• Kenton Varda's avatar
    Small site updates: · c095b5b5
    Kenton Varda authored
    - Remove obsolete gittip buttons.
    - Remove G+ follow crap.
    - Indicate that Cap'n Proto is now a sub-project of Sandstorm.io.
    - Add Twitter link.
    - Update roadmap to not be obsolete.
post.html 776 Bytes
{% include header.html %}

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<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>
<p class="author">
  <a href="https://github.com/{{ page.author }}">{{ page.author }}</a>
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{{ content }}
<script type="text/javascript">setupNewsSidebar([
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      { title: "{{ post.title }}", url: "{{ site.baseurl }}.{{ post.url }}" },
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