Commit 1d5182ed authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix bug when calling pumpTo() to pump to a fixed-length HTTP body.

parent 34c2a169
......@@ -1372,6 +1372,76 @@ KJ_TEST("HttpServer threw exception after starting response") {
"foo", text);
class SimpleInputStream final: public kj::AsyncInputStream {
// An InputStream that returns bytes out of a static string.
SimpleInputStream(kj::StringPtr text)
: unread(text.asBytes()) {}
kj::Promise<size_t> tryRead(void* buffer, size_t minBytes, size_t maxBytes) override {
size_t amount = kj::min(maxBytes, unread.size());
memcpy(buffer, unread.begin(), amount);
unread = unread.slice(amount, unread.size());
return amount;
kj::ArrayPtr<const byte> unread;
class PumpResponseService final: public HttpService {
// HttpService that uses pumpTo() to write a response, without carefully specifying how much to
// pump, but the stream happens to be the right size.
kj::Promise<void> request(
HttpMethod method, kj::StringPtr url, const HttpHeaders& headers,
kj::AsyncInputStream& requestBody, Response& response) override {
return requestBody.readAllBytes()
.then([this,&response](kj::Array<byte>&&) -> kj::Promise<void> {
HttpHeaders headers(table);
kj::StringPtr text = "Hello, World!";
auto body = response.send(200, "OK", headers, text.size());
auto stream = kj::heap<SimpleInputStream>(text);
auto promise = stream->pumpTo(*body);
return promise.attach(kj::mv(body), kj::mv(stream))
.then([text](uint64_t amount) {
KJ_EXPECT(amount == text.size());
kj::Maybe<kj::Exception> exception;
HttpHeaderTable table;
KJ_TEST("HttpFixedLengthEntityWriter correctly implements tryPumpFrom") {
auto PIPELINE_TESTS = pipelineTestCases();
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
auto pipe = io.provider->newTwoWayPipe();
HttpHeaderTable table;
PumpResponseService service;
HttpServer server(io.provider->getTimer(), table, service);
auto listenTask = server.listenHttp(kj::mv(pipe.ends[0]));
// Do one request.
pipe.ends[1]->write(PIPELINE_TESTS[0].request.raw.begin(), PIPELINE_TESTS[0].request.raw.size())
auto text = pipe.ends[1]->readAllText().wait(io.waitScope);
KJ_EXPECT(text ==
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Length: 13\r\n"
"Hello, World!", text);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
KJ_TEST("HttpClient to") {
......@@ -1396,15 +1396,50 @@ public:
Maybe<Promise<uint64_t>> tryPumpFrom(AsyncInputStream& input, uint64_t amount) override {
if (amount == 0) return Promise<uint64_t>(uint64_t(0));
KJ_REQUIRE(amount <= length, "overwrote Content-Length");
bool overshot = amount > length;
if (overshot) {
// Hmm, the requested amount was too large, but it's common to specify kj::max as the amount
// to pump, in which case we pump to EOF. Let's try to verify whether EOF is where we
// expect it to be.
KJ_IF_MAYBE(available, input.tryGetLength()) {
// Great, the stream knows how large it is. If it's indeed larger than the space available
// then let's abort.
KJ_REQUIRE(*available <= length, "overwrote Content-Length");
} else {
// OK, we have no idea how large the input is, so we'll have to check later.
amount = kj::min(amount, length);
length -= amount;
return inner.pumpBodyFrom(input, amount).then([this,amount](uint64_t actual) {
auto promise = inner.pumpBodyFrom(input, amount).then([this,amount](uint64_t actual) {
// Adjust for bytes not written.
length += amount - actual;
if (length == 0) inner.finishBody();
return actual;
if (overshot) {
promise = promise.then([this,amount,&input](uint64_t actual) -> kj::Promise<uint64_t> {
if (actual == amount) {
// We read exactly the amount expected. In order to detect an overshoot, we have to
// try reading one more byte. Ugh.
static byte junk;
return input.tryRead(&junk, 1, 1).then([actual](size_t extra) {
KJ_REQUIRE(extra == 0, "overwrote Content-Length");
return actual;
} else {
// We actually read less data than requested so we couldn't have overshot. In fact, we
// undershot.
return actual;
return kj::mv(promise);
......@@ -1462,14 +1497,14 @@ public:
Maybe<Promise<uint64_t>> tryPumpFrom(AsyncInputStream& input, uint64_t amount) override {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(length, input.tryGetLength()) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(l, input.tryGetLength()) {
// Hey, we know exactly how large the input is, so we can write just one chunk.
inner.writeBodyData(kj::str(*length, "\r\n"));
auto lengthValue = *length;
return inner.pumpBodyFrom(input, *length)
.then([this,lengthValue](uint64_t actual) {
if (actual < lengthValue) {
uint64_t length = kj::min(amount, *l);
inner.writeBodyData(kj::str(length, "\r\n"));
return inner.pumpBodyFrom(input, length)
.then([this,length](uint64_t actual) {
if (actual < length) {
"value returned by input.tryGetLength() was greater than actual bytes transferred") {
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