// iobuf - A non-continuous zero-copied buffer
// Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com)
// Date: Thu Nov 22 13:57:56 CST 2012


#include <sys/uio.h>                             // iovec
#include <stdint.h>                              // uint32_t
#include <string>                                // std::string
#include <ostream>                               // std::ostream
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h> // ZeroCopyInputStream
#include "butil/strings/string_piece.h"           // butil::StringPiece
#include "butil/third_party/snappy/snappy-sinksource.h"
#include "butil/zero_copy_stream_as_streambuf.h"
#include "butil/macros.h"
#include "butil/reader_writer.h"

// For IOBuf::appendv(const const_iovec*, size_t). The only difference of this
// struct from iovec (defined in sys/uio.h) is that iov_base is `const void*'
// which is assignable by const pointers w/o any error.
extern "C" {
struct const_iovec {
    const void* iov_base;
    size_t iov_len;
struct ssl_st;

namespace butil {

// IOBuf is a non-continuous buffer that can be cut and combined w/o copying
// payload. It can be read from or flushed into file descriptors as well.
// IOBuf is [thread-compatible]. Namely using different IOBuf in different
// threads simultaneously is safe, and reading a static IOBuf from different
// threads is safe as well.
// IOBuf is [NOT thread-safe]. Modifying a same IOBuf from different threads
// simultaneously is unsafe and likely to crash.
class IOBuf {
friend class IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream;
friend class IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream;
    static const size_t DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192;
    static const size_t INITIAL_CAP = 32; // must be power of 2

    struct Block;

    // can't directly use `struct iovec' here because we also need to access the
    // reference counter(nshared) in Block*
    struct BlockRef {
        // NOTICE: first bit of `offset' is shared with BigView::start
        uint32_t offset;
        uint32_t length;
        Block* block;

    // IOBuf is essentially a tiny queue of BlockRefs.
    struct SmallView {
        BlockRef refs[2];

    struct BigView {
        int32_t magic;
        uint32_t start;
        BlockRef* refs;
        uint32_t nref;
        uint32_t cap_mask;
        size_t nbytes;

        const BlockRef& ref_at(uint32_t i) const
        { return refs[(start + i) & cap_mask]; }
        BlockRef& ref_at(uint32_t i)
        { return refs[(start + i) & cap_mask]; }

        uint32_t capacity() const { return cap_mask + 1; }

    struct Movable {
        explicit Movable(IOBuf& v) : _v(&v) { }
        IOBuf& value() const { return *_v; }
        IOBuf *_v;

    typedef uint64_t Area;
    static const Area INVALID_AREA = 0;

    IOBuf(const IOBuf&);
    IOBuf(const Movable&);
    ~IOBuf() { clear(); }
    void operator=(const IOBuf&);
    void operator=(const Movable&);
    void operator=(const char*);
    void operator=(const std::string&);

    // Exchange internal fields with another IOBuf.
    void swap(IOBuf&);

    // Pop n bytes from front side
    // If n == 0, nothing popped; if n >= length(), all bytes are popped
    // Returns bytes popped.
    size_t pop_front(size_t n);

    // Pop n bytes from back side
    // If n == 0, nothing popped; if n >= length(), all bytes are popped
    // Returns bytes popped.
    size_t pop_back(size_t n);

    // Cut off `n' bytes from front side and APPEND to `out'
    // If n == 0, nothing cut; if n >= length(), all bytes are cut
    // Returns bytes cut.
    size_t cutn(IOBuf* out, size_t n);
    size_t cutn(void* out, size_t n);
    size_t cutn(std::string* out, size_t n);
    // Cut off 1 byte from the front side and set to *c
    // Return true on cut, false otherwise.
    bool cut1(char* c);

    // Cut from front side until the characters matches `delim', append
    // data before the matched characters to `out'.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 when there's no match (including empty `delim')
    // or other errors.
    int cut_until(IOBuf* out, char const* delim);

    // std::string version, `delim' could be binary
    int cut_until(IOBuf* out, const std::string& delim);

    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the writer
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    ssize_t cut_into_writer(IWriter* writer, size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the file descriptor
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    ssize_t cut_into_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

    // Cut at most `size_hint' bytes(approximately) into the file descriptor at
    // a given offset(from the start of the file). The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what cut_into_file_descriptor does.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    // NOTE: POSIX requires that a file open with the O_APPEND flag should
    // not affect pwrite(). However, on Linux, if |fd| is open with O_APPEND,
    // pwrite() appends data to the end of the file, regardless of the value
    // of |offset|.
    ssize_t pcut_into_file_descriptor(int fd, off_t offset /*NOTE*/, 
                                      size_t size_hint = 1024*1024);

