Commit 22a75445 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Compile semantic descriptors.

parent 6bb49ca7
......@@ -17,5 +17,7 @@ executable capnproto-compiler
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -23,14 +23,15 @@
module Grammar where
data DeclName = AbsoluteName String
| RelativeName String
| ImportName String
| MemberName DeclName String
import Token (Located)
data DeclName = AbsoluteName (Located String)
| RelativeName (Located String)
| ImportName (Located String)
| MemberName DeclName (Located String)
deriving (Show)
data TypeExpression = TypeName DeclName
| Array TypeExpression
data TypeExpression = TypeExpression DeclName [TypeExpression]
deriving (Show)
data FieldValue = VoidFieldValue
......@@ -42,13 +43,16 @@ data FieldValue = VoidFieldValue
| RecordFieldValue [(String, FieldValue)]
deriving (Show)
data Declaration = ConstantDecl String (Maybe TypeExpression) FieldValue
| EnumDecl String [Declaration]
| EnumValueDecl String Integer [Declaration]
| ClassDecl String [Declaration]
| FieldDecl String Integer TypeExpression FieldValue [Declaration]
| InterfaceDecl String [Declaration]
| MethodDecl String [(String, TypeExpression, FieldValue)]
data Declaration = AliasDecl (Located String) DeclName
| ConstantDecl (Located String) TypeExpression (Located FieldValue)
| EnumDecl (Located String) [Declaration]
| EnumValueDecl (Located String) (Located Integer) [Declaration]
| ClassDecl (Located String) [Declaration]
| FieldDecl (Located String) (Located Integer)
TypeExpression (Maybe (Located FieldValue)) [Declaration]
| InterfaceDecl (Located String) [Declaration]
| MethodDecl (Located String) (Located Integer)
[(String, TypeExpression, Maybe (Located FieldValue))]
TypeExpression [Declaration]
| OptionDecl DeclName FieldValue
| OptionDecl DeclName (Located FieldValue)
deriving (Show)
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import Token
keywords =
[ (ImportKeyword, "import")
, (UsingKeyword, "using")
, (ConstKeyword, "const")
, (EnumKeyword, "enum")
, (ClassKeyword, "class")
......@@ -23,5 +23,17 @@
module Main ( main ) where
import System.Environment
import Compiler
main = undefined
main = do
files <- getArgs
mapM_ handleFile files
handleFile filename = do
text <- readFile filename
case parseAndCompileFile filename text of
Active desc [] -> print desc
Active _ e -> mapM_ print e
Failed e -> mapM_ print e
......@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ tokenParser = token (show . locatedValue) locatedPos
type TokenParser = Parsec [Located Token] [ParseError]
located :: TokenParser t -> TokenParser (Located t)
located p = do
input <- getInput
t <- p
return (Located (locatedPos (head input)) t)
-- Hmm, boilerplate is not supposed to happen in Haskell.
matchIdentifier t = case locatedValue t of { (Identifier v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
matchParenthesizedList t = case locatedValue t of { (ParenthesizedList v) -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
......@@ -53,6 +59,7 @@ colon = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken Colon)
period = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken Period)
equalsSign = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken EqualsSign)
importKeyword = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken ImportKeyword)
usingKeyword = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken UsingKeyword)
constKeyword = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken ConstKeyword)
enumKeyword = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken EnumKeyword)
classKeyword = tokenParser (matchSimpleToken ClassKeyword)
......@@ -67,37 +74,40 @@ bracketedList parser = do
parseList parser items
declNameBase :: TokenParser DeclName
declNameBase = liftM ImportName (importKeyword >> literalString)
<|> liftM AbsoluteName (period >> identifier)
<|> liftM RelativeName identifier
declNameBase = liftM ImportName (importKeyword >> located literalString)
<|> liftM AbsoluteName (period >> located identifier)
<|> liftM RelativeName (located identifier)
declName :: TokenParser DeclName
declName = do
base <- declNameBase
members <- many (period >> identifier)
members <- many (period >> located identifier)
return (foldl MemberName base members :: DeclName)
typeExpression :: TokenParser TypeExpression
typeExpression = do
name <- declName
suffixes <- many (bracketedList (fail "Brackets should be empty."))
