// bthread - A M:N threading library to make applications more concurrent. // Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved // Author: Zhangyi Chen (chenzhangyi01@baidu.com) // Date: 2016/06/03 13:15:24 #include "base/atomicops.h" // base::atomic<int> #include "bthread/butex.h" #include "bthread/countdown_event.h" namespace bthread { CountdownEvent::CountdownEvent(int initial_count) { if (initial_count < 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid initial_count=" << initial_count; abort(); } _butex = butex_create_checked<int>(); *_butex = initial_count; _wait_was_invoked = false; } CountdownEvent::~CountdownEvent() { butex_destroy(_butex); } void CountdownEvent::signal(int sig) { // Have to save _butex, *this is probably defreferenced by the wait thread // which sees fetch_sub void* const saved_butex = _butex; const int prev = ((base::atomic<int>*)_butex) ->fetch_sub(sig, base::memory_order_release); // DON'T touch *this ever after if (prev > sig) { return; } LOG_IF(ERROR, prev < sig) << "Counter is over decreased"; butex_wake_all(saved_butex); } void CountdownEvent::wait() { _wait_was_invoked = true; for (;;) { const int seen_counter = ((base::atomic<int>*)_butex)->load(base::memory_order_acquire); if (seen_counter <= 0) { return; } butex_wait(_butex, seen_counter, NULL); } } void CountdownEvent::add_count(int v) { if (v <= 0) { LOG_IF(ERROR, v < 0) << "Invalid count=" << v; return; } LOG_IF(ERROR, _wait_was_invoked) << "Invoking add_count() after wait() was invoked"; ((base::atomic<int>*)_butex)->fetch_add(v, base::memory_order_release); } void CountdownEvent::reset(int v) { if (v < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid count=" << v; return; } const int prev_counter = ((base::atomic<int>*)_butex) ->exchange(v, base::memory_order_release); LOG_IF(ERROR, _wait_was_invoked && prev_counter) << "Invoking reset() while count=" << prev_counter; _wait_was_invoked = false; } int CountdownEvent::timed_wait(const timespec& duetime) { _wait_was_invoked = true; for (;;) { const int seen_counter = ((base::atomic<int>*)_butex)->load(base::memory_order_acquire); if (seen_counter <= 0) { return 0; } const int rc = butex_wait(_butex, seen_counter, &duetime); if (rc < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { return errno; } } } } // namespace bthread