// bthread - A M:N threading library to make applications more concurrent. // Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Tue Jul 10 17:40:58 CST 2012 #include <gflags/gflags.h> #include "butil/macros.h" // BAIDU_CASSERT #include "butil/logging.h" #include "bthread/task_group.h" // TaskGroup #include "bthread/task_control.h" // TaskControl #include "bthread/timer_thread.h" #include "bthread/list_of_abafree_id.h" #include "bthread/bthread.h" namespace bthread { DEFINE_int32(bthread_concurrency, 8 + BTHREAD_EPOLL_THREAD_NUM, "Number of pthread workers"); static bool never_set_bthread_concurrency = true; static bool validate_bthread_concurrency(const char*, int32_t val) { // bthread_setconcurrency sets the flag on success path which should // not be strictly in a validator. But it's OK for a int flag. return bthread_setconcurrency(val) == 0; } const int ALLOW_UNUSED register_FLAGS_bthread_concurrency = ::GFLAGS_NS::RegisterFlagValidator(&FLAGS_bthread_concurrency, validate_bthread_concurrency); BAIDU_CASSERT(sizeof(TaskControl*) == sizeof(butil::atomic<TaskControl*>), atomic_size_match); pthread_mutex_t g_task_control_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // Referenced in rpc, needs to be extern. // Notice that we can't declare the variable as atomic<TaskControl*> which // are not constructed before main(). TaskControl* g_task_control = NULL; extern BAIDU_THREAD_LOCAL TaskGroup* tls_task_group; extern void (*g_worker_startfn)(); inline TaskControl* get_task_control() { return g_task_control; } inline TaskControl* get_or_new_task_control() { butil::atomic<TaskControl*>* p = (butil::atomic<TaskControl*>*)&g_task_control; TaskControl* c = p->load(butil::memory_order_consume); if (c != NULL) { return c; } BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(g_task_control_mutex); c = p->load(butil::memory_order_consume); if (c != NULL) { return c; } c = new (std::nothrow) TaskControl; if (NULL == c) { return NULL; } if (c->init(FLAGS_bthread_concurrency) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init g_task_control"; delete c; return NULL; } p->store(c, butil::memory_order_release); return c; } __thread TaskGroup* tls_task_group_nosignal = NULL; BUTIL_FORCE_INLINE int start_from_non_worker(bthread_t* __restrict tid, const bthread_attr_t* __restrict attr, void * (*fn)(void*), void* __restrict arg) { TaskControl* c = get_or_new_task_control(); if (NULL == c) { return ENOMEM; } if (attr != NULL && (attr->flags & BTHREAD_NOSIGNAL)) { // Remember the TaskGroup to insert NOSIGNAL tasks for 2 reasons: // 1. NOSIGNAL is often for creating many bthreads in batch, // inserting into the same TaskGroup maximizes the batch. // 2. bthread_flush() needs to know which TaskGroup to flush. TaskGroup* g = tls_task_group_nosignal; if (NULL == g) { g = c->choose_one_group(); tls_task_group_nosignal = g; } return g->start_background<true>(tid, attr, fn, arg); } return c->choose_one_group()->start_background<true>( tid, attr, fn, arg); } struct TidTraits { static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 63; static const size_t MAX_ENTRIES = 65536; static const bthread_t ID_INIT; static bool exists(bthread_t id) { return bthread::TaskGroup::exists(id); } }; const bthread_t TidTraits::ID_INIT = INVALID_BTHREAD; typedef ListOfABAFreeId<bthread_t, TidTraits> TidList; struct TidStopper { void operator()(bthread_t id) const { bthread_stop(id); } }; struct TidJoiner { void operator()(bthread_t & id) const { bthread_join(id, NULL); id = INVALID_BTHREAD; } }; } // namespace bthread extern "C" { int bthread_start_urgent(bthread_t* __restrict tid, const bthread_attr_t* __restrict attr, void * (*fn)(void*), void* __restrict arg) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (g) { // start from worker return bthread::TaskGroup::start_foreground(&g, tid, attr, fn, arg); } return bthread::start_from_non_worker(tid, attr, fn, arg); } int bthread_start_background(bthread_t* __restrict tid, const bthread_attr_t* __restrict attr, void * (*fn)(void*), void* __restrict arg) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (g) { // start from worker return g->start_background<false>(tid, attr, fn, arg); } return bthread::start_from_non_worker(tid, attr, fn, arg); } void bthread_flush() __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (g) { return g->flush_nosignal_tasks(); } g = bthread::tls_task_group_nosignal; if (g) { // NOSIGNAL tasks were created in this non-worker. bthread::tls_task_group_nosignal = NULL; return g->flush_nosignal_tasks_remote(); } } int bthread_interrupt(bthread_t tid) __THROW { return bthread::TaskGroup::interrupt(tid, bthread::get_task_control()); } int bthread_stop(bthread_t tid) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup::set_stopped(tid); return bthread_interrupt(tid); } int bthread_stopped(bthread_t tid) __THROW { return (int)bthread::TaskGroup::is_stopped(tid); } bthread_t bthread_self(void) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; // note: return 0 for main tasks now, which include main thread and // all work threads. So that we can identify main tasks from logs // more