Commit 0f2f7c38 authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Fix cmake: Use heuristics to detect when the same file is mapped in multiple locations.

Unfortunately, our cmake build scripts have historically passed -I flags specifying both the root of the source tree and the specific subdirectory in which the .capnp file is located. This is not correct, but since people do it (including our own cmake build), we need to not fail when this happens. Instead we print a warning.
parent 70d3ab46
......@@ -27,11 +27,101 @@
#include <kj/debug.h>
#include <kj/io.h>
#include <capnp/message.h>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace capnp {
namespace compiler {
namespace {
struct FileKey {
// Key type for the modules map. We need to implement some complicated heuristics to detect when
// two files are actually the same underlying file on disk, in order to handle the case where
// people have mapped the same file into multiple locations in the import tree, whether by
// passing overlapping import paths, weird symlinks, or whatever.
// This is probably over-engineered.
kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir;
kj::PathPtr path;
kj::ReadableFile* file; // should be Maybe<ReadableFile&> but annoying const-copy issues come up.
uint64_t hashCode;
uint64_t size;
kj::Date lastModified;
FileKey(kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir, kj::PathPtr path)
: baseDir(baseDir), path(path), file(nullptr),
hashCode(0), size(0), lastModified(kj::UNIX_EPOCH) {}
FileKey(kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir, kj::PathPtr path, kj::ReadableFile& file)
: FileKey(baseDir, path, file, file.stat()) {}
FileKey(kj::ReadableDirectory& baseDir, kj::PathPtr path, kj::ReadableFile& file,
kj::FsNode::Metadata meta)
: baseDir(baseDir), path(path), file(&file),
hashCode(meta.hashCode), size(meta.size), lastModified(meta.lastModified) {}
bool operator==(const FileKey& other) const {
// Allow matching on baseDir and path without a file.
if (&baseDir == &other.baseDir && path == other.path) return true;
if (file == nullptr || other.file == nullptr) return false;
// Try comparing various file metadata to rule out obvious differences.
if (hashCode != other.hashCode) return false;
if (size != other.size || lastModified != other.lastModified) return false;
if (path.size() > 0 && other.path.size() > 0 &&
path[path.size() - 1] != other.path[other.path.size() - 1]) {
// Names differ, so probably not the same file.
return false;
// Same file hash, but different paths, but same size and modification date. This could be a
// case of two different import paths overlapping and containing the same file. We'll need to
// check the content.
auto mapping1 = file->mmap(0, size);
auto mapping2 = other.file->mmap(0, size);
if (memcmp(mapping1.begin(), mapping2.begin(), size) != 0) return false;
if (path == other.path) {
// Exactly the same content was mapped at exactly the same path relative to two different
// import directories. This can only really happen if this was one of the files passed on
// the command line, but its --src-prefix is not also an import path, but some other
// directory containing the same file was given as an import path. Whatever, we'll ignore
// this.
return true;
// Exactly the same content!
static bool warned = false;
if (!warned) {
"Found exactly the same source file mapped at two different paths. This suggests "
"that your -I and --src-prefix flags are overlapping or inconsistent. Remember, these "
"flags should only specify directories that are logical 'roots' of the source tree. "
"It should never be the case that one of the import directories contains another one of "
path, other.path);
warned = true;
return true;
struct FileKeyHash {
size_t operator()(const FileKey& key) const {
if (sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(key.hashCode)) {
// 32-bit system, do more mixing
return (key.hashCode >> 32) * 31 + static_cast<size_t>(key.hashCode) +
key.size * 103 + (key.lastModified - kj::UNIX_EPOCH) / kj::MILLISECONDS * 73;
} else {
return key.hashCode + key.size * 103 +
(key.lastModified - kj::UNIX_EPOCH) / kj::NANOSECONDS * 73;
class ModuleLoader::Impl {
Impl(GlobalErrorReporter& errorReporter)
......@@ -50,14 +140,14 @@ public:
GlobalErrorReporter& errorReporter;
kj::Vector<kj::ReadableDirectory*> searchPath;
std::map<std::pair<kj::ReadableDirectory*, kj::PathPtr>, kj::Own<Module>> modules;
std::unordered_map<FileKey, kj::Own<Module>, FileKeyHash> modules;
class ModuleLoader::ModuleImpl final: public Module {
ModuleImpl(ModuleLoader::Impl& loader, kj::Own<kj::ReadableFile> file,
kj::ReadableDirectory& sourceDir, kj::PathPtr path)
: loader(loader), file(kj::mv(file)), sourceDir(sourceDir), path(path.clone()),
kj::ReadableDirectory& sourceDir, kj::Path pathParam)
: loader(loader), file(kj::mv(file)), sourceDir(sourceDir), path(kj::mv(pathParam)),
sourceNameStr(path.toString()) {
KJ_REQUIRE(path.size() > 0);
......@@ -128,17 +218,24 @@ private:
kj::Maybe<Module&> ModuleLoader::Impl::loadModule(
kj::ReadableDirectory& dir, kj::PathPtr path) {
auto iter = modules.find(std::make_pair(&dir, path));
auto iter = modules.find(FileKey(dir, path));
if (iter != modules.end()) {
// Return existing file.
return *iter->second;
KJ_IF_MAYBE(file, dir.tryOpenFile(path)) {
auto module = kj::heap<ModuleImpl>(*this, kj::mv(*file), dir, path);
auto pathCopy = path.clone();
auto key = FileKey(dir, pathCopy, **file);
auto module = kj::heap<ModuleImpl>(*this, kj::mv(*file), dir, kj::mv(pathCopy));
auto& result = *module;
modules.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(&dir, result.getPath()), kj::mv(module)));
return result;
auto insertResult = modules.insert(std::make_pair(key, kj::mv(module)));
if (insertResult.second) {
return result;
} else {
// Now that we have the file open, we noticed a collision. Return the old file.
return *insertResult.first->second;
} else {
// No such file.
return nullptr;
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