// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "butil/base_export.h"
#include "butil/files/file_path.h"

#if defined(__OBJC__)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#else  // __OBJC__
class NSBundle;
class NSString;
#endif  // __OBJC__

namespace butil {

class FilePath;

namespace mac {

// This file provides several functions to explicitly request the various
// component bundles of Chrome.  Please use these methods rather than calling
// +[NSBundle mainBundle] or CFBundleGetMainBundle().
// Terminology
//  - "Outer Bundle" - This is the main bundle for Chrome; it's what
//  +[NSBundle mainBundle] returns when Chrome is launched normally.
//  - "Main Bundle" - This is the bundle from which Chrome was launched.
//  This will be the same as the outer bundle except when Chrome is launched
//  via an app shortcut, in which case this will return the app shortcut's
//  bundle rather than the main Chrome bundle.
//  - "Framework Bundle" - This is the bundle corresponding to the Chrome
//  framework.
// Guidelines for use:
//  - To access a resource, the Framework bundle should be used.
//  - If the choice is between the Outer or Main bundles then please choose
//  carefully.  Most often the Outer bundle will be the right choice, but for
//  cases such as adding an app to the "launch on startup" list, the Main
//  bundle is probably the one to use.

// Methods for retrieving the various bundles.
BUTIL_EXPORT NSBundle* MainBundle();
BUTIL_EXPORT FilePath MainBundlePath();
BUTIL_EXPORT NSBundle* OuterBundle();
BUTIL_EXPORT FilePath OuterBundlePath();
BUTIL_EXPORT NSBundle* FrameworkBundle();
BUTIL_EXPORT FilePath FrameworkBundlePath();

// Set the bundle that the preceding functions will return, overriding the
// default values. Restore the default by passing in |nil|.
BUTIL_EXPORT void SetOverrideOuterBundle(NSBundle* bundle);
BUTIL_EXPORT void SetOverrideFrameworkBundle(NSBundle* bundle);

// Same as above but accepting a FilePath argument.
BUTIL_EXPORT void SetOverrideOuterBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path);
BUTIL_EXPORT void SetOverrideFrameworkBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path);

}  // namespace mac
}  // namespace butil