// Copyright (c) 2013 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Wed Nov 27 12:59:20 CST 2013 #ifndef BUTIL_FLAT_MAP_INL_H #define BUTIL_FLAT_MAP_INL_H namespace butil { inline uint32_t find_next_prime(uint32_t nbucket) { static const unsigned long prime_list[] = { 29ul, 53ul, 97ul, 193ul, 389ul, 769ul, 1543ul, 3079ul, 6151ul, 12289ul, 24593ul, 49157ul, 98317ul, 196613ul, 393241ul, 786433ul, 1572869ul, 3145739ul, 6291469ul, 12582917ul, 25165843ul, 50331653ul, 100663319ul, 201326611ul, 402653189ul, 805306457ul, 1610612741ul, 3221225473ul, 4294967291ul }; const size_t nprimes = sizeof(prime_list) / sizeof(prime_list[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < nprimes; i++) { if (nbucket <= prime_list[i]) { return prime_list[i]; } } return nbucket; } inline uint64_t find_power2(uint64_t b) { b -= 1; b |= (b >> 1); b |= (b >> 2); b |= (b >> 4); b |= (b >> 8); b |= (b >> 16); b |= (b >> 32); return b + 1; } // Using next prime is slower for 10ns on average (due to %). If quality of // the hash code is good enough, primeness of nbucket is not important. We // choose to trust the hash code (or user should use a better hash algorithm // when the collisions are significant) and still stick to round-to-power-2 // solution right now. inline size_t flatmap_round(size_t nbucket) { #ifdef FLAT_MAP_ROUND_BUCKET_BY_USE_NEXT_PRIME return find_next_prime(nbucket); #else return find_power2(nbucket); #endif } inline size_t flatmap_mod(size_t hash_code, size_t nbucket) { #ifdef FLAT_MAP_ROUND_BUCKET_BY_USE_NEXT_PRIME return hash_code % nbucket; #else return hash_code & (nbucket - 1); #endif } // Iterate FlatMap template <typename Map, typename Value> class FlatMapIterator { public: typedef Value value_type; typedef Value& reference; typedef Value* pointer; typedef typename add_const<Value>::type ConstValue; typedef ConstValue& const_reference; typedef ConstValue* const_pointer; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef typename remove_const<Value>::type NonConstValue; FlatMapIterator() : _node(NULL), _entry(NULL) {} FlatMapIterator(const Map* map, size_t pos) { if (map->initialized()) { _entry = map->_buckets + pos; find_and_set_valid_node(); } else { _node = NULL; _entry = NULL; } } FlatMapIterator(const FlatMapIterator<Map, NonConstValue>& rhs) : _node(rhs._node), _entry(rhs._entry) {} ~FlatMapIterator() {} // required by style-checker // *this == rhs bool operator==(const FlatMapIterator& rhs) const { return _node == rhs._node; } // *this != rhs bool operator!=(const FlatMapIterator& rhs) const { return _node != rhs._node; } // ++ it FlatMapIterator& operator++() { if (NULL == _node->next) { ++_entry; find_and_set_valid_node(); } else { _node = _node->next; } return *this; } // it ++ FlatMapIterator operator++(int) { FlatMapIterator tmp = *this; this->operator++(); return tmp; } reference operator*() { return _node->element().value_ref(); } pointer operator->() { return &_node->element().value_ref(); } const_reference operator*() const { return _node->element().value_ref(); } const_pointer operator->() const { return &_node->element().value_ref(); } private: friend class FlatMapIterator<Map, ConstValue>; friend class FlatMap<typename Map::key_type, typename Map::mapped_type, typename Map::hasher, typename Map::key_equal>; void find_and_set_valid_node() { for (; !_entry->is_valid(); ++_entry); _node = _entry; } typename Map::Bucket* _node; typename Map::Bucket* _entry; }; // Iterate SparseFlatMap template <typename Map, typename Value> class SparseFlatMapIterator { public: typedef Value value_type; typedef Value& reference; typedef Value* pointer; typedef typename add_const<Value>::type ConstValue; typedef ConstValue& const_reference; typedef ConstValue* const_pointer; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef typename remove_const<Value>::type NonConstValue; SparseFlatMapIterator() : _node(NULL), _pos(0), _map(NULL) {} SparseFlatMapIterator(const Map* map, size_t pos) { if (map->initialized()) { _map = map; _pos = pos; find_and_set_valid_node(); } else { _node = NULL; _map = NULL; _pos = 0; } } SparseFlatMapIterator(const SparseFlatMapIterator<Map, NonConstValue>& rhs) : _node(rhs._node), _pos(rhs._pos), _map(rhs._map) {} ~SparseFlatMapIterator() {} // required by style-checker // *this == rhs bool operator==(const SparseFlatMapIterator& rhs) const { return _node == rhs._node; } // *this != rhs bool operator!