Commit 1bdce291 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Refactor parser code more.

parent 7001fc9d
......@@ -30,29 +30,26 @@ namespace parse {
namespace {
typedef IteratorInput<char, const char*> Input;
ExactElementParser<Input> exactChar(char c) {
return exactElement<Input>(mv(c));
typedef Span<const char*> TestLocation;
TEST(Parsers, ExactElementParser) {
StringPtr text = "foo";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = exactChar('f')(input);
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = exactly('f')(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
result = exactChar('o')(input);
result = exactly('o')(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
result = exactChar('x')(input);
result = exactly('x')(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
Parser<Input, Tuple<>> wrapped = exactChar('o');
auto parser = exactly('o');
ParserRef<Input, Tuple<>> wrapped = ref<Input>(parser);
result = wrapped(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
......@@ -63,21 +60,21 @@ TEST(Parsers, SequenceParser) {
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactChar('f'), exactChar('o'), exactChar('o'))(input);
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactly('f'), exactly('o'), exactly('o'))(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactChar('f'), exactChar('o'))(input);
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactly('f'), exactly('o'))(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactChar('x'), exactChar('o'), exactChar('o'))(input);
Maybe<Tuple<>> result = sequence(exactly('x'), exactly('o'), exactly('o'))(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
......@@ -85,7 +82,7 @@ TEST(Parsers, SequenceParser) {
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result =
sequence(sequence(exactChar('f'), exactChar('o')), exactChar('o'))(input);
sequence(sequence(exactly('f'), exactly('o')), exactly('o'))(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
......@@ -93,15 +90,15 @@ TEST(Parsers, SequenceParser) {
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<>> result =
sequence(sequence(exactChar('f')), exactChar('o'), exactChar('o'))(input);
sequence(sequence(exactly('f')), exactly('o'), exactly('o'))(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result != nullptr);
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = sequence(transform(exactChar('f'), [](TestLocation){return 123;}),
exactChar('o'), exactChar('o'))(input);
Maybe<int> result = sequence(transform(exactly('f'), [](TestLocation){return 123;}),
exactly('o'), exactly('o'))(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, *i);
} else {
......@@ -111,74 +108,11 @@ TEST(Parsers, SequenceParser) {
TEST(Parsers, TransformParser) {
StringPtr text = "foo";
auto parser = transform(
sequence(exactChar('f'), exactChar('o'), exactChar('o')),
[](TestLocation location) -> int {
EXPECT_EQ("foo", StringPtr(location.begin(), location.end()));
return 123;
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, *i);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 123, got null.";
TEST(Parsers, TransformParser_MaybeRef) {
struct Transform {
int value;
Transform(int value): value(value) {}
int operator()(TestLocation) const { return value; }
// Don't use auto for the TransformParsers here because we're trying to make sure that MaybeRef
// is working correctly. When transform() is given an lvalue, it should wrap the type in
// ParserRef.
