See TODO in RpcClient::call() about why we need to inflate the size a bit.
sizeHint += sizeHint / 16;
auto replacement = redirect->get()->newCall(
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId(), sizeHint);
return replacement.send();
} else {
sendResult = sendInternal(false, *lock);
// Don't overflow.
if (uint(sizeHint) != sizeHint) {
sizeHint = ~uint(0);
auto replacement = redirect->get()->newCall(
callBuilder.getInterfaceId(), callBuilder.getMethodId(), sizeHint);
return replacement.send();
} else {
sendResult = sendInternal(false);
auto forkedPromise = sendResult.promise.fork();
......@@ -1664,21 +1618,17 @@ private:
SendInternalResult sendResult;
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
if (lock->networkException != nullptr) {
// Disconnected; fall back to a regular send() which will fail appropriately.
return nullptr;
if (connectionState->networkException != nullptr) {
// Disconnected; fall back to a regular send() which will fail appropriately.
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// Fall back to regular send().
return nullptr;
} else {
sendResult = sendInternal(true, *lock);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(redirect, target->writeTarget(callBuilder.getTarget())) {
// Whoops, this capability has been redirected while we were building the request!
// Fall back to regular send().
return nullptr;
} else {
sendResult = sendInternal(true);
auto promise = sendResult.promise.then([](kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
......@@ -1712,12 +1662,12 @@ private:
kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>> promise = nullptr;
SendInternalResult sendInternal(bool isTailCall, Tables& lockedTables) {
SendInternalResult sendInternal(bool isTailCall) {
auto paf = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>>>();
QuestionId questionId;
auto& question =;
auto& question = connectionState->;
if (isTailCall) {
......@@ -1757,7 +1707,7 @@ private:
// Construct a new RpcPipeline.
RpcPipeline(RpcConnectionState& connectionState, kj::Own<QuestionRef>&& questionRef)
......@@ -1765,7 +1715,7 @@ private:
resolveSelfPromise(nullptr) {
// Construct a new RpcPipeline that is never expected to resolve.
// implements PipelineHook ---------------------------------------
......@@ -1783,11 +1733,10 @@ private:
kj::Own<ClientHook> getPipelinedCap(kj::Array<PipelineOp>&& ops) override {
auto lock = state.lockExclusive();
if (lock->is<Waiting>()) {
if (<Waiting>()) {
// Wrap a PipelineClient in a PromiseClient.
auto pipelineClient = kj::refcounted<PipelineClient>(
*connectionState, kj::addRef(*lock->get<Waiting>()), kj::heapArray(ops.asPtr()));
*connectionState, kj::addRef(*state.get<Waiting>()), kj::heapArray(ops.asPtr()));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, redirectLater) {
auto resolutionPromise = r->addBranch().then(kj::mvCapture(ops,
......@@ -1801,10 +1750,10 @@ private:
// Oh, this pipeline will never get redirected, so just return the PipelineClient.
return kj::mv(pipelineClient);
} else if (lock->is<Resolved>()) {
return lock->get<Resolved>()->getResults().getPipelinedCap(ops);
} else if (<Resolved>()) {
return state.get<Resolved>()->getResults().getPipelinedCap(ops);
} else {
return newBrokenCap(kj::cp(lock->get<Broken>()));
return newBrokenCap(kj::cp(state.get<Broken>()));
......@@ -1816,22 +1765,20 @@ private:
typedef kj::Own<QuestionRef> Waiting;
typedef kj::Own<RpcResponse> Resolved;
typedef kj::Exception Broken;
kj::MutexGuarded<kj::OneOf<Waiting, Resolved, Broken>> state;
kj::OneOf<Waiting, Resolved, Broken> state;
// Keep this last, because the continuation uses *this, so it should be destroyed first to
// ensure the continuation is not still running.