=(const SparseFlatMapIterator& rhs) const { return _node != rhs._node; } // ++ it SparseFlatMapIterator& operator++() { if (NULL == _node->next) { ++_pos; find_and_set_valid_node(); } else { _node = _node->next; } return *this; } // it ++ SparseFlatMapIterator operator++(int) { SparseFlatMapIterator tmp = *this; this->operator++(); return tmp; } reference operator*() { return _node->element().value_ref(); } pointer operator->() { return &_node->element().value_ref(); } const_reference operator*() const { return _node->element().value_ref(); } const_pointer operator->() const { return &_node->element().value_ref(); } private: friend class SparseFlatMapIterator<Map, ConstValue>; void find_and_set_valid_node() { if (!_map->_buckets[_pos].is_valid()) { _pos = bit_array_first1(_map->_thumbnail, _pos + 1, _map->_nbucket); } _node = _map->_buckets + _pos; } typename Map::Bucket* _node; size_t _pos; const Map* _map; }; template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::FlatMap(const hasher& hashfn, const key_equal& eql) : _size(0) , _nbucket(0) , _buckets(NULL) , _thumbnail(NULL) , _load_factor(0) , _hashfn(hashfn) , _eql(eql) {} template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::~FlatMap() { clear(); free(_buckets); _buckets = NULL; free(_thumbnail); _thumbnail = NULL; _nbucket = 0; _load_factor = 0; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::FlatMap(const FlatMap& rhs) : _size(0) , _nbucket(0) , _buckets(NULL) , _thumbnail(NULL) , _load_factor(rhs._load_factor) , _hashfn(rhs._hashfn) , _eql(rhs._eql) { operator=(rhs); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> void FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::operator=(const FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) { return; } // NOTE: assignment does not change _load_factor/_hashfn/_eql if |this| is // initialized clear(); if (rhs.empty()) { return; } if (!initialized()) { _load_factor = rhs._load_factor; } if (_buckets == NULL || is_too_crowded(rhs._size)) { free(_buckets); _nbucket = rhs._nbucket; // note: need an extra bucket to let iterator know where buckets end _buckets = (Bucket*)malloc(sizeof(Bucket) * (_nbucket + 1/*note*/)); if (NULL == _buckets) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to new _buckets"; return; } if (_S) { free(_thumbnail); _thumbnail = bit_array_malloc(_nbucket); if (NULL == _thumbnail) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to new _thumbnail"; return; } bit_array_clear(_thumbnail, _nbucket); } } if (_nbucket == rhs._nbucket) { // For equivalent _nbucket, walking through _buckets instead of using // iterators is more efficient. for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs._nbucket; ++i) { if (!rhs._buckets[i].is_valid()) { _buckets[i].set_invalid(); } else { if (_S) { bit_array_set(_thumbnail, i); } new (&_buckets[i]) Bucket(rhs._buckets[i]); Bucket* p1 = &_buckets[i]; Bucket* p2 = rhs._buckets[i].next; while (p2) { p1->next = new (_pool.get()) Bucket(*p2); p1 = p1->next; p2 = p2->next; } } } _buckets[rhs._nbucket].next = NULL; _size = rhs._size; } else { for (const_iterator it = rhs.begin(); it != rhs.end(); ++it) { operator[](Element::first_ref_from_value(*it)) = Element::second_ref_from_value(*it); } } } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> int FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::init(size_t nbucket, u_int load_factor) { if (initialized()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Already initialized"; return -1; } if (load_factor < 10 || load_factor > 100) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid load_factor=" << load_factor; return -1; } _size = 0; _nbucket = flatmap_round(nbucket); _load_factor = load_factor; _buckets = (Bucket*)malloc(sizeof(Bucket) * (_nbucket + 1)); if (NULL == _buckets) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to new _buckets"; return -1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < _nbucket; ++i) { _buckets[i].set_invalid(); } _buckets[_nbucket].next = NULL; if (_S) { _thumbnail = bit_array_malloc(_nbucket); if (NULL == _thumbnail) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to new _thumbnail"; return -1; } bit_array_clear(_thumbnail, _nbucket); } return 0; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> void FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::swap(FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S> & rhs) { std::swap(rhs._size, _size); std::swap(rhs._nbucket, _nbucket); std::swap(rhs._buckets, _buckets); std::swap(rhs._thumbnail, _thumbnail); std::swap(rhs._load_factor, _load_factor); std::swap(rhs._hashfn, _hashfn); std::swap(rhs._eql, _eql); rhs._pool.swap(_pool); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> _T* FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::insert(const key_type& key, const mapped_type& value) { mapped_type *p = &operator[](key); *p = value; return p; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> template <typename K2> size_t FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::erase(const K2& key, _T* old_value) { if (!initialized()) { return 0; } // TODO: Do we need auto collapsing here? const size_t index = flatmap_mod(_hashfn(key), _nbucket); Bucket& first_node = _buckets[index]; if (!first_node.is_valid()) { return 0; } if (_eql(first_node.element().first_ref(), key)) { if (old_value) { *old_value = first_node.element().second_ref(); } if (first_node.next == NULL) { first_node.element().~Element(); first_node.set_invalid(); if (_S) { bit_array_unset(_thumbnail, index); } } else { // A seemingly correct solution is to copy the memory of *p to // first_node directly like this: // first_node.element().~Element(); // first_node = *p; // It works at most of the time, but is wrong generally. // If _T references self inside like this: // Value { // Value() : num(0), num_ptr(&num) {} // int num; // int* num_ptr; // }; // After copying, num_ptr will be invalid. // Calling operator= is the price that we have to pay. Bucket* p = first_node.next; first_node.next = p->next; const_cast<_K&>(first_node.element().first_ref()) = p->element().first_ref(); first_node.element().second_ref() = p->element().second_ref(); p->element().~Element(); _pool.back(p); } --_size; return 1UL; } Bucket *p = first_node.next; Bucket *last_p = &first_node; while (p) { if (_eql(p->element().first_ref(), key)) { if (old_value) { *old_value = p->element().second_ref(); } last_p->next = p->next; p->element().~Element(); _pool.back(p); --_size; return 1UL; } last_p = p; p = p->next; } return 0; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> void FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::clear() { if (0 == _size) { return; } _size = 0; if (NULL != _buckets) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _nbucket; ++i) { Bucket& first_node = _buckets[i]; if (first_node.is_valid()) { first_node.element().~Element(); Bucket* p = first_node.next; while (p) { Bucket* next_p = p->next; p->element().~Element(); _pool.back(p); p = next_p; } first_node.set_invalid(); } } } if (NULL != _thumbnail) { bit_array_clear(_thumbnail, _nbucket); } } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> void FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::clear_and_reset_pool() { clear(); _pool.reset(); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> template <typename K2> _T* FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::seek(const K2& key) const { if (!initialized()) { return NULL; } Bucket& first_node = _buckets[flatmap_mod(_hashfn(key), _nbucket)]; if (!first_node.is_valid()) { return NULL; } if (_eql(first_node.element().first_ref(), key)) { return &first_node.element().second_ref(); } Bucket *p = first_node.next; while (p) { if (_eql(p->element().first_ref(), key)) { return &p->element().second_ref(); } p = p->next; } return NULL; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> _T& FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::operator[](const key_type& key) { const size_t index = flatmap_mod(_hashfn(key), _nbucket); Bucket& first_node = _buckets[index]; if (!first_node.is_valid()) { ++_size; if (_S) { bit_array_set(_thumbnail, index); } new (&first_node) Bucket(key); return first_node.element().second_ref(); } if (_eql(first_node.element().first_ref(), key)) { return