Unverified Commit 04b5331b authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda Committed by GitHub

In AsyncUnixTest::UrgentObesrver, work around MSG_OOB not being supported.

This seems to be the case, for example, on WSL.
parent 2500a628
......@@ -489,6 +489,14 @@ TEST(AsyncUnixTest, UrgentObserver) {
KJ_SYSCALL(getsockname(serverFd, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&saddr), &saddrLen));
KJ_SYSCALL(listen(serverFd, 1));
// Create a pipe that we'll use to signal if MSG_OOB return EINVAL.
int failpipe[2];
// Accept one connection, send in-band and OOB byte, wait for a quit message
Thread thread([&]() {
int tmpFd;
......@@ -504,7 +512,14 @@ TEST(AsyncUnixTest, UrgentObserver) {
c = 'i';
KJ_SYSCALL(send(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
c = 'o';
KJ_SYSCALL(send(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB));
KJ_SYSCALL_HANDLE_ERRORS(send(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB)) {
case EINVAL:
// Looks like MSG_OOB is not supported. (This is the case e.g. on WSL.)
KJ_SYSCALL(write(failpipe[1], &c, 1));
KJ_FAIL_SYSCALL("send(..., MSG_OOB)", error);
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ('q', c);
......@@ -517,24 +532,32 @@ TEST(AsyncUnixTest, UrgentObserver) {
UnixEventPort::FdObserver observer(port, clientFd,
UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_READ | UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_URGENT);
UnixEventPort::FdObserver failObserver(port, failpipe[0],
UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_READ | UnixEventPort::FdObserver::OBSERVE_URGENT);
auto promise = observer.whenUrgentDataAvailable().then([]() { return true; });
auto failPromise = failObserver.whenBecomesReadable().then([]() { return false; });
bool oobSupported = promise.exclusiveJoin(kj::mv(failPromise)).wait(waitScope);
if (oobSupported) {
#if __CYGWIN__
// On Cygwin, reading the urgent byte first causes the subsequent regular read to block until
// such a time as the connection closes -- and then the byte is successfully returned. This
// seems to be a cygwin bug.
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ('i', c);
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB));
EXPECT_EQ('o', c);
// On Cygwin, reading the urgent byte first causes the subsequent regular read to block until
// such a time as the connection closes -- and then the byte is successfully returned. This
// seems to be a cygwin bug.
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ('i', c);
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB));
EXPECT_EQ('o', c);
// Attempt to read the urgent byte prior to reading the in-band byte.
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB));
EXPECT_EQ('o', c);
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ('i', c);
// Attempt to read the urgent byte prior to reading the in-band byte.
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, MSG_OOB));
EXPECT_EQ('o', c);
KJ_SYSCALL(recv(clientFd, &c, 1, 0));
EXPECT_EQ('i', c);
} else {
KJ_LOG(WARNING, "MSG_OOB doesn't seem to be supported on your platform.");
// Allow server thread to let its clientFd go out of scope.
c = 'q';
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