// mcpack2pb - Make protobuf be front-end of mcpack/compack // Copyright (c) 2015 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved // Author: The baidu-rpc authors (pbrpc@baidu.com) // Date: Mon Oct 19 17:17:36 CST 2015 #ifndef PUBLIC_MCPACK2PB_MCPACK_SERIALIZER_H #define PUBLIC_MCPACK2PB_MCPACK_SERIALIZER_H #include <limits> #include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h> #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "mcpack2pb/field_type.h" // CAUTION: Methods in this header is not intended to be public to users of // baidu-rpc, and subject to change at any future time. namespace mcpack2pb { // Send bytes into ZeroCopyOutputStream class OutputStream { public: class Area { public: Area() : _addr1(NULL) , _addr2(NULL) , _size1(0) , _size2(0) , _addional_area(NULL) {} Area(const base::LinkerInitialized&) {} Area(const Area& rhs); Area& operator=(const Area& rhs); ~Area(); void add(void* data, size_t n); void assign(const void* data) const; private: void* _addr1; void* _addr2; unsigned _size1; unsigned _size2; std::vector<base::StringPiece>* _addional_area; }; // TODO(gejun): The zero-copy stream MUST return permanent memory blocks // to support reserve(). E.g. StringOutputStream can't be used because // the string inside invalidates previous memory blocks after resizing. OutputStream(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* stream) : _good(true) , _fullsize(0) , _size(0) , _data(NULL) , _zc_stream(stream) , _pushed_bytes(0) {} ~OutputStream() { done(); } // Append n bytes. void append(const void* data, int n); // Append a pod. template <typename T> void append_packed_pod(const T& packed_pod); template <typename T> T* append_packed_pod(); // Append a byte. void push_back(char c); // If next n bytes in the zero-copy stream is continuous, consume it // and return the begining address. NULL otherwise. void* skip_continuous(int n); // Consume n bytes from the stream and return an object representing the // consumed area. Area reserve(int n); // Change data at the area. `data' must be as long as the reserved area. void assign(const Area&, const void* data); // Go back for n bytes. Require public/iobuf > r32794 void backup(int n); // Returns bytes pushed and cut since creation of this stream. size_t pushed_bytes() const { return _pushed_bytes; } // Returns false if error occurred during serialization. bool good() { return _good; } void set_bad() { _good = false; } // Optionally called to backup buffered bytes to zero-copy stream. void done(); private: bool _good; int _fullsize; int _size; void* _data; google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* _zc_stream; size_t _pushed_bytes; }; // This class is different from base::StringPiece that it only can be // constructed from std::string or const char* which are both ended with // zero, so that in later serialization of the name, we can simply copy one // extra byte to end the name with zero(required by compack) rather than // appending the zero in a separate function call which is less efficient. class StringWrapper { public: StringWrapper(const std::string& str) : _data(str.c_str()), _size(str.size()) {} StringWrapper(const char* str) { if (str) { _data = str; _size = strlen(str); } else { _data = ""; _size = 0; } } ~StringWrapper() { } const char* data() const { return _data; } size_t size() const { return _size; } bool empty() const { return !_size; } private: const char* _data; size_t _size; }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StringWrapper& sw) { return os << base::StringPiece(sw.data(), sw.size()); } class Serializer { public: // Serialize into `output'. explicit Serializer(OutputStream* stream); ~Serializer(); bool good() const { return _stream->good(); } void set_bad() { _stream->set_bad(); } size_t pushed_bytes() const { return _stream->pushed_bytes(); } // WARNING: Names to all methods cannot be longer that 254 bytes. // Append a primitive type with name. // Used between begin_object() and end_object(). void add_int8(const StringWrapper& name, int8_t value); void add_int16(const StringWrapper& name, int16_t value); void add_int32(const StringWrapper& name, int32_t value); void add_int64(const StringWrapper& name, int64_t value); void add_uint8(const StringWrapper& name, uint8_t value); void add_uint16(const StringWrapper& name, uint16_t value); void add_uint32(const StringWrapper& name, uint32_t value); void add_uint64(const StringWrapper& name, uint64_t value); void add_bool(const StringWrapper& name, bool value); void add_float(const StringWrapper& name, float value); void add_double(const StringWrapper& name, double value); // Add a primitive type without name. // Used between begin_xxx_array() and end_xxx_array(). void add_int8(int8_t value); void add_int16(int16_t value); void add_int32(int32_t value); void add_int64(int64_t value); void add_uint8(uint8_t value); void add_uint16(uint16_t value); void add_uint32(uint32_t value); void add_uint64(uint64_t value); void add_bool(bool value); void add_float(float value); void add_double(double value); // Add multiple primitive types in one call. void add_multiple_int8(const int8_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int8(const uint8_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int16(const int16_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int16(const uint16_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int32(const int32_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int32(const uint32_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int64(const int64_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_int64(const uint64_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint8(const uint8_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint8(const int8_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint16(const uint16_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint16(const int16_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint32(const uint32_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint32(const int32_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint64(const uint64_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_uint64(const int64_t* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_bool(const bool* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_float(const float* values, size_t count); void add_multiple_double(const double* values, size_t count); // Append a string. // The serialized value ends with 0 and the length counts 0. void add_string(const StringWrapper& name, const StringWrapper& str); void add_string(const StringWrapper& str); // Append binary data. void add_binary(const StringWrapper& name, const std::string& data); void add_binary(const StringWrapper& name, const void* data, size_t n); void add_binary(const std::string& data); void add_binary(const void* data, size_t n); // Append a null. void add_null(const StringWrapper& name); void add_null(); // Append an empty array. void add_empty_array(const StringWrapper& name); void add_empty_array(); // Begin/end an array. // All items inside the array must be of same type. This is not a // restriction of mcpack, but we want to align storage model with protobuf // as much as possible. // If too many levels of array/object reached, this function fails and // leaves the output unchanged. void begin_mcpack_array(const StringWrapper& name, FieldType item_type); void begin_mcpack_array(FieldType item_type); void begin_compack_array(const StringWrapper& name, FieldType item_type); void begin_compack_array(FieldType item_type); // End any kind of array. void end_array(); // Begin/end an object. // If too many levels of array/object reached, this function fails and // leaves the output unchanged. void begin_object(const StringWrapper& name); void begin_object(); void end_object(); // TODO(gejun): move to begin_object void end_object_iso(); public: struct GroupInfo { uint32_t item_count; bool isomorphic; uint8_t item_type; uint8_t type; uint8_t name_size; size_t output_offset; int pending_null_count; OutputStream::Area head_area; OutputStream::Area items_head_area; void print(std::ostream&) const; }; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Serializer); GroupInfo* push_group_info(); GroupInfo & peek_group_info(); void begin_object_internal(const StringWrapper& name); void begin_object_internal(); void end_object_internal(bool objectisoarray); void begin_array_internal(FieldType item_type, bool compack); void begin_array_internal(const StringWrapper& name, FieldType item_type, bool compack); OutputStream* _stream; int _ndepth; GroupInfo _group_info_fast[15]; GroupInfo *_group_info_more; }; } // namespace mcpack2pb #include "mcpack2pb/serializer-inl.h" #endif // PUBLIC_MCPACK2PB_MCPACK_SERIALIZER_H