kj::Promise<void> resolveSelfPromise;
void resolve(kj::Own<RpcResponse>&& response) {
auto lock = state.lockExclusive();
KJ_ASSERT(lock->is<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
KJ_ASSERT(<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
void resolve(const kj::Exception&& exception) {
auto lock = state.lockExclusive();
KJ_ASSERT(lock->is<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
KJ_ASSERT(<Waiting>(), "Already resolved?");
......@@ -1892,8 +1839,8 @@ private:
return builder;
kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl> send(Tables& lockedTables) {
kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl> send() {
return kj::mv(injector);
......@@ -1949,7 +1896,7 @@ private:
// We haven't sent a return yet, so we must have been canceled. Send a cancellation return.
unwindDetector.catchExceptionsIfUnwinding([&]() {
// Don't send anything if the connection is broken.
if (connectionState->tables.lockShared()->networkException == nullptr) {
if (connectionState->networkException == nullptr) {
auto message = connectionState->connection->newOutgoingMessage(
requestCapExtractor.retainedListSizeHint(true) + messageSizeHint<rpc::Return>());
auto builder = message->getBody().initAs<rpc::Message>().initReturn();
......@@ -1970,7 +1917,7 @@ private:
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr, true);
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, true);
......@@ -1996,10 +1943,8 @@ private:
kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipelineToRelease;
auto lock = connectionState->tables.lockExclusive();
auto& tables = *lock;
kj::downcast<RpcServerResponseImpl>(*KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(response)).send(tables), true);
kj::downcast<RpcServerResponseImpl>(*KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(response)).send(), true);
void sendErrorReturn(kj::Exception&& exception) {
......@@ -2017,7 +1962,7 @@ private:
fromException(exception, builder.initException());
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr, true);
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, true);
......@@ -2028,12 +1973,6 @@ private:
// the RpcCallContext is now responsible for cleaning up the entry in the answer table, since
// a Finish message was already received.
// Verify that we're holding the tables mutex. This is important because we're handing off
// responsibility for deleting the answer. Moreover, the callContext pointer in the answer
// table should not be null as this would indicate that we've already returned a result.
.answers[questionId].callContext != nullptr);
if (__atomic_fetch_or(&cancellationFlags, CANCEL_REQUESTED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) ==
// We just set CANCEL_REQUESTED, and CANCEL_ALLOWED was already set previously. Initiate
......@@ -2105,7 +2044,7 @@ private:
cleanupAnswerTable(connectionState->tables.lockExclusive(), nullptr, false);
cleanupAnswerTable(nullptr, false);
return { kj::mv(tailInfo->promise), kj::mv(tailInfo->pipeline) };
......@@ -2182,11 +2121,11 @@ private:
mutable uint8_t cancellationFlags = 0;
uint8_t cancellationFlags = 0;
// When both flags are set, the cancellation process will begin. Must be manipulated atomically
// as it may be accessed from multiple threads.
mutable kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> cancelFulfiller;
kj::Own<kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>> cancelFulfiller;
// Fulfilled when cancellation has been both requested and permitted. The fulfilled promise is
// exclusive-joined with the outermost promise waiting on the call return, so fulfilling it
// cancels that promise.
......@@ -2204,8 +2143,7 @@ private:
void cleanupAnswerTable(kj::Locked<Tables>&& lock,
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl>> resultCaps,
void cleanupAnswerTable(kj::Maybe<kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl>> resultCaps,
bool freePipelineIfNoCaps) {
// We need to remove the `callContext` pointer -- which points back to us -- from the
// answer table. Or we might even be responsible for removing the entire answer table
......@@ -2218,18 +2156,14 @@ private:
kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipelineToRelease;
Answer answerToDelete;
// Release lock later so that pipelineToRelease and resultCaps can be deleted without
// deadlock.
if (__atomic_load_n(&cancellationFlags, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) & CANCEL_REQUESTED) {
Answer answerToDelete = kj::mv(lock->answers[questionId]);
answerToDelete = kj::mv(connectionState->answers[questionId]);
// Erase from the table.
