// bthread - A M:N threading library to make applications more concurrent. // Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Tue Jul 10 17:40:58 CST 2012 #ifndef BAIDU_BTHREAD_BTHREAD_ID_H #define BAIDU_BTHREAD_BTHREAD_ID_H #include "butil/macros.h" // BAIDU_SYMBOLSTR #include "bthread/types.h" __BEGIN_DECLS // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions to create 64-bit identifiers that can be attached with data // and locked without ABA issues. All functions can be called from // multiple threads simultaneously. Notice that bthread_id_t is designed // for managing a series of non-heavily-contended actions on an object. // It's slower than mutex and not proper for general synchronizations. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a bthread_id_t and put it into *id. Crash when `id' is NULL. // id->value will never be zero. // `on_error' will be called after bthread_id_error() is called. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! User must call bthread_id_unlock() or bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy() // ! inside on_error. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_create( bthread_id_t* id, void* data, int (*on_error)(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code)) __THROW; // When this function is called successfully, *id, *id+1 ... *id + range - 1 // are mapped to same internal entity. Operations on any of the id work as // if they're manipulating a same id. `on_error' is called with the id issued // by corresponding bthread_id_error(). This is designed to let users encode // versions into identifiers. // `range' is limited inside [1, 1024]. int bthread_id_create_ranged( bthread_id_t* id, void* data, int (*on_error)(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code), int range) __THROW; // Wait until `id' being destroyed. // Waiting on a destroyed bthread_id_t returns immediately. // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_join(bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // Destroy a created but never-used bthread_id_t. // Returns 0 on success, EINVAL otherwise. int bthread_id_cancel(bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // Issue an error to `id'. // If `id' is not locked, lock the id and run `on_error' immediately. Otherwise // `on_error' will be called with the error just before `id' being unlocked. // If `id' is destroyed, un-called on_error are dropped. // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. #define bthread_id_error(id, err) \ bthread_id_error_verbose(id, err, __FILE__ ":" BAIDU_SYMBOLSTR(__LINE__)) int bthread_id_error_verbose(bthread_id_t id, int error_code, const char *location) __THROW; // Make other bthread_id_lock/bthread_id_trylock on the id fail, the id must // already be locked. If the id is unlocked later rather than being destroyed, // effect of this function is cancelled. This function avoids useless // waiting on a bthread_id which will be destroyed soon but still needs to // be joinable. // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_about_to_destroy(bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // Try to lock `id' (for using the data exclusively) // On success return 0 and set `pdata' with the `data' parameter to // bthread_id_create[_ranged], EBUSY on already locked, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_trylock(bthread_id_t id, void** pdata) __THROW; // Lock `id' (for using the data exclusively). If `id' is locked // by others, wait until `id' is unlocked or destroyed. // On success return 0 and set `pdata' with the `data' parameter to // bthread_id_create[_ranged], error code otherwise. #define bthread_id_lock(id, pdata) \ bthread_id_lock_verbose(id, pdata, __FILE__ ":" BAIDU_SYMBOLSTR(__LINE__)) int bthread_id_lock_verbose(bthread_id_t id, void** pdata, const char *location) __THROW; // Lock `id' (for using the data exclusively) and reset the range. If `id' is // locked by others, wait until `id' is unlocked or destroyed. if `range' if // smaller than the original range of this id, nothing happens about the range #define bthread_id_lock_and_reset_range(id, pdata, range) \ bthread_id_lock_and_reset_range_verbose(id, pdata, range, \ __FILE__ ":" BAIDU_SYMBOLSTR(__LINE__)) int bthread_id_lock_and_reset_range_verbose( bthread_id_t id, void **pdata, int range, const char *location) __THROW; // Unlock `id'. Must be called after a successful call to bthread_id_trylock() // or bthread_id_lock(). // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_unlock(bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // Unlock and destroy `id'. Waiters blocking on bthread_id_join() or // bthread_id_lock() will wake up. Must be called after a successful call to // bthread_id_trylock() or bthread_id_lock(). // Returns 0 on success, error code otherwise. int bthread_id_unlock_and_destroy(bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // ************************************************************************** // bthread_id_list_xxx functions are NOT thread-safe unless explicitly stated // Initialize a list for storing bthread_id_t. When an id is destroyed, it will // be removed from the list automatically. // The commented parameters are not used anymore and just kept to not break // compatibility. int bthread_id_list_init(bthread_id_list_t* list, unsigned /*size*/, unsigned /*conflict_size*/) __THROW; // Destroy the list. void bthread_id_list_destroy(bthread_id_list_t* list) __THROW; // Add a bthread_id_t into the list. int bthread_id_list_add(bthread_id_list_t* list, bthread_id_t id) __THROW; // Swap internal fields of two lists. void bthread_id_list_swap(bthread_id_list_t* dest, bthread_id_list_t* src) __THROW; // Issue error_code to all bthread_id_t inside `list' and clear `list'. // Notice that this function iterates all id inside the list and may call // on_error() of each valid id in-place, in another word, this thread-unsafe // function is not suitable to be enclosed within a lock directly. // To make the critical section small, swap the list inside the lock and // reset the swapped list outside the lock as follows: // bthread_id_list_t tmplist; // bthread_id_list_init(&tmplist, 0, 0); // LOCK; // bthread_id_list_swap(&tmplist, &the_list_to_reset); // UNLOCK; // bthread_id_list_reset(&tmplist, error_code); // bthread_id_list_destroy(&tmplist); int bthread_id_list_reset(bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code) __THROW; // Following 2 functions wrap above process. int bthread_id_list_reset_pthreadsafe( bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code, pthread_mutex_t* mutex) __THROW; int bthread_id_list_reset_bthreadsafe( bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code, bthread_mutex_t* mutex) __THROW; __END_DECLS #if defined(__cplusplus) // cpp specific API, with an extra `error_text' so that error information // is more comprehensive int bthread_id_create2( bthread_id_t* id, void* data, int (*on_error)(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code, const std::string& error_text)) __THROW; int bthread_id_create2_ranged( bthread_id_t* id, void* data, int (*on_error)(bthread_id_t id, void* data, int error_code, const std::string& error_text), int range) __THROW; #define bthread_id_error2(id, ec, et) \ bthread_id_error2_verbose(id, ec, et, __FILE__ ":" BAIDU_SYMBOLSTR(__LINE__)) int bthread_id_error2_verbose(bthread_id_t id, int error_code, const std::string& error_text, const char *location) __THROW; int bthread_id_list_reset2(bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code, const std::string& error_text) __THROW; int bthread_id_list_reset2_pthreadsafe(bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code, const std::string& error_text, pthread_mutex_t* mutex) __THROW; int bthread_id_list_reset2_bthreadsafe(bthread_id_list_t* list, int error_code, const std::string& error_text, bthread_mutex_t* mutex) __THROW; #endif #endif // BAIDU_BTHREAD_BTHREAD_ID_H