Commit 26914900 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix obscure bug where the last outgoing message (and any capabilities therein)…

Fix obscure bug where the last outgoing message (and any capabilities therein) would not get released (until a new message was sent, replacing it as the last).

This took hours to track down, because it initially looked like "Release" messages weren't being honored in some cases (when they happened to be releasing a capability from the last message, and no subsequent messages were sent). Initial attempts to capture this in a unit test failed because the test of course used a subsequent call to detect if the capability had been released, which succeeded.
parent 78283ba3
......@@ -189,8 +189,9 @@ TEST(Capability, AsyncCancelation) {
auto destructionPromise = paf.promise.then([&]() { destroyed = true; }).eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr);
int callCount = 0;
int handleCount = 0;
test::TestMoreStuff::Client client(kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount));
test::TestMoreStuff::Client client(kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount, handleCount));
kj::Promise<void> promise = nullptr;
......@@ -404,6 +404,7 @@ TestNetworkAdapter& TestNetwork::add(kj::StringPtr name) {
class TestRestorer final: public SturdyRefRestorer<test::TestSturdyRefObjectId> {
int callCount = 0;
int handleCount = 0;
Capability::Client restore(test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Reader objectId) override {
switch (objectId.getTag()) {
......@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ public:
case test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag::TEST_TAIL_CALLER:
return kj::heap<TestTailCallerImpl>(callCount);
case test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag::TEST_MORE_STUFF:
return kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount);
return kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount, handleCount);
......@@ -529,6 +530,34 @@ TEST(Rpc, Pipelining) {
EXPECT_EQ(1, chainedCallCount);
TEST(Rpc, Release) {
TestContext context;
auto client = context.connect(test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag::TEST_MORE_STUFF)
auto handle1 = client.getHandleRequest().send().wait(context.waitScope).getHandle();
auto promise = client.getHandleRequest().send();
auto handle2 = promise.wait(context.waitScope).getHandle();
EXPECT_EQ(2, context.restorer.handleCount);
handle1 = nullptr;
for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++) kj::evalLater([]() {}).wait(context.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(1, context.restorer.handleCount);
handle2 = nullptr;
for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++) kj::evalLater([]() {}).wait(context.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(1, context.restorer.handleCount);
promise = nullptr;
for (uint i = 0; i < 16; i++) kj::evalLater([]() {}).wait(context.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(0, context.restorer.handleCount);
TEST(Rpc, TailCall) {
TestContext context;
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ namespace {
class TestRestorer final: public SturdyRefRestorer<test::TestSturdyRefObjectId> {
TestRestorer(int& callCount): callCount(callCount) {}
TestRestorer(int& callCount, int& handleCount)
: callCount(callCount), handleCount(handleCount) {}
Capability::Client restore(test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Reader objectId) override {
switch (objectId.getTag()) {
......@@ -47,21 +48,23 @@ public:
case test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag::TEST_TAIL_CALLER:
return kj::heap<TestTailCallerImpl>(callCount);
case test::TestSturdyRefObjectId::Tag::TEST_MORE_STUFF:
return kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount);
return kj::heap<TestMoreStuffImpl>(callCount, handleCount);
int& callCount;
int& handleCount;
kj::AsyncIoProvider::PipeThread runServer(kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, int& callCount) {
kj::AsyncIoProvider::PipeThread runServer(kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider,
int& callCount, int& handleCount) {
return ioProvider.newPipeThread(
[&callCount](kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, kj::AsyncIoStream& stream,
kj::WaitScope& waitScope) {
[&callCount, &handleCount](
kj::AsyncIoProvider& ioProvider, kj::AsyncIoStream& stream, kj::WaitScope& waitScope) {
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(stream, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER);
TestRestorer restorer(callCount);
TestRestorer restorer(callCount, handleCount);
auto server = makeRpcServer(network, restorer);
......@@ -86,8 +89,9 @@ Capability::Client getPersistentCap(RpcSystem<rpc::twoparty::SturdyRefHostId>& c
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Basic) {
auto ioContext = kj::setupAsyncIo();
int callCount = 0;
int handleCount = 0;
auto serverThread = runServer(*ioContext.provider, callCount);
auto serverThread = runServer(*ioContext.provider, callCount, handleCount);
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*serverThread.pipe, rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network);
......@@ -131,9 +135,10 @@ TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Basic) {
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Pipelining) {
auto ioContext = kj::setupAsyncIo();
int callCount = 0;
int handleCount = 0;
int reverseCallCount = 0; // Calls back from server to client.