    // Cut into SSL channel `ssl'. Returns what `SSL_write' returns
    // and the ssl error code will be filled into `ssl_error'
    ssize_t cut_into_SSL_channel(struct ssl_st* ssl, int* ssl_error);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into the writer.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_writer(
        IWriter* writer, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into the file descriptor.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor(
        int fd, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into file descriptor `fd' at a given
    // offset. The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor
    // does.
    // Read NOTE of pcut_into_file_descriptor.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t pcut_multiple_into_file_descriptor(
        int fd, off_t offset, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count);

    // Cut `count' number of `pieces' into SSL channel `ssl'.
    // Returns bytes cut on success, -1 otherwise and errno is set.
    static ssize_t cut_multiple_into_SSL_channel(
        struct ssl_st* ssl, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count, int* ssl_error);

    // Append another IOBuf to back side, payload of the IOBuf is shared
    // rather than copied.
    void append(const IOBuf& other);
    // Append content of `other' to self and clear `other'.
    void append(const Movable& other);

    // ===================================================================
    // Following push_back()/append() are just implemented for convenience
    // and occasional usages, they're relatively slow because of the overhead
    // of frequent BlockRef-management and reference-countings. If you get
    // a lot of push_back/append to do, you should use IOBufAppender or
    // IOBufBuilder instead, which reduce overhead by owning IOBuf::Block.
    // ===================================================================
    // Append a character to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int push_back(char c);
    // Append `data' with `count' bytes to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success(include count == 0), -1 otherwise.
    int append(void const* data, size_t count);

    // Append multiple data to back side in one call, faster than appending
    // one by one separately.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // Example:
    //   const_iovec vec[] = { { data1, len1 },
    //                         { data2, len2 },
    //                         { data3, len3 } };
    //   foo.appendv(vec, arraysize(vec));
    int appendv(const const_iovec vec[], size_t n);
    int appendv(const iovec* vec, size_t n)
    { return appendv((const const_iovec*)vec, n); }

    // Append a c-style string to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // NOTE: Returns 0 when `s' is empty.
    int append(char const* s);

    // Append a std::string to back side. (with copying)
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // NOTE: Returns 0 when `s' is empty.
    int append(const std::string& s);

    // Append the user-data to back side WITHOUT copying.
    // The user-data can be split and shared by smaller IOBufs and will be
    // deleted using the deleter func when no IOBuf references it anymore.
    int append_user_data(void* data, size_t size, void (*deleter)(void*));

    // Resizes the buf to a length of n characters.
    // If n is smaller than the current length, all bytes after n will be
    // truncated.
    // If n is greater than the current length, the buffer would be append with
    // as many |c| as needed to reach a size of n. If c is not specified,
    // null-character would be appended.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int resize(size_t n) { return resize(n, '\0'); }
    int resize(size_t n, char c);

    // Reserve `n' uninitialized bytes at back-side.
    // Returns an object representing the reserved area, INVALID_AREA on failure.
    // NOTE: reserve(0) returns INVALID_AREA.
    Area reserve(size_t n);

    // Copy `data' to the reserved `area'. `data' must be as long as the
    // reserved size.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    // [Rules]
    // 1. Make sure the IOBuf to be assigned was NOT cut/pop from front side
    //    after reserving, otherwise behavior of this function is undefined,
    //    even if it returns 0.
    // 2. Make sure the IOBuf to be assigned was NOT copied to/from another
    //    IOBuf after reserving to prevent underlying blocks from being shared,
    //    otherwise the assignment affects all IOBuf sharing the blocks, which
    //    is probably not what we want.
    int unsafe_assign(Area area, const void* data);

    // Append min(n, length()) bytes starting from `pos' at front side to `buf'.
    // The real payload is shared rather than copied.
    // Returns bytes copied.
    size_t append_to(IOBuf* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Explicitly declare this overload as error to avoid copy_to(butil::IOBuf*)
    // from being interpreted as copy_to(void*) by the compiler (which causes
    // undefined behavior).
    size_t copy_to(IOBuf* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const
    // the error attribute in not available in gcc 3.4
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8))
        __attribute__ (( error("Call append_to(IOBuf*) instead") ))

