async-io.h 32.9 KB
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1 2
// Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Sandstorm Development Group, Inc. and contributors
// Licensed under the MIT License:
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4 5 6 7 8 9
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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11 12
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24

#ifndef KJ_ASYNC_IO_H_
#define KJ_ASYNC_IO_H_

25 26 27 28
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !KJ_HEADER_WARNINGS
#pragma GCC system_header

#include "async.h"
#include "function.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "time.h"

34 35
struct sockaddr;

36 37
namespace kj {

38 39
#if _WIN32
class Win32EventPort;
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class AutoCloseHandle;
class UnixEventPort;
43 44

Kenton Varda's avatar
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class AutoCloseFd;
class NetworkAddress;
class AsyncOutputStream;
class AsyncIoStream;
49 50 51

// =======================================================================================
// Streaming I/O

class AsyncInputStream {
54 55
  // Asynchronous equivalent of InputStream (from io.h).

  virtual Promise<size_t> read(void* buffer, size_t minBytes, size_t maxBytes);
58 59
  virtual Promise<size_t> tryRead(void* buffer, size_t minBytes, size_t maxBytes) = 0;

  Promise<void> read(void* buffer, size_t bytes);

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
  virtual Maybe<uint64_t> tryGetLength();
  // Get the remaining number of bytes that will be produced by this stream, if known.
  // This is used e.g. to fill in the Content-Length header of an HTTP message. If unknown, the
  // HTTP implementation may need to fall back to Transfer-Encoding: chunked.
  // The default implementation always returns null.

  virtual Promise<uint64_t> pumpTo(
      AsyncOutputStream& output, uint64_t amount = kj::maxValue);
  // Read `amount` bytes from this stream (or to EOF) and write them to `output`, returning the
  // total bytes actually pumped (which is only less than `amount` if EOF was reached).
  // Override this if your stream type knows how to pump itself to certain kinds of output
  // streams more efficiently than via the naive approach. You can use
  // kj::dynamicDowncastIfAvailable() to test for stream types you recognize, and if none match,
  // delegate to the default implementation.
  // The default implementation first tries calling output.tryPumpFrom(), but if that fails, it
  // performs a naive pump by allocating a buffer and reading to it / writing from it in a loop.

83 84 85
  Promise<Array<byte>> readAllBytes();
  Promise<String> readAllText();
  // Read until EOF and return as one big byte array or string.
86 87 88

class AsyncOutputStream {
89 90
  // Asynchronous equivalent of OutputStream (from io.h).

92 93 94
  virtual Promise<void> write(const void* buffer, size_t size) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
  virtual Promise<void> write(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces)
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

  virtual Maybe<Promise<uint64_t>> tryPumpFrom(
      AsyncInputStream& input, uint64_t amount = kj::maxValue);
  // Implements double-dispatch for AsyncInputStream::pumpTo().
  // This method should only be called from within an implementation of pumpTo().
  // This method examines the type of `input` to find optimized ways to pump data from it to this
  // output stream. If it finds one, it performs the pump. Otherwise, it returns null.
  // The default implementation always returns null.
106 107 108

class AsyncIoStream: public AsyncInputStream, public AsyncOutputStream {
109 110
  // A combination input and output stream.

112 113
  virtual void shutdownWrite() = 0;
  // Cleanly shut down just the write end of the stream, while keeping the read end open.

115 116 117 118
  virtual void abortRead() {}
  // Similar to shutdownWrite, but this will shut down the read end of the stream, and should only
  // be called when an error has occurred.

119 120 121 122 123
  virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
  virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
  // Corresponds to getsockopt() and setsockopt() syscalls. Will throw an "unimplemented" exception
  // if the stream is not a socket or the option is not appropriate for the socket type. The
  // default implementations always throw "unimplemented".
124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133

  virtual void getsockname(struct sockaddr* addr, uint* length);
  virtual void getpeername(struct sockaddr* addr, uint* length);
  // Corresponds to getsockname() and getpeername() syscalls. Will throw an "unimplemented"
  // exception if the stream is not a socket. The default implementations always throw
  // "unimplemented".
  // Note that we don't provide methods that return NetworkAddress because it usually wouldn't
  // be useful. You can't connect() to or listen() on these addresses, obviously, because they are
  // ephemeral addresses for a single connection.
134 135

