// libcontext - a slightly more portable version of boost::context // Copyright Martin Husemann 2013. // Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2009. // Copyright Sergue E. Leontiev 2013. // Copyright Thomas Sailer 2013. // Minor modifications by Tomasz Wlostowski 2016. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include "bthread/context.h" #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".p2align 4,,15\n" ".globl _bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".def _bthread_jump_fcontext; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef\n" "_bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " mov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n" " push %ebp\n" " push %ebx\n" " push %esi\n" " push %edi\n" " mov %fs:0x18,%edx\n" " mov (%edx),%eax\n" " push %eax\n" " mov 0x4(%edx),%eax\n" " push %eax\n" " mov 0x8(%edx),%eax\n" " push %eax\n" " mov 0xe0c(%edx),%eax\n" " push %eax\n" " mov 0x10(%edx),%eax\n" " push %eax\n" " lea -0x8(%esp),%esp\n" " test %ecx,%ecx\n" " je nxt1\n" " stmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "nxt1:\n" " mov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n" " mov %esp,(%eax)\n" " mov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n" " mov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n" " mov %edx,%esp\n" " test %ecx,%ecx\n" " je nxt2\n" " ldmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fldcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "nxt2:\n" " lea 0x8(%esp),%esp\n" " mov %fs:0x18,%edx\n" " pop %ecx\n" " mov %ecx,0x10(%edx)\n" " pop %ecx\n" " mov %ecx,0xe0c(%edx)\n" " pop %ecx\n" " mov %ecx,0x8(%edx)\n" " pop %ecx\n" " mov %ecx,0x4(%edx)\n" " pop %ecx\n" " mov %ecx,(%edx)\n" " pop %edi\n" " pop %esi\n" " pop %ebx\n" " pop %ebp\n" " pop %edx\n" " mov %eax,0x4(%esp)\n" " jmp *%edx\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".p2align 4,,15\n" ".globl _bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".def _bthread_make_fcontext; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef\n" "_bthread_make_fcontext:\n" "mov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n" "lea -0x8(%eax),%eax\n" "and $0xfffffff0,%eax\n" "lea -0x3c(%eax),%eax\n" "mov 0x4(%esp),%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x14(%eax)\n" "mov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n" "neg %edx\n" "lea (%ecx,%edx,1),%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x10(%eax)\n" "mov %ecx,0xc(%eax)\n" "mov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x2c(%eax)\n" "stmxcsr (%eax)\n" "fnstcw 0x4(%eax)\n" "mov $finish,%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x30(%eax)\n" "mov %fs:0x0,%ecx\n" "walk:\n" "mov (%ecx),%edx\n" "inc %edx\n" "je found\n" "dec %edx\n" "xchg %edx,%ecx\n" "jmp walk\n" "found:\n" "mov 0x4(%ecx),%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x3c(%eax)\n" "mov $0xffffffff,%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x38(%eax)\n" "lea 0x38(%eax),%ecx\n" "mov %ecx,0x18(%eax)\n" "ret\n" "finish:\n" "xor %eax,%eax\n" "mov %eax,(%esp)\n" "call _exit\n" "hlt\n" ".def __exit; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef \n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".p2align 4,,15\n" ".globl bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".def bthread_jump_fcontext; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef\n" ".seh_proc bthread_jump_fcontext\n" "bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" ".seh_endprologue\n" " push %rbp\n" " push %rbx\n" " push %rsi\n" " push %rdi\n" " push %r15\n" " push %r14\n" " push %r13\n" " push %r12\n" " mov %gs:0x30,%r10\n" " mov 0x8(%r10),%rax\n" " push %rax\n" " mov 0x10(%r10),%rax\n" " push %rax\n" " mov 0x1478(%r10),%rax\n" " push %rax\n" " mov 0x18(%r10),%rax\n" " push %rax\n" " lea -0xa8(%rsp),%rsp\n" " test %r9,%r9\n" " je nxt1\n" " stmxcsr 0xa0(%rsp)\n" " fnstcw 0xa4(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm6,(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm7,0x10(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm8,0x20(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm9,0x30(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm10,0x40(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm11,0x50(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm12,0x60(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm13,0x70(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm14,0x80(%rsp)\n" " movaps %xmm15,0x90(%rsp)\n" "nxt1:\n" " xor %r10,%r10\n" " push %r10\n" " mov %rsp,(%rcx)\n" " mov %rdx,%rsp\n" " pop %r10\n" " test %r9,%r9\n" " je nxt2\n" " ldmxcsr 0xa0(%rsp)\n" " fldcw 0xa4(%rsp)\n" " movaps (%rsp),%xmm6\n" " movaps 0x10(%rsp),%xmm7\n" " movaps 0x20(%rsp),%xmm8\n" " movaps 0x30(%rsp),%xmm9\n" " movaps 0x40(%rsp),%xmm10\n" " movaps 0x50(%rsp),%xmm11\n" " movaps 0x60(%rsp),%xmm12\n" " movaps 0x70(%rsp),%xmm13\n" " movaps 0x80(%rsp),%xmm14\n" " movaps 0x90(%rsp),%xmm15\n" "nxt2:\n" " mov $0xa8,%rcx\n" " test %r10,%r10\n" " je nxt3\n" " add $0x8,%rcx\n" "nxt3:\n" " lea (%rsp,%rcx,1),%rsp\n" " mov %gs:0x30,%r10\n" " pop %rax\n" " mov %rax,0x18(%r10)\n" " pop %rax\n" " mov %rax,0x1478(%r10)\n" " pop %rax\n" " mov %rax,0x10(%r10)\n" " pop %rax\n" " mov %rax,0x8(%r10)\n" " pop %r12\n" " pop %r13\n" " pop %r14\n" " pop %r15\n" " pop %rdi\n" " pop %rsi\n" " pop %rbx\n" " pop %rbp\n" " pop %r10\n" " mov %r8,%rax\n" " mov %r8,%rcx\n" " jmpq *%r10\n" ".seh_endproc\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_windows_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".p2align 4,,15\n" ".globl bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".def bthread_make_fcontext; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef\n" ".seh_proc bthread_make_fcontext\n" "bthread_make_fcontext:\n" ".seh_endprologue\n" "mov %rcx,%rax\n" "sub $0x28,%rax\n" "and $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rax\n" "sub $0x128,%rax\n" "mov %r8,0x118(%rax)\n" "mov %rcx,0xd0(%rax)\n" "neg %rdx\n" "lea (%rcx,%rdx,1),%rcx\n" "mov %rcx,0xc8(%rax)\n" "mov %rcx,0xc0(%rax)\n" "stmxcsr 0xa8(%rax)\n" "fnstcw 0xac(%rax)\n" "leaq finish(%rip), %rcx\n" "mov %rcx,0x120(%rax)\n" "mov $0x1,%rcx\n" "mov %rcx,(%rax)\n" "retq\n" "finish:\n" "xor %rcx,%rcx\n" "callq 0x63\n" "hlt\n" " .seh_endproc\n" ".def _exit; .scl 2; .type 32; .endef \n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" ".type bthread_jump_fcontext,@function\n" "bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " movl 0x10(%esp), %ecx\n" " pushl %ebp \n" " pushl %ebx \n" " pushl %esi \n" " pushl %edi \n" " leal -0x8(%esp), %esp\n" " test %ecx, %ecx\n" " je 1f\n" " stmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "1:\n" " movl 0x1c(%esp), %eax\n" " movl %esp, (%eax)\n" " movl 0x20(%esp), %edx\n" " movl 0x24(%esp), %eax\n" " movl %edx, %esp\n" " test %ecx, %ecx\n" " je 2f\n" " ldmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fldcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "2:\n" " leal 0x8(%esp), %esp\n" " popl %edi \n" " popl %esi \n" " popl %ebx \n" " popl %ebp \n" " popl %edx\n" " movl %eax, 0x4(%esp)\n" " jmp *%edx\n" ".size bthread_jump_fcontext,.-bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" ".type bthread_make_fcontext,@function\n" "bthread_make_fcontext:\n" " movl 0x4(%esp), %eax\n" " leal -0x8(%eax), %eax\n" " andl $-16, %eax\n" " leal -0x20(%eax), %eax\n" " movl 0xc(%esp), %edx\n" " movl %edx, 0x18(%eax)\n" " stmxcsr (%eax)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%eax)\n" " call 1f\n" "1: popl %ecx\n" " addl $finish-1b, %ecx\n" " movl %ecx, 0x1c(%eax)\n" " ret \n" "finish:\n" " call 2f\n" "2: popl %ebx\n" " addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-2b], %ebx\n" " xorl %eax, %eax\n" " movl %eax, (%esp)\n" " call _exit@PLT\n" " hlt\n" ".size bthread_make_fcontext,.-bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".type bthread_jump_fcontext,@function\n" ".align 16\n" "bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " pushq %rbp \n" " pushq %rbx \n" " pushq %r15 \n" " pushq %r14 \n" " pushq %r13 \n" " pushq %r12 \n" " leaq -0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n" " cmp $0, %rcx\n" " je 1f\n" " stmxcsr (%rsp)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%rsp)\n" "1:\n" " movq %rsp, (%rdi)\n" " movq %rsi, %rsp\n" " cmp $0, %rcx\n" " je 2f\n" " ldmxcsr (%rsp)\n" " fldcw 0x4(%rsp)\n" "2:\n" " leaq 0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n" " popq %r12 \n" " popq %r13 \n" " popq %r14 \n" " popq %r15 \n" " popq %rbx \n" " popq %rbp \n" " popq %r8\n" " movq %rdx, %rax\n" " movq %rdx, %rdi\n" " jmp *%r8\n" ".size bthread_jump_fcontext,.-bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".type bthread_make_fcontext,@function\n" ".align 16\n" "bthread_make_fcontext:\n" " movq %rdi, %rax\n" " andq $-16, %rax\n" " leaq -0x48(%rax), %rax\n" " movq %rdx, 0x38(%rax)\n" " stmxcsr (%rax)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%rax)\n" " leaq finish(%rip), %rcx\n" " movq %rcx, 0x40(%rax)\n" " ret \n" "finish:\n" " xorq %rdi, %rdi\n" " call _exit@PLT\n" " hlt\n" ".size bthread_make_fcontext,.-bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl _bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".align 8\n" "_bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " pushq %rbp \n" " pushq %rbx \n" " pushq %r15 \n" " pushq %r14 \n" " pushq %r13 \n" " pushq %r12 \n" " leaq -0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n" " cmp $0, %rcx\n" " je 1f\n" " stmxcsr (%rsp)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%rsp)\n" "1:\n" " movq %rsp, (%rdi)\n" " movq %rsi, %rsp\n" " cmp $0, %rcx\n" " je 2f\n" " ldmxcsr (%rsp)\n" " fldcw 0x4(%rsp)\n" "2:\n" " leaq 0x8(%rsp), %rsp\n" " popq %r12 \n" " popq %r13 \n" " popq %r14 \n" " popq %r15 \n" " popq %rbx \n" " popq %rbp \n" " popq %r8\n" " movq %rdx, %rax\n" " movq %rdx, %rdi\n" " jmp *%r8\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_x86_64) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl _bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".align 8\n" "_bthread_make_fcontext:\n" " movq %rdi, %rax\n" " movabs $-16, %r8\n" " andq %r8, %rax\n" " leaq -0x48(%rax), %rax\n" " movq %rdx, 0x38(%rax)\n" " stmxcsr (%rax)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%rax)\n" " leaq finish(%rip), %rcx\n" " movq %rcx, 0x40(%rax)\n" " ret \n" "finish:\n" " xorq %rdi, %rdi\n" " call __exit\n" " hlt\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl _bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" "_bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " movl 0x10(%esp), %ecx\n" " pushl %ebp \n" " pushl %ebx \n" " pushl %esi \n" " pushl %edi \n" " leal -0x8(%esp), %esp\n" " test %ecx, %ecx\n" " je 1f\n" " stmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "1:\n" " movl 0x1c(%esp), %eax\n" " movl %esp, (%eax)\n" " movl 0x20(%esp), %edx\n" " movl 0x24(%esp), %eax\n" " movl %edx, %esp\n" " test %ecx, %ecx\n" " je 2f\n" " ldmxcsr (%esp)\n" " fldcw 0x4(%esp)\n" "2:\n" " leal 0x8(%esp), %esp\n" " popl %edi \n" " popl %esi \n" " popl %ebx \n" " popl %ebp \n" " popl %edx\n" " movl %eax, 0x4(%esp)\n" " jmp *%edx\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_apple_i386) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl _bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" "_bthread_make_fcontext:\n" " movl 0x4(%esp), %eax\n" " leal -0x8(%eax), %eax\n" " andl $-16, %eax\n" " leal -0x20(%eax), %eax\n" " movl 0xc(%esp), %edx\n" " movl %edx, 0x18(%eax)\n" " stmxcsr (%eax)\n" " fnstcw 0x4(%eax)\n" " call 1f\n" "1: popl %ecx\n" " addl $finish-1b, %ecx\n" " movl %ecx, 0x1c(%eax)\n" " ret \n" "finish:\n" " xorl %eax, %eax\n" " movl %eax, (%esp)\n" " call __exit\n" " hlt\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm32) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_jump_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" ".type bthread_jump_fcontext,%function\n" "bthread_jump_fcontext:\n" " @ save LR as PC\n" " push {lr}\n" " @ save V1-V8,LR\n" " push {v1-v8,lr}\n" " @ prepare stack for FPU\n" " sub sp, sp, #64\n" " @ test if fpu env should be preserved\n" " cmp a4, #0\n" " beq 1f\n" " @ save S16-S31\n" " vstmia sp, {d8-d15}\n" "1:\n" " @ store RSP (pointing to context-data) in A1\n" " str sp, [a1]\n" " @ restore RSP (pointing to context-data) from A2\n" " mov sp, a2\n" " @ test if fpu env should be preserved\n" " cmp a4, #0\n" " beq 2f\n" " @ restore S16-S31\n" " vldmia sp, {d8-d15}\n" "2:\n" " @ prepare stack for FPU\n" " add sp, sp, #64\n" " @ use third arg as return value after jump\n" " @ and as first arg in context function\n" " mov a1, a3\n" " @ restore v1-V8,LR,PC\n" " pop {v1-v8,lr,pc}\n" ".size bthread_jump_fcontext,.-bthread_jump_fcontext\n" "@ Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif #if defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_PLATFORM_linux_arm32) && defined(BTHREAD_CONTEXT_COMPILER_gcc) __asm ( ".text\n" ".globl bthread_make_fcontext\n" ".align 2\n" ".type bthread_make_fcontext,%function\n" "bthread_make_fcontext:\n" " @ shift address in A1 to lower 16 byte boundary\n" " bic a1, a1, #15\n" " @ reserve space for context-data on context-stack\n" " sub a1, a1, #104\n" " @ third arg of bthread_make_fcontext() == address of context-function\n" " str a3, [a1,#100]\n" " @ compute abs address of label finish\n" " adr a2, finish\n" " @ save address of finish as return-address for context-function\n" " @ will be entered after context-function returns\n" " str a2, [a1,#96]\n" " bx lr @ return pointer to context-data\n" "finish:\n" " @ exit code is zero\n" " mov a1, #0\n" " @ exit application\n" " bl _exit@PLT\n" ".size bthread_make_fcontext,.-bthread_make_fcontext\n" "@ Mark that we don't need executable stack.\n" ".section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",%progbits\n" ); #endif