} else {
// We just have to null out callContext.
auto& answer = lock->answers[questionId];
auto& answer = connectionState->answers[questionId];
answer.callContext = nullptr;
// If the response has capabilities, we need to arrange to keep the CapInjector around
......@@ -2327,17 +2261,17 @@ private:
auto cap = message.getResolve().getCap();
switch (cap.which()) {
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_HOSTED:
releaseExport(*tables.lockExclusive(), cap.getSenderHosted(), 1);
releaseExport(cap.getSenderHosted(), 1);
case rpc::CapDescriptor::SENDER_PROMISE:
releaseExport(*tables.lockExclusive(), cap.getSenderPromise(), 1);
releaseExport(cap.getSenderPromise(), 1);
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_ANSWER:
case rpc::CapDescriptor::RECEIVER_HOSTED:
// Nothing to do.
case rpc::CapDescriptor::THIRD_PARTY_HOSTED:
releaseExport(*tables.lockExclusive(), cap.getThirdPartyHosted().getVineId(), 1);
releaseExport(cap.getThirdPartyHosted().getVineId(), 1);
......@@ -2386,14 +2320,13 @@ private:
// message at a time, so we can hold off locking the tables for a bit longer.
auto context = kj::refcounted<RpcCallContext>(
*this, questionId, kj::mv(message), call.getParams(),
redirectResults, kj::mv(cancelPaf.fulfiller));
// No more using `call` after this point!
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
auto& answer = lock->answers[questionId];
auto& answer = answers[questionId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use") {
......@@ -2410,8 +2343,7 @@ private:
// context->directTailCall().
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
auto& answer = lock->answers[questionId];
auto& answer = answers[questionId];
answer.pipeline = kj::mv(promiseAndPipeline.pipeline);
......@@ -2455,8 +2387,7 @@ private:
kj::Maybe<kj::Own<ClientHook>> getMessageTarget(const rpc::MessageTarget::Reader& target) {
switch (target.which()) {
case rpc::MessageTarget::EXPORTED_CAP: {
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive(); // TODO(perf): shared?
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, lock->exports.find(target.getExportedCap())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(target.getExportedCap())) {
return exp->clientHook->addRef();
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Message target is not a current export ID.") {
......@@ -2470,20 +2401,17 @@ private:
auto promisedAnswer = target.getPromisedAnswer();
kj::Own<PipelineHook> pipeline;
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive(); // TODO(perf): shared?
auto& base = lock->answers[promisedAnswer.getQuestionId()];
KJ_REQUIRE(, "PromisedAnswer.questionId is not a current question.") {
auto& base = answers[promisedAnswer.getQuestionId()];
KJ_REQUIRE(, "PromisedAnswer.questionId is not a current question.") {
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, base.pipeline) {
pipeline = p->get()->addRef();
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("PromisedAnswer.questionId is already finished or contained no "
"capabilities.") {
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, base.pipeline) {
pipeline = p->get()->addRef();
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("PromisedAnswer.questionId is already finished or contained no "
"capabilities.") {
return nullptr;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(ops, toPipelineOps(promisedAnswer.getTransform())) {
......@@ -2507,8 +2435,7 @@ private:
kj::Own<CapInjectorImpl> paramCapsToRelease;
kj::Promise<kj::Own<RpcResponse>> promiseToRelease = nullptr;
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(question, lock->questions.find(ret.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(question, questions.find(ret.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_REQUIRE(question->paramCaps != nullptr, "Duplicate Return.") { return; }
KJ_IF_MAYBE(pc, question->paramCaps) {
......@@ -2519,7 +2446,7 @@ private:
for (ExportId retained: ret.getRetainedCaps()) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, lock->exports.find(retained)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(retained)) {
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Invalid export ID in Return.retainedCaps list.") { return; }
......@@ -2537,7 +2464,7 @@ private:
// Not being deleted.
