Unverified Commit 1560b9a5 authored by Harris Hancock's avatar Harris Hancock Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #841 from capnproto/fix-sendStream

Fix sendStream() failing if it can't complete immediately.
parents d8dd3233 eb7597fc
......@@ -238,6 +238,47 @@ TEST(AsyncIo, CapabilityPipe) {
EXPECT_EQ("foo", result2);
TEST(AsyncIo, CapabilityPipeBlockedSendStream) {
// Check for a bug that existed at one point where if a sendStream() call couldn't complete
// immediately, it would fail.
auto io = setupAsyncIo();
auto pipe = io.provider->newCapabilityPipe();
Promise<void> promise = nullptr;
Own<AsyncIoStream> endpoint1;
uint nonBlockedCount = 0;
for (;;) {
auto pipe2 = io.provider->newCapabilityPipe();
promise = pipe.ends[0]->sendStream(kj::mv(pipe2.ends[0]));
if (promise.poll(io.waitScope)) {
// Send completed immediately, because there was enough space in the stream.
} else {
// Send blocked! Let's continue with this promise then!
endpoint1 = kj::mv(pipe2.ends[1]);
for (uint i KJ_UNUSED: kj::zeroTo(nonBlockedCount)) {
// Receive and ignore all the streams that were sent without blocking.
// Now that write that blocked should have been able to complete.
// Now get the one that blocked.
auto endpoint2 = pipe.ends[1]->receiveStream().wait(io.waitScope);
endpoint1->write("foo", 3).wait(io.waitScope);
KJ_EXPECT(endpoint2->readAllText().wait(io.waitScope) == "foo");
TEST(AsyncIo, CapabilityPipeMultiStreamMessage) {
auto ioContext = setupAsyncIo();
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ public:
return downcast<AsyncStreamFd>(*stream).fd;
auto promise = writeInternal(data, moreData, fds);
return promise.attach(kj::mv(fds));
return promise.attach(kj::mv(fds), kj::mv(streams));
Promise<void> whenWriteDisconnected() override {
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