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A industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 600,000+ instances(not counting clients) and 500+ kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu. Only C++ implementation is opensourced right now.

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Contribute code

brpc welcomes contributions, especially those on adapting different platforms and extending protocols.

Make sure the code meets following requirements before submitting your PR:

  • The code conforms to google C++ coding style and is indented by 4 spaces.
  • The code appears where it should be. For example the code to support an extra protocol should not be put in general classes like server.cpp, channel.cpp, while a general modification would better not be hidden inside a very specific protocol.
  • Has unittests.

Check following items after submitting the PR:

  • Compilations and unittests in travis-ci are passed.