Commit 248b149a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Unnamed unions WIP. About to change MemberInfo format, which will require…

Unnamed unions WIP.  About to change MemberInfo format, which will require re-bootstrapping the code generator.
parent 00905470
......@@ -133,7 +133,10 @@ void makeSubMemberInfoTable(const StructSchema::Member& member,
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::FIELD_MEMBER:
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::UNION_MEMBER:
makeMemberInfoTable(1 + member.getIndex(), member.asUnion().getMembers(), info);
// Only create a sub-table if the union is named.
if (member.getProto().getName().size() > 0) {
makeMemberInfoTable(1 + member.getIndex(), member.asUnion().getMembers(), info);
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::GROUP_MEMBER:
makeMemberInfoTable(1 + member.getIndex(), member.asGroup().getMembers(), info);
......@@ -145,9 +148,40 @@ void makeSubMemberInfoTable(const EnumSchema::Enumerant& member,
void makeSubMemberInfoTable(const InterfaceSchema::Method& member,
kj::Vector<capnp::_::RawSchema::MemberInfo>& info) {}
void enumerateScope(const StructSchema::MemberList& members,
kj::Vector<StructSchema::Member>& vec) {
// Given a member list, flatten all members of the scope into one vector. This basically means
// copying all the members to the vector, except that unnamed unions are flattened.
for (auto member: members) {
if (member.getProto().getName().size() == 0) {
// Flatten unnamed union.
enumerateScope(member.asUnion().getMembers(), vec);
void enumerateScope(const EnumSchema::EnumerantList& members,
kj::Vector<EnumSchema::Enumerant>& vec) {
for (auto member: members) {
void enumerateScope(const InterfaceSchema::MethodList& members,
kj::Vector<InterfaceSchema::Method>& vec) {
for (auto member: members) {
template <typename MemberList>
void makeMemberInfoTable(uint parent, MemberList&& members,
kj::Vector<capnp::_::RawSchema::MemberInfo>& info) {
kj::Vector<kj::Decay<decltype(members[0])>> sortedMembers(members.size());
enumerateScope(members, sortedMembers);
auto sorted = KJ_MAP(members, m) { return m; };
std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), OrderByName());
......@@ -408,17 +442,25 @@ private:
kj::String unionSet, unionCheck;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(u, member.getContainingUnion()) {
auto unionProto = u->getProto();
kj::String unionTitleCase = toTitleCase(unionProto.getName());
kj::StringPtr unionScope;
kj::String ownUnionScope;
if (unionProto.getName().size() > 0) {
ownUnionScope = kj::str(toTitleCase(unionProto.getName()), "::");
unionScope = ownUnionScope;
} else {
// Anonymous union.
unionScope = scope;
auto discrimOffset = unionProto.getBody().getUnionMember().getDiscriminantOffset();
kj::String upperCase = toUpperCase(proto.getName());
unionCheck = kj::str(
" KJ_IREQUIRE(which() == ", unionTitleCase, "::", upperCase, ",\n"
" KJ_IREQUIRE(which() == ", unionScope, upperCase, ",\n"
" \"Must check which() before get()ing a union member.\");\n");
unionSet = kj::str(
" _builder.setDataField<", unionTitleCase, "::Which>(\n"
" _builder.setDataField<", unionScope, "Which>(\n"
" ", discrimOffset, " * ::capnp::ELEMENTS, ",
unionTitleCase, "::", upperCase, ");\n");
unionScope, upperCase, ");\n");
uint offset = field.getOffset();
......@@ -804,10 +846,10 @@ private:
"inline Which which() const;\n",
" inline Which which() const;\n",
"inline Which which();\n",
" inline Which which();\n",
"inline ", containingType, "::Which ", containingType, "::Reader::which() const {\n"
......@@ -543,8 +543,20 @@ schema::Node::Reader NodeTranslator::finish() {
return wipNode.getReader();
class NodeTranslator::DuplicateNameDetector {
inline explicit DuplicateNameDetector(const ErrorReporter& errorReporter)
: errorReporter(errorReporter) {}
void check(List<Declaration>::Reader nestedDecls, Declaration::Body::Which parentKind);
const ErrorReporter& errorReporter;
std::map<kj::StringPtr, LocatedText::Reader> names;
void NodeTranslator::compileNode(Declaration::Reader decl, schema::Node::Builder builder) {
checkMembers(decl.getNestedDecls(), decl.getBody().which());
.check(decl.getNestedDecls(), decl.getBody().which());
kj::StringPtr targetsFlagName;
......@@ -585,21 +597,25 @@ void NodeTranslator::compileNode(Declaration::Reader decl, schema::Node::Builder
builder.adoptAnnotations(compileAnnotationApplications(decl.getAnnotations(), targetsFlagName));
void NodeTranslator::checkMembers(
void NodeTranslator::DuplicateNameDetector::check(
List<Declaration>::Reader nestedDecls, Declaration::Body::Which parentKind) {
std::map<uint, Declaration::Reader> ordinals;
std::map<kj::StringPtr, LocatedText::Reader> names;
for (auto decl: nestedDecls) {
auto name = decl.getName();
auto nameText = name.getValue();
auto insertResult = names.insert(std::make_pair(nameText, name));
if (!insertResult.second) {
name, kj::str("'", nameText, "' is already defined in this scope."));
insertResult.first->second, kj::str("'", nameText, "' previously defined here."));
if (nameText.size() == 0 && decl.getBody().which() == Declaration::Body::UNION_DECL) {
name, kj::str("An unnamed union is already defined in this scope."));
insertResult.first->second, kj::str("Previously defined here."));
} else {
name, kj::str("'", nameText, "' is already defined in this scope."));
insertResult.first->second, kj::str("'", nameText, "' previously defined here."));
......@@ -645,6 +661,18 @@ void NodeTranslator::checkMembers(
errorReporter.addErrorOn(decl, "This declaration can only appear in structs.");
// Struct members may have nested decls. We need to check those here, because no one else
// is going to do it.