TransformParser<ExactElementParser<Input>, Transform> parser1 =
transform(exactChar('f'), Transform(12));
auto otherParser = exactChar('o');
TransformParser<ParserRef<ExactElementParser<Input>>, Transform> parser2 =
transform(otherParser, Transform(34));
auto otherParser2 = exactChar('b');
TransformParser<ExactElementParser<Input>, Transform> parser3 =
transform(mv(otherParser2), Transform(56));
StringPtr text = "foob";
auto parser = transform(
sequence(parser1, parser2, exactChar('o'), parser3),
[](TestLocation, int i, int j, int k) { return i + j + k; });
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(12 + 34 + 56, *i);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 12 + 34 + 56, got null.";
TEST(Parsers, RepeatedParser) {
TEST(Parsers, ManyParser) {
StringPtr text = "foooob";
auto parser = transform(
sequence(exactChar('f'), repeated(exactChar('o'))),
sequence(exactly('f'), many(exactly('o'))),
[](TestLocation, ArrayPtr<Tuple<>> values) -> int { return values.size(); });
......@@ -215,11 +149,57 @@ TEST(Parsers, RepeatedParser) {
TEST(Parsers, OptionalParser) {
auto parser = sequence(
transform(exactly('b'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 123; }),
optional(transform(exactly('a'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 456; })),
transform(exactly('r'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 789; }));
StringPtr text = "bar";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<uint, Maybe<uint>, uint>> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, get<0>(*value));
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value2, get<1>(*value)) {
EXPECT_EQ(456, *value2);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 456, got null.";
EXPECT_EQ(789, get<2>(*value));
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected result tuple, got null.";
StringPtr text = "br";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<uint, Maybe<uint>, uint>> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, get<0>(*value));
EXPECT_TRUE(get<1>(*value) == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(789, get<2>(*value));
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected result tuple, got null.";
StringPtr text = "bzr";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<Tuple<uint, Maybe<uint>, uint>> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
TEST(Parsers, OneOfParser) {
auto parser = oneOf(
transform(sequence(exactChar('f'), exactChar('o'), exactChar('o')),
transform(sequence(exactly('f'), exactly('o'), exactly('o')),
[](TestLocation) -> StringPtr { return "foo"; }),
transform(sequence(exactChar('b'), exactChar('a'), exactChar('r')),
transform(sequence(exactly('b'), exactly('a'), exactly('r')),
[](TestLocation) -> StringPtr { return "bar"; }));
......@@ -247,6 +227,107 @@ TEST(Parsers, OneOfParser) {
TEST(Parsers, TransformParser) {
StringPtr text = "foo";
auto parser = transform(
sequence(exactly('f'), exactly('o'), exactly('o')),
[](TestLocation location) -> int {
EXPECT_EQ("foo", StringPtr(location.begin(), location.end()));
return 123;
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(123, *i);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 123, got null.";
TEST(Parsers, References) {
struct TransformFunc {
int value;
TransformFunc(int value): value(value) {}
int operator()(TestLocation) const { return value; }
// Don't use auto for the parsers here in order to verify that the templates are properly choosing
// whether to use references or copies.
Transform_<Exactly_<char>, TransformFunc> parser1 =
transform(exactly('f'), TransformFunc(12));
auto otherParser = exactly('o');
Transform_<Exactly_<char>&, TransformFunc> parser2 =
transform(otherParser, TransformFunc(34));
auto otherParser2 = exactly('b');
Transform_<Exactly_<char>, TransformFunc> parser3 =
transform(mv(otherParser2), TransformFunc(56));
StringPtr text = "foob";
auto parser = transform(
sequence(parser1, parser2, exactly('o'), parser3),
[](TestLocation, int i, int j, int k) { return i + j + k; });
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<int> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(i, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(12 + 34 + 56, *i);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected 12 + 34 + 56, got null.";
TEST(Parsers, AcceptIfParser) {
auto parser = acceptIf(
oneOf(transform(exactly('a'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 123; }),
transform(exactly('b'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 456; }),
transform(exactly('c'), [](TestLocation) -> uint { return 789; })),
[](uint i) {return i > 200;});
StringPtr text = "a";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<uint> result = parser(input);
EXPECT_TRUE(result == nullptr);
StringPtr text = "b";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<uint> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(456, *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
StringPtr text = "c";
Input input(text.begin(), text.end());
Maybe<uint> result = parser(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result) {
EXPECT_EQ(789, *value);
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected parse result, got null.";
} // namespace
} // namespace parse
} // namespace kj
......@@ -21,6 +21,20 @@
// Parser combinator framework!
// This file declares several functions which construct parsers, usually taking other parsers as
// input, thus making them parser combinators.
// A valid parser is any functor which takes a reference to an input cursor (defined below) as its
// input and returns a Maybe. The parser returns null on parse failure, or returns the parsed
// result on success.
// An "input cursor" is any type which implements the same interface as IteratorInput, below. Such
// a type acts as a pointer to the current input location. When a parser returns successfully, it
// will have updated the input cursor to point to the position just past the end of what was parsed.
