Commit 0028d85c authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Extend KJ event loop to support cross-thread events.

The new `Executor` class provides an interface to run a function on some other thread's EventLoop.

`kj::getCurrentThreadExecutor()` gets a reference to this thread's executor, which can then be exposed to other threads.

When a thread requests execution of a function on another thread, the return value is returned to the requesting thread. The requesting thread may choose to wait synchronously for this return value or -- if the requesting thread has an event loop of its own -- it can get Promise for the eventual result.

Meanwhile, orthogonally, the function can either return a raw result or return a Promise; in the latter case, the Promise is resolved to completion in the executor thread and the final result is sent back to the requesting thread.
parent 2625589f
......@@ -78,12 +78,43 @@ public:
Maybe<T> value;
template <typename T>
inline T convertToReturn(ExceptionOr<T>&& result) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result.value) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
return _::returnMaybeVoid(kj::mv(*value));
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
inline void convertToReturn(ExceptionOr<Void>&& result) {
// Override <void> case to use throwRecoverableException().
if (result.value != nullptr) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
class Event {
// An event waiting to be executed. Not for direct use by applications -- promises use this
// internally.
Event(kj::EventLoop& loop);
~Event() noexcept(false);
......@@ -105,6 +136,10 @@ public:
void armBreadthFirst();
// Like `armDepthFirst()` except that the event is placed at the end of the queue.
void disarm();
// If the event is armed but hasn't fired, cancel it. (Destroying the event does this
// implicitly.)
kj::String trace();
// Dump debug info about this event.
......@@ -165,6 +200,7 @@ protected:
void init(Event* newEvent);
void arm();
void armBreadthFirst();
// Arms the event if init() has already been called and makes future calls to init()
// automatically arm the event.
......@@ -877,40 +913,8 @@ Promise<T> Promise<T>::catch_(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) {
template <typename T>
T Promise<T>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) {
_::ExceptionOr<_::FixVoid<T>> result;
_::waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result, waitScope);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(value, result.value) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
return _::returnMaybeVoid(kj::mv(*value));
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
template <>
inline void Promise<void>::wait(WaitScope& waitScope) {
// Override <void> case to use throwRecoverableException().
_::ExceptionOr<_::Void> result;
_::waitImpl(kj::mv(node), result, waitScope);
if (result.value != nullptr) {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, result.exception) {
} else {
// Result contained neither a value nor an exception?
return convertToReturn(kj::mv(result));
template <typename T>
......@@ -1139,4 +1143,155 @@ PromiseFulfillerPair<T> newPromiseAndFulfiller() {
return PromiseFulfillerPair<T> { kj::mv(promise), kj::mv(wrapper) };
// =======================================================================================
// cross-thread stuff
namespace _ { // (private)
class XThreadEvent: private Event, // it's an event in the target thread
public PromiseNode { // it's a PromiseNode in the requesting thread
XThreadEvent(ExceptionOrValue& result, const Executor& targetExecutor)
: Event(targetExecutor.loop), result(result), targetExecutor(targetExecutor) {}
void ensureDoneOrCanceled();
// MUST be called in destructor of subclasses to make sure the object is not destroyed while
// still being accessed by the other thread. (This can't be placed in ~XThreadEvent() because
// that destructor doesn't run until the subclass has already been destroyed.)
virtual kj::Maybe<Own<PromiseNode>> execute() = 0;
// Run the function. If the function returns a promise, returns the inner PromiseNode, otherwise
// returns null.
template <typename T>
Own<PromiseNode> extractNode(Promise<T> promise) { return kj::mv(promise.node); }
// implements PromiseNode ----------------------------------------------------
void onReady(Event* event) noexcept override;
ExceptionOrValue& result;
const Executor& targetExecutor;
Maybe<const Executor&> replyExecutor; // If executeAsync() was used.
kj::Maybe<Own<PromiseNode>> promiseNode;
// Accessed only in target thread.
Maybe<XThreadEvent&> targetNext;
Maybe<XThreadEvent&>* targetPrev = nullptr;
// Membership in one of the linked lists in the target Executor's work list or cancel list. These
// fields are protected by the target Executor's mutex.
enum {
// Object was never queued on another thread.
// Target thread has not yet dequeued the event from The requesting
// thread can cancel execution by removing the event from the list.
// Target thread has dequeued the event and is executing it. To cancel, the requesting thread
// must add the event to the crossThreadRequests.cancel list.