    // Copy min(n, length()) bytes starting from `pos' at front side into `buf'.
    // Returns bytes copied.
    size_t copy_to(void* buf, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // NOTE: first parameter is not std::string& because user may passes
    // a pointer of std::string by mistake, in which case, compiler would
    // call the void* version which crashes definitely.
    size_t copy_to(std::string* s, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;
    size_t append_to(std::string* s, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Copy min(n, length()) bytes staring from `pos' at front side into
    // `cstr' and end it with '\0'.
    // `cstr' must be as long as min(n, length())+1.
    // Returns bytes copied (not including ending '\0')
    size_t copy_to_cstr(char* cstr, size_t n = (size_t)-1L, size_t pos = 0) const;

    // Convert all data in this buffer to a std::string.
    std::string to_string() const;

    // Get `n' front-side bytes with minimum copying. Length of `aux_buffer'
    // must not be less than `n'.
    // Returns:
    //   NULL            -  n is greater than length()
    //   aux_buffer      -  n bytes are copied into aux_buffer
    //   internal buffer -  the bytes are stored continuously in the internal
    //                      buffer, no copying is needed. This function does not
    //                      add additional reference to the underlying block,
    //                      so user should not change this IOBuf during using
    //                      the internal buffer.
    // If n == 0 and buffer is empty, return value is undefined.
    const void* fetch(void* aux_buffer, size_t n) const;
    // Just fetch one character.
    const void* fetch1() const;

    // Remove all data
    void clear();

    // True iff there's no data
    bool empty() const;

    // Number of bytes
    size_t length() const;
    size_t size() const { return length(); }
    // Get number of Blocks in use. block_memory = block_count * BLOCK_SIZE
    static size_t block_count();
    static size_t block_memory();
    static size_t new_bigview_count();
    static size_t block_count_hit_tls_threshold();

    // Equal with a string/IOBuf or not.
    bool equals(const butil::StringPiece&) const;
    bool equals(const IOBuf& other) const;

    // Get the number of backing blocks
    size_t backing_block_num() const { return _ref_num(); }

    // Get #i backing_block, an empty StringPiece is returned if no such block
    StringPiece backing_block(size_t i) const;

    // Make a movable version of self
    Movable movable() { return Movable(*this); }

    int _cut_by_char(IOBuf* out, char);
    int _cut_by_delim(IOBuf* out, char const* dbegin, size_t ndelim);

    // Returns: true iff this should be viewed as SmallView
    bool _small() const;

    template <bool MOVE>
    void _push_or_move_back_ref_to_smallview(const BlockRef&);
    template <bool MOVE>
    void _push_or_move_back_ref_to_bigview(const BlockRef&);

    // Push a BlockRef to back side
    // NOTICE: All fields of the ref must be initialized or assigned
    //         properly, or it will ruin this queue
    void _push_back_ref(const BlockRef&);
    // Move a BlockRef to back side. After calling this function, content of
    // the BlockRef will be invalid and should never be used again.
    void _move_back_ref(const BlockRef&);

    // Pop a BlockRef from front side.
    // Returns: 0 on success and -1 on empty.
    int _pop_front_ref();

    // Pop a BlockRef from back side.
    // Returns: 0 on success and -1 on empty.
    int _pop_back_ref();

    // Number of refs in the queue
    size_t _ref_num() const;

    // Get reference to front/back BlockRef in the queue
    // should not be called if queue is empty or the behavior is undefined
    BlockRef& _front_ref();
    const BlockRef& _front_ref() const;
    BlockRef& _back_ref();
    const BlockRef& _back_ref() const;

    // Get reference to n-th BlockRef(counting from front) in the queue
    // NOTICE: should not be called if queue is empty and the `n' must
    //         be inside [0, _ref_num()-1] or behavior is undefined
    BlockRef& _ref_at(size_t i);
    const BlockRef& _ref_at(size_t i) const;

    // Get pointer to n-th BlockRef(counting from front)
    // If i is out-of-range, NULL is returned.
    const BlockRef* _pref_at(size_t i) const;

    union {
        BigView _bv;
        SmallView _sv;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const IOBuf& buf);