return (applySuffixes (TypeName name) (length suffixes)) where
applySuffixes t 0 = t
applySuffixes t n = applySuffixes (Array t) (n - 1)
suffixes <- option [] (parenthesizedList typeExpression)
return (TypeExpression name suffixes)
topLine :: Maybe [Located Statement] -> TokenParser Declaration
topLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> constantDecl <|> implicitConstantDecl
topLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> aliasDecl <|> constantDecl
topLine (Just statements) = typeDecl statements
aliasDecl = do
name <- located identifier
target <- declName
return (AliasDecl name target)
constantDecl = do
implicitConstantDecl = do
name <- identifier
typeName <- optionMaybe (period >> typeExpression)
name <- located identifier
typeName <- typeExpression
value <- fieldValue
value <- located fieldValue
return (ConstantDecl name typeName value)
typeDecl statements = enumDecl statements
......@@ -106,7 +116,7 @@ typeDecl statements = enumDecl statements
enumDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
children <- parseBlock enumLine statements
return (EnumDecl name children)
......@@ -115,9 +125,9 @@ enumLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> enumValueDecl []
enumLine (Just statements) = enumValueDecl statements
enumValueDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
value <- literalInt
value <- located literalInt
children <- parseBlock enumValueLine statements
return (EnumValueDecl name value children)
......@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ enumValueLine (Just _) = fail "Blocks not allowed here."
classDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
children <- parseBlock classLine statements
return (ClassDecl name children)
......@@ -136,12 +146,12 @@ classLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> constantDecl <|> fieldDecl []
classLine (Just statements) = typeDecl statements <|> fieldDecl statements
fieldDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
ordinal <- literalInt
ordinal <- located literalInt
t <- typeExpression
value <- option VoidFieldValue (equalsSign >> fieldValue)
value <- optionMaybe (equalsSign >> located fieldValue)
children <- parseBlock fieldLine statements
return (FieldDecl name ordinal t value children)
......@@ -163,7 +173,7 @@ fieldLine (Just _) = fail "Blocks not allowed here."
interfaceDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
children <- parseBlock interfaceLine statements
return (InterfaceDecl name children)
......@@ -172,17 +182,19 @@ interfaceLine Nothing = optionDecl <|> constantDecl <|> methodDecl []
interfaceLine (Just statements) = typeDecl statements <|> methodDecl statements
methodDecl statements = do
name <- identifier
name <- located identifier
ordinal <- located literalInt
params <- parenthesizedList paramDecl
t <- typeExpression
children <- parseBlock methodLine statements
return (MethodDecl name params t children)
return (MethodDecl name ordinal params t children)
paramDecl = do
name <- identifier
t <- typeExpression
value <- option VoidFieldValue (equalsSign >> fieldValue)
value <- optionMaybe (equalsSign >> located fieldValue)
return (name, t, value)
methodLine :: Maybe [Located Statement] -> TokenParser Declaration
......@@ -193,7 +205,7 @@ optionDecl = do
name <- declName
value <- fieldValue
value <- located fieldValue
return (OptionDecl name value)
extractErrors :: Either ParseError (a, [ParseError]) -> [ParseError]
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -23,20 +23,9 @@
module Token where
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Text.Parsec.Pos (SourcePos, sourceLine, sourceColumn)
import Text.Printf (printf)
data PrimitiveType = Void | Bool
| Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64
| UInt8 | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64
| Float32 | Float64
| Text | Bytes
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
primitiveTypes = [(t, map toLower (show t))
| t <- [minBound::PrimitiveType .. maxBound::PrimitiveType]]
data Located t = Located { locatedPos :: SourcePos, locatedValue :: t } deriving (Eq)
instance Show t => Show (Located t) where
......@@ -53,6 +42,7 @@ data Token = Identifier String
| Period
| EqualsSign
| ImportKeyword
| UsingKeyword
| ConstKeyword
| EnumKeyword
| ClassKeyword
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