136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
class AsyncCapabilityStream: public AsyncIoStream {
  // An AsyncIoStream that also allows sending and receiving new connections or other kinds of
  // capabilities, in addition to simple data.
  // For correct functioning, a protocol must be designed such that the receiver knows when to
  // expect a capability transfer. The receiver must not read() when a capability is expected, and
  // must not receiveStream() when data is expected -- if it does, an exception may be thrown or
  // invalid data may be returned. This implies that data sent over an AsyncCapabilityStream must
  // be framed such that the receiver knows exactly how many bytes to read before receiving a
  // capability.
  // On Unix, KJ provides an implementation based on Unix domain sockets and file descriptor
  // passing via SCM_RIGHTS. Due to the nature of SCM_RIGHTS, if the application accidentally
  // read()s when it should have called receiveStream(), it will observe a NUL byte in the data
  // and the capability will be discarded. Of course, an application should not depend on this
  // behavior; it should avoid read()ing through a capability.
  // KJ does not provide any implementation of this type on Windows, as there's no obvious
  // implementation there. Handle passing on Windows requires at least one of the processes
  // involved to have permission to modify the other's handle table, which is effectively full
  // control. Handle passing between mutually non-trusting processes would require a trusted
  // broker process to facilitate. One could possibly implement this type in terms of such a
  // broker, or in terms of direct handle passing if at least one process trusts the other.

  Promise<Own<AsyncCapabilityStream>> receiveStream();
  virtual Promise<Maybe<Own<AsyncCapabilityStream>>> tryReceiveStream() = 0;
  virtual Promise<void> sendStream(Own<AsyncCapabilityStream> stream) = 0;
  // Transfer a stream.

  Promise<AutoCloseFd> receiveFd();
  virtual Promise<Maybe<AutoCloseFd>> tryReceiveFd();
  virtual Promise<void> sendFd(int fd);
  // Transfer a raw file descriptor. Default implementation throws UNIMPLEMENTED.

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
struct OneWayPipe {
  // A data pipe with an input end and an output end.  (Typically backed by pipe() system call.)

  Own<AsyncInputStream> in;
  Own<AsyncOutputStream> out;

struct TwoWayPipe {
  // A data pipe that supports sending in both directions.  Each end's output sends data to the
  // other end's input.  (Typically backed by socketpair() system call.)

  Own<AsyncIoStream> ends[2];
184 185

186 187 188 189 190 191
struct CapabilityPipe {
  // Like TwoWayPipe but allowing capability-passing.

  Own<AsyncCapabilityStream> ends[2];

class ConnectionReceiver {
193 194
  // Represents a server socket listening on a port.

195 196
  virtual Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> accept() = 0;
  // Accept the next incoming connection.
198 199 200

  virtual uint getPort() = 0;
  // Gets the port number, if applicable (i.e. if listening on IP).  This is useful if you didn't
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309
  // specify a port when constructing the NetworkAddress -- one will have been assigned
  // automatically.

  virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
  virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
  // Same as the methods of AsyncIoStream.

// =======================================================================================
// Datagram I/O

class AncillaryMessage {
  // Represents an ancillary message (aka control message) received using the recvmsg() system
  // call (or equivalent). Most apps will not use this.

  inline AncillaryMessage(int level, int type, ArrayPtr<const byte> data);
  AncillaryMessage() = default;

  inline int getLevel() const;
  // Originating protocol / socket level.

  inline int getType() const;
  // Protocol-specific message type.

  template <typename T>
  inline Maybe<const T&> as();
  // Interpret the ancillary message as the given struct type. Most ancillary messages are some
  // sort of struct, so this is a convenient way to access it. Returns nullptr if the message
  // is smaller than the struct -- this can happen if the message was truncated due to
  // insufficient ancillary buffer space.

  template <typename T>
  inline ArrayPtr<const T> asArray();
  // Interpret the ancillary message as an array of items. If the message size does not evenly
  // divide into elements of type T, the remainder is discarded -- this can happen if the message
  // was truncated due to insufficient ancillary buffer space.

  int level;
  int type;
  ArrayPtr<const byte> data;
  // Message data. In most cases you should use `as()` or `asArray()`.

class DatagramReceiver {
  // Class encapsulating the recvmsg() system call. You must specify the DatagramReceiver's
  // capacity in advance; if a received packet is larger than the capacity, it will be truncated.