// Print binary content within max length,
// working for both butil::IOBuf and std::string
struct PrintedAsBinary {
    explicit PrintedAsBinary(const IOBuf& b)
        : _iobuf(&b), _max_length(64) {}
    explicit PrintedAsBinary(const std::string& b)
        : _iobuf(NULL), _data(b), _max_length(64) {}
    PrintedAsBinary(const IOBuf& b, size_t max_length)
        : _iobuf(&b), _max_length(max_length) {}
    PrintedAsBinary(const std::string& b, size_t max_length)
        : _iobuf(NULL), _data(b), _max_length(max_length) {}
    void print(std::ostream& os) const;
    const IOBuf* _iobuf;
    std::string _data;
    size_t _max_length;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const PrintedAsBinary& buf);

inline bool operator==(const butil::IOBuf& b, const butil::StringPiece& s)
{ return b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator==(const butil::StringPiece& s, const butil::IOBuf& b)
{ return b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::IOBuf& b, const butil::StringPiece& s)
{ return !b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::StringPiece& s, const butil::IOBuf& b)
{ return !b.equals(s); }
inline bool operator==(const butil::IOBuf& b1, const butil::IOBuf& b2)
{ return b1.equals(b2); }
inline bool operator!=(const butil::IOBuf& b1, const butil::IOBuf& b2)
{ return !b1.equals(b2); }

// IOPortal is a subclass of IOBuf that can read from file descriptors.
// Typically used as the buffer to store bytes from sockets.
class IOPortal : public IOBuf {
    IOPortal() : _block(NULL) { }
    IOPortal(const IOPortal& rhs) : IOBuf(rhs), _block(NULL) { } 
    IOPortal& operator=(const IOPortal& rhs);
    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from the reader and append to self.
    ssize_t append_from_reader(IReader* reader, size_t max_count);

    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from file descriptor `fd' and
    // append to self.
    ssize_t append_from_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t max_count);
    // Read at most `max_count' bytes from file descriptor `fd' at a given
    // offset and append to self. The file offset is not changed.
    // If `offset' is negative, does exactly what append_from_file_descriptor does.
    ssize_t pappend_from_file_descriptor(int fd, off_t offset, size_t max_count);

    // Read as many bytes as possible from SSL channel `ssl', and stop until `max_count'.
    // Returns total bytes read and the ssl error code will be filled into `ssl_error'
    ssize_t append_from_SSL_channel(struct ssl_st* ssl, int* ssl_error,
                                    size_t max_count = 1024*1024);

    // Remove all data inside and return cached blocks.
    void clear();

    // Return cached blocks to TLS. This function should be called by users
    // when this IOPortal are cut into intact messages and becomes empty, to
    // let continuing code on IOBuf to reuse the blocks. Calling this function
    // after each call to append_xxx does not make sense and may hurt
    // performance. Read comments on field `_block' below.
    void return_cached_blocks();

    static void return_cached_blocks_impl(Block*);

    // Cached blocks for appending. Notice that the blocks are released
    // until return_cached_blocks()/clear()/dtor() are called, rather than
    // released after each append_xxx(), which makes messages read from one
    // file descriptor more likely to share blocks and have less BlockRefs.
    Block* _block;

// Parse protobuf message from IOBuf. Notice that this wrapper does not change
// source IOBuf, which also should not change during lifetime of the wrapper.
// Even if a IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream is created but parsed, the source
// IOBuf should not be changed as well becuase constructor of the stream
// saves internal information of the source IOBuf which is assumed to be
// unchanged.
// Example:
//     IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream wrapper(the_iobuf_with_protobuf_format_data);
//     some_pb_message.ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&wrapper);
class IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream
    : public google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream {
    explicit IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream(const IOBuf&);

    bool Next(const void** data, int* size) override;
    void BackUp(int count) override;
    bool Skip(int count) override;
    google::protobuf::int64 ByteCount() const override;

    int _ref_index;
    int _add_offset;
    google::protobuf::int64 _byte_count;
    const IOBuf* _buf;

// Serialize protobuf message into IOBuf. This wrapper does not clear source
// IOBuf before appending. You can change the source IOBuf when stream is 
// not used(append sth. to the IOBuf, serialize a protobuf message, append 
// sth. again, serialize messages again...). This is different from 
// IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream which needs the source IOBuf to be unchanged.
// Example:
//     IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(&the_iobuf_to_put_data_in);
//     some_pb_message.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&wrapper);
// NOTE: Blocks are by default shared among all the ZeroCopyOutputStream in one
// thread. If there are many manuplated streams at one time, there may be many
// fragments. You can create a ZeroCopyOutputStream which has its own block by 
// passing a positive `block_size' argument to avoid this problem.
class IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream
    : public google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream {
    explicit IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(IOBuf*);
    IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(IOBuf*, uint32_t block_size);

    bool Next(void** data, int* size) override;
    void BackUp(int count) override; // `count' can be as long as ByteCount()
    google::protobuf::int64 ByteCount() const override;

    void _release_block();

