// mcpack2pb - Make protobuf be front-end of mcpack/compack // Copyright (c) 2015 baidu-rpc authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Mon Oct 19 17:17:36 CST 2015 #include "mcpack2pb/serializer.h" namespace mcpack2pb { const static OutputStream::Area INVALID_AREA(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED); // Binary head before fixed-size types. struct FieldFixedHead { public: void set_type(uint8_t type) { _type = type; } uint8_t type() const { return _type; } size_t name_offset() const { return sizeof(FieldFixedHead); } size_t name_size() const { return _name_size; } void set_name_size(size_t name_size) { _name_size = name_size; } size_t value_offset() const { return name_offset() + name_size(); } size_t value_size() const { return (_type & FIELD_FIXED_MASK); } size_t full_size() const { return value_offset() + value_size(); } public:// NOTE(gejun): initializer requires public members. uint8_t _type; // FieldType uint8_t _name_size; } __attribute__((__packed__)); // Binary head before string<=254 or raw<=255 class FieldShortHead { public: void set_type(uint8_t type) { _type = type; } uint8_t type() const { return _type; } size_t name_offset() const { return sizeof(FieldShortHead); } size_t name_size() const { return _name_size; } void set_name_size(size_t name_size) { _name_size = name_size; } size_t value_offset() const { return name_offset() + name_size(); } size_t value_size() const { return _value_size; } void set_value_size(size_t value_size) { _value_size = value_size; } size_t full_size() const { return value_offset() + value_size(); } private: uint8_t _type; uint8_t _name_size; uint8_t _value_size; } __attribute__((__packed__)); // Binary head before variable-size fields. class FieldLongHead { public: void set_type(uint8_t type) { _type = type; } uint8_t type() const { return _type; } size_t name_offset() const { return sizeof(FieldLongHead); } size_t name_size() const { return _name_size; } void set_name_size(size_t name_size) { _name_size = name_size; } size_t value_offset() const { return name_offset() + name_size(); } size_t value_size() const { return _value_size; } void set_value_size(size_t value_size) { _value_size = value_size; } size_t full_size() const { return value_offset() + value_size(); } private: uint8_t _type; uint8_t _name_size; uint32_t _value_size; } __attribute__((__packed__)); // Binary head before items of array/object except isomorphic array. struct ItemsHead { uint32_t item_count; } __attribute__((__packed__)); // Assert type sizes: BAIDU_CASSERT(sizeof(FieldFixedHead) == 2, size_assert); BAIDU_CASSERT(sizeof(FieldShortHead) == 3, size_assert); BAIDU_CASSERT(sizeof(FieldLongHead) == 6, size_assert); BAIDU_CASSERT(sizeof(ItemsHead) == 4, size_assert); template<typename T> struct GetFieldType {}; template<> struct GetFieldType<int8_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_INT8; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<int16_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_INT16; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<int32_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_INT32; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<int64_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_INT64; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<uint8_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_UINT8; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<uint16_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_UINT16; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<uint32_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_UINT32; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<uint64_t> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_UINT64; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<float> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_FLOAT; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<double> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_DOUBLE; }; template<> struct GetFieldType<bool> { static const FieldType value = FIELD_BOOL; }; void Serializer::GroupInfo::print(std::ostream& os) const { os << type2str(type); if (type == FIELD_ARRAY) { os << '[' << type2str(item_type) << ']'; } // os << type2str(type) << '='; // const uint8_t first_byte = *head_buf; // base::StringPiece name; // if (first_byte & FIELD_FIXED_MASK) { // FieldFixedHead head; // memcpy(&head, head_buf, sizeof(FieldFixedHead)); // name.set(head_buf + head.name_offset(), head.name_size()); // } else if (first_byte & FIELD_SHORT_MASK) { // FieldShortHead head; // memcpy(&head, head_buf, sizeof(FieldFixedHead)); // name.set(head_buf + head.name_offset(), head.name_size()); // } else { // FieldLongHead head; // memcpy(&head, head_buf, sizeof(FieldFixedHead)); // name.set(head_buf + head.name_offset(), head.name_size()); // } // if (name.empty()) { // os << "<anonymous>"; // } else { // os << '`' << name << '\''; // } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Serializer::GroupInfo& gi) { gi.print(os); return os; } Serializer::Serializer(OutputStream* stream) : _stream(stream) , _ndepth(0) , _group_info_more(NULL) { GroupInfo & info = _group_info_fast[0]; info.item_count = 0; info.isomorphic = false; info.item_type = 0; info.type = FIELD_OBJECT; info.name_size = 0; info.output_offset = 0; info.pending_null_count = 0; info.head_area = INVALID_AREA; info.items_head_area = INVALID_AREA; } Serializer::~Serializer() { if (_ndepth && good()/*error always causes opening braces*/) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Serializer(" << this << ") has opening"; for (; _ndepth > 0; --_ndepth) { oss << ' ' << peek_group_info(); } CHECK(false) << oss.str(); } free(_group_info_more); _group_info_more = NULL; } void add_pending_nulls(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo& group_info); inline bool object_add_item(Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const StringWrapper& name) { if (name.size() > 254) { CHECK(false) << "Too long name=`" << name << '\''; return false; } if (group_info.type != FIELD_OBJECT) { CHECK(false) << "Cannot add `" << name << "' to " << group_info; return false; } ++group_info.item_count; return true; } inline bool array_add_item(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, FieldType item_type, uint32_t n) { if (group_info.pending_null_count) { add_pending_nulls(stream, group_info); } if (group_info.item_type == item_type || (group_info.item_type == FIELD_OBJECT && item_type == FIELD_ARRAY)) { group_info.item_count += n; return true; } if (group_info.type == FIELD_ARRAY) { CHECK(false) << "Different item_type=" << type2str(item_type) << " from " << group_info; return false; } if (group_info.output_offset == 0) { // Enable anynomous object at first level. group_info.item_count += n; return true; } else { CHECK(false) << "Cannot add field without name to " << group_info; return false; } } //========================= //adding primitive types template <typename T> struct FixedHeadAndValue { FieldFixedHead head; T value; } __attribute__((__packed__)); template <typename T> inline void add_primitive( OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, T value) { if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(stream, group_info, GetFieldType<T>::value, 1)) { return stream->set_bad(); } if (group_info.isomorphic) { stream->append_packed_pod(value); } else { FixedHeadAndValue<T> head_and_value; head_and_value.head.set_type(GetFieldType<T>::value); head_and_value.head.set_name_size(0); head_and_value.value = value; stream->append_packed_pod(head_and_value); } } template <typename T> inline void add_primitive(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const StringWrapper& name, T value) { if (name.empty()) { return add_primitive(stream, group_info, value); } if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(group_info, name)) { return stream->set_bad(); } FieldFixedHead head; head.set_type(GetFieldType<T>::value); head.set_name_size(name.size() + 1); void* data = stream->skip_continuous( sizeof(FieldFixedHead) + name.size() + 1 + sizeof(T)); if (data) { // the stream has enough continuous space, we do the copying directly. // Comparing to the branch below, it saves 2 memcpy and many if/else. *(FieldFixedHead*)data = head; data = (char*)data + sizeof(FieldFixedHead); fast_memcpy(data, name.data(), name.size() + 1); data = (char*)data + name.size() + 1; *(T*)data = value; } else { stream->append_packed_pod(head); stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); stream->append_packed_pod(value); } } template <typename T> inline void add_primitives(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const T* values, size_t n) { if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(stream, group_info, GetFieldType<T>::value, n)) { return stream->set_bad(); } if (group_info.isomorphic) { stream->append(values, sizeof(T) * n); } else { // Even for mcpack arrays, we need to batch the values into an array // of head+value and write the array into stream for (much) better // throughput. static const size_t BATCH = 128; size_t nwritten = 0; while (n) { const size_t cur_batch = std::min(n, BATCH); FixedHeadAndValue<T> tmp[cur_batch]; for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_batch; ++i) { tmp[i].head.set_type(GetFieldType<T>::value); tmp[i].head.set_name_size(0); tmp[i].value = values[nwritten + i]; } nwritten += cur_batch; n -= cur_batch; stream->append(tmp, sizeof(FixedHeadAndValue<T>) * cur_batch); } } } void Serializer::add_int8(const StringWrapper& name, int8_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_int16(const StringWrapper& name, int16_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_int32(const StringWrapper& name, int32_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_int64(const StringWrapper& name, int64_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_uint8(const StringWrapper& name, uint8_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_uint16(const StringWrapper& name, uint16_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_uint32(const StringWrapper& name, uint32_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_uint64(const StringWrapper& name, uint64_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_bool(const StringWrapper& name, bool value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_float(const StringWrapper& name, float value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_double(const StringWrapper& name, double value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, value); } void Serializer::add_int8(int8_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_int16(int16_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_int32(int32_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_int64(int64_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_uint8(uint8_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_uint16(uint16_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_uint32(uint32_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_uint64(uint64_t value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_bool(bool value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_float(float value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_double(double value) { add_primitive(_stream, peek_group_info(), value); } void Serializer::add_multiple_int8(const int8_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_int16(const int16_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_int32(const int32_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_int64(const int64_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_uint8(const uint8_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_uint16(const uint16_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_uint32(const uint32_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_uint64(const uint64_t* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_bool(const bool* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_float(const float* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } void Serializer::add_multiple_double(const double* values, size_t count) { add_primitives(_stream, peek_group_info(), values, count); } // ================== // append string/raw inline void add_binary_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const base::StringPiece& value, FieldType type) { if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(stream, group_info, type, 1)) { return stream->set_bad(); } if (value.size() <= 255) { FieldShortHead shead; shead.set_type(type | FIELD_SHORT_MASK); shead.set_name_size(0); shead.set_value_size(value.size()); stream->append_packed_pod(shead); stream->append(value.data(), value.size()); } else { FieldLongHead lhead; lhead.set_type(type); lhead.set_name_size(0); lhead.set_value_size(value.size()); stream->append_packed_pod(lhead); stream->append(value.data(), value.size()); } } inline void add_binary_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const StringWrapper& name, const base::StringPiece& value, FieldType type) { if (name.empty()) { return add_binary_internal(stream, group_info, value, type); } if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(group_info, name)) { return stream->set_bad(); } if (value.size() <= 255) { FieldShortHead shead; shead.set_type(type | FIELD_SHORT_MASK); shead.set_name_size(name.size() + 1); shead.set_value_size(value.size()); stream->append_packed_pod(shead); stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); stream->append(value.data(), value.size()); } else { FieldLongHead lhead; lhead.set_type(type); lhead.set_name_size(name.size() + 1); lhead.set_value_size(value.size()); stream->append_packed_pod(lhead); stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); stream->append(value.data(), value.size()); } } void Serializer::add_string(const StringWrapper& name, const StringWrapper& s) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, base::StringPiece(s.data(), s.size() + 1), FIELD_STRING); } void Serializer::add_string(const StringWrapper& s) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), base::StringPiece(s.data(), s.size() + 1), FIELD_STRING); } void Serializer::add_binary(const StringWrapper& name, const std::string& data) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, data, FIELD_BINARY); } void Serializer::add_binary(const StringWrapper& name, const void* data, size_t n) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), name, base::StringPiece((const char*)data, n), FIELD_BINARY); } void Serializer::add_binary(const std::string& data) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), data, FIELD_BINARY); } void Serializer::add_binary(const void* data, size_t n) { add_binary_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), base::StringPiece((const