// On failure, the cursor position is unspecified.
#ifndef KJ_PARSER_H_
#define KJ_PARSER_H_
......@@ -35,6 +49,8 @@ namespace parse {
template <typename Element, typename Iterator>
class IteratorInput {
// A parser input implementation based on an iterator range.
typedef Element ElementType;
......@@ -81,162 +97,71 @@ private:
IteratorInput& operator=(IteratorInput&&) = delete;
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParseFuncType;
template <typename I, typename O, typename Object>
struct ExtractParseFuncType<Maybe<O> (Object::*)(I&) const> {
typedef I InputType;
typedef typename I::ElementType ElementType;
typedef O OutputType;
template <typename I, typename O, typename Object>
struct ExtractParseFuncType<Maybe<O> (Object::*)(I&)> {
typedef I InputType;
typedef typename I::ElementType ElementType;
typedef O OutputType;
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType: public ExtractParseFuncType<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType<T&>: public ExtractParserType<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType<T&&>: public ExtractParserType<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType<const T>: public ExtractParserType<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType<const T&>: public ExtractParserType<T> {};
template <typename T>
struct ExtractParserType<const T&&>: public ExtractParserType<T> {};
template <typename T> struct OutputType_;
template <typename T> struct OutputType_<Maybe<T>> { typedef T Type; };
template <typename Parser, typename Input>
using OutputType = typename OutputType_<decltype(instance<Parser&>()(instance<Input&>()))>::Type;
// Synonym for the output type of a parser, given the parser type and the input type.
// =======================================================================================
template <typename Input, typename Output>
class ParserWrapper {
virtual ~ParserWrapper() {}
typedef Input InputType;
typedef typename Input::ElementType ElementType;
typedef Output OutputType;
virtual Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const = 0;
virtual Own<ParserWrapper> clone() = 0;
class ParserRef {
// Acts as a reference to some other parser, with simplified type. The referenced parser
// is polymorphic by virtual call rather than templates. For grammars of non-trivial size,
// it is important to inject refs into the grammar here and there to prevent the parser types
// from becoming ridiculous. Using too many of them can hurt performance, though.
template <typename Input, typename Output>
class Parser {
Parser(const Parser& other): wrapper(other.wrapper->clone()) {}
Parser(Parser& other): wrapper(other.wrapper->clone()) {}
Parser(const Parser&& other): wrapper(other.wrapper->clone()) {}
Parser(Parser&& other): wrapper(kj::mv(other.wrapper)) {}
Parser(Own<ParserWrapper<Input, Output>> wrapper): wrapper(kj::mv(wrapper)) {}
template <typename Other>
Parser(Other&& other): wrapper(heap<WrapperImpl<Other>>(kj::mv(other))) {}
Parser& operator=(const Parser& other) { wrapper = other.wrapper->clone(); }
Parser& operator=(Parser&& other) { wrapper = kj::mv(other.wrapper); }
ParserRef(Other& other): parser(&other), wrapper(WrapperImpl<Other>::instance()) {}
// Always inline in the hopes that this allows branch prediction to kick in so the virtual call
// doesn't hurt so much.
inline Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const __attribute__((always_inline)) {
return (*wrapper)(input);
KJ_ALWAYS_INLINE(Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const) {
// Always inline in the hopes that this allows branch prediction to kick in so the virtual call
// doesn't hurt so much.
