// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Author Zhangyi Chen (chenzhangyi01@baidu.com)
// Date 2014/09/22 11:57:43


#include <string>                       // std::string
#include <vector>                       // std::vector
#include "butil/atomicops.h"             // butil::atomic
#include "butil/scoped_lock.h"           // BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK
#include "butil/type_traits.h"           // butil::add_cr_non_integral
#include "butil/synchronization/lock.h"  // butil::Lock
#include "butil/containers/linked_list.h"// LinkNode
#include "bvar/detail/agent_group.h"    // detail::AgentGroup
#include "bvar/detail/is_atomical.h"
#include "bvar/detail/call_op_returning_void.h"

namespace bvar {
namespace detail {

// Parameter to merge_global.
template <typename Combiner>
class GlobalValue {
    typedef typename Combiner::result_type result_type;
    typedef typename Combiner::Agent agent_type;

    GlobalValue(agent_type* a, Combiner* c) : _a(a), _c(c) {}
    ~GlobalValue() {}

    // Call this method to unlock tls element and lock the combiner.
    // Unlocking tls element avoids potential deadlock with
    // AgentCombiner::reset(), which also means that tls element may be
    // changed during calling of this method. BE AWARE OF THIS!
    // After this method is called (and before unlock), tls element and
    // global_result will not be changed provided this method is called
    // from the thread owning the agent.
    result_type* lock() {
        return &_c->_global_result;

    // Call this method to unlock the combiner and lock tls element again.
    void unlock() {

    agent_type* _a;
    Combiner* _c;

// Abstraction of tls element whose operations are all atomic.
template <typename T, typename Enabler = void>
class ElementContainer {
template <typename> friend class GlobalValue;
    void load(T* out) {
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        *out = _value;

    void store(const T& new_value) {
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        _value = new_value;

    void exchange(T* prev, const T& new_value) {
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        *prev = _value;
        _value = new_value;

    template <typename Op, typename T1>
    void modify(const Op &op, const T1 &value2) {
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        call_op_returning_void(op, _value, value2);

    // [Unique]
    template <typename Op, typename GlobalValue>
    void merge_global(const Op &op, GlobalValue & global_value) {
        op(global_value, _value);

    T _value;
    butil::Lock _lock;

template <typename T>
class ElementContainer<
    T, typename butil::enable_if<is_atomical<T>::value>::type> {
    // We don't need any memory fencing here, every op is relaxed.
    inline void load(T* out) {
        *out = _value.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed);

    inline void store(T new_value) {
        _value.store(new_value, butil::memory_order_relaxed);

    inline void exchange(T* prev, T new_value) {
        *prev = _value.exchange(new_value, butil::memory_order_relaxed);

    // [Unique]
    inline bool compare_exchange_weak(T& expected, T new_value) {
        return _value.compare_exchange_weak(expected, new_value,

    template <typename Op, typename T1>
    void modify(const Op &op, const T1 &value2) {
        T old_value = _value.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed);
        T new_value = old_value;
        call_op_returning_void(op, new_value, value2);
        // There's a contention with the reset operation of combiner,
        // if the tls value has been modified during _op, the
        // compare_exchange_weak operation will fail and recalculation is
        // to be processed according to the new version of value
        while (!_value.compare_exchange_weak(
                   old_value, new_value, butil::memory_order_relaxed)) {
            new_value = old_value;
            call_op_returning_void(op, new_value, value2);

    butil::atomic<T> _value;

template <typename ResultTp, typename ElementTp, typename BinaryOp>
class AgentCombiner {
    typedef ResultTp result_type;
    typedef ElementTp element_type;
    typedef AgentCombiner<ResultTp, ElementTp, BinaryOp> self_type;
friend class GlobalValue<self_type>;
    struct Agent : public butil::LinkNode<Agent> {
        Agent() : combiner(NULL) {}

        ~Agent() {
            if (combiner) {
                combiner = NULL;
        void reset(const ElementTp& val, self_type* c) {
            combiner = c;