*this, kj::mv(*ownRef), kj::mv(message), ret.getResults(),
......@@ -2579,7 +2506,7 @@ private:
case rpc::Return::TAKE_FROM_OTHER_ANSWER:
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, lock->answers.find(ret.getTakeFromOtherAnswer())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(ret.getTakeFromOtherAnswer())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(response, answer->redirectedResults) {
// If we don't manage to fill in a questionRef here, we will want to release the
// promise.
......@@ -2607,7 +2534,7 @@ private:
if (question->selfRef == nullptr) {
} else {
......@@ -2619,25 +2546,23 @@ private:
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> chainToRelease;
Answer answerToRelease;
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
for (ExportId retained: finish.getRetainedCaps()) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, lock->exports.find(retained)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(retained)) {
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Invalid export ID in Return.retainedCaps list.") { return; }
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, lock->answers.find(finish.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(answer, answers.find(finish.getQuestionId())) {
KJ_REQUIRE(answer->active, "'Finish' for invalid question ID.") { return; }
// `Finish` indicates that no further pipeline requests will be made.
// However, previously-sent messages that are still being processed could still refer to this
// pipeline, so we have to move it into the resolution chain.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(p, kj::mv(answer->pipeline)) {
chainToRelease = kj::mv(lock->resolutionChainTail);
lock->resolutionChainTail = chainToRelease->addFinish(finish.getQuestionId(), kj::mv(*p));
chainToRelease = kj::mv(resolutionChainTail);
resolutionChainTail = chainToRelease->addFinish(finish.getQuestionId(), kj::mv(*p));
// If the call isn't actually done yet, cancel it. Otherwise, we can go ahead and erase the
......@@ -2646,7 +2571,7 @@ private:
} else {
answerToRelease = kj::mv(*answer);
} else {
KJ_REQUIRE(answer->active, "'Finish' for invalid question ID.") { return; }
......@@ -2659,14 +2584,12 @@ private:
void handleResolve(const rpc::Resolve::Reader& resolve) {
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> oldResolutionChainTail; // must be freed outside of lock
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
kj::Own<ClientHook> replacement;
// Extract the replacement capability.
switch (resolve.which()) {
case rpc::Resolve::CAP:
replacement = CapExtractorImpl::extractCapAndAddRef(*this, *lock, resolve.getCap());
replacement = CapExtractorImpl::extractCapAndAddRef(*this, resolve.getCap());
case rpc::Resolve::EXCEPTION:
......@@ -2678,12 +2601,12 @@ private:
// Extend the resolution chain.
oldResolutionChainTail = kj::mv(lock->resolutionChainTail);
lock->resolutionChainTail = oldResolutionChainTail->addResolve(
oldResolutionChainTail = kj::mv(resolutionChainTail);
resolutionChainTail = oldResolutionChainTail->addResolve(
resolve.getPromiseId(), kj::mv(replacement));
// If the import is on the table, fulfill it.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, lock->imports.find(resolve.getPromiseId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(import, imports.find(resolve.getPromiseId())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(fulfiller, import->promiseFulfiller) {
// OK, this is in fact an unfulfilled promise!
......@@ -2696,24 +2619,23 @@ private:
void handleRelease(const rpc::Release::Reader& release) {
auto chainToRelease = releaseExport(
*tables.lockExclusive(), release.getId(), release.getReferenceCount());
auto chainToRelease = releaseExport(release.getId(), release.getReferenceCount());
static kj::Own<ResolutionChain> releaseExport(Tables& lockedTables, ExportId id, uint refcount) {
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> releaseExport(ExportId id, uint refcount) {
kj::Own<ResolutionChain> result;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, lockedTables.exports.find(id)) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exp, exports.find(id)) {
KJ_REQUIRE(refcount <= exp->refcount, "Tried to drop export's refcount below zero.") {
return result;
exp->refcount -= refcount;
if (exp->refcount == 0) {
result = kj::mv(lockedTables.resolutionChainTail);
lockedTables.resolutionChainTail = result->addRelease(id, kj::mv(exp->clientHook));
result = kj::mv(resolutionChainTail);
resolutionChainTail = result->addRelease(id, kj::mv(exp->clientHook));
return result;
} else {
return result;
......@@ -2787,10 +2709,9 @@ private:
case rpc::Disembargo::Context::RECEIVER_LOOPBACK: {
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(embargo, lock->embargoes.find(context.getReceiverLoopback())) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(embargo, embargoes.find(context.getReceiverLoopback())) {
} else {
KJ_FAIL_REQUIRE("Invalid embargo ID in 'Disembargo.context.receiverLoopback'.") {
......@@ -2865,22 +2786,18 @@ private:
message = nullptr;
// Add the answer to the answer table for pipelining and send the response.
