// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: 2010-12-04 11:59 #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> // socketpair #include <errno.h> // errno #include <fcntl.h> // O_RDONLY #include <butil/files/temp_file.h> // TempFile #include <butil/containers/flat_map.h> #include <butil/macros.h> #include <butil/time.h> // Timer #include <butil/fd_utility.h> // make_non_blocking #include <butil/iobuf.h> #include <butil/logging.h> #include <butil/fd_guard.h> #include <butil/errno.h> #include <butil/fast_rand.h> #if BAZEL_TEST #include "test/iobuf.pb.h" #else #include "iobuf.pb.h" #endif // BAZEL_TEST namespace butil { namespace iobuf { extern void* (*blockmem_allocate)(size_t); extern void (*blockmem_deallocate)(void*); extern void reset_blockmem_allocate_and_deallocate(); extern int32_t block_shared_count(butil::IOBuf::Block const* b); extern uint32_t block_cap(butil::IOBuf::Block const* b); extern IOBuf::Block* get_tls_block_head(); extern int get_tls_block_count(); extern void remove_tls_block_chain(); IOBuf::Block* get_portal_next(IOBuf::Block const* b); } } namespace { const size_t BLOCK_OVERHEAD = 32; //impl dependent const size_t DEFAULT_PAYLOAD = butil::IOBuf::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE - BLOCK_OVERHEAD; void check_tls_block() { ASSERT_EQ((butil::IOBuf::Block*)NULL, butil::iobuf::get_tls_block_head()); printf("tls_block of butil::IOBuf was deleted\n"); } const int ALLOW_UNUSED check_dummy = butil::thread_atexit(check_tls_block); static butil::FlatSet<void*> s_set; void* debug_block_allocate(size_t block_size) { void* b = operator new (block_size, std::nothrow); s_set.insert(b); return b; } void debug_block_deallocate(void* b) { if (1ul != s_set.erase(b)) { ASSERT_TRUE(false) << "Bad block=" << b; } else { operator delete(b); } } inline bool is_debug_allocator_enabled() { return (butil::iobuf::blockmem_allocate == debug_block_allocate); } void install_debug_allocator() { if (!is_debug_allocator_enabled()) { butil::iobuf::remove_tls_block_chain(); s_set.init(1024); butil::iobuf::blockmem_allocate = debug_block_allocate; butil::iobuf::blockmem_deallocate = debug_block_deallocate; LOG(INFO) << "<Installed debug create/destroy>"; } } void show_prof_and_rm(const char* bin_name, const char* filename, size_t topn) { char cmd[1024]; if (topn != 0) { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "if [ -e %s ] ; then CPUPROFILE_FREQUENCY=1000 ./pprof --text %s %s | head -%lu; rm -f %s; fi", filename, bin_name, filename, topn+1, filename); } else { snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "if [ -e %s ] ; then CPUPROFILE_FREQUENCY=1000 ./pprof --text %s %s; rm -f %s; fi", filename, bin_name, filename, filename); } ASSERT_EQ(0, system(cmd)); } static void check_memory_leak() { if (is_debug_allocator_enabled()) { butil::IOBuf::Block* p = butil::iobuf::get_tls_block_head(); size_t n = 0; while (p) { ASSERT_TRUE(s_set.seek(p)) << "Memory leak: " << p; p = butil::iobuf::get_portal_next(p); ++n; } ASSERT_EQ(n, s_set.size()); ASSERT_EQ(n, butil::iobuf::get_tls_block_count()); } } class IOBufTest : public ::testing::Test{ protected: IOBufTest(){}; virtual ~IOBufTest(){}; virtual void SetUp() { }; virtual void TearDown() { check_memory_leak(); }; }; std::string to_str(const butil::IOBuf& p) { return p.to_string(); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_zero) { int fds[2]; ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe(fds)); butil::IOPortal p; ASSERT_EQ(0, p.append_from_file_descriptor(fds[0], 0)); ASSERT_EQ(0, close(fds[0])); ASSERT_EQ(0, close(fds[1])); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, pop_front) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf buf; ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.pop_front(1)); // nothing happened std::string s = "hello"; buf.append(s); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.pop_front(0)); // nothing happened ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, buf.pop_front(1)); s.erase(0, 1); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.pop_front(INT_MAX)); s.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(buf.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 3/2; ++i) { s.push_back(i); } buf.append(s); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, buf.pop_front(1)); s.erase(0, 1); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.pop_front(INT_MAX)); s.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(buf.empty()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, pop_back) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf buf; ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.pop_back(1)); // nothing happened std::string s = "hello"; buf.append(s); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.pop_back(0)); // nothing happened ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, buf.pop_back(1)); s.resize(s.size() - 1); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.pop_back(INT_MAX)); s.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(buf.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 3/2; ++i) { s.push_back(i); } buf.append(s); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, buf.pop_back(1)); s.resize(s.size() - 1); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(buf.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(s.length(), buf.pop_back(INT_MAX)); s.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(s, to_str(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, buf.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(buf.empty()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf b; ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(b.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, b.append(NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append("")); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append(std::string())); ASSERT_EQ(-1, b.append(NULL, 1)); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append("dummy", 0)); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(b.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append("1")); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); ASSERT_EQ("1", to_str(b)); const std::string s = "22"; ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append(s)); ASSERT_EQ(3UL, b.length()); ASSERT_FALSE(b.empty()); ASSERT_EQ("122", to_str(b)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, appendv) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf b; const_iovec vec[] = { {"hello1", 6}, {" world1", 7}, {"hello2", 6}, {" world2", 7}, {"hello3", 6}, {" world3", 7}, {"hello4", 6}, {" world4", 7}, {"hello5", 6}, {" world5", 7} }; ASSERT_EQ(0, b.appendv(vec, arraysize(vec))); ASSERT_EQ("hello1 world1hello2 world2hello3 world3hello4 world4hello5 world5", b.to_string()); // Make some iov_len shorter to test if iov_len works. vec[2].iov_len = 4; // "hello2" vec[5].iov_len = 3; // " world3" b.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.appendv(vec, arraysize(vec))); ASSERT_EQ("hello1 world1hell world2hello3 wohello4 world4hello5 world5", b.to_string()); // Append some long stuff. const size_t full_len = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 9; char* str = (char*)malloc(full_len); ASSERT_TRUE(str); const size_t len1 = full_len / 6; const size_t len2 = full_len / 3; const size_t len3 = full_len - len1 - len2; ASSERT_GT(len1, (size_t)DEFAULT_PAