Commit 25ce8b86 authored by Harris Hancock's avatar Harris Hancock

Remove MSVC exclusions in units.h

parent 19096841
......@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ struct Id {
// =======================================================================================
// Quantity and UnitRatio -- implement unit analysis via the type system
#if !_MSC_VER
// TODO(msvc): MSVC has trouble with this intense templating. Luckily Cap'n Proto can deal with
// using regular integers in place of Quantity, so we can just skip all this.
template <typename T> constexpr bool isIntegral() { return false; }
template <> constexpr bool isIntegral<char>() { return true; }
template <> constexpr bool isIntegral<signed char>() { return true; }
......@@ -225,9 +221,12 @@ class Quantity {
inline constexpr Quantity() {}
inline constexpr Quantity(decltype(maxValue)): value(maxValue) {}
inline constexpr Quantity(decltype(minValue)): value(minValue) {}
inline constexpr Quantity(MaxValue_): value(maxValue) {}
inline constexpr Quantity(MinValue_): value(minValue) {}
// Allow initialization from maxValue and minValue.
// TODO(msvc): decltype(maxValue) and decltype(minValue) deduce unknown-type for these function
// parameters, causing the compiler to complain of a duplicate constructor definition, so we
// specify MaxValue_ and MinValue_ types explicitly.
inline explicit constexpr Quantity(Number value): value(value) {}
// This constructor was intended to be private, but GCC complains about it being private in a
......@@ -354,15 +353,11 @@ private:
friend inline constexpr T unit();
#endif // !_MSC_VER
template <typename T>
inline constexpr T unit() { return T(1); }
// unit<Quantity<T, U>>() returns a Quantity of value 1. It also, intentionally, works on basic
// numeric types.
#if !_MSC_VER
template <typename Number1, typename Number2, typename Unit>
inline constexpr auto operator*(Number1 a, Quantity<Number2, Unit> b)
-> Quantity<decltype(Number1(1) * Number2(1)), Unit> {
......@@ -433,8 +428,6 @@ inline constexpr T origin() { return T(0 * unit<UnitOf<T>>()); }
// origin<Absolute<T, U>>() returns an Absolute of value 0. It also, intentionally, works on basic
// numeric types.
#endif // !_MSC_VER
} // namespace kj
#endif // KJ_UNITS_H_
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