auto lock = tables.lockExclusive();
auto& answer = lock->answers[questionId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use") {
auto& answer = answers[questionId];
KJ_REQUIRE(!, "questionId is already in use") {
injector->finishDescriptors(); = true;
answer.pipeline = kj::Own<PipelineHook>(
kj::refcounted<SingleCapPipeline>(kj::mv(capHook), kj::mv(injector))); = true;
answer.pipeline = kj::Own<PipelineHook>(
kj::refcounted<SingleCapPipeline>(kj::mv(capHook), kj::mv(injector)));
......@@ -2896,13 +2813,12 @@ public:
~Impl() noexcept(false) {
// std::unordered_map doesn't like it when elements' destructors throw, so carefully
// disassemble it.
auto& connectionMap = connections.getWithoutLock();
if (!connectionMap.empty()) {
kj::Vector<kj::Own<RpcConnectionState>> deleteMe(connectionMap.size());
if (!connections.empty()) {
kj::Vector<kj::Own<RpcConnectionState>> deleteMe(connections.size());
kj::Exception shutdownException(
kj::Exception::Nature::LOCAL_BUG, kj::Exception::Durability::PERMANENT,
__FILE__, __LINE__, kj::str("RpcSystem was destroyed."));
for (auto& entry: connectionMap) {
for (auto& entry: connections) {
......@@ -2911,8 +2827,7 @@ public:
Capability::Client restore(_::StructReader hostId, ObjectPointer::Reader objectId) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(connection, network.baseConnectToRefHost(hostId)) {
auto lock = connections.lockExclusive();
auto& state = getConnectionState(kj::mv(*connection), *lock);
auto& state = getConnectionState(kj::mv(*connection));
return Capability::Client(state.restore(objectId));
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(r, restorer) {
return r->baseRestore(objectId);
......@@ -2933,21 +2848,20 @@ private:
typedef std::unordered_map<VatNetworkBase::Connection*, kj::Own<RpcConnectionState>>
kj::MutexGuarded<ConnectionMap> connections;
ConnectionMap connections;
RpcConnectionState& getConnectionState(kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connection,
ConnectionMap& lockedMap) {
auto iter = lockedMap.find(connection);
if (iter == lockedMap.end()) {
RpcConnectionState& getConnectionState(kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connection) {
auto iter = connections.find(connection);
if (iter == connections.end()) {
VatNetworkBase::Connection* connectionPtr = connection;
auto onDisconnect = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
tasks.add(onDisconnect.promise.then([this,connectionPtr]() {
auto newState = kj::refcounted<RpcConnectionState>(
restorer, kj::mv(connection), kj::mv(onDisconnect.fulfiller));
RpcConnectionState& result = *newState;
lockedMap.insert(std::make_pair(connectionPtr, kj::mv(newState)));
connections.insert(std::make_pair(connectionPtr, kj::mv(newState)));
return result;
} else {
return *iter->second;
......@@ -2957,8 +2871,7 @@ private:
kj::Promise<void> acceptLoop() {
auto receive = network.baseAcceptConnectionAsRefHost().then(
[this](kj::Own<VatNetworkBase::Connection>&& connection) {
auto lock = connections.lockExclusive();
getConnectionState(kj::mv(connection), *lock);
return receive.then([this]() {
// No exceptions; continue loop.