return wrapper.parse(parser, input);
Own<ParserWrapper<Input, Output>> wrapper;
template <typename Other>
struct WrapperImpl: public ParserWrapper<Input, Output> {
WrapperImpl(Other&& impl): impl(kj::mv(impl)) {};
~WrapperImpl() {}
Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const {
return impl(input);
struct Wrapper {
virtual Maybe<Output> parse(const void* parser, Input& input) const = 0;
template <typename ParserImpl>
struct WrapperImpl: public Wrapper {
Maybe<Output> parse(const void* parser, Input& input) const override {
return (*reinterpret_cast<const ParserImpl*>(parser))(input);
Own<ParserWrapper<Input, Output>> clone() {
return heap<WrapperImpl>(*this);
static WrapperImpl& instance() {
static WrapperImpl obj;
return obj;
Other impl;
template <typename ParserImpl>
Parser<typename ExtractParserType<ParserImpl>::InputType,
typename ExtractParserType<ParserImpl>::OutputType>
wrap(ParserImpl&& impl) {
typedef typename ExtractParserType<ParserImpl>::InputType Input;
typedef typename ExtractParserType<ParserImpl>::OutputType Output;
return Parser<Input, Output>(kj::mv(impl));
template <typename SubParser>
class ParserRef {
explicit ParserRef(const SubParser& parser): parser(&parser) {}
Maybe<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType> operator()(
typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType& input) const {
return (*parser)(input);
const SubParser* parser;
template <typename SubParser>
ParserRef<Decay<SubParser>> ref(const SubParser& impl) {
return ParserRef<Decay<SubParser>>(impl);
template <typename T>
struct MaybeRef {
typedef Decay<T> Type;
template <typename U>
static Type from(U&& parser) {
return static_cast<Type&&>(parser);
const void* parser;
Wrapper& wrapper;
template <typename T>
struct MaybeRef<T&> {
typedef ParserRef<Decay<T>> Type;
template <typename U>
static Type from(U& parser) {
return parse::ref(parser);
template <typename Input, typename ParserImpl>
ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>>
ref(ParserImpl& impl) {
// Constructs a ParserRef. You must specify the input type explicitly, e.g.
// `ref<MyInput>(myParser)`.
template <template <typename SubParser> class WrapperParser>
struct WrapperParserConstructor {
template <typename SubParser, typename... Args>
WrapperParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type> operator()(
SubParser&& subParser, Args&&... args) {
return WrapperParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type>(
return ParserRef<Input, OutputType<ParserImpl, Input>>(impl);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// ExactElementParser
// exactly()
// Output = Tuple<>
template <typename Input>
class ExactElementParser {
template <typename T>
class Exactly_ {
explicit ExactElementParser(typename Input::ElementType&& expected): expected(expected) {}
explicit Exactly_(T&& expected): expected(expected) {}
virtual Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
if (input.atEnd() || input.current() != expected) {
return nullptr;
} else {
......@@ -246,40 +171,44 @@ public:
typename Input::ElementType expected;
T expected;
template <typename Input>
ExactElementParser<Input> exactElement(typename Input::ElementType&& expected) {
return ExactElementParser<Decay<Input>>(kj::mv(expected));
template <typename T>
Exactly_<T> exactly(T&& expected) {
// Constructs a parser which succeeds when the input is exactly the token specified. The
// result is always the empty tuple.
return Exactly_<T>(kj::fwd<T>(expected));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// SequenceParser
// sequence()
// Output = Flattened Tuple of outputs of sub-parsers.
