// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// File test_http_parser.cpp
// Author: The baidu-rpc authors (pbrpc@baidu.com)
// Date 2014/10/22 09:58:14

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>

#include "base/time.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "brpc/details/http_parser.h"
#include "brpc/builtin/common.h"  // AppendFileName

using brpc::http_parser;
using brpc::http_parser_init;
using brpc::http_parser_settings;

class HttpParserTest : public testing::Test {
    void SetUp() {}
    void TearDown() {}

TEST_F(HttpParserTest, init_perf) {
    const size_t loops = 10000000;
    base::Timer timer;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < loops; ++i) {
        http_parser parser;
        http_parser_init(&parser, brpc::HTTP_REQUEST);
    std::cout << "It takes " << timer.n_elapsed() / loops
              << "ns to init a http_parser"
              << std::endl;

int on_message_begin(http_parser *) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Start parsing message";
    return 0;

int on_url(http_parser *, const char *at, const size_t length) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Get url " << std::string(at, length);
    return 0;

int on_headers_complete(http_parser *) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Header complete";
    return 0;

int on_message_complete(http_parser *) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Message complete";
    return 0;

int on_header_field(http_parser *, const char *at, const size_t length) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Get header field " << std::string(at, length);
    return 0;

int on_header_value(http_parser *, const char *at, const size_t length) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Get header value " << std::string(at, length);
    return 0;

int on_body(http_parser *, const char *at, const size_t length) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Get body " << std::string(at, length);
    return 0;

TEST_F(HttpParserTest, http_example) {
    const char *http_request = 
        "GET /path/file.html?sdfsdf=sdfs HTTP/1.0\r\n"
        "From: someuser@jmarshall.com\r\n"
        "User-Agent: HTTPTool/1.0\r\n"
        "Content-Type: json\r\n"
        "Content-Length: 19\r\n"
        "Host: sdlfjslfd\r\n"
        "Accept: */*\r\n"
        "Message Body sdfsdf\r\n"
    std::cout << http_request << std::endl;

    http_parser parser;
    http_parser_init(&parser, brpc::HTTP_REQUEST);
    http_parser_settings settings;
    memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings));
    settings.on_message_begin = on_message_begin;
    settings.on_url = on_url;
    settings.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete;
    settings.on_message_complete = on_message_complete;
    settings.on_header_field = on_header_field;
    settings.on_header_value = on_header_value;
    settings.on_body = on_body;
    LOG(INFO) << http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings, http_request, strlen(http_request));

TEST_F(HttpParserTest, append_filename) {
    std::string dir;

    dir = "/home/someone/.bsvn/..";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/home", dir);

    dir = "/home/someone/.bsvn/../";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/home", dir);

    dir = "/home/someone/./..";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/", dir);
    dir = "/home/someone/./../";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/", dir);

    dir = "/foo/bar";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/foo", dir);

    dir = "/foo/bar/";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/foo", dir);

    dir = "/foo";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, ".");
    ASSERT_EQ("/foo", dir);

    dir = "/foo/";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, ".");
    ASSERT_EQ("/foo/", dir);

    dir = "foo";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("", dir);

    dir = "foo/";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("", dir);

    dir = "foo/..";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("..", dir);

    dir = "foo/../";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("..", dir);
    dir = "/foo";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/", dir);

    dir = "/foo/";
    brpc::AppendFileName(&dir, "..");
    ASSERT_EQ("/", dir);