async.h 37.9 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
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4 5 6 7 8 9
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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11 12
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20

#pragma once

24 25 26 27
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !KJ_HEADER_WARNINGS
#pragma GCC system_header

#include "async-prelude.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "refcount.h"
31 32 33

namespace kj {

class EventLoop;
class WaitScope;
36 37 38 39

template <typename T>
class Promise;
template <typename T>
40 41
class ForkedPromise;
template <typename T>
class PromiseFulfiller;
43 44
template <typename T>
struct PromiseFulfillerPair;
45 46 47 48 49 50

template <typename Func, typename T>
using PromiseForResult = Promise<_::JoinPromises<_::ReturnType<Func, T>>>;
// Evaluates to the type of Promise for the result of calling functor type Func with parameter type
// T.  If T is void, then the promise is for the result of calling Func with no arguments.  If
// Func itself returns a promise, the promises are joined, so you never get Promise<Promise<T>>.

52 53
// =======================================================================================
// Promises

template <typename T>
56 57 58
class Promise: protected _::PromiseBase {
  // The basic primitive of asynchronous computation in KJ.  Similar to "futures", but designed
  // specifically for event loop concurrency.  Similar to E promises and JavaScript Promises/A.
59 60 61
  // A Promise represents a promise to produce a value of type T some time in the future.  Once
  // that value has been produced, the promise is "fulfilled".  Alternatively, a promise can be
62 63
  // "broken", with an Exception describing what went wrong.  You may implicitly convert a value of
  // type T to an already-fulfilled Promise<T>.  You may implicitly convert the constant
64 65
  // `kj::READY_NOW` to an already-fulfilled Promise<void>.  You may also implicitly convert a
  // `kj::Exception` to an already-broken promise of any type.
66 67 68
  // Promises are linear types -- they are moveable but not copyable.  If a Promise is destroyed
  // or goes out of scope (without being moved elsewhere), any ongoing asynchronous operations
69 70 71 72 73
  // meant to fulfill the promise will be canceled if possible.  All methods of `Promise` (unless
  // otherwise noted) actually consume the promise in the sense of move semantics.  (Arguably they
  // should be rvalue-qualified, but at the time this interface was created compilers didn't widely
  // support that yet and anyway it would be pretty ugly typing kj::mv(promise).whatever().)  If
  // you want to use one Promise in two different places, you must fork it with `fork()`.
74 75 76 77
  // To use the result of a Promise, you must call `then()` and supply a callback function to
  // call with the result.  `then()` returns another promise, for the result of the callback.
  // Any time that this would result in Promise<Promise<T>>, the promises are collapsed into a
  // simple Promise<T> that first waits for the outer promise, then the inner.  Example:
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
  //     // Open a remote file, read the content, and then count the
  //     // number of lines of text.
  //     // Note that none of the calls here block.  `file`, `content`
  //     // and `lineCount` are all initialized immediately before any
  //     // asynchronous operations occur.  The lambda callbacks are
  //     // called later.
  //     Promise<Own<File>> file = openFtp("ftp://host/foo/bar");
  //     Promise<String> content = file.then(
  //         [](Own<File> file) -> Promise<String> {
  //           return file.readAll();
  //         });
  //     Promise<int> lineCount = content.then(
  //         [](String text) -> int {
  //           uint count = 0;
  //           for (char c: text) count += (c == '\n');
  //           return count;
  //         });
  // For `then()` to work, the current thread must have an active `EventLoop`.  Each callback
99 100
  // is scheduled to execute in that loop.  Since `then()` schedules callbacks only on the current
  // thread's event loop, you do not need to worry about two callbacks running at the same time.
101 102
  // You will need to set up at least one `EventLoop` at the top level of your program before you
  // can use promises.
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
  // To adapt a non-Promise-based asynchronous API to promises, use `newAdaptedPromise()`.
  // Systems using promises should consider supporting the concept of "pipelining".  Pipelining
  // means allowing a caller to start issuing method calls against a promised object before the
  // promise has actually been fulfilled.  This is particularly useful if the promise is for a
  // remote object living across a network, as this can avoid round trips when chaining a series
  // of calls.  It is suggested that any class T which supports pipelining implement a subclass of
  // Promise<T> which adds "eventual send" methods -- methods which, when called, say "please
  // invoke the corresponding method on the promised value once it is available".  These methods
113 114 115
  // should in turn return promises for the eventual results of said invocations.  Cap'n Proto,
  // for example, implements the type `RemotePromise` which supports pipelining RPC requests -- see
  // `capnp/capability.h`.
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
  // KJ Promises are based on E promises:
  // KJ Promises are also inspired in part by the evolving standards for JavaScript/ECMAScript
  // promises, which are themselves influenced by E promises:

126 127 128 129 130 131 132
  Promise(_::FixVoid<T> value);
  // Construct an already-fulfilled Promise from a value of type T.  For non-void promises, the
  // parameter type is simply T.  So, e.g., in a function that returns `Promise<int>`, you can
  // say `return 123;` to return a promise that is already fulfilled to 123.
  // For void promises, use `kj::READY_NOW` as the value, e.g. `return kj::READY_NOW`.

133 134 135
  Promise(kj::Exception&& e);
  // Construct an already-broken Promise.

136 137
  inline Promise(decltype(nullptr)) {}

  template <typename Func, typename ErrorFunc = _::PropagateException>
139 140
  PromiseForResult<Func, T> then(Func&& func, ErrorFunc&& errorHandler = _::PropagateException())
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141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
  // Register a continuation function to be executed when the promise completes.  The continuation
  // (`func`) takes the promised value (an rvalue of type `T`) as its parameter.  The continuation
  // may return a new value; `then()` itself returns a promise for the continuation's eventual
  // result.  If the continuation itself returns a `Promise<U>`, then `then()` shall also return
  // a `Promise<U>` which first waits for the original promise, then executes the continuation,
  // then waits for the inner promise (i.e. it automatically "unwraps" the promise).
  // In all cases, `then()` returns immediately.  The continuation is executed later.  The
  // continuation is always executed on the same EventLoop (and, therefore, the same thread) which
  // called `then()`, therefore no synchronization is necessary on state shared by the continuation
  // and the surrounding scope.  If no EventLoop is running on the current thread, `then()` throws
  // an exception.
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153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
  // You may also specify an error handler continuation as the second parameter.  `errorHandler`
  // must be a functor taking a parameter of type `kj::Exception&&`.  It must return the same
  // type as `func` returns (except when `func` returns `Promise<U>`, in which case `errorHandler`
  // may return either `Promise<U>` or just `U`).  The default error handler simply propagates the
  // exception to the returned promise.
  // Either `func` or `errorHandler` may, of course, throw an exception, in which case the promise
161 162 163 164 165 166
  // is broken.  When compiled with -fno-exceptions, the framework will still detect when a
  // recoverable exception was thrown inside of a continuation and will consider the promise
  // broken even though a (presumably garbage) result was returned.
  // If the returned promise is destroyed before the callback runs, the callback will be canceled
  // (it will never run).
168 169 170
  // Note that `then()` -- like all other Promise methods -- consumes the promise on which it is
  // called, in the sense of move semantics.  After returning, the original promise is no longer
  // valid, but `then()` returns a new promise.
172 173 174
  // *Advanced implementation tips:*  Most users will never need to worry about the below, but
  // it is good to be aware of.
175 176
  // As an optimization, if the callback function `func` does _not_ return another promise, then
  // execution of `func` itself may be delayed until its result is known to be needed.  The
  // expectation here is that `func` is just doing some transformation on the results, not
178 179
  // scheduling any other actions, therefore the system doesn't need to be proactive about
  // evaluating it.  This way, a chain of trivial then() transformations can be executed all at
180 181
  // once without repeatedly re-scheduling through the event loop.  Use the `eagerlyEvaluate()`
  // method to suppress this behavior.
182 183 184 185 186
  // On the other hand, if `func` _does_ return another promise, then the system evaluates `func`
  // as soon as possible, because the promise it returns might be for a newly-scheduled
  // long-running asynchronous task.
187 188 189 190 191
  // As another optimization, when a callback function registered with `then()` is actually
  // scheduled, it is scheduled to occur immediately, preempting other work in the event queue.
  // This allows a long chain of `then`s to execute all at once, improving cache locality by
  // clustering operations on the same data.  However, this implies that starvation can occur
  // if a chain of `then()`s takes a very long time to execute without ever stopping to wait for
192 193
  // actual I/O.  To solve this, use `kj::evalLater()` to yield control; this way, all other events
  // in the queue will get a chance to run before your callback is executed.

195 196 197 198 199
  Promise<void> ignoreResult() KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return then([](T&&) {}); }
  // Convenience method to convert the promise to a void promise by ignoring the return value.
  // You must still wait on the returned promise if you want the task to execute.

200 201 202 203 204
  template <typename ErrorFunc>
  Promise<T> catch_(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  // Equivalent to `.then(identityFunc, errorHandler)`, where `identifyFunc` is a function that
  // just returns its input.

  T wait(WaitScope& waitScope);
206 207
  // Run the event loop until the promise is fulfilled, then return its result.  If the promise
  // is rejected, throw an exception.
209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
  // wait() is primarily useful at the top level of a program -- typically, within the function
  // that allocated the EventLoop.  For example, a program that performs one or two RPCs and then
  // exits would likely use wait() in its main() function to wait on each RPC.  On the other hand,
  // server-side code generally cannot use wait(), because it has to be able to accept multiple
  // requests at once.
  // If the promise is rejected, `wait()` throws an exception.  If the program was compiled without
  // exceptions (-fno-exceptions), this will usually abort.  In this case you really should first
  // use `then()` to set an appropriate handler for the exception case, so that the promise you
  // actually wait on never throws.
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
  // `waitScope` is an object proving that the caller is in a scope where wait() is allowed.  By
  // convention, any function which might call wait(), or which might call another function which
  // might call wait(), must take `WaitScope&` as one of its parameters.  This is needed for two
  // reasons:
  // * `wait()` is not allowed during an event callback, because event callbacks are themselves
  //   called during some other `wait()`, and such recursive `wait()`s would only be able to
  //   complete in LIFO order, which might mean that the outer `wait()` ends up waiting longer
  //   than it is supposed to.  To prevent this, a `WaitScope` cannot be constructed or used during
  //   an event callback.
  // * Since `wait()` runs the event loop, unrelated event callbacks may execute before `wait()`
  //   returns.  This means that anyone calling `wait()` must be reentrant -- state may change
  //   around them in arbitrary ways.  Therefore, callers really need to know if a function they
  //   are calling might wait(), and the `WaitScope&` parameter makes this clear.
234 235
  // TODO(someday):  Implement fibers, and let them call wait() even when they are handling an
  //   event.

237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
  bool poll(WaitScope& waitScope);
  // Returns true if a call to wait() would complete without blocking, false if it would block.
  // If the promise is not yet resolved, poll() will pump the event loop and poll for I/O in an
  // attempt to resolve it. Only when there is nothing left to do will it return false.
  // Generally, poll() is most useful in tests. Often, you may want to verify that a promise does
  // not resolve until some specific event occurs. To do so, poll() the promise before the event to
  // verify it isn't resolved, then trigger the event, then poll() again to verify that it resolves.
246 247 248 249
  // The first poll() verifies that the promise doesn't resolve early, which would otherwise be
  // hard to do deterministically. The second poll() allows you to check that the promise has
  // resolved and avoid a wait() that might deadlock in the case that it hasn't.

  ForkedPromise<T> fork() KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  // Forks the promise, so that multiple different clients can independently wait on the result.
  // `T` must be copy-constructable for this to work.  Or, in the special case where `T` is
253 254
  // `Own<U>`, `U` must have a method `Own<U> addRef()` which returns a new reference to the same
  // (or an equivalent) object (probably implemented via reference counting).

256 257 258 259 260 261
  _::SplitTuplePromise<T> split();
  // Split a promise for a tuple into a tuple of promises.
  // E.g. if you have `Promise<kj::Tuple<T, U>>`, `split()` returns
  // `kj::Tuple<Promise<T>, Promise<U>>`.

262 263 264
  Promise<T> exclusiveJoin(Promise<T>&& other) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  // Return a new promise that resolves when either the original promise resolves or `other`
  // resolves (whichever comes first).  The promise that didn't resolve first is canceled.
265 266 267 268

  // TODO(someday): inclusiveJoin(), or perhaps just join(), which waits for both completions
  //   and produces a tuple?

  template <typename... Attachments>
  Promise<T> attach(Attachments&&... attachments) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
271 272 273 274 275
  // "Attaches" one or more movable objects (often, Own<T>s) to the promise, such that they will
  // be destroyed when the promise resolves.  This is useful when a promise's callback contains
  // pointers into some object and you want to make sure the object still exists when the callback
  // runs -- after calling then(), use attach() to add necessary objects to the result.

276 277 278
  template <typename ErrorFunc>
  Promise<T> eagerlyEvaluate(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
  Promise<T> eagerlyEvaluate(decltype(nullptr)) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
279 280 281
  // Force eager evaluation of this promise.  Use this if you are going to hold on to the promise
  // for awhile without consuming the result, but you want to make sure that the system actually
  // processes it.
282 283 284 285 286 287
  // `errorHandler` is a function that takes `kj::Exception&&`, like the second parameter to
  // `then()`, except that it must return void.  We make you specify this because otherwise it's
  // easy to forget to handle errors in a promise that you never use.  You may specify nullptr for
  // the error handler if you are sure that ignoring errors is fine, or if you know that you'll
  // eventually wait on the promise somewhere.

  template <typename ErrorFunc>
  void detach(ErrorFunc&& errorHandler);
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303
  // Allows the promise to continue running in the background until it completes or the
  // `EventLoop` is destroyed.  Be careful when using this: since you can no longer cancel this
  // promise, you need to make sure that the promise owns all the objects it touches or make sure
  // those objects outlive the EventLoop.
  // `errorHandler` is a function that takes `kj::Exception&&`, like the second parameter to
  // `then()`, except that it must return void.
  // This function exists mainly to implement the Cap'n Proto requirement that RPC calls cannot be
  // canceled unless the callee explicitly permits it.

  kj::String trace();
  // Returns a dump of debug info about this promise.  Not for production use.  Requires RTTI.
  // This method does NOT consume the promise as other methods do.

307 308
  Promise(bool, Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node): PromiseBase(kj::mv(node)) {}
  // Second parameter prevent ambiguity with immediate-value constructor.

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310 311
  template <typename>
  friend class Promise;
312 313 314
  friend class EventLoop;
  template <typename U, typename Adapter, typename... Params>
  friend Promise<U> newAdaptedPromise(Params&&... adapterConstructorParams);
315 316
  template <typename U>
  friend PromiseFulfillerPair<U> newPromiseAndFulfiller();
317 318
  template <typename>
  friend class _::ForkHub;
  friend class TaskSet;
  friend Promise<void> _::yield();
  friend class _::NeverDone;
322 323
  template <typename U>
  friend Promise<Array<U>> joinPromises(Array<Promise<U>>&& promises);
  friend Promise<void> joinPromises(Array<Promise<void>>&& promises);
325 326

327 328 329 330 331 332
template <typename T>
class ForkedPromise {
  // The result of `Promise::fork()` and `EventLoop::fork()`.  Allows branches to be created.
  // Like `Promise<T>`, this is a pass-by-move type.

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  inline ForkedPromise(decltype(nullptr)) {}

335 336
  Promise<T> addBranch();
  // Add a new branch to the fork.  The branch is equivalent to the original promise.
337 338

  Own<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>> hub;

  inline ForkedPromise(bool, Own<_::ForkHub<_::FixVoid<T>>>&& hub): hub(kj::mv(hub)) {}
342 343 344 345 346

  friend class Promise<T>;
  friend class EventLoop;

347 348 349 350
constexpr _::Void READY_NOW = _::Void();
// Use this when you need a Promise<void> that is already fulfilled -- this value can be implicitly
// cast to `Promise<void>`.

351 352 353 354 355
constexpr _::NeverDone NEVER_DONE = _::NeverDone();
// The opposite of `READY_NOW`, return this when the promise should never resolve.  This can be
// implicitly converted to any promise type.  You may also call `NEVER_DONE.wait()` to wait
// forever (useful for servers).

template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalLater(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
358 359 360 361 362 363 364
// Schedule for the given zero-parameter function to be executed in the event loop at some
// point in the near future.  Returns a Promise for its result -- or, if `func()` itself returns
// a promise, `evalLater()` returns a Promise for the result of resolving that promise.
// Example usage:
//     Promise<int> x = evalLater([]() { return 123; });
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365 366 367
// The above is exactly equivalent to:
//     Promise<int> x = Promise<void>(READY_NOW).then([]() { return 123; });
368 369 370
// If the returned promise is destroyed before the callback runs, the callback will be canceled
// (never called).
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371 372
// If you schedule several evaluations with `evalLater` during the same callback, they are
// guaranteed to be executed in order.

374 375 376 377 378 379
template <typename Func>
PromiseForResult<Func, void> evalNow(Func&& func) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Run `func()` and return a promise for its result. `func()` executes before `evalNow()` returns.
// If `func()` throws an exception, the exception is caught and wrapped in a promise -- this is the
// main reason why `evalNow()` is useful.

380 381 382 383
template <typename T>
Promise<Array<T>> joinPromises(Array<Promise<T>>&& promises);
// Join an array of promises into a promise for an array.

// =======================================================================================
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385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418
// Hack for creating a lambda that holds an owned pointer.

template <typename Func, typename MovedParam>
class CaptureByMove {
  inline CaptureByMove(Func&& func, MovedParam&& param)
      : func(kj::mv(func)), param(kj::mv(param)) {}

  template <typename... Params>
  inline auto operator()(Params&&... params)
      -> decltype(kj::instance<Func>()(kj::instance<MovedParam&&>(), kj::fwd<Params>(params)...)) {
    return func(kj::mv(param), kj::fwd<Params>(params)...);

  Func func;
  MovedParam param;

template <typename Func, typename MovedParam>
inline CaptureByMove<Func, Decay<MovedParam>> mvCapture(MovedParam&& param, Func&& func) {
  // Hack to create a "lambda" which captures a variable by moving it rather than copying or
  // referencing.  C++14 generalized captures should make this obsolete, but for now in C++11 this
  // is commonly needed for Promise continuations that own their state.  Example usage:
  //    Own<Foo> ptr = makeFoo();
  //    Promise<int> promise = callRpc();
  //    promise.then(mvCapture(ptr, [](Own<Foo>&& ptr, int result) {
  //      return ptr->finish(result);
  //    }));

  return CaptureByMove<Func, Decay<MovedParam>>(kj::fwd<Func>(func), kj::mv(param));

// =======================================================================================
420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476
// Advanced promise construction

template <typename T>
class PromiseFulfiller {
  // A callback which can be used to fulfill a promise.  Only the first call to fulfill() or
  // reject() matters; subsequent calls are ignored.

  virtual void fulfill(T&& value) = 0;
  // Fulfill the promise with the given value.

  virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) = 0;
  // Reject the promise with an error.

  virtual bool isWaiting() = 0;
  // Returns true if the promise is still unfulfilled and someone is potentially waiting for it.
  // Returns false if fulfill()/reject() has already been called *or* if the promise to be
  // fulfilled has been discarded and therefore the result will never be used anyway.

  template <typename Func>
  bool rejectIfThrows(Func&& func);
  // Call the function (with no arguments) and return true.  If an exception is thrown, call
  // `fulfiller.reject()` and then return false.  When compiled with exceptions disabled,
  // non-fatal exceptions are still detected and handled correctly.

template <>
class PromiseFulfiller<void> {
  // Specialization of PromiseFulfiller for void promises.  See PromiseFulfiller<T>.

  virtual void fulfill(_::Void&& value = _::Void()) = 0;
  // Call with zero parameters.  The parameter is a dummy that only exists so that subclasses don't
  // have to specialize for <void>.

  virtual void reject(Exception&& exception) = 0;
  virtual bool isWaiting() = 0;

  template <typename Func>
  bool rejectIfThrows(Func&& func);

template <typename T, typename Adapter, typename... Params>
Promise<T> newAdaptedPromise(Params&&... adapterConstructorParams);
// Creates a new promise which owns an instance of `Adapter` which encapsulates the operation
// that will eventually fulfill the promise.  This is primarily useful for adapting non-KJ
// asynchronous APIs to use promises.
// An instance of `Adapter` will be allocated and owned by the returned `Promise`.  A
// `PromiseFulfiller<T>&` will be passed as the first parameter to the adapter's constructor,
// and `adapterConstructorParams` will be forwarded as the subsequent parameters.  The adapter
// is expected to perform some asynchronous operation and call the `PromiseFulfiller<T>` once
// it is finished.
// The adapter is destroyed when its owning Promise is destroyed.  This may occur before the
// Promise has been fulfilled.  In this case, the adapter's destructor should cancel the
// asynchronous operation.  Once the adapter is destroyed, the fulfillment callback cannot be
// called.
478 479 480 481 482 483 484
// An adapter implementation should be carefully written to ensure that it cannot accidentally
// be left unfulfilled permanently because of an exception.  Consider making liberal use of
// `PromiseFulfiller<T>::rejectIfThrows()`.

template <typename T>
struct PromiseFulfillerPair {
  Promise<_::JoinPromises<T>> promise;
486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496
  Own<PromiseFulfiller<T>> fulfiller;

template <typename T>
PromiseFulfillerPair<T> newPromiseAndFulfiller();
// Construct a Promise and a separate PromiseFulfiller which can be used to fulfill the promise.
// If the PromiseFulfiller is destroyed before either of its methods are called, the Promise is
// implicitly rejected.
// Although this function is easier to use than `newAdaptedPromise()`, it has the serious drawback
// that there is no way to handle cancellation (i.e. detect when the Promise is discarded).
497 498
// You can arrange to fulfill a promise with another promise by using a promise type for T.  E.g.
499 500 501
// `newPromiseAndFulfiller<Promise<U>>()` will produce a promise of type `Promise<U>` but the
// fulfiller will be of type `PromiseFulfiller<Promise<U>>`.  Thus you pass a `Promise<U>` to the
// `fulfill()` callback, and the promises are chained.

503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595
// =======================================================================================
// Canceler

class Canceler {
  // A Canceler can wrap some set of Promises and then forcefully cancel them on-demand, or
  // implicitly when the Canceler is destroyed.
  // The cancellation is done in such a way that once cancel() (or the Canceler's destructor)
  // returns, it's guaranteed that the promise has already been canceled and destroyed. This
  // guarantee is important for enforcing ownership constraints. For example, imagine that Alice
  // calls a method on Bob that returns a Promise. That Promise encapsulates a task that uses Bob's
  // internal state. But, imagine that Alice does not own Bob, and indeed Bob might be destroyed
  // at random without Alice having canceled the promise. In this case, it is necessary for Bob to
  // ensure that the promise will be forcefully canceled. Bob can do this by constructing a
  // Canceler and using it to wrap promises before returning them to callers. When Bob is
  // destroyed, the Canceler is destroyed too, and all promises Bob wrapped with it throw errors.
  // Note that another common strategy for cancelation is to use exclusiveJoin() to join a promise
  // with some "cancellation promise" which only resolves if the operation should be canceled. The
  // cancellation promise could itself be created by newPromiseAndFulfiller<void>(), and thus
  // calling the PromiseFulfiller cancels the operation. There is a major problem with this
  // approach: upon invoking the fulfiller, an arbitrary amount of time may pass before the
  // exclusive-joined promise actually resolves and cancels its other fork. During that time, the
  // task might continue to execute. If it holds pointers to objects that have been destroyed, this
  // might cause segfaults. Thus, it is safer to use a Canceler.

  inline Canceler() {}
  ~Canceler() noexcept(false);

  template <typename T>
  Promise<T> wrap(Promise<T> promise) {
    return newAdaptedPromise<T, AdapterImpl<T>>(*this, kj::mv(promise));

  void cancel(StringPtr cancelReason);
  void cancel(const Exception& exception);
  // Cancel all previously-wrapped promises that have not already completed, causing them to throw
  // the given exception. If you provide just a description message instead of an exception, then
  // an exception object will be constructed from it -- but only if there are requests to cancel.

  void release();
  // Releases previously-wrapped promises, so that they will not be canceled regardless of what
  // happens to this Canceler.

  bool isEmpty() { return list == nullptr; }
  // Indicates if any previously-wrapped promises are still executing. (If this returns false, then
  // cancel() would be a no-op.)

  class AdapterBase {
    AdapterBase(Canceler& canceler);
    ~AdapterBase() noexcept(false);

    virtual void cancel(Exception&& e) = 0;

    Maybe<Maybe<AdapterBase&>&> prev;
    Maybe<AdapterBase&> next;
    friend class Canceler;

  template <typename T>
  class AdapterImpl: public AdapterBase {
    AdapterImpl(PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller,
                Canceler& canceler, Promise<T> inner)
        : AdapterBase(canceler),
              [&fulfiller](T&& value) { fulfiller.fulfill(kj::mv(value)); },
              [&fulfiller](Exception&& e) { fulfiller.reject(kj::mv(e)); })
              .eagerlyEvaluate(nullptr)) {}

    void cancel(Exception&& e) override {
      inner = nullptr;

    PromiseFulfiller<T>& fulfiller;
    Promise<void> inner;

  Maybe<AdapterBase&> list;

template <>
class Canceler::AdapterImpl<void>: public AdapterBase {
  AdapterImpl(kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller,
596 597 598 599
              Canceler& canceler, kj::Promise<void> inner);
  void cancel(kj::Exception&& e) override;
  // These must be defined in async.c++ to prevent translation units compiled by MSVC from trying to
  // link with symbols defined in async.c++ merely because they included async.h.
600 601 602 603 604 605

  kj::PromiseFulfiller<void>& fulfiller;
  kj::Promise<void> inner;

// =======================================================================================
// TaskSet

609 610 611 612 613 614 615
class TaskSet {
  // Holds a collection of Promise<void>s and ensures that each executes to completion.  Memory
  // associated with each promise is automatically freed when the promise completes.  Destroying
  // the TaskSet itself automatically cancels all unfinished promises.
  // This is useful for "daemon" objects that perform background tasks which aren't intended to
  // fulfill any particular external promise, but which may need to be canceled (and thus can't
  // use `Promise::detach()`).  The daemon object holds a TaskSet to collect these tasks it is
617 618
  // working on.  This way, if the daemon itself is destroyed, the TaskSet is detroyed as well,
  // and everything the daemon is doing is canceled.
619 620

621 622 623 624
  class ErrorHandler {
    virtual void taskFailed(kj::Exception&& exception) = 0;

  TaskSet(ErrorHandler& errorHandler);
627 628
  // `errorHandler` will be executed any time a task throws an exception, and will execute within
  // the given EventLoop.

  ~TaskSet() noexcept(false);

  void add(Promise<void>&& promise);

634 635
  kj::String trace();
  // Return debug info about all promises currently in the TaskSet.

637 638 639 640 641 642 643
  bool isEmpty() { return tasks == nullptr; }
  // Check if any tasks are running.

  Promise<void> onEmpty();
  // Returns a promise that fulfills the next time the TaskSet is empty. Only one such promise can
  // exist at a time.

645 646 647 648
  class Task;

  TaskSet::ErrorHandler& errorHandler;
  Maybe<Own<Task>> tasks;
  Maybe<Own<PromiseFulfiller<void>>> emptyFulfiller;
650 651

652 653
// =======================================================================================
// The EventLoop class

655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663
class EventPort {
  // Interfaces between an `EventLoop` and events originating from outside of the loop's thread.
  // All such events come in through the `EventPort` implementation.
  // An `EventPort` implementation may interface with low-level operating system APIs and/or other
  // threads.  You can also write an `EventPort` which wraps some other (non-KJ) event loop
  // framework, allowing the two to coexist in a single thread.

  virtual bool wait() = 0;
665 666 667
  // Wait for an external event to arrive, sleeping if necessary.  Once at least one event has
  // arrived, queue it to the event loop (e.g. by fulfilling a promise) and return.
668 669 670
  // This is called during `Promise::wait()` whenever the event queue becomes empty, in order to
  // wait for new events to populate the queue.
671 672 673
  // It is safe to return even if nothing has actually been queued, so long as calling `wait()` in
  // a loop will eventually sleep.  (That is to say, false positives are fine.)
674 675 676
  // Returns true if wake() has been called from another thread. (Precisely, returns true if
  // no previous call to wait `wait()` nor `poll()` has returned true since `wake()` was last
  // called.)

  virtual bool poll() = 0;
679 680 681
  // Check if any external events have arrived, but do not sleep.  If any events have arrived,
  // add them to the event queue (e.g. by fulfilling promises) before returning.
682 683
  // This may be called during `Promise::wait()` when the EventLoop has been executing for a while
  // without a break but is still non-empty.
684 685 686 687
  // Returns true if wake() has been called from another thread. (Precisely, returns true if
  // no previous call to wait `wait()` nor `poll()` has returned true since `wake()` was last
  // called.)
688 689 690 691 692 693

  virtual void setRunnable(bool runnable);
  // Called to notify the `EventPort` when the `EventLoop` has work to do; specifically when it
  // transitions from empty -> runnable or runnable -> empty.  This is typically useful when
  // integrating with an external event loop; if the loop is currently runnable then you should
  // arrange to call run() on it soon.  The default implementation does nothing.
694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704

  virtual void wake() const;
  // Wake up the EventPort's thread from another thread.
  // Unlike all other methods on this interface, `wake()` may be called from another thread, hence
  // it is `const`.
  // Technically speaking, `wake()` causes the target thread to cease sleeping and not to sleep
  // again until `wait()` or `poll()` has returned true at least once.
  // The default implementation throws an UNIMPLEMENTED exception.
705 706

707 708 709 710
class EventLoop {
  // Represents a queue of events being executed in a loop.  Most code won't interact with
  // EventLoop directly, but instead use `Promise`s to interact with it indirectly.  See the
  // documentation for `Promise`.
Kenton Varda's avatar
Kenton Varda committed
712 713 714 715
  // Each thread can have at most one current EventLoop.  To make an `EventLoop` current for
  // the thread, create a `WaitScope`.  Async APIs require that the thread has a current EventLoop,
  // or they will throw exceptions.  APIs that use `Promise::wait()` additionally must explicitly
  // be passed a reference to the `WaitScope` to make the caller aware that they might block.
717 718 719
  // Generally, you will want to construct an `EventLoop` at the top level of your program, e.g.
  // in the main() function, or in the start function of a thread.  You can then use it to
  // construct some promises and wait on the result.  Example:
721 722
  //     int main() {
  //       // `loop` becomes the official EventLoop for the thread.
723 724
  //       MyEventPort eventPort;
  //       EventLoop loop(eventPort);
726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734
  //       // Now we can call an async function.
  //       Promise<String> textPromise = getHttp("");
  //       // And we can wait for the promise to complete.  Note that you can only use `wait()`
  //       // from the top level, not from inside a promise callback.
  //       String text = textPromise.wait();
  //       print(text);
  //       return 0;
  //     }
David Renshaw's avatar
David Renshaw committed
  // Most applications that do I/O will prefer to use `setupAsyncIo()` from `async-io.h` rather
  // than allocate an `EventLoop` directly.
738 739

  // Construct an `EventLoop` which does not receive external events at all.

743 744
  explicit EventLoop(EventPort& port);
  // Construct an `EventLoop` which receives external events through the given `EventPort`.

  ~EventLoop() noexcept(false);

748 749 750 751
  void run(uint maxTurnCount = maxValue);
  // Run the event loop for `maxTurnCount` turns or until there is nothing left to be done,
  // whichever comes first.  This never calls the `EventPort`'s `sleep()` or `poll()`.  It will
  // call the `EventPort`'s `setRunnable(false)` if the queue becomes empty.

753 754
  bool isRunnable();
  // Returns true if run() would currently do anything, or false if the queue is empty.
755 756

757 758
  EventPort& port;

759 760
  bool running = false;
  // True while looping -- wait() is then not allowed.

762 763 764
  bool lastRunnableState = false;
  // What did we last pass to port.setRunnable()?

765 766 767
  _::Event* head = nullptr;
  _::Event** tail = &head;
  _::Event** depthFirstInsertPoint = &head;

  Own<TaskSet> daemons;

  bool turn();
  void setRunnable(bool runnable);
773 774
  void enterScope();
  void leaveScope();

  friend void _::detach(kj::Promise<void>&& promise);
777 778
  friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result,
                          WaitScope& waitScope);
  friend bool _::pollImpl(_::PromiseNode& node, WaitScope& waitScope);
  friend class _::Event;
781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797
  friend class WaitScope;

class WaitScope {
  // Represents a scope in which asynchronous programming can occur.  A `WaitScope` should usually
  // be allocated on the stack and serves two purposes:
  // * While the `WaitScope` exists, its `EventLoop` is registered as the current loop for the
  //   thread.  Most operations dealing with `Promise` (including all of its methods) do not work
  //   unless the thread has a current `EventLoop`.
  // * `WaitScope` may be passed to `Promise::wait()` to synchronously wait for a particular
  //   promise to complete.  See `Promise::wait()` for an extended discussion.

  inline explicit WaitScope(EventLoop& loop): loop(loop) { loop.enterScope(); }
  inline ~WaitScope() { loop.leaveScope(); }

798 799 800
  void poll();
  // Pumps the event queue and polls for I/O until there's nothing left to do (without blocking).

801 802 803 804 805
  EventLoop& loop;
  friend class EventLoop;
  friend void _::waitImpl(Own<_::PromiseNode>&& node, _::ExceptionOrValue& result,
                          WaitScope& waitScope);
  friend bool _::pollImpl(_::PromiseNode& node, WaitScope& waitScope);
807 808

809 810
}  // namespace kj

#include "async-inl.h"