template <typename Input, typename... SubParsers> class SequenceParser;
template <typename... SubParsers> class Sequence_;
template <typename Input, typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class SequenceParser<Input, FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class Sequence_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename T, typename... U>
explicit SequenceParser(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
explicit Sequence_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
: first(kj::fwd<T>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<U>(rest)...) {}
template <typename Input>
auto operator()(Input& input) const ->
instance<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::OutputType>(),
instance<typename ExtractParserType<SubParsers>::OutputType>()...))> {
instance<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>>(),
instance<OutputType<SubParsers, Input>>()...))> {
return parseNext(input);
template <typename... InitialParams>
template <typename Input, typename... InitialParams>
auto parseNext(Input& input, InitialParams&&... initialParams) const ->
instance<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::OutputType>(),
instance<typename ExtractParserType<SubParsers>::OutputType>()...))> {
instance<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>>(),
instance<OutputType<SubParsers, Input>>()...))> {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(firstResult, first(input)) {
return rest.parseNext(input, kj::fwd<InitialParams>(initialParams)...,
......@@ -290,52 +219,49 @@ public:
FirstSubParser first;
SequenceParser<Input, SubParsers...> rest;
Sequence_<SubParsers...> rest;
template <typename Input>
class SequenceParser<Input> {
template <>
class Sequence_<> {
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
return parseNext(input);
template <typename... Params>
template <typename Input, typename... Params>
auto parseNext(Input& input, Params&&... params) const ->
Maybe<decltype(tuple(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...))> {
return tuple(kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);
template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... MoreSubParsers>
SequenceParser<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::InputType,
typename MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::Type,
typename MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::Type...>
sequence(FirstSubParser&& first, MoreSubParsers&&... rest) {
return SequenceParser<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::InputType,
typename MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::Type,
typename MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::Type...>(
MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::from(first), MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::from(rest)...);
template <typename... SubParsers>
Sequence_<SubParsers...> sequence(SubParsers&&... subParsers) {
// Constructs a parser that executes each of the parameter parsers in sequence and returns a
// tuple of their results.
return Sequence_<SubParsers...>(kj::fwd<SubParsers>(subParsers)...);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// RepeatedParser
// many()
// Output = Array of output of sub-parser.
template <typename SubParser, bool atLeastOne>
class RepeatedParser {
class Many_ {
explicit RepeatedParser(SubParser&& subParser)
explicit Many_(SubParser&& subParser)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)) {}
Maybe<Vector<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType>> operator()(
typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType& input) const {
typedef Vector<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType> Results;
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Array<OutputType<SubParser, Input>>> operator()(Input& input) const {
typedef Vector<OutputType<SubParser, Input>> Results;
Results results;
while (!input.atEnd()) {
typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType subInput(input);
Input subInput(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(subInput)) {
......@@ -349,7 +275,7 @@ public:
return nullptr;
return kj::mv(results);
return results.releaseAsArray();
......@@ -357,41 +283,38 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser>
RepeatedParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, false>
repeated(SubParser&& subParser) {
return RepeatedParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, false>(
Many_<SubParser, false> many(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Constructs a parser that repeatedly executes the given parser until it fails, returning an
// Array of the results.
return Many_<SubParser, false>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
template <typename SubParser>
RepeatedParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, true>
oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) {
return RepeatedParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, true>(
Many_<SubParser, true> oneOrMore(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Like `many()` but the parser must parse at least one item to be successful.
return Many_<SubParser, true>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// OptionalParser
// optional()
// Output = Maybe<output of sub-parser>
template <typename SubParser>
class OptionalParser {
class Optional_ {
explicit OptionalParser(SubParser&& subParser)
explicit Optional_(SubParser&& subParser)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)) {}
Maybe<Maybe<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType>> operator()(
typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType& input) const {
typedef Maybe<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType> Result;
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Maybe<OutputType<SubParser, Input>>> operator()(Input& input) const {
typedef Maybe<OutputType<SubParser, Input>> Result;
typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType subInput(input);
auto subResult = subParser(subInput);
if (subResult == nullptr) {
return Result(nullptr);
} else {
Input subInput(input);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(subInput)) {
return Result(kj::mv(*subResult));
} else {
return Result(nullptr);
......@@ -400,34 +323,34 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser>
OptionalParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type>
optional(SubParser&& subParser) {
return OptionalParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type>(
Optional_<SubParser> optional(SubParser&& subParser) {
// Constructs a parser that accepts zero or one of the given sub-parser, returning a Maybe
// of the sub-parser's result.
return Optional_<SubParser>(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// OneOfParser
// oneOf()
// All SubParsers must have same output type, which becomes the output type of the
// OneOfParser.
