Commit 28073325 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Add some commentary to the test.

parent fd8405d9
......@@ -53,41 +53,55 @@ private:
void runServer(kj::Promise<void> quit, kj::Own<kj::AsyncIoStream> stream, int& callCount) {
// Set up the server.
kj::UnixEventLoop eventLoop;
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(eventLoop, *stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER);
TestRestorer restorer(callCount);
auto server = makeRpcServer(network, restorer, eventLoop);
// Wait until quit promise is fulfilled.
Capability::Client connect(RpcSystem<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>& client,
Capability::Client getPersistentCap(RpcSystem<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>& client,
rpc::twoparty::Side side,
test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag tag) {
// Create the SturdyRefHostId.
MallocMessageBuilder hostIdMessage(8);
MallocMessageBuilder objectIdMessage(8);
auto hostId = hostIdMessage.initRoot<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>();
// Create the SturdyRefObjectId.
MallocMessageBuilder objectIdMessage(8);
// Connect to the remote capability.
return client.connect(hostId, objectIdMessage.getRoot<ObjectPointer>());
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Basic) {
auto quitter = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
auto pipe = kj::newTwoWayPipe();
int callCount = 0;
// We'll communicate over this two-way pipe (actually, a socketpair).
auto pipe = kj::newTwoWayPipe();
// Start up server in another thread.
auto quitter = kj::newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>();
kj::Thread thread([&]() {
runServer(kj::mv(quitter.promise), kj::mv(pipe.ends[1]), callCount);
KJ_DEFER(quitter.fulfiller->fulfill()); // Stop the server loop before destroying the thread.
// Set up the client-side objects.
kj::UnixEventLoop loop;
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(loop, *pipe.ends[0], rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network, loop);
auto client = connect(rpcClient, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER,
// Request the particular capability from the server.
auto client = getPersistentCap(rpcClient, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER,
// Use the capability.
auto request1 = client.fooRequest();
linux-gcc-4.7 1632 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-4.7 quick
linux-gcc-4.8 1635 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-4.8 quick gcc-4.8
linux-clang 1652 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang quick clang
mac 765 ./ remote beat caffeinate quick
cygwin 769 ./ remote Kenton@flashman quick
linux-gcc-4.7 1704 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-4.7 quick
linux-gcc-4.8 1707 ./ tmpdir capnp-gcc-4.8 quick gcc-4.8
linux-clang 1724 ./ tmpdir capnp-clang quick clang
mac 791 ./ remote beat caffeinate quick
cygwin 795 ./ remote Kenton@flashman quick
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