Commit 25b12ae0 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Set release branch version to

parent ba881fb2
## Process this file with autoconf to produce configure.
AC_INIT([Capn Proto],[],[],[capnproto-c++])
AC_INIT([Capn Proto],[],[],[capnproto-c++])
......@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ package from [Apple]( or compiler builds
You may download and install the release version of Cap'n Proto like so:
<pre><code>curl -O <a href=""></a>
tar zxf capnproto-c++-
cd capnproto-c++-
<pre><code>curl -O <a href=""></a>
tar zxf capnproto-c++-
cd capnproto-c++-
make -j6 check
sudo make install</code></pre>
......@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ installed (in addition to Git) in order to fetch the Google Test sources (done b
1. Download Cap'n Proto Win32 build:
<pre><a href=""></a></pre>
<pre><a href=""></a></pre>
2. Find `capnp.exe`, `capnpc-c++.exe`, and `capnpc-capnp.exe` under `capnproto-tools-win32-` in
2. Find `capnp.exe`, `capnpc-c++.exe`, and `capnpc-capnp.exe` under `capnproto-tools-win32-` in
the zip and copy them somewhere.
If you don't care about C++ support, you can stop here. The compiler exe can be used with plugins
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ If you want to use Cap'n Proto in C++ with Visual Studio, do the following:
1. Install [CMake]( version 3.1 or later.
2. Use CMake to generate Visual Studio project files under `capnproto-c++-` in the zip file.
2. Use CMake to generate Visual Studio project files under `capnproto-c++-` in the zip file.
You will need to enable the CMake project options `CAPNP_LITE` and `EXTERNAL_CAPNP`.
You can use the CMake UI for this or run this shell command:
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