// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Author Zhangyi Chen (chenzhangyi01@baidu.com)
// Date 2014/09/24 19:34:24


#include <pthread.h>                        // pthread_mutex_*
#include <stdlib.h>                         // abort

#include <new>                              // std::nothrow
#include <deque>                            // std::deque
#include <vector>                           // std::vector

#include "base/errno.h"                     // errno
#include "base/thread_local.h"              // thread_atexit
#include "base/macros.h"                    // BAIDU_CACHELINE_ALIGNMENT
#include "base/scoped_lock.h"
#include "base/logging.h"

namespace bvar {
namespace detail {

typedef int AgentId;

// General NOTES:
// * Don't use bound-checking vector::at.
// * static functions in template class are not guaranteed to be inlined,
//   add inline keyword explicitly.
// * Put fast path in "if" branch, which is more cpu-wise.
// * don't use __builtin_expect excessively because CPU may predict the branch
//   better than you. Only hint branches that are definitely unusual.

template <typename Agent>
class AgentGroup {
    typedef Agent   agent_type;

    // TODO: We should remove the template parameter and unify AgentGroup
    // of all bvar with a same one, to reuse the memory between different
    // type of bvar. The unified AgentGroup allocates small structs in-place
    // and large structs on heap, thus keeping batch efficiencies on small
    // structs and improving memory usage on large structs.
    const static size_t RAW_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
    const static size_t ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK =
        (RAW_BLOCK_SIZE + sizeof(Agent) - 1) / sizeof(Agent);

    // The most generic method to allocate agents is to call ctor when
    // agent is needed, however we construct all agents when initializing
    // ThreadBlock, which has side effects:
    //  * calling ctor ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK times is slower.
    //  * calling ctor of non-pod types may be unpredictably slow.
    //  * non-pod types may allocate space inside ctor excessively.
    //  * may return non-null for unexist id.
    //  * lifetime of agent is more complex. User has to reset the agent before
    //    destroying id otherwise when the agent is (implicitly) reused by
    //    another one who gets the reused id, things are screwed.
    // TODO(chenzhangyi01): To fix these problems, a method is to keep a bitmap
    // along with ThreadBlock* in _s_tls_blocks, each bit in the bitmap
    // represents that the agent is constructed or not. Drawback of this method
    // is that the bitmap may take 32bytes (for 256 agents, which is common) so
    // that addressing on _s_tls_blocks may be slower if identifiers distribute
    // sparsely. Another method is to put the bitmap in ThreadBlock. But this
    // makes alignment of ThreadBlock harder and to address the agent we have
    // to touch an additional cacheline: the bitmap. Whereas in the first
    // method, bitmap and ThreadBlock* are in one cacheline.
    struct BAIDU_CACHELINE_ALIGNMENT ThreadBlock {
        inline Agent* at(size_t offset) { return _agents + offset; };
        Agent _agents[ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK];

    inline static AgentId create_new_agent() {
        AgentId agent_id = 0;
        if (!_get_free_ids().empty()) {
            agent_id = _get_free_ids().back();
        } else {
            agent_id = _s_agent_kinds++;
        return agent_id;

    inline static int destroy_agent(AgentId id) {
        // TODO: How to avoid double free?
        if (id < 0 || id >= _s_agent_kinds) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            return -1;
        return 0;

    // Note: May return non-null for unexist id, see notes on ThreadBlock
    // We need this function to be as fast as possible.
    inline static Agent* get_tls_agent(AgentId id) {
        if (__builtin_expect(id >= 0, 1)) {
            if (_s_tls_blocks) {
                const size_t block_id = (size_t)id / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
                if (block_id < _s_tls_blocks->size()) {
                    ThreadBlock* const tb = (*_s_tls_blocks)[block_id];
                    if (tb) {
                        return tb->at(id - block_id * ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK);
        return NULL;

    // Note: May return non-null for unexist id, see notes on ThreadBlock
    inline static Agent* get_or_create_tls_agent(AgentId id) {
        if (__builtin_expect(id < 0, 0)) {
            CHECK(false) << "Invalid id=" << id;
            return NULL;
        if (_s_tls_blocks == NULL) {
            _s_tls_blocks = new (std::nothrow) std::vector<ThreadBlock *>;
            if (__builtin_expect(_s_tls_blocks == NULL, 0)) {
                LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to create vector, " << berror();
                return NULL;
        const size_t block_id = (size_t)id / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK; 
        if (block_id >= _s_tls_blocks->size()) {
            // The 32ul avoid pointless small resizes.
            _s_tls_blocks->resize(std::max(block_id + 1, 32ul));
        ThreadBlock* tb = (*_s_tls_blocks)[block_id];
        if (tb == NULL) {
            ThreadBlock *new_block = new (std::nothrow) ThreadBlock;
            if (__builtin_expect(new_block == NULL, 0)) {
                return NULL;
            tb = new_block;
            (*_s_tls_blocks)[block_id] = new_block;
        return tb->at(id - block_id * ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK);

    static void _destroy_tls_blocks() {
        if (!_s_tls_blocks) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < _s_tls_blocks->size(); ++i) {
            delete (*_s_tls_blocks)[i];
        delete _s_tls_blocks;
        _s_tls_blocks = NULL;

    inline static std::deque<AgentId> &_get_free_ids() {
        if (__builtin_expect(!_s_free_ids, 0)) {
            _s_free_ids = new (std::nothrow) std::deque<AgentId>();
            if (!_s_free_ids) {
        return *_s_free_ids;

    static pthread_mutex_t                      _s_mutex;
    static AgentId                              _s_agent_kinds;
    static std::deque<AgentId>                  *_s_free_ids;
    static __thread std::vector<ThreadBlock *>  *_s_tls_blocks;

template <typename Agent>
pthread_mutex_t AgentGroup<Agent>::_s_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

template <typename Agent>
std::deque<AgentId>* AgentGroup<Agent>::_s_free_ids = NULL;

template <typename Agent>
AgentId AgentGroup<Agent>::_s_agent_kinds = 0;

template <typename Agent>
__thread std::vector<typename AgentGroup<Agent>::ThreadBlock *>
*AgentGroup<Agent>::_s_tls_blocks = NULL;

}  // namespace detail
}  // namespace bvar