......@@ -560,25 +560,22 @@ void TransformPromiseNodeBase::getDepResult(ExceptionOrValue& output) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
ForkBranchBase::ForkBranchBase(Own<ForkHubBase>&& hubParam): hub(kj::mv(hubParam)) {
auto lock = hub->branchList.lockExclusive();
if (lock->lastPtr == nullptr) {
if (hub->tailBranch == nullptr) {
} else {
// Insert into hub's linked list of branches.
prevPtr = lock->lastPtr;
prevPtr = hub->tailBranch;
*prevPtr = this;
next = nullptr;
lock->lastPtr = &next;
hub->tailBranch = &next;
ForkBranchBase::~ForkBranchBase() noexcept(false) {
if (prevPtr != nullptr) {
// Remove from hub's linked list of branches.
auto lock = hub->branchList.lockExclusive();
*prevPtr = next;
(next == nullptr ? lock->lastPtr : next->prevPtr) = prevPtr;
(next == nullptr ? hub->tailBranch : next->prevPtr) = prevPtr;
......@@ -618,16 +615,15 @@ Maybe<Own<EventLoop::Event>> ForkHubBase::fire() {
auto lock = branchList.lockExclusive();
for (auto branch = lock->first; branch != nullptr; branch = branch->next) {
for (auto branch = headBranch; branch != nullptr; branch = branch->next) {
*branch->prevPtr = nullptr;
branch->prevPtr = nullptr;
*lock->lastPtr = nullptr;
*tailBranch = nullptr;
// Indicate that the list is no longer active.
lock->lastPtr = nullptr;
tailBranch = nullptr;
return nullptr;
......@@ -1108,16 +1108,12 @@ public:
inline ExceptionOrValue& getResultRef() { return resultRef; }
struct BranchList {
ForkBranchBase* first = nullptr;
ForkBranchBase** lastPtr = &first;
Own<PromiseNode> inner;
ExceptionOrValue& resultRef;
MutexGuarded<BranchList> branchList;
// Becomes null once the inner promise is ready and all branches have been notified.
ForkBranchBase* headBranch = nullptr;
ForkBranchBase** tailBranch = &headBranch;
// Tail becomes null once the inner promise is ready and all branches have been notified.
Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override;
_::PromiseNode* getInnerForTrace() override;
......@@ -1451,61 +1447,54 @@ public:
void fulfill(FixVoid<T>&& value) override {
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
if (*lock != nullptr) {
if (inner != nullptr) {
void reject(Exception&& exception) override {
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
if (*lock != nullptr) {
if (inner != nullptr) {
bool isWaiting() override {
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
return *lock != nullptr && (*lock)->isWaiting();
return inner != nullptr && inner->isWaiting();
void attach(PromiseFulfiller<T>& newInner) {
inner.getWithoutLock() = &newInner;
inner = &newInner;
void detach(PromiseFulfiller<T>& from) {
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
if (*lock == nullptr) {
if (inner == nullptr) {
// Already disposed.
delete this;
} else {
KJ_IREQUIRE(*lock == &from);
*lock = nullptr;
KJ_IREQUIRE(inner == &from);
inner = nullptr;
MutexGuarded<PromiseFulfiller<T>*> inner;
mutable PromiseFulfiller<T>* inner;
WeakFulfiller(): inner(nullptr) {}
void disposeImpl(void* pointer) const override {
// TODO(perf): Factor some of this out so it isn't regenerated for every fulfiller type?
auto lock = inner.lockExclusive();
if (*lock == nullptr) {
if (inner == nullptr) {
// Already detached.
delete this;
} else {
if ((*lock)->isWaiting()) {
if (inner->isWaiting()) {
kj::Exception::Nature::LOCAL_BUG, kj::Exception::Durability::PERMANENT,
__FILE__, __LINE__,
kj::heapString("PromiseFulfiller was destroyed without fulfilling the promise.")));
*lock = nullptr;
inner = nullptr;
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