// Baidu RPC - A framework to host and access services throughout Baidu. // Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc. // Date: 2015/01/20 19:01:06 #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <gperftools/profiler.h> #include "base/third_party/snappy/snappy.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/iobuf.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "test/snappy_message.pb.h" #include "brpc/policy/snappy_compress.h" #include "brpc/policy/gzip_compress.h" typedef bool (*Compress)(const google::protobuf::Message&, base::IOBuf*); typedef bool (*Decompress)(const base::IOBuf&, google::protobuf::Message*); inline void CompressMessage(const char* method_name, int num, snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto& msg, int len, Compress compress, Decompress decompress) { base::Timer timer; size_t compression_length = 0; int64_t total_compress_time = 0; int64_t total_decompress_time = 0; snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto new_msg; for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) { base::IOBuf buf; timer.start(); ASSERT_TRUE(compress(msg, &buf)); timer.stop(); total_compress_time += timer.n_elapsed(); compression_length += buf.length(); timer.start(); ASSERT_TRUE(decompress(buf, &new_msg)); timer.stop(); total_decompress_time += timer.n_elapsed(); } float compression_ratio = compression_length / (((double)num) * len); printf("%20s%20d%20f%20f%30f%30f%29f%%\n", method_name, len, total_compress_time/1000.0/num, total_decompress_time/1000.0/num, 1000000000.0/1024/1024*num*len/total_compress_time, 1000000000.0/1024/1024*num*len/total_decompress_time, compression_ratio*100.0); } static bool SnappyDecompressIOBuf(char* input, size_t len, base::IOBuf* buf) { size_t decompress_length; if (!base::snappy::GetUncompressedLength(input, len, &decompress_length)) { return false; } char* output = new char[decompress_length]; if (!base::snappy::RawUncompress(input, len, output)) { delete [] output; return false; } buf->append(output, decompress_length); delete [] output; return true; } class test_compress_method : public testing::Test {}; TEST_F(test_compress_method, snappy) { snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto old_msg; old_msg.set_text("Hello World!"); old_msg.add_numbers(2); old_msg.add_numbers(7); old_msg.add_numbers(45); base::IOBuf buf; ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyCompress(old_msg, &buf)); snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto new_msg; ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyDecompress(buf, &new_msg)); ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(new_msg.text().c_str(), "Hello World!") == 0); ASSERT_TRUE(new_msg.numbers_size() == 3); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(0), 2); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(1), 7); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(2), 45); } TEST_F(test_compress_method, snappy_iobuf) { base::IOBuf buf, output_buf, check_buf; const char* test = "this is a test"; buf.append(test, strlen(test)); ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyCompress(buf, &output_buf)); ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyDecompress(output_buf, &check_buf)); ASSERT_STREQ(check_buf.to_string().c_str(), test); } TEST_F(test_compress_method, mass_snappy) { snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto old_msg; int len = 12435; char* text = new char[len + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < len;) { for (int i = 0; i < 26 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = 'a' + i; } for (int i = 0; i < 10 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = '0' + i; } } text[len] = '\0'; old_msg.set_text(text); old_msg.add_numbers(2); old_msg.add_numbers(7); old_msg.add_numbers(45); base::IOBuf buf; ProfilerStart("./snappy_compress.prof"); ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyCompress(old_msg, &buf)); snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto new_msg; ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyDecompress(buf, &new_msg)); ProfilerStop(); ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(new_msg.text().c_str(), text) == 0); ASSERT_TRUE(new_msg.numbers_size() == 3); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(0), 2); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(1), 7); ASSERT_EQ(new_msg.numbers(2), 45); delete [] text; } TEST_F(test_compress_method, snappy_test) { int len = 200; char* text = new char[len + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < len;) { for (int i = 0; i < 26 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = 'a' + i; } for (int i = 0; i < 10 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = '0' + i; } } text[len] = '\0'; base::IOBuf buf; std::string output; std::string append_string; ASSERT_TRUE(base::snappy::Compress(text, len, &output)); size_t com_len1 = output.size(); const char* s_text = "123456"; ASSERT_TRUE(base::snappy::Compress(s_text, strlen(s_text), &append_string)); output.append(append_string); std::string uncompress_str; std::string uncompress_str_t; char* ptr = const_cast<char*>(output.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(base::snappy::Uncompress(ptr, com_len1, &uncompress_str)); ptr = const_cast<char*>(append_string.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(base::snappy::Uncompress(ptr, strlen(ptr), &uncompress_str_t)); delete [] text; } TEST_F(test_compress_method, throughput_compare) { int len = 0; int len_subs[] = {128, 1024, 16*1024, 32*1024, 512*1024}; base::Timer timer; printf("%20s%20s%20s%20s%30s%30s%30s\n", "Compress method", "Compress size(B)", "Compress time(us)", "Decompress time(us)", "Compress throughput(MB/s)", "Decompress throughput(MB/s)", "Compress ratio"); for (size_t num = 0; num < ARRAY_SIZE(len_subs); ++num) { len = len_subs[num]; snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto old_msg; char* text = new char[len + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < len;) { for (int i = 0; i < 26 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = 'a' + i; } for (int i = 0; i < 10 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = '0' + i; } } text[len] = '\0'; old_msg.set_text(text); int k = std::min(32*1024*1024/len, 5000); CompressMessage("Snappy", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::SnappyCompress, brpc::policy::SnappyDecompress); CompressMessage("Gzip", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::GzipCompress, brpc::policy::GzipDecompress); CompressMessage("Zlib", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::ZlibCompress, brpc::policy::ZlibDecompress); printf("\n"); delete [] text; } } TEST_F(test_compress_method, throughput_compare_complete_random) { char str_table[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; int rand_num = 0; int len = 0; int len_subs[] = {128, 1024, 16*1024, 32*1024, 512 * 1024}; base::Timer timer; printf("%20s%20s%20s%20s%30s%30s%30s\n", "Compress method", "Compress size(B)", "Compress time(us)", "Decompress time(us)", "Compress throughput(MB/s)", "Decompress throughput(MB/s)", "Compress ratio"); for (size_t num = 0; num < ARRAY_SIZE(len_subs); ++num) { len = len_subs[num]; snappy_message::SnappyMessageProto old_msg; char* text = new char[len + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < len;) { rand_num = rand()%62; text[j++] = str_table[rand_num]; } text[len] = '\0'; old_msg.set_text(text); int k = std::min(32*1024*1024/len, 5000); CompressMessage("Snappy", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::SnappyCompress, brpc::policy::SnappyDecompress); CompressMessage("Gzip", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::GzipCompress, brpc::policy::GzipDecompress); CompressMessage("Zlib", k, old_msg, len, brpc::policy::ZlibCompress, brpc::policy::ZlibDecompress); printf("\n"); delete [] text; } } TEST_F(test_compress_method, mass_snappy_iobuf) { base::IOBuf buf; int len = 782; char* text = new char[len + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < len;) { for (int i = 0; i < 26 && j < len; i++) { text[j++] = 'a' + i; } } text[len] = '\0'; buf.append(text, strlen(text)); base::IOBuf output_buf, check_buf; ASSERT_TRUE(brpc::policy::SnappyCompress(buf, &output_buf)); const std::string output_str = output_buf.to_string(); len = output_str.size(); ASSERT_TRUE(SnappyDecompressIOBuf(const_cast<char*>(output_str.data()), len, &check_buf)); std::string check_str = check_buf.to_string(); ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(check_str.c_str(), text) == 0); delete [] text; }