first_node.element().second_ref(); } Bucket *p = first_node.next; if (NULL == p) { if (is_too_crowded(_size)) { if (resize(_nbucket + 1)) { return operator[](key); } // fail to resize is OK } ++_size; Bucket* newp = new (_pool.get()) Bucket(key); first_node.next = newp; return newp->element().second_ref(); } while (1) { if (_eql(p->element().first_ref(), key)) { return p->element().second_ref(); } if (NULL == p->next) { if (is_too_crowded(_size)) { if (resize(_nbucket + 1)) { return operator[](key); } // fail to resize is OK } ++_size; Bucket* newp = new (_pool.get()) Bucket(key); p->next = newp; return newp->element().second_ref(); } p = p->next; } } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> void FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::save_iterator( const const_iterator& it, PositionHint* hint) const { hint->nbucket = _nbucket; hint->offset = it._entry - _buckets; if (it != end()) { hint->at_entry = (it._entry == it._node); hint->key = it->first; } else { hint->at_entry = false; hint->key = key_type(); } } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> typename FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::const_iterator FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::restore_iterator(const PositionHint& hint) const { if (hint.nbucket != _nbucket/*resized*/ || hint.offset >= _nbucket/*invalid hint*/) { return begin(); // restart } Bucket& first_node = _buckets[hint.offset]; if (hint.at_entry) { return const_iterator(this, hint.offset); } if (!first_node.is_valid()) { // All elements hashed to the entry were removed, try next entry. return const_iterator(this, hint.offset + 1); } Bucket *p = &first_node; do { if (_eql(p->element().first_ref(), hint.key)) { const_iterator it; it._node = p; it._entry = &first_node; return it; } p = p->next; } while (p); // Last element that we iterated (and saved in PositionHint) was removed, // don't know which element to start, just restart at the beginning of // the entry. Some elements in the entry may be revisited, which // shouldn't be often. return const_iterator(this, hint.offset); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> bool FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::resize(size_t nbucket2) { nbucket2 = flatmap_round(nbucket2); if (_nbucket == nbucket2) { return false; } FlatMap new_map; if (new_map.init(nbucket2, _load_factor) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init new_map, nbucket=" << nbucket2; return false; } for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { new_map[Element::first_ref_from_value(*it)] = Element::second_ref_from_value(*it); } new_map.swap(*this); return true; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> BucketInfo FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::bucket_info() const { size_t max_n = 0; size_t nentry = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < _nbucket; ++i) { if (_buckets[i].is_valid()) { size_t n = 1; for (Bucket* p = _buckets[i].next; p; p = p->next, ++n); max_n = std::max(max_n, n); ++nentry; } } const BucketInfo info = { max_n, size() / (double)nentry }; return info; } inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BucketInfo& info) { return os << "{maxb=" << info.longest_length << " avgb=" << info.average_length << '}'; } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> typename FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::iterator FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::begin() { return iterator(this, 0); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> typename FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::iterator FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::end() { return iterator(this, _nbucket); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> typename FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::const_iterator FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::begin() const { return const_iterator(this, 0); } template <typename _K, typename _T, typename _H, typename _E, bool _S> typename FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::const_iterator FlatMap<_K, _T, _H, _E, _S>::end() const { return const_iterator(this, _nbucket); } } // namespace butil #endif //BUTIL_FLAT_MAP_INL_H