// Target thread has completed handling this event and will not touch it again. The requesting
// thread can safely delete the object. The `state` is updated to `DONE` using an atomic
// release operation after ensuring that the event will not be touched again, so that the
// requesting can safely skip locking if it observes the state is already DONE.
} state = UNUSED;
// State, which is also protected by `targetExecutor`'s mutex.
Maybe<XThreadEvent&> replyNext;
Maybe<XThreadEvent&>* replyPrev = nullptr;
// Membership in `replyExecutor`'s reply list. Protected by `replyExecutor`'s mutex. The
// executing thread places the event in the reply list near the end of the `EXECUTING` state.
// Because the thread cannot lock two mutexes at once, it's possible that the reply executor
// will receive the reply while the event is still listed in the EXECUTING state, but it can
// ignore the state and proceed with the result.
OnReadyEvent onReadyEvent;
// Accessed only in requesting thread.
friend class kj::Executor;
void done();
// implements Event ----------------------------------------------------------
Maybe<Own<Event>> fire() override;
// If called with promiseNode == nullptr, it's time to call execute(). If promiseNode != nullptr,
// then it just indicated readiness and we need to get its result.
template <typename Func, typename = _::FixVoid<_::ReturnType<Func, void>>>
class XThreadEventImpl final: public XThreadEvent {
// Implementation for a function that does not return a Promise.
XThreadEventImpl(Func&& func, const Executor& target)
: XThreadEvent(result, target), func(kj::fwd<Func>(func)) {}
~XThreadEventImpl() noexcept(false) { ensureDoneOrCanceled(); }
typedef _::FixVoid<_::ReturnType<Func, void>> ResultT;
kj::Maybe<Own<_::PromiseNode>> execute() override {
result.value = MaybeVoidCaller<Void, FixVoid<decltype(func())>>::apply(func, Void());
return nullptr;
// implements PromiseNode ----------------------------------------------------
void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override {<ResultT>() = kj::mv(result);
Func func;
ExceptionOr<ResultT> result;
friend Executor;
template <typename Func, typename T>
class XThreadEventImpl<Func, Promise<T>> final: public XThreadEvent {
// Implementation for a function that DOES return a Promise.
XThreadEventImpl(Func&& func, const Executor& target)
: XThreadEvent(result, target), func(kj::fwd<Func>(func)) {}
~XThreadEventImpl() noexcept(false) { ensureDoneOrCanceled(); }
typedef _::FixVoid<_::UnwrapPromise<PromiseForResult<Func, void>>> ResultT;
kj::Maybe<Own<_::PromiseNode>> execute() override {
auto result = extractNode(func());
KJ_IREQUIRE(result.get() != nullptr);
return kj::mv(result);
// implements PromiseNode ----------------------------------------------------
void get(ExceptionOrValue& output) noexcept override {<ResultT>() = kj::mv(result);
Func func;
ExceptionOr<ResultT> result;
friend Executor;
} // namespace _ (private)
template <typename Func>
_::UnwrapPromise<PromiseForResult<Func, void>> Executor::executeSync(Func&& func) const {
_::XThreadEventImpl<Func> event(kj::fwd<Func>(func), *this);
send(event, true);
return convertToReturn(kj::mv(event.result));
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> Executor::executeAsync(Func&& func) const {
auto event = kj::heap<_::XThreadEventImpl<Func>>(kj::fwd<Func>(func), *this);
send(*event, false);
return PromiseForResult<Func, void>(false, kj::mv(event));
} // namespace kj
......@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ using ReducePromises = decltype(reducePromiseType((T*)nullptr, false));
// reduces Promise<T> to something else. In particular this allows Promise<capnp::RemotePromise<U>>
// to reduce to capnp::RemotePromise<U>.
template <typename T> struct UnwrapPromise_;
template <typename T> struct UnwrapPromise_<Promise<T>> { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T>
using UnwrapPromise = typename UnwrapPromise_<T>::Type;
class PropagateException {
// A functor which accepts a kj::Exception as a parameter and returns a broken promise of
// arbitrary type which simply propagates the exception.