if (decl.getName().getValue().size() == 0) {
// Unnamed union. Check members as if they are in the same scope.
check(decl.getNestedDecls(), decl.getBody().which());
} else {
// Children are in their own scope.
.check(decl.getNestedDecls(), decl.getBody().which());
......@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ private:
void compileNode(Declaration::Reader decl, schema::Node::Builder builder);
void checkMembers(List<Declaration>::Reader nestedDecls, Declaration::Body::Which parentKind);
// Check the given member list for errors, including detecting duplicate names and detecting
// out-of-place declarations.
void disallowNested(List<Declaration>::Reader nestedDecls);
// Complain if the nested decl list is non-empty.
......@@ -130,6 +126,7 @@ private:
void compileAnnotation(Declaration::Annotation::Reader decl,
schema::AnnotationNode::Builder builder);
class DuplicateNameDetector;
class DuplicateOrdinalDetector;
class StructLayout;
class StructTranslator;
......@@ -675,8 +675,21 @@ CapnpParser::CapnpParser(Orphanage orphanageParam, const ErrorReporter& errorRep
parsers.unionDecl = arena.copy(p::transform(
p::sequence(p::optional(identifier), p::optional(parsers.ordinal), keyword("union"),
// Hacky: The first branch of this oneOf() can correctly match named unions as well as
// anonymous unions that have an ordinal, but fails to match anonymous unions wil no
// ordinal because the "union" keyword is matched as an identifier and interpreted as
// the name, and then parsing fails after that. So, we have the second branch which
// just matches the "union" keyword alone, and injects dummy null values for the
// name and ordinal.
p::optional(identifier), p::optional(parsers.ordinal), keyword("union"),
p::optional([](ParserInput&) -> kj::Maybe<Located<Text::Reader>> { return nullptr; }),
p::optional([](ParserInput&) -> kj::Maybe<Orphan<LocatedInteger>> {return nullptr; }),
[this](kj::Maybe<Located<Text::Reader>>&& name,
kj::Maybe<Orphan<LocatedInteger>>&& ordinal,
kj::Array<Orphan<Declaration::AnnotationApplication>>&& annotations)
......@@ -396,6 +396,40 @@ TEST(Encoding, UnionDefault) {
TEST(Encoding, UnnamedUnion) {
MallocMessageBuilder builder;
auto root = builder.getRoot<test::TestUnnamedUnion>();
EXPECT_EQ(test::TestUnnamedUnion::FOO, root.which());
EXPECT_EQ(test::TestUnnamedUnion::BAR, root.which());
EXPECT_EQ(test::TestUnnamedUnion::BAR, root.asReader().which());
EXPECT_EQ(321, root.getBar());
EXPECT_EQ(321, root.asReader().getBar());
EXPECT_EQ(test::TestUnnamedUnion::FOO, root.which());
EXPECT_EQ(test::TestUnnamedUnion::FOO, root.asReader().which());
EXPECT_EQ(123, root.getFoo());
EXPECT_EQ(123, root.asReader().getFoo());
KJ_IF_MAYBE(u, Schema::from<test::TestUnnamedUnion>().getUnnamedUnion()) {
// The discriminant is allocated between allocating the first and second members.
EXPECT_EQ(1, u->getProto().getBody().getUnionMember().getDiscriminantOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(0, u->getMemberByName("foo").getProto().getBody().getFieldMember().getOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(1, u->getMemberByName("bar").getProto().getBody().getFieldMember().getOffset());
// The union receives the ordinal of its first member, since it does not explicitly declare one.
EXPECT_EQ(1, u->getProto().getOrdinal());
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "getUnnamedUnion() should have returned non-null.";
// =======================================================================================
TEST(Encoding, ListDefaults) {
......@@ -164,8 +164,18 @@ struct RawSchema {
// TODO(someday): Make this a hashtable.
struct MemberInfo {
uint16_t unionIndex; // 0 = not in a union, >0 = parent union's index + 1
uint16_t index; // index of the member
uint16_t unionIndex;
// 0 = not in a union, >0 = one plus the index of the union within the scope indicated by
// scopeOrdinal.