  virtual Promise<void> receive() = 0;
  // Receive a new message, overwriting this object's content.
  // receive() may reuse the same buffers for content and ancillary data with each call.

  template <typename T>
  struct MaybeTruncated {
    T value;

    bool isTruncated;
    // True if the Receiver's capacity was insufficient to receive the value and therefore the
    // value is truncated.

  virtual MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const byte>> getContent() = 0;
  // Get the content of the datagram.

  virtual MaybeTruncated<ArrayPtr<const AncillaryMessage>> getAncillary() = 0;
  // Ancilarry messages received with the datagram. See the recvmsg() system call and the cmsghdr
  // struct. Most apps don't need this.
  // If the returned value is truncated, then the last message in the array may itself be
  // truncated, meaning its as<T>() method will return nullptr or its asArray<T>() method will
  // return fewer elements than expected. Truncation can also mean that additional messages were
  // available but discarded.

  virtual NetworkAddress& getSource() = 0;
  // Get the datagram sender's address.

  struct Capacity {
    size_t content = 8192;
    // How much space to allocate for the datagram content. If a datagram is received that is
    // larger than this, it will be truncated, with no way to recover the tail.

    size_t ancillary = 0;
    // How much space to allocate for ancillary messages. As with content, if the ancillary data
    // is larger than this, it will be truncated.

class DatagramPort {
  virtual Promise<size_t> send(const void* buffer, size_t size, NetworkAddress& destination) = 0;
  virtual Promise<size_t> send(ArrayPtr<const ArrayPtr<const byte>> pieces,
                               NetworkAddress& destination) = 0;

  virtual Own<DatagramReceiver> makeReceiver(
      DatagramReceiver::Capacity capacity = DatagramReceiver::Capacity()) = 0;
  // Create a new `Receiver` that can be used to receive datagrams. `capacity` specifies how much
  // space to allocate for the received message. The `DatagramPort` must outlive the `Receiver`.

  virtual uint getPort() = 0;
  // Gets the port number, if applicable (i.e. if listening on IP).  This is useful if you didn't
  // specify a port when constructing the NetworkAddress -- one will have been assigned
  // automatically.

  virtual void getsockopt(int level, int option, void* value, uint* length);
  virtual void setsockopt(int level, int option, const void* value, uint length);
  // Same as the methods of AsyncIoStream.
310 311

312 313 314
// =======================================================================================
// Networks

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class NetworkAddress {
316 317 318 319
  // Represents a remote address to which the application can connect.

  virtual Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> connect() = 0;
  // Make a new connection to this address.
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321 322 323 324 325 326 327
  // The address must not be a wildcard ("*").  If it is an IP address, it must have a port number.

  virtual Own<ConnectionReceiver> listen() = 0;
  // Listen for incoming connections on this address.
  // The address must be local.

329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
  virtual Own<DatagramPort> bindDatagramPort();
  // Open this address as a datagram (e.g. UDP) port.
  // The address must be local.

  virtual Own<NetworkAddress> clone() = 0;
  // Returns an equivalent copy of this NetworkAddress.

  virtual String toString() = 0;
  // Produce a human-readable string which hopefully can be passed to Network::parseAddress()
339 340 341 342 343 344
  // to reproduce this address, although whether or not that works of course depends on the Network
  // implementation.  This should be called only to display the address to human users, who will
  // hopefully know what they are able to do with it.

class Network {
345 346
  // Factory for NetworkAddress instances, representing the network services offered by the
  // operating system.
347 348 349
  // This interface typically represents broad authority, and well-designed code should limit its
  // use to high-level startup code and user interaction.  Low-level APIs should accept
  // NetworkAddress instances directly and work from there, if at all possible.
351 352

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353 354
  virtual Promise<Own<NetworkAddress>> parseAddress(StringPtr addr, uint portHint = 0) = 0;
  // Construct a network address from a user-provided string.  The format of the address
355 356 357 358 359 360
  // strings is not specified at the API level, and application code should make no assumptions
  // about them.  These strings should always be provided by humans, and said humans will know
  // what format to use in their particular context.
  // `portHint`, if provided, specifies the "standard" IP port number for the application-level
  // service in play.  If the address turns out to be an IP address (v4 or v6), and it lacks a
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  // port number, this port will be used.  If `addr` lacks a port number *and* `portHint` is
362 363
  // omitted, then the returned address will only support listen() and bindDatagramPort()
  // (not connect()), and an unused port will be chosen each time one of those methods is called.

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365 366
  virtual Own<NetworkAddress> getSockaddr(const void* sockaddr, uint len) = 0;
  // Construct a network address from a legacy struct sockaddr.
367 368 369 370

  virtual Own<Network> restrictPeers(
      kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::StringPtr> allow,
      kj::ArrayPtr<const kj::StringPtr> deny = nullptr) KJ_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
  // Constructs a new Network instance wrapping this one which restricts which peer addresses are
372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427
  // permitted (both for outgoing and incoming connections).
  // Communication will be allowed only with peers whose addresses match one of the patterns
  // specified in the `allow` array. If a `deny` array is specified, then any address which matches
  // a pattern in `deny` and *does not* match any more-specific pattern in `allow` will also be
  // denied.
  // The syntax of address patterns depends on the network, except that three special patterns are
  // defined for all networks:
  // - "private": Matches network addresses that are reserved by standards for private networks,
  //   such as "" or "". This is a superset of "local".
  // - "public": Opposite of "private".
  // - "local": Matches network addresses that are defined by standards to only be accessible from
  //   the local machine, such as "" or Unix domain addresses.
  // - "network": Opposite of "local".
  // For the standard KJ network implementation, the following patterns are also recognized:
  // - Network blocks specified in CIDR notation (ipv4 and ipv6), such as "" or
  //   "2001:db8::/32".
  // - "unix" to match all Unix domain addresses. (In the future, we may support specifying a
  //   glob.)
  // - "unix-abstract" to match Linux's "abstract unix domain" addresses. (In the future, we may
  //   support specifying a glob.)
  // Network restrictions apply *after* DNS resolution (otherwise they'd be useless).
  // It is legal to parseAddress() a restricted address. An exception won't be thrown until
  // connect() is called.
  // It's possible to listen() on a restricted address. However, connections will only be accepted
  // from non-restricted addresses; others will be dropped. If a particular listen address has no
  // valid peers (e.g. because it's a unix socket address and unix sockets are not allowed) then
  // listen() may throw (or may simply never receive any connections).
  // Examples:
  //     auto restricted = network->restrictPeers({"public"});
  // Allows connections only to/from public internet addresses. Use this when connecting to an
  // address specified by a third party that is not trusted and is not themselves already on your
  // private network.
  //     auto restricted = network->restrictPeers({"private"});
  // Allows connections only to/from the private network. Use this on the server side to reject
  // connections from the public internet.
  //     auto restricted = network->restrictPeers({""}, {""});
  // Allows connections only to/from 192.0.2.*, except which is blocked.
  //     auto restricted = network->restrictPeers({"", ""}, {""});
  // Allows connections to/from 10.*.*.*, with the exception of 10.1.2.* (which is denied), with an
  // exception to the exception of (which is allowed, because it is matched by an allow
  // rule that is more specific than the deny rule).
428 429

430 431
// =======================================================================================
// I/O Provider

433 434 435 436 437 438
class AsyncIoProvider {
  // Class which constructs asynchronous wrappers around the operating system's I/O facilities.
  // Generally, the implementation of this interface must integrate closely with a particular
  // `EventLoop` implementation.  Typically, the EventLoop implementation itself will provide
  // an AsyncIoProvider.
439 440

441 442 443
  virtual OneWayPipe newOneWayPipe() = 0;
  // Creates an input/output stream pair representing the ends of a one-way pipe (e.g. created with
  // the pipe(2) system call).

445 446 447
  virtual TwoWayPipe newTwoWayPipe() = 0;
  // Creates two AsyncIoStreams representing the two ends of a two-way pipe (e.g. created with
  // socketpair(2) system call).  Data written to one end can be read from the other.

449 450 451 452 453 454 455
  virtual CapabilityPipe newCapabilityPipe();
  // Creates two AsyncCapabilityStreams representing the two ends of a two-way capability pipe.
  // The default implementation throws an unimplemented exception. In particular this is not
  // implemented by the default AsyncIoProvider on Windows, since Windows lacks any sane way to
  // pass handles over a stream.

456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
  virtual Network& getNetwork() = 0;
  // Creates a new `Network` instance representing the networks exposed by the operating system.
  // DO NOT CALL THIS except at the highest levels of your code, ideally in the main() function.  If
  // you call this from low-level code, then you are preventing higher-level code from injecting an
  // alternative implementation.  Instead, if your code needs to use network functionality, it
  // should ask for a `Network` as a constructor or method parameter, so that higher-level code can
  // chose what implementation to use.  The system network is essentially a singleton.  See:
  // Code that uses the system network should not make any assumptions about what kinds of
  // addresses it will parse, as this could differ across platforms.  String addresses should come
  // strictly from the user, who will know how to write them correctly for their system.
  // With that said, KJ currently supports the following string address formats:
  // - IPv4: "", ""
  // - IPv6: "1234:5678::abcd", "[1234:5678::abcd]:80"
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473 474
  // - Local IP wildcard (covers both v4 and v6):  "*", "*:80"
  // - Symbolic names:  "", "", "", ""
475 476
  // - Unix domain: "unix:/path/to/socket"

477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488
  struct PipeThread {
    // A combination of a thread and a two-way pipe that communicates with that thread.
    // The fields are intentionally ordered so that the pipe will be destroyed (and therefore
    // disconnected) before the thread is destroyed (and therefore joined).  Thus if the thread
    // arranges to exit when it detects disconnect, destruction should be clean.

    Own<Thread> thread;
    Own<AsyncIoStream> pipe;

  virtual PipeThread newPipeThread(
      Function<void(AsyncIoProvider&, AsyncIoStream&, WaitScope&)> startFunc) = 0;
  // Create a new thread and set up a two-way pipe (socketpair) which can be used to communicate
  // with it.  One end of the pipe is passed to the thread's start function and the other end of
492 493 494 495 496
  // the pipe is returned.  The new thread also gets its own `AsyncIoProvider` instance and will
  // already have an active `EventLoop` when `startFunc` is called.
  // TODO(someday):  I'm not entirely comfortable with this interface.  It seems to be doing too
  //   much at once but I'm not sure how to cleanly break it down.
497 498

  virtual Timer& getTimer() = 0;
499 500 501 502 503 504
  // Returns a `Timer` based on real time.  Time does not pass while event handlers are running --
  // it only updates when the event loop polls for system events.  This means that calling `now()`
  // on this timer does not require a system call.
  // This timer is not affected by changes to the system date.  It is unspecified whether the timer
  // continues to count while the system is suspended.

507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514
class LowLevelAsyncIoProvider {
  // Similar to `AsyncIoProvider`, but represents a lower-level interface that may differ on
  // different operating systems.  You should prefer to use `AsyncIoProvider` over this interface
  // whenever possible, as `AsyncIoProvider` is portable and friendlier to dependency-injection.
  // On Unix, this interface can be used to import native file descriptors into the async framework.
  // Different implementations of this interface might work on top of different event handling
  // primitives, such as poll vs. epoll vs. kqueue vs. some higher-level event library.
  // On Windows, this interface can be used to import native SOCKETs into the async framework.
517 518
  // Different implementations of this interface might work on top of different event handling
  // primitives, such as I/O completion ports vs. completion routines.

520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530
  enum Flags {
    // Flags controlling how to wrap a file descriptor.

    TAKE_OWNERSHIP = 1 << 0,
    // The returned object should own the file descriptor, automatically closing it when destroyed.
    // The close-on-exec flag will be set on the descriptor if it is not already.
    // If this flag is not used, then the file descriptor is not automatically closed and the
    // close-on-exec flag is not modified.

#if !_WIN32
532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545
    ALREADY_CLOEXEC = 1 << 1,
    // Indicates that the close-on-exec flag is known already to be set, so need not be set again.
    // Only relevant when combined with TAKE_OWNERSHIP.
    // On Linux, all system calls which yield new file descriptors have flags or variants which
    // set the close-on-exec flag immediately.  Unfortunately, other OS's do not.