template <typename Input, typename Output, typename... SubParsers>
class OneOfParser;
template <typename... SubParsers>
class OneOf_;
template <typename Input, typename Output, typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class OneOfParser<Input, Output, FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... SubParsers>
class OneOf_<FirstSubParser, SubParsers...> {
template <typename T, typename... U>
explicit OneOfParser(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
explicit OneOf_(T&& firstSubParser, U&&... rest)
: first(kj::fwd<T>(firstSubParser)), rest(kj::fwd<U>(rest)...) {}
Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const {
template <typename Input>
Maybe<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>> operator()(Input& input) const {
Input subInput(input);
Maybe<Output> firstResult = first(subInput);
Maybe<OutputType<FirstSubParser, Input>> firstResult = first(subInput);
if (firstResult != nullptr) {
// MAYBE: Should we try parsing with "rest" in order to check for ambiguities?
return kj::mv(firstResult);
......@@ -439,32 +362,28 @@ public:
FirstSubParser first;
OneOfParser<Input, Output, SubParsers...> rest;
OneOf_<SubParsers...> rest;
template <typename Input, typename Output>
class OneOfParser<Input, Output> {
template <>
class OneOf_<> {
Maybe<Output> operator()(Input& input) const {
template <typename Input>
decltype(nullptr) operator()(Input& input) const {
return nullptr;
template <typename FirstSubParser, typename... MoreSubParsers>
OneOfParser<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::InputType,
typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::OutputType,
typename MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::Type,
typename MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::Type...>
oneOf(FirstSubParser&& first, MoreSubParsers&&... rest) {
return OneOfParser<typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::InputType,
typename ExtractParserType<FirstSubParser>::OutputType,
typename MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::Type,
typename MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::Type...>(
MaybeRef<FirstSubParser>::from(first), MaybeRef<MoreSubParsers>::from(rest)...);
template <typename... SubParsers>
OneOf_<SubParsers...> oneOf(SubParsers&&... parsers) {
// Constructs a parser that accepts one of a set of options. The parser behaves as the first
// sub-parser in the list which returns successfully. All of the sub-parsers must return the
// same type.
return OneOf_<SubParsers...>(kj::fwd<SubParsers>(parsers)...);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// TransformParser
// transform()
// Output = Result of applying transform functor to input value. If input is a tuple, it is
// unpacked to form the transformation parameters.
......@@ -482,22 +401,25 @@ private:
Position end_;
template <typename SubParser, typename Transform>
class TransformParser {
explicit TransformParser(SubParser&& subParser, Transform&& transform)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)), transform(kj::mv(transform)) {}
typedef typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType InputType;
typedef Decay<decltype(instance<InputType>().getPosition())> Position;
typedef typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType SubOutput;
typedef decltype(kj::apply(instance<Transform&>(), instance<Span<Position>>(),
instance<SubOutput&&>())) Output;
template <typename Position>
Span<Decay<Position>> span(Position&& start, Position&& end) {
return Span<Decay<Position>>(kj::fwd<Position>(start), kj::fwd<Position>(end));
Maybe<Output> operator()(InputType& input) const {
template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc>
class Transform_ {
explicit Transform_(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& transform)
: subParser(kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser)), transform(kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(transform)) {}
template <typename Input>
instance<OutputType<SubParser, Input>&&>()))>
operator()(Input& input) const {
auto start = input.getPosition();
KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) {
return kj::apply(transform, Span<Position>(kj::mv(start), input.getPosition()),
return kj::apply(transform, Span<decltype(start)>(kj::mv(start), input.getPosition()),
} else {
return nullptr;
......@@ -506,33 +428,39 @@ public:
SubParser subParser;
Transform transform;
TransformFunc transform;
template <typename SubParser, typename Transform>
TransformParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, Decay<Transform>>
transform(SubParser&& subParser, Transform&& transform) {
return TransformParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, Decay<Transform>>(
MaybeRef<SubParser>::from(subParser), kj::fwd<Transform>(transform));
template <typename SubParser, typename TransformFunc>
Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc> transform(SubParser&& subParser, TransformFunc&& functor) {
// Constructs a parser which executes some other parser and then transforms the result by invoking
// `functor` on it. Typically `functor` is a lambda. It is invoked using `kj::apply`,
// meaning tuples will be unpacked as arguments.