        // Call op(GlobalValue<Combiner> &, ElementTp &) to merge tls element
        // into global_result. The common impl. is:
        //   struct XXX {
        //       void operator()(GlobalValue<Combiner> & global_value,
        //                       ElementTp & local_value) const {
        //           if (test_for_merging(local_value)) {
        //               // Unlock tls element and lock combiner. Obviously
        //               // tls element can be changed during lock().
        //               ResultTp* g = global_value.lock();
        //               // *g and local_value are not changed provided
        //               // merge_global is called from the thread owning
        //               // the agent.
        //               merge(*g, local_value);
        //               // unlock combiner and lock tls element again.
        //               global_value.unlock();
        //           }
        //           // safe to modify local_value because it's already locked
        //           // or locked again after merging.
        //           ...
        //       }
        //   };
        // NOTE: Only available to non-atomic types.
        template <typename Op>
        void merge_global(const Op &op) {
            GlobalValue<self_type> g(this, combiner);
            element.merge_global(op, g);

        self_type *combiner;
        ElementContainer<ElementTp> element;

    typedef detail::AgentGroup<Agent> AgentGroup;

    explicit AgentCombiner(const ResultTp result_identity = ResultTp(),
                           const ElementTp element_identity = ElementTp(),
                           const BinaryOp& op = BinaryOp())
        : _id(AgentGroup::create_new_agent())
        , _op(op)
        , _global_result(result_identity)
        , _result_identity(result_identity)
        , _element_identity(element_identity) {

    ~AgentCombiner() {
        if (_id >= 0) {
            _id = -1;
    // [Threadsafe] May be called from anywhere
    ResultTp combine_agents() const {
        ElementTp tls_value;
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        ResultTp ret = _global_result;
        for (butil::LinkNode<Agent>* node = _agents.head();
             node != _agents.end(); node = node->next()) {
            call_op_returning_void(_op, ret, tls_value);
        return ret;

    typename butil::add_cr_non_integral<ElementTp>::type element_identity() const 
    { return _element_identity; }
    typename butil::add_cr_non_integral<ResultTp>::type result_identity() const 
    { return _result_identity; }

    // [Threadsafe] May be called from anywhere.
    ResultTp reset_all_agents() {
        ElementTp prev;
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        ResultTp tmp = _global_result;
        _global_result = _result_identity;
        for (butil::LinkNode<Agent>* node = _agents.head();
             node != _agents.end(); node = node->next()) {
            node->value()->element.exchange(&prev, _element_identity);
            call_op_returning_void(_op, tmp, prev);
        return tmp;

    // Always called from the thread owning the agent.
    void commit_and_erase(Agent *agent) {
        if (NULL == agent) {
        ElementTp local;
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        // TODO: For non-atomic types, we can pass the reference to op directly.
        // But atomic types cannot. The code is a little troublesome to write.
        call_op_returning_void(_op, _global_result, local);

    // Always called from the thread owning the agent
    void commit_and_clear(Agent *agent) {
        if (NULL == agent) {
        ElementTp prev;
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        agent->element.exchange(&prev, _element_identity);
        call_op_returning_void(_op, _global_result, prev);

    // We need this function to be as fast as possible.
    inline Agent* get_or_create_tls_agent() {
        Agent* agent = AgentGroup::get_tls_agent(_id);
        if (!agent) {
            // Create the agent
            agent = AgentGroup::get_or_create_tls_agent(_id);
            if (NULL == agent) {
                LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to create agent";
                return NULL;
        if (agent->combiner) {
            return agent;
        agent->reset(_element_identity, this);
        // TODO: Is uniqueness-checking necessary here?
            butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        return agent;

    void clear_all_agents() {
        butil::AutoLock guard(_lock);
        // reseting agents is must because the agent object may be reused.
        // Set element to be default-constructed so that if it's non-pod,
        // internal allocations should be released.
        for (butil::LinkNode<Agent>* 
                node = _agents.head(); node != _agents.end();) {
            node->value()->reset(ElementTp(), NULL);
            butil::LinkNode<Agent>* const saved_next =  node->next();
            node = saved_next;

    const BinaryOp& op() const { return _op; }

    bool valid() const { return _id >= 0; }

    AgentId                                     _id;
    BinaryOp                                    _op;
    mutable butil::Lock                          _lock;
    ResultTp                                    _global_result;
    ResultTp                                    _result_identity;
    ElementTp                                   _element_identity;
    butil::LinkedList<Agent>                     _agents;

}  // namespace detail
}  // namespace bvar

#endif  // BVAR_COMBINER_H