    // Indicates that the file descriptor is known already to be in non-blocking mode, so the flag
    // need not be set again.  Otherwise, all wrap*Fd() methods will enable non-blocking mode
    // automatically.
    // On Linux, all system calls which yield new file descriptors have flags or variants which
    // enable non-blocking mode immediately.  Unfortunately, other OS's do not.
547 548

549 550
#if _WIN32
  typedef uintptr_t Fd;
  typedef AutoCloseHandle OwnFd;
552 553 554 555 556
  // On Windows, the `fd` parameter to each of these methods must be a SOCKET, and must have the
  // flag WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED (which socket() uses by default, but WSASocket() wants you to specify
  // explicitly).
  typedef int Fd;
  typedef AutoCloseFd OwnFd;
558 559 560 561
  // On Unix, any arbitrary file descriptor is supported.

  virtual Own<AsyncInputStream> wrapInputFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0) = 0;
562 563
  // Create an AsyncInputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
  // `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.

  virtual Own<AsyncOutputStream> wrapOutputFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0) = 0;
567 568
  // Create an AsyncOutputStream wrapping a file descriptor.
  // `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.

  virtual Own<AsyncIoStream> wrapSocketFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0) = 0;
572 573
  // Create an AsyncIoStream wrapping a socket file descriptor.
574 575
  // `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.

#if !_WIN32
  virtual Own<AsyncCapabilityStream> wrapUnixSocketFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0);
578 579
  // Like wrapSocketFd() but also support capability passing via SCM_RIGHTS. The socket must be
  // a Unix domain socket.
580 581 582
  // The default implementation throws UNIMPLEMENTED, for backwards-compatibility with
  // LowLevelAsyncIoProvider implementations written before this method was added.
583 584

585 586
  virtual Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> wrapConnectingSocketFd(
      Fd fd, const struct sockaddr* addr, uint addrlen, uint flags = 0) = 0;
587 588
  // Create an AsyncIoStream wrapping a socket and initiate a connection to the given address.
  // The returned promise does not resolve until connection has completed.
  // `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.

592 593 594 595 596
  class NetworkFilter {
    virtual bool shouldAllow(const struct sockaddr* addr, uint addrlen) = 0;
    // Returns true if incoming connections or datagrams from the given peer should be accepted.
    // If false, they will be dropped. This is used to implement kj::Network::restrictPeers().
597 598

    static NetworkFilter& getAllAllowed();
599 600 601 602

  virtual Own<ConnectionReceiver> wrapListenSocketFd(
      Fd fd, NetworkFilter& filter, uint flags = 0) = 0;
603 604 605
  inline Own<ConnectionReceiver> wrapListenSocketFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0) {
    return wrapListenSocketFd(fd, NetworkFilter::getAllAllowed(), flags);
606 607 608
  // Create an AsyncIoStream wrapping a listen socket file descriptor.  This socket should already
  // have had `bind()` and `listen()` called on it, so it's ready for `accept()`.
  // `flags` is a bitwise-OR of the values of the `Flags` enum.

  virtual Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(Fd fd, NetworkFilter& filter, uint flags = 0);
612 613 614
  inline Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(Fd fd, uint flags = 0) {
    return wrapDatagramSocketFd(fd, NetworkFilter::getAllAllowed(), flags);

  virtual Timer& getTimer() = 0;
617 618 619 620 621 622
  // Returns a `Timer` based on real time.  Time does not pass while event handlers are running --
  // it only updates when the event loop polls for system events.  This means that calling `now()`
  // on this timer does not require a system call.
  // This timer is not affected by changes to the system date.  It is unspecified whether the timer
  // continues to count while the system is suspended.

624 625 626
  Own<AsyncInputStream> wrapInputFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
  Own<AsyncOutputStream> wrapOutputFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
  Own<AsyncIoStream> wrapSocketFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
#if !_WIN32
  Own<AsyncCapabilityStream> wrapUnixSocketFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
629 630
  Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> wrapConnectingSocketFd(
      OwnFd&& fd, const struct sockaddr* addr, uint addrlen, uint flags = 0);
  Own<ConnectionReceiver> wrapListenSocketFd(
633 634 635 636
      OwnFd&& fd, NetworkFilter& filter, uint flags = 0);
  Own<ConnectionReceiver> wrapListenSocketFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
  Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(OwnFd&& fd, NetworkFilter& filter, uint flags = 0);
  Own<DatagramPort> wrapDatagramSocketFd(OwnFd&& fd, uint flags = 0);
637 638
  // Convenience wrappers which transfer ownership via AutoCloseFd (Unix) or AutoCloseHandle
  // (Windows). TAKE_OWNERSHIP will be implicitly added to `flags`.

