// Copyright (c) 2013, The TOFT Authors.
// All rights reserved.
// Author: CHEN Feng <chen3feng@gmail.com>
// Created: 2013-03-02


#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>

namespace butil {

// scoped_array<C> is like scoped_ptr<C>, except that the caller must allocate
// with new [] and the destructor deletes objects with delete [].
// As with scoped_ptr<C>, a scoped_array<C> either points to an object
// or is NULL.  A scoped_array<C> owns the object that it points to.
// Size: sizeof(scoped_array<C>) == sizeof(C*)
template <class C>
class scoped_array {
    // The element type
    typedef C element_type;

    // Constructor.  Defaults to intializing with NULL.
    // There is no way to create an uninitialized scoped_array.
    // The input parameter must be allocated with new [].
    explicit scoped_array(C* p = NULL) : array_(p) { }

    // Destructor.  If there is a C object, delete it.
    // We don't need to test ptr_ == NULL because C++ does that for us.
    ~scoped_array() {
        enum { type_must_be_complete = sizeof(C) };
        delete[] array_;
        array_ = reinterpret_cast<C*>(-1);

    // implicit cast to bool
    operator void*() const {
        return array_;

    bool operator!() const {
        return array_ == 0;

    // Reset.  Deletes the current owned object, if any.
    // Then takes ownership of a new object, if given.
    // this->reset(this->get()) works.
    void reset(C* p = NULL) {
        if (p != array_) {
            enum { type_must_be_complete = sizeof(C) };
            delete[] array_;
            array_ = p;

    // Get one element of the current object.
    // Will assert() if there is no current object, or index i is negative.
    C& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const {
        assert(i >= 0);
        assert(array_ != NULL);
        return array_[i];

    // Get a pointer to the zeroth element of the current object.
    // If there is no current object, return NULL.
    C* get() const {
        return array_;

    // Comparison operators.
    // These return whether two scoped_array refer to the same object, not just to
    // two different but equal objects.
    bool operator==(C* p) const { return array_ == p; }
    bool operator!=(C* p) const { return array_ != p; }

    // Swap two scoped arrays.
    void swap(scoped_array& p2) {
        C* tmp = array_;
        array_ = p2.array_;
        p2.array_ = tmp;

    // Release an array.
    // The return value is the current pointer held by this object.
    // If this object holds a NULL pointer, the return value is NULL.
    // After this operation, this object will hold a NULL pointer,
    // and will not own the object any more.
    C* release() {
        C* retVal = array_;
        array_ = NULL;
        return retVal;

    C* array_;

    // Forbid comparison of different scoped_array types.
    template <class C2> bool operator==(scoped_array<C2> const& p2) const;
    template <class C2> bool operator!=(scoped_array<C2> const& p2) const;

    // Disallow evil constructors
    scoped_array(const scoped_array&);
    void operator=(const scoped_array&);

} // namespace butil