......@@ -186,6 +192,7 @@ template <typename T>
class ForkHub;
class Event;
class XThreadEvent;
class PromiseBase {
......@@ -206,6 +213,7 @@ private:
template <typename U>
friend Promise<Array<U>> kj::joinPromises(Array<Promise<U>>&& promises);
friend Promise<void> kj::joinPromises(Array<Promise<void>>&& promises);
friend class XThreadEvent;
void detach(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
#include "async.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include <kj/compat/gtest.h>
namespace kj {
......@@ -826,5 +828,261 @@ KJ_TEST("exclusiveJoin both events complete simultaneously") {
KJ_TEST("synchonous simple cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeSync([&]() {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("test exception") { break; }
uint i = exec->executeSync([&]() {
return 456;
KJ_EXPECT(i == 456);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
KJ_TEST("asynchonous simple cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeAsync([&]() {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("test exception") { break; }
Promise<uint> promise = exec->executeAsync([&]() {
return 456u;
KJ_EXPECT(promise.wait(waitScope) == 456);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
KJ_TEST("synchonous promise cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
Promise<uint> promise = nullptr; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
auto paf2 = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
promise = kj::mv(paf2.promise);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Make sure reply gets sent.;
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeSync([&]() {
return kj::Promise<void>(KJ_EXCEPTION(FAILED, "test exception"));
uint i = exec->executeSync([&]() {
return kj::mv(promise);
KJ_EXPECT(i == 321);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
KJ_TEST("asynchonous promise cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
Promise<uint> promise = nullptr; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
auto paf2 = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
promise = kj::mv(paf2.promise);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Make sure reply gets sent.;
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
EventLoop loop;
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeAsync([&]() {
return kj::Promise<void>(KJ_EXCEPTION(FAILED, "test exception"));
Promise<uint> promise2 = exec->executeAsync([&]() {
return kj::mv(promise);
KJ_EXPECT(promise2.wait(waitScope) == 321);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "mutex.h"
namespace kj {
namespace {
......@@ -774,6 +775,67 @@ TEST(AsyncUnixTest, ChildProcess) {
// child3 will be killed and synchronously waited on the way out.
KJ_TEST("UnixEventPort cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
Promise<uint> promise = nullptr; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
UnixEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeSync([&]() {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("test exception") { break; }
uint i = exec->executeSync([&]() {
return 456;
KJ_EXPECT(i == 456);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "async-win32.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "mutex.h"
namespace kj {
namespace {
......@@ -162,6 +163,66 @@ KJ_TEST("Win32IocpEventPort APC") {
KJ_TEST("Win32IocpEventPort cross-thread events") {
MutexGuarded<kj::Maybe<const Executor&>> executor; // to get the Executor from the other thread
Own<PromiseFulfiller<uint>> fulfiller; // accessed only from the subthread
Promise<uint> promise = nullptr; // accessed only from the subthread
thread_local bool isChild = false; // to assert which thread we're in
Thread thread([&]() {
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
isChild = true;
Win32IocpEventPort port;
EventLoop loop(port);
WaitScope waitScope(loop);
auto paf = newPromiseAndFulfiller<uint>();
fulfiller = kj::mv(paf.fulfiller);
*executor.lockExclusive() = getCurrentThreadExecutor();
KJ_ASSERT(paf.promise.wait(waitScope) == 123);
// Wait until parent thread sets executor to null, as a way to tell us to quit.
executor.lockExclusive().wait([](auto& val) { return val == nullptr; });
})) {
// Log here because it's likely the parent thread will never join and we'll hang forever
// without propagating the exception.
KJ_LOG(ERROR, *exception);
KJ_IF_MAYBE(exception, kj::runCatchingExceptions([&]() {
const Executor* exec;
auto lock = executor.lockExclusive();
lock.wait([&](kj::Maybe<const Executor&> value) { return value != nullptr; });
exec = &KJ_ASSERT_NONNULL(*lock);
KJ_EXPECT_THROW_MESSAGE("test exception", exec->executeSync([&]() {
KJ_FAIL_ASSERT("test exception") { break; }
uint i = exec->executeSync([&]() {
return 456;
KJ_EXPECT(i == 456);
*executor.lockExclusive() = nullptr;
})) {
// Log here because the thread join is likely to hang forever...
} // namespace
} // namespace kj
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ private:
template <typename U>
friend Promise<Array<U>> joinPromises(Array<Promise<U>>&& promises);
friend Promise<void> joinPromises(Array<Promise<void>>&& promises);
friend class _::XThreadEvent;
friend class Executor;
template <typename T>
......@@ -649,6 +651,97 @@ private:
Maybe<Own<PromiseFulfiller<void>>> emptyFulfiller;
// =======================================================================================
// Cross-thread execution.
class Executor {
// Executes code on another thread's event loop.
// Use `kj::getCurrentThreadExecutor()` to get an executor that schedules calls on the current
// thread's event loop. You may then pass the reference to other threads to enable them to call
// back to this one.
Executor(EventLoop& loop, Badge<EventLoop>);
~Executor() noexcept(false);
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> executeAsync(Func&& func) const;
// Call from any thread to request that the given function be executed on the executor's thread,
// returning a promise for the result.