    IOBuf* _buf;
    uint32_t _block_size;
    IOBuf::Block *_cur_block;
    google::protobuf::int64 _byte_count;

// Wrap IOBuf into input of snappy compresson.
class IOBufAsSnappySource : public butil::snappy::Source {
    explicit IOBufAsSnappySource(const butil::IOBuf& buf)
        : _buf(&buf), _stream(buf) {}
    virtual ~IOBufAsSnappySource() {}

    // Return the number of bytes left to read from the source
    virtual size_t Available() const;

    // Peek at the next flat region of the source.
    virtual const char* Peek(size_t* len); 

    // Skip the next n bytes.  Invalidates any buffer returned by
    // a previous call to Peek().
    virtual void Skip(size_t n);
    const butil::IOBuf* _buf;
    butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream _stream;

// Wrap IOBuf into output of snappy compression.
class IOBufAsSnappySink : public butil::snappy::Sink {
    explicit IOBufAsSnappySink(butil::IOBuf& buf);
    virtual ~IOBufAsSnappySink() {}

    // Append "bytes[0,n-1]" to this.
    virtual void Append(const char* bytes, size_t n);
    // Returns a writable buffer of the specified length for appending.
    virtual char* GetAppendBuffer(size_t length, char* scratch);
    char* _cur_buf;
    int _cur_len;
    butil::IOBuf* _buf;
    butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream _buf_stream;

// A std::ostream to build IOBuf.
// Example:
//   IOBufBuilder builder;
//   builder << "Anything that can be sent to std::ostream";
//   // You have several methods to fetch the IOBuf.
//   target_iobuf.append(builder.buf()); // builder.buf() was not changed
//   OR
//   builder.move_to(target_iobuf);      // builder.buf() was clear()-ed.
class IOBufBuilder : 
        // Have to use private inheritance to arrange initialization order.
        virtual private IOBuf,
        virtual private IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream,
        virtual private ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf,
        public std::ostream {
    explicit IOBufBuilder()
        : IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream(this)
        , ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf(this)
        , std::ostream(this)
    { }

    IOBuf& buf() {
        return *this;
    void buf(const IOBuf& buf) {
        *static_cast<IOBuf*>(this) = buf;
    void move_to(IOBuf& target) {
        target = Movable(buf());

// Create IOBuf by appending data *faster*
class IOBufAppender {
    // Append `n' bytes starting from `data' to back side of the internal buffer
    // Costs 2/3 time of IOBuf.append for short data/strings on Intel(R) Xeon(R)
    // CPU E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz. Longer data/strings make differences smaller.
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int append(const void* data, size_t n);
    int append(const butil::StringPiece& str);
    // Push the character to back side of the internal buffer.
    // Costs ~3ns while IOBuf.push_back costs ~13ns on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU
    // E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz
    // Returns 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
    int push_back(char c);
    IOBuf& buf() {
        return _buf;
    void move_to(IOBuf& target) {
        target = IOBuf::Movable(buf());
    void shrink();
    int add_block();

    void* _data;
    void* _data_end;
    IOBuf _buf;
    IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream _zc_stream;

// Iterate bytes of a IOBuf.
// During iteration, the iobuf should NOT be changed. For example,
// IOBufBytesIterator will not iterate more data appended to the iobuf after
// iterator's creation. This is for performance consideration.
class IOBufBytesIterator {
    explicit IOBufBytesIterator(const butil::IOBuf& buf);
    char operator*() const { return *_block_begin; }
    operator const void*() const { return (const void*)!!_bytes_left; }
    void operator++();
    void operator++(int) { return operator++(); }
    // Copy at most n bytes into buf, forwarding this iterator.
    size_t copy_and_forward(void* buf, size_t n);
    size_t copy_and_forward(std::string* s, size_t n);
    size_t bytes_left() const { return _bytes_left; }
    void try_next_block();
    const char* _block_begin;
    const char* _block_end;
    uint32_t _block_count;
    uint32_t _bytes_left;
    const butil::IOBuf* _buf;

}  // namespace butil

// Specialize std::swap for IOBuf
#if __cplusplus < 201103L  // < C++11
#include <algorithm>  // std::swap until C++11
#include <utility>  // std::swap since C++11
#endif  // __cplusplus < 201103L
namespace std {
template <>
inline void swap(butil::IOBuf& a, butil::IOBuf& b) {
    return a.swap(b);
} // namespace std

#include "butil/iobuf_inl.h"

#endif  // BUTIL_IOBUF_H