easily. This is probably questionable in future. if (g != NULL && !g->is_current_main_task()/*note*/) { return g->current_tid(); } return INVALID_BTHREAD; } int bthread_equal(bthread_t t1, bthread_t t2) __THROW { return t1 == t2; } void bthread_exit(void* retval) { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (g != NULL && !g->is_current_main_task()) { throw bthread::ExitException(retval); } else { pthread_exit(retval); } } int bthread_join(bthread_t tid, void** thread_return) __THROW { return bthread::TaskGroup::join(tid, thread_return); } int bthread_attr_init(bthread_attr_t* a) __THROW { *a = BTHREAD_ATTR_NORMAL; return 0; } int bthread_attr_destroy(bthread_attr_t*) __THROW { return 0; } int bthread_getattr(bthread_t tid, bthread_attr_t* attr) __THROW { return bthread::TaskGroup::get_attr(tid, attr); } int bthread_getconcurrency(void) __THROW { return bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency; } int bthread_setconcurrency(int num) __THROW { if (num < BTHREAD_MIN_CONCURRENCY || num > BTHREAD_MAX_CONCURRENCY) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid concurrency=" << num; return EINVAL; } bthread::TaskControl* c = bthread::get_task_control(); if (c != NULL) { if (num < c->concurrency()) { return EPERM; } else if (num == c->concurrency()) { return 0; } } BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(bthread::g_task_control_mutex); c = bthread::get_task_control(); if (c == NULL) { if (bthread::never_set_bthread_concurrency) { bthread::never_set_bthread_concurrency = false; bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency = num; } else if (num > bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency) { bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency = num; } return 0; } if (bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency != c->concurrency()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CHECK failed: bthread_concurrency=" << bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency << " != tc_concurrency=" << c->concurrency(); bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency = c->concurrency(); } if (num > bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency) { // Create more workers if needed. bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency += c->add_workers(num - bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency); return 0; } return (num == bthread::FLAGS_bthread_concurrency ? 0 : EPERM); } int bthread_about_to_quit() __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (g != NULL) { g->current_task()->about_to_quit = true; return 0; } return EPERM; } int bthread_timer_add(bthread_timer_t* id, timespec abstime, void (*on_timer)(void*), void* arg) __THROW { bthread::TaskControl* c = bthread::get_or_new_task_control(); if (c == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } bthread::TimerThread* tt = bthread::get_or_create_global_timer_thread(); if (tt == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } bthread_timer_t tmp = tt->schedule(on_timer, arg, abstime); if (tmp != 0) { *id = tmp; return 0; } return ESTOP; } int bthread_timer_del(bthread_timer_t id) __THROW { bthread::TaskControl* c = bthread::get_task_control(); if (c != NULL) { bthread::TimerThread* tt = bthread::get_global_timer_thread(); if (tt == NULL) { return EINVAL; } const int state = tt->unschedule(id); if (state >= 0) { return state; } } return EINVAL; } int bthread_usleep(uint64_t microseconds) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (NULL != g && !g->is_current_pthread_task()) { return bthread::TaskGroup::usleep(&g, microseconds); } return ::usleep(microseconds); } int bthread_yield(void) __THROW { bthread::TaskGroup* g = bthread::tls_task_group; if (NULL != g && !g->is_current_pthread_task()) { bthread::TaskGroup::yield(&g); return 0; } return pthread_yield(); } int bthread_set_worker_startfn(void (*start_fn)()) __THROW { if (start_fn == NULL) { return EINVAL; } bthread::g_worker_startfn = start_fn; return 0; } void bthread_stop_world() __THROW { bthread::TaskControl* c = bthread::get_task_control(); if (c != NULL) { c->stop_and_join(); } } int bthread_list_init(bthread_list_t* list, unsigned /*size*/, unsigned /*conflict_size*/) __THROW { list->impl = new (std::nothrow) bthread::TidList; if (NULL == list->impl) { return ENOMEM; } // Set unused fields to zero as well. list->head = 0; list->size = 0; list->conflict_head = 0; list->conflict_size = 0; return 0; } void bthread_list_destroy(bthread_list_t* list) __THROW { delete static_cast<bthread::TidList*>(list->impl); list->impl = NULL; } int bthread_list_add(bthread_list_t* list, bthread_t id) __THROW { if (list->impl == NULL) { return EINVAL; } return static_cast<bthread::TidList*>(list->impl)->add(id); } int bthread_list_stop(bthread_list_t* list) __THROW { if (list->impl == NULL) { return EINVAL; } static_cast<bthread::TidList*>(list->impl)->apply(bthread::TidStopper()); return 0; } int bthread_list_join(bthread_list_t* list) __THROW { if (list->impl == NULL) { return EINVAL; } static_cast<bthread::TidList*>(list->impl)->apply(bthread::TidJoiner()); return 0; } } // extern "C"