// uint16_t scopeOrdinal;
// // One plus the ordinal number of the parent scope of this member when looking up by name.
// // Zero represents the top-level scope.
uint16_t index;
// Index of the member within its scope. If the index is greater than the number of elements
// in the scope, then the member is in an unnamed union, and its index within that union is
// `index` - (number of members in the outer scope).
const MemberInfo* membersByName;
......@@ -241,11 +241,6 @@ private:
uint dataSizeInBits, uint pointerCount,
uint unionIndex, uint index) {
validateMemberName(member.getName(), unionIndex, index);
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(member.getOrdinal() < sawOrdinal.size() &&
"Invalid ordinal.");
sawOrdinal[member.getOrdinal()] = true;
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(member.getCodeOrder() < sawCodeOrder.size() &&
"Invalid codeOrder.");
......@@ -253,6 +248,11 @@ private:
switch (member.getBody().which()) {
case schema::StructNode::Member::Body::FIELD_MEMBER: {
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(member.getOrdinal() < sawOrdinal.size() &&
"Invalid ordinal.", member.getOrdinal());
sawOrdinal[member.getOrdinal()] = true;
auto field = member.getBody().getFieldMember();
uint fieldBits;
......@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ private:
"Schema invalid: Union discriminant out-of-bounds.");
auto uMembers = u.getMembers();
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(uMembers.size() >= 2, "Union must have at least two members.");
KJ_STACK_ARRAY(bool, uSawCodeOrder, uMembers.size(), 32, 256);
memset(uSawCodeOrder.begin(), 0, uSawCodeOrder.size() * sizeof(uSawCodeOrder[0]));
......@@ -281,8 +283,24 @@ private:
uMember.getBody().which() == schema::StructNode::Member::Body::FIELD_MEMBER,
"Union members must be fields.");
uint subUnionIndex;
if (member.getName().size() == 0) {
subUnionIndex = unionIndex;
} else {
subUnionIndex = index + 1;
validate(uMember, uSawCodeOrder, sawOrdinal, dataSizeInBits, pointerCount,
index + 1, subIndex++);
subUnionIndex, subIndex++);
// Union ordinal may match the ordinal of its first member, meaning it was unspecified in
// the schema file. Otherwise, it must be unique.
if (member.getOrdinal() != uMembers[0].getOrdinal()) {
VALIDATE_SCHEMA(member.getOrdinal() < sawOrdinal.size() &&
"Invalid ordinal.", member.getOrdinal());
sawOrdinal[member.getOrdinal()] = true;
......@@ -270,6 +270,12 @@ TEST(Schema, Lists) {
TEST(Schema, UnnamedUnion) {
StructSchema schema = Schema::from<test::TestUnnamedUnion>();
EXPECT_TRUE(schema.findMemberByName("") == nullptr);
} // namespace
} // namespace _ (private)
} // namespace capnp
......@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ StructSchema::MemberList StructSchema::getMembers() const {
kj::Maybe<StructSchema::Member> StructSchema::findMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const {
if (name.size() == 0) {
return nullptr;
return findSchemaMemberByName(raw, name, 0, getMembers());
......@@ -140,6 +144,11 @@ StructSchema::Member StructSchema::getMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const {
kj::Maybe<StructSchema::Union> StructSchema::getUnnamedUnion() const {
return findSchemaMemberByName(raw, "", 0, getMembers()).map(
[](Member member) { return member.asUnion(); });
kj::Maybe<StructSchema::Union> StructSchema::Member::getContainingUnion() const {
if (unionIndex == 0) return nullptr;
return parent.getMembers()[unionIndex - 1].asUnion();
......@@ -121,12 +121,23 @@ public:
class MemberList;
MemberList getMembers() const;
// List top-level members of this struct. This list will contain top-level unions (including
// the anonymous one, if any), but will not contain the members of those unions (even if the
// union is anonymous).
kj::Maybe<Member> findMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const;
// Find the member with the given name, or return null if there is no such member. If the struct
// contains an unnamed union, then this will find members of that union in addition to members
// of the outer struct, since they exist in the same namespace, even though the union's members
// are not listed by `getMembers()`. Therefore, you may want to check `getContainingUnion()` on
// the result.
Member getMemberByName(kj::StringPtr name) const;
// Like findMemberByName() but throws an exception on failure.
kj::Maybe<Union> getUnnamedUnion() const;
// If the struct contains an unnamed union, return it.
StructSchema(const _::RawSchema* raw): Schema(raw) {}
template <typename T> static inline StructSchema fromImpl() {
......@@ -383,3 +383,14 @@ struct TestStructUnion {
object @2 :TestObject;
struct TestUnnamedUnion {
before @0 :Void;
union {
foo @1 :UInt16;
bar @2 :UInt32;
after @3 :Void;
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