char*)data, n), FIELD_BINARY); } // =============== // append null. inline void add_null_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo& group_info) { ++group_info.pending_null_count; } struct NullLayout { FieldFixedHead head; char zero; } __attribute__((__packed__)); #define MCPACK_NULL_INITIALIZER {{FIELD_NULL,0},0} #define MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_4 \ MCPACK_NULL_INITIALIZER, MCPACK_NULL_INITIALIZER, \ MCPACK_NULL_INITIALIZER, MCPACK_NULL_INITIALIZER #define MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_16 \ MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_4, MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_4, \ MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_4, MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_4 #define MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_64 \ MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_16, MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_16, \ MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_16, MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_16 static NullLayout s_null_array[] = {MCPACK_NULL_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_64}; // no inline. inline makes branches in array_add_item worse. void add_pending_nulls(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo& group_info) { if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (group_info.type != FIELD_ARRAY) { CHECK(false) << "Cannot add nulls without name to " << group_info; return stream->set_bad(); } if (group_info.isomorphic) { CHECK(false) << "Cannot add nulls to isomorphic " << group_info; return stream->set_bad(); } int n = group_info.pending_null_count; group_info.pending_null_count = 0; group_info.item_count += n; // layout of nulls = [{FIELD_NULL,0,0},{FIELD_NULL,0,0},...] while (n) { const int cur_batch = std::min(n, (int)arraysize(s_null_array)); n -= cur_batch; stream->append(s_null_array, cur_batch * sizeof(NullLayout)); } } inline void add_null_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const StringWrapper& name) { if (name.empty()) { return add_null_internal(stream, group_info); } if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(group_info, name)) { return stream->set_bad(); } FieldFixedHead head; head.set_type(FIELD_NULL); head.set_name_size(name.size() + 1); stream->append_packed_pod(head); stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); stream->push_back(0); } void Serializer::add_null(const StringWrapper& name) { add_null_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), name); } void Serializer::add_null() { add_null_internal(_stream, peek_group_info()); } // =============== // append empty_array. struct ArrayHead { FieldLongHead head; ItemsHead items_head; } __attribute__((__packed__)); struct ObjectHead { FieldLongHead head; ItemsHead fields_head; } __attribute__((__packed__)); inline void add_empty_array_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo& group_info) { if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(stream, group_info, FIELD_ARRAY, 1)) { return stream->set_bad(); } ArrayHead arrhead; arrhead.head.set_type(FIELD_ARRAY); arrhead.head.set_name_size(0); arrhead.head.set_value_size(sizeof(ItemsHead)); arrhead.items_head.item_count = 0; stream->append_packed_pod(arrhead); } inline void add_empty_array_internal(OutputStream* stream, Serializer::GroupInfo & group_info, const StringWrapper& name) { if (name.empty()) { return add_empty_array_internal(stream, group_info); } if (!stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(group_info, name)) { return stream->set_bad(); } FieldLongHead head; head.set_type(FIELD_ARRAY); head.set_name_size(name.size() + 1); head.set_value_size(sizeof(ItemsHead)); ItemsHead items_head = { 0 }; stream->append_packed_pod(head); stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); stream->append_packed_pod(items_head); } void Serializer::add_empty_array(const StringWrapper& name) { add_empty_array_internal(_stream, peek_group_info(), name); } void Serializer::add_empty_array() { add_empty_array_internal(_stream, peek_group_info()); } // ========================= // append array/object void Serializer::begin_object_internal() { if (!_stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(_stream, peek_group_info(), FIELD_OBJECT, 1)) { return _stream->set_bad(); } GroupInfo* info = push_group_info(); if (info == NULL) { CHECK(false) << "Fail to push object"; return _stream->set_bad(); } info->item_count = 0; info->isomorphic = false; info->item_type = 0; info->type = FIELD_OBJECT; info->name_size = 0; info->output_offset = _stream->pushed_bytes(); info->pending_null_count = 0; info->head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(ObjectHead)); info->items_head_area = INVALID_AREA; } void Serializer::begin_object_internal(const StringWrapper& name) { if (name.empty()) { return begin_object_internal(); } if (!_stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(peek_group_info(), name)) { return _stream->set_bad(); } GroupInfo* info = push_group_info(); if (info == NULL) { CHECK(false) << "Fail to push object=" << name; return _stream->set_bad(); } info->item_count = 0; info->isomorphic = false; info->item_type = 0; info->type = FIELD_OBJECT; info->name_size = (uint8_t)(name.size() + 1); info->output_offset = _stream->pushed_bytes(); info->pending_null_count = 0; info->head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(FieldLongHead)); _stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); info->items_head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(ItemsHead)); } inline void pop_group_info(int & ndepth) { if (ndepth > 0) { --ndepth; } else { CHECK(false) << "Nothing to pop"; } } void Serializer::end_object_internal(bool objectisoarray) { if (!_stream->good()) { return; } GroupInfo & group_info = peek_group_info(); if (FIELD_OBJECT != group_info.type) { CHECK(false) << "end_object() is called on " << group_info; return _stream->set_bad(); } if (group_info.name_size == 0) { ObjectHead objhead; objhead.head.set_type(objectisoarray ? FIELD_OBJECTISOARRAY : FIELD_OBJECT); objhead.head.set_name_size(0); objhead.head.set_value_size(_stream->pushed_bytes() - group_info.output_offset - sizeof(FieldLongHead)); objhead.fields_head.item_count = group_info.item_count; _stream->assign(group_info.head_area, &objhead); pop_group_info(_ndepth); } else { FieldLongHead lhead; lhead.set_type(objectisoarray ? FIELD_OBJECTISOARRAY : FIELD_OBJECT); lhead.set_name_size(group_info.name_size); lhead.set_value_size(_stream->pushed_bytes() - group_info.output_offset - group_info.name_size - sizeof(FieldLongHead)); _stream->assign(group_info.head_area, &lhead); const ItemsHead items_head = { group_info.item_count }; _stream->assign(group_info.items_head_area, &items_head); pop_group_info(_ndepth); } } void Serializer::begin_array_internal(FieldType item_type, bool compack) { if (!_stream->good()) { return; } if (!array_add_item(_stream, peek_group_info(), FIELD_ARRAY, 1)) { return _stream->set_bad(); } GroupInfo* info = push_group_info(); if (info == NULL) { CHECK(false) << "Fail to push array"; return _stream->set_bad(); } info->item_count = 0; info->item_type = item_type; info->type = FIELD_ARRAY; info->name_size = 0; info->output_offset = _stream->pushed_bytes(); info->pending_null_count = 0; info->head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(FieldLongHead)); if (compack && get_primitive_type_size(item_type)) { info->isomorphic = true; info->items_head_area = INVALID_AREA; _stream->push_back((char)item_type); } else { info->isomorphic = false; info->items_head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(ItemsHead)); } } void Serializer::begin_array_internal(const StringWrapper& name, FieldType item_type, bool compack) { if (name.empty()) { return begin_array_internal(item_type, compack); } if (!_stream->good()) { return; } if (!object_add_item(peek_group_info(), name)) { return _stream->set_bad(); } GroupInfo* info = push_group_info(); if (info == NULL) { CHECK(false) << "Fail to push array"; return _stream->set_bad(); } info->item_count = 0; info->item_type = item_type; info->type = FIELD_ARRAY; info->name_size = (uint8_t)(name.size() + 1); info->output_offset = _stream->pushed_bytes(); info->pending_null_count = 0; info->head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(FieldLongHead)); _stream->append(name.data(), name.size() + 1); if (compack && get_primitive_type_size(item_type)) { info->isomorphic = true; info->items_head_area = INVALID_AREA; _stream->push_back((char)item_type); } else { info->isomorphic = false; info->items_head_area = _stream->reserve(sizeof(ItemsHead)); } } void Serializer::end_array() { if (!_stream->good()) { return; } GroupInfo & group_info = peek_group_info(); if (FIELD_ARRAY != group_info.type) { CHECK(false) << "end_array() is called on " << group_info; return _stream->set_bad(); } if (group_info.item_count == 0 && group_info.pending_null_count == 0) { // Remove the heading. This is a must because idl cannot load an empty // array only with header. _stream->backup(_stream->pushed_bytes() - group_info.output_offset); pop_group_info(_ndepth); --peek_group_info().item_count; return; } // Reset lhead/items_head FieldLongHead lhead; if (group_info.isomorphic) { lhead.set_type(FIELD_ISOARRAY); } else { lhead.set_type(FIELD_ARRAY); if (group_info.pending_null_count) { add_pending_nulls(_stream, group_info); } const ItemsHead items_head = { group_info.item_count }; _stream->assign(group_info.items_head_area, &items_head); } lhead.set_name_size(group_info.name_size); lhead.set_value_size(_stream->pushed_bytes() - group_info.output_offset - group_info.name_size - sizeof(FieldLongHead)); _stream->assign(group_info.head_area, &lhead); pop_group_info(_ndepth); } } // namespace mcpack2pb