641 642
Own<AsyncIoProvider> newAsyncIoProvider(LowLevelAsyncIoProvider& lowLevel);
// Make a new AsyncIoProvider wrapping a `LowLevelAsyncIoProvider`.

644 645 646
struct AsyncIoContext {
  Own<LowLevelAsyncIoProvider> lowLevelProvider;
  Own<AsyncIoProvider> provider;
  WaitScope& waitScope;

649 650 651
#if _WIN32
  Win32EventPort& win32EventPort;
652 653 654
  UnixEventPort& unixEventPort;
  // TEMPORARY: Direct access to underlying UnixEventPort, mainly for waiting on signals. This
  //   field will go away at some point when we have a chance to improve these interfaces.

AsyncIoContext setupAsyncIo();
// Convenience method which sets up the current thread with everything it needs to do async I/O.
Kenton Varda's avatar
Kenton Varda committed
// The returned objects contain an `EventLoop` which is wrapping an appropriate `EventPort` for
661 662 663 664 665 666 667
// doing I/O on the host system, so everything is ready for the thread to start making async calls
// and waiting on promises.
// You would typically call this in your main() loop or in the start function of a thread.
// Example:
//     int main() {
Kenton Varda's avatar
Kenton Varda committed
//       auto ioContext = kj::setupAsyncIo();
669 670
//       // Now we can call an async function.
Kenton Varda's avatar
Kenton Varda committed
//       Promise<String> textPromise = getHttp(*ioContext.provider, "");
672 673 674
//       // And we can wait for the promise to complete.  Note that you can only use `wait()`
//       // from the top level, not from inside a promise callback.
David Renshaw's avatar
David Renshaw committed
//       String text = textPromise.wait(ioContext.waitScope);
676 677 678
//       print(text);
//       return 0;
//     }
679 680 681 682 683 684
// WARNING: An AsyncIoContext can only be used in the thread and process that created it. In
//   particular, note that after a fork(), an AsyncIoContext created in the parent process will
//   not work correctly in the child, even if the parent ceases to use its copy. In particular
//   note that this means that server processes which daemonize themselves at startup must wait
//   until after daemonization to create an AsyncIoContext.

686 687 688
// =======================================================================================
// Convenience adapters.

class CapabilityStreamConnectionReceiver final: public ConnectionReceiver {
690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703
  // Trivial wrapper which allows an AsyncCapabilityStream to act as a ConnectionReceiver. accept()
  // calls receiveStream().

  CapabilityStreamConnectionReceiver(AsyncCapabilityStream& inner)
      : inner(inner) {}

  Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> accept() override;
  uint getPort() override;

  AsyncCapabilityStream& inner;

class CapabilityStreamNetworkAddress final: public NetworkAddress {
705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729
  // Trivial wrapper which allows an AsyncCapabilityStream to act as a NetworkAddress.
  // connect() is implemented by calling provider.newCapabilityPipe(), sending one end over the
  // original capability stream, and returning the other end.
  // listen().accept() is implemented by receiving new streams over the original stream.
  // Note that clone() dosen't work (due to ownership issues) and toString() returns a static
  // string.

  CapabilityStreamNetworkAddress(AsyncIoProvider& provider, AsyncCapabilityStream& inner)
      : provider(provider), inner(inner) {}

  Promise<Own<AsyncIoStream>> connect() override;
  Own<ConnectionReceiver> listen() override;

  Own<NetworkAddress> clone() override;
  String toString() override;

  AsyncIoProvider& provider;
  AsyncCapabilityStream& inner;

730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753
// =======================================================================================
// inline implementation details

inline AncillaryMessage::AncillaryMessage(
    int level, int type, ArrayPtr<const byte> data)
    : level(level), type(type), data(data) {}

inline int AncillaryMessage::getLevel() const { return level; }
inline int AncillaryMessage::getType() const { return type; }

template <typename T>
inline Maybe<const T&> AncillaryMessage::as() {
  if (data.size() >= sizeof(T)) {
    return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data.begin());
  } else {
    return nullptr;

template <typename T>
inline ArrayPtr<const T> AncillaryMessage::asArray() {
  return arrayPtr(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data.begin()), data.size() / sizeof(T));

754 755 756
}  // namespace kj

#endif  // KJ_ASYNC_IO_H_