// The Promise returned by executeAsync() belongs to the requesting thread, not the executor
// thread. Hence, for example, continuations added to this promise with .then() will exceute in
// the requesting thread.
// If func() itself returns a Promise, that Promise is *not* returned verbatim to the requesting
// thread -- after all, Promise objects cannot be used cross-thread. Instead, the executor thread
// awaits the promise. Once it resolves to a final result, that result is transferred to the
// requesting thread, resolving the promise that executeAsync() returned earlier.
// `func` will be destroyed in the requesting thread, after the final result has been returned
// from the executor thread. This means that it is safe for `func` to capture objects that cannot
// safely be destroyed from another thread. It is also safe for `func` to be an lvalue reference,
// so long as the functor remains live until the promise completes or is canceled, and the
// function is thread-safe.
// Of course, the body of `func` must be careful that any access it makes on these objects is
// safe cross-thread. For example, it must not attempt to access Promise-related objects
// cross-thread; you cannot create a `PromiseFulfiller` in one thread and then `fulfill()` it
// from another. Unfortunately, the usual convention of using const-correctness to enforce
// thread-safety does not work here, because applications can often ensure that `func` has
// exclusive access to captured objects, and thus can safely mutate them even in non-thread-safe
// ways; the const qualifier is not sufficient to express this.
// The final return value of `func` is transferred between threads, and hence is constructed and
// destroyed in separate threads. It is the app's responsibility to make sure this is OK.
// Alternatively, the app can perhaps arrange to send the return value back to the original
// thread for destruction, if needed.
// TODO(now): Decide if we should automatically wrap the return value such that it will be
// returned to its own thread for destruction.
// If the requesting thread destroys the returned Promise, the destructor will block waiting for
// the executor thread to acknowledge cancellation. This ensures that `func` can be destroyed
// before the Promise's destructor returns.
// Multiple calls to executeAsync() from the same requesting thread to the same target thread
// will be delivered in the same order in which they were requested. (However, if func() returns
// a promise, delivery of subsequent calls is not blocked on that promise. In other words, this
// call provides E-Order in the same way as Cap'n Proto.)
template <typename Func>
_::UnwrapPromise<PromiseForResult<Func, void>> executeSync(Func&& func) const;
// Schedules `func()` to execute on the executor thread, and then blocks the requesting thread
// until `func()` completes. If `func()` returns a Promise, then the wait will continue until
// that promise resolves, and the final result will be returned to the requesting thread.
// The requesting thread does not need to have an EventLoop. If it does have an EventLoop, that
// loop will *not* execute while the thread is blocked. This method is particularly useful to
// allow non-event-loop threads to perform I/O via a separate event-loop thread.
// As with `executeAsync()`, `func` is always destroyed on the requesting thread, after the
// executor thread has signaled completion. The return value is transferred between threads.
EventLoop& loop;
struct Impl;
Own<Impl> impl;
// To avoid including mutex.h...
friend class EventLoop;
friend class _::XThreadEvent;
void send(_::XThreadEvent& event, bool sync) const;
void wait();
bool poll();
const Executor& getCurrentThreadExecutor();
// Get the executor for the current thread's event loop. This reference can then be passed to other
// threads.
// =======================================================================================
// The EventLoop class
......@@ -753,6 +846,15 @@ public:
bool isRunnable();
// Returns true if run() would currently do anything, or false if the queue is empty.
const Executor& getExecutor();
// Returns an Executor that can be used to schedule events on this EventLoop from another thread.
// Use the global function kj::getCurrentThreadExecutor() to get the current thread's EventLoop's
// Executor.
// Note that this is only needed for cross-thread scheduling. To schedule code to run later in
// the current thread, use `kj::evalLater()`, which will be more efficient.
kj::Maybe<EventPort&> port;
// If null, this thread doesn't receive I/O events from the OS. It can potentially receive
......@@ -768,6 +870,9 @@ private:
_::Event** tail = &head;
_::Event** depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;
kj::Maybe<Executor> executor;
// Allocated the first time getExecutor() is requested, making cross-thread request possible.
Own<TaskSet> daemons;
bool turn();
......@@ -775,12 +880,16 @@ private:
void enterScope();
void leaveScope();
void wait();
void poll();
friend void _::detach(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result,
WaitScope& waitScope);
friend bool _::pollImpl(_::PromiseNode& node, WaitScope& waitScope);
friend class _::Event;
friend class WaitScope;
friend class Executor;
class WaitScope {
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