auto serverThread = runServer(*ioContext.provider, callCount);
auto serverThread = runServer(*ioContext.provider, callCount, handleCount);
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*serverThread.pipe, rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network);
......@@ -209,6 +214,51 @@ TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Pipelining) {
TEST(TwoPartyNetwork, Release) {
auto ioContext = kj::setupAsyncIo();
int callCount = 0;
int handleCount = 0;
auto serverThread = runServer(*ioContext.provider, callCount, handleCount);
TwoPartyVatNetwork network(*serverThread.pipe, rpc::twoparty::Side::CLIENT);
auto rpcClient = makeRpcClient(network);
// Request the particular capability from the server.
auto client = getPersistentCap(rpcClient, rpc::twoparty::Side::SERVER,
auto handle1 = client.getHandleRequest().send().wait(ioContext.waitScope).getHandle();
auto promise = client.getHandleRequest().send();
auto handle2 = promise.wait(ioContext.waitScope).getHandle();
EXPECT_EQ(2, handleCount);
handle1 = nullptr;
// There once was a bug where the last outgoing message (and any capabilities attached) would
// not get cleaned up (until a new message was sent). This appeared to be a bug in Release,
// becaues if a client received a message and then released a capability from it but then did
// not make any further calls, then the capability would not be released because the message
// introducing it remained the last server -> client message (because a "Release" message has
// no reply). Here we are explicitly trying to catch this bug. This proves tricky, because when
// we drop a reference on the client side, there's no particular way to wait for the release
// message to reach the server except to make a subsequent call and wait for the return -- but
// that would mask the bug. So we wait 10ms...
ioContext.provider->getTimer().afterDelay(10 * kj::MILLISECONDS).wait(ioContext.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(1, handleCount);
handle2 = nullptr;
ioContext.provider->getTimer().afterDelay(10 * kj::MILLISECONDS).wait(ioContext.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(1, handleCount);
promise = nullptr;
ioContext.provider->getTimer().afterDelay(10 * kj::MILLISECONDS).wait(ioContext.waitScope);
EXPECT_EQ(0, handleCount);
} // namespace
} // namespace _
} // namespace capnp
......@@ -86,9 +86,12 @@ public:
// Note that if the write fails, all further writes will be skipped due to the exception.
// We never actually handle this exception because we assume the read end will fail as well
// and it's cleaner to handle the failure there.
auto promise = writeMessage(, message).eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr);
return kj::mv(promise);
return writeMessage(, message);
// Note that it's important that the eagerlyEvaluate() come *after* the attach() because
// otherwise the message (and any capabilities in it) will not be released until a new
// message is written! (Kenton once spent all afternoon tracking this down...)
......@@ -959,7 +959,8 @@ kj::Promise<void> TestTailCalleeImpl::foo(FooContext context) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
TestMoreStuffImpl::TestMoreStuffImpl(int& callCount): callCount(callCount) {}
TestMoreStuffImpl::TestMoreStuffImpl(int& callCount, int& handleCount)
: callCount(callCount), handleCount(handleCount) {}
kj::Promise<void> TestMoreStuffImpl::getCallSequence(GetCallSequenceContext context) {
auto result = context.getResults();
......@@ -1071,5 +1072,19 @@ kj::Promise<void> TestMoreStuffImpl::loop(uint depth, test::TestInterface::Clien
class HandleImpl final: public test::TestHandle::Server {
HandleImpl(int& count): count(count) { ++count; }
~HandleImpl() { --count; }
int& count;
kj::Promise<void> TestMoreStuffImpl::getHandle(GetHandleContext context) {
return kj::READY_NOW;
} // namespace _ (private)
} // namespace capnp
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ private:
class TestMoreStuffImpl final: public test::TestMoreStuff::Server {
TestMoreStuffImpl(int& callCount);
TestMoreStuffImpl(int& callCount, int& handleCount);
kj::Promise<void> getCallSequence(GetCallSequenceContext context) override;
......@@ -240,8 +240,11 @@ public:
kj::Promise<void> expectCancel(ExpectCancelContext context) override;
kj::Promise<void> getHandle(GetHandleContext context) override;
int& callCount;
int& handleCount;
test::TestInterface::Client clientToHold = nullptr;
kj::Promise<void> loop(uint depth, test::TestInterface::Client cap, ExpectCancelContext context);
......@@ -629,6 +629,8 @@ interface TestTailCaller {
foo @0 (i :Int32, callee :TestTailCallee) -> TestTailCallee.TailResult;
interface TestHandle {}
interface TestMoreStuff extends(TestCallOrder) {
# Catch-all type that contains lots of testing methods.
......@@ -657,6 +659,10 @@ interface TestMoreStuff extends(TestCallOrder) {
# evalLater()-loops forever, holding `cap`. Must be canceled.
methodWithDefaults @8 (a :Text, b :UInt32 = 123, c :Text = "foo") -> (d :Text, e :Text = "bar");
getHandle @9 () -> (handle :TestHandle);
# Get a new handle. Tests have an out-of-band way to check the current number of live handles, so
# this can be used to test garbage collection.
interface TestKeywordMethods {
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