return Transform_<SubParser, TransformFunc>(
kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<TransformFunc>(functor));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// AcceptIfParser
// acceptIf()
// Output = Same as SubParser
template <typename SubParser, typename Condition>
class AcceptIfParser {
class AcceptIf_ {
explicit AcceptIfParser(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition)
explicit AcceptIf_(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition)
: subParser(kj::mv(subParser)), condition(kj::mv(condition)) {}
Maybe<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType>
operator()(typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::InputType& input) const {
Maybe<typename ExtractParserType<SubParser>::OutputType> subResult = subParser(input);
if (subResult && !condition(*subResult)) {
subResult = nullptr;
template <typename Input>
Maybe<OutputType<SubParser, Input>> operator()(Input& input) const {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(subResult, subParser(input)) {
if (condition(*subResult)) {
return kj::mv(*subResult);
} else {
return nullptr;
} else {
return nullptr;
return subResult;
......@@ -541,19 +469,22 @@ private:
template <typename SubParser, typename Condition>
AcceptIfParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, Decay<Condition>>
acceptIf(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition) {
return AcceptIfParser<typename MaybeRef<SubParser>::Type, Decay<Condition>>(
MaybeRef<SubParser>::from(subParser), kj::fwd<Condition>(condition));
AcceptIf_<SubParser, Condition> acceptIf(SubParser&& subParser, Condition&& condition) {
// Constructs a parser which executes some other parser and then invokes the functor
// `condition` on the result to check if it is valid. Typically, `condition` is a lambda
// returning true or false. Like with `transform()`, `condition` is invoked using `kj::apply`
// to unpack tuples.
return AcceptIf_<SubParser, Condition>(
kj::fwd<SubParser>(subParser), kj::fwd<Condition>(condition));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EndOfInputParser
// endOfInput()
// Output = Tuple<>, only succeeds if at end-of-input
template <typename Input>
class EndOfInputParser {
class EndOfInput_ {
template <typename Input>
Maybe<Tuple<>> operator()(Input& input) const {
if (input.atEnd()) {
return Tuple<>();
......@@ -563,9 +494,9 @@ public:
template <typename T>
EndOfInputParser<T> endOfInput() {
return EndOfInputParser<T>();
EndOfInput_ endOfInput() {
// Constructs a parser that succeeds only if it is called with no input.
return EndOfInput_();
} // namespace parse
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class Vector {
// move constructor throws, the Vector is left in an inconsistent state. This is acceptable
// under KJ exception theory which assumes that exceptions leave things in inconsistent states.
// TODO(someday): Allow specifying a custom allocator.
inline Vector() = default;
inline explicit Vector(size_t capacity): builder(heapArrayBuilder<T>(capacity)) {}
......@@ -59,6 +61,14 @@ public:
inline T& front() { return builder.front(); }
inline T& back() { return builder.back(); }
inline Array<T> releaseAsArray() {
// TODO(perf): Avoid a copy/move by allowing Array<T> to point to incomplete space?
if (!builder.isFull()) {
return builder.finish();
template <typename... Params>
inline void add(Params&&... params) {
if (builder.isFull()) grow();
......@@ -69,10 +79,13 @@ private:
ArrayBuilder<T> builder;
void grow() {
size_t newSize = capacity() == 0 ? 4 : capacity() * 2;
setCapacity(capacity() == 0 ? 4 : capacity() * 2);
void setCapacity(size_t newSize) {
ArrayBuilder<T> newBuilder = heapArrayBuilder<T>(newSize);
for (T& element: builder) {
size_t moveCount = kj::min(newSize, builder.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < moveCount; i++) {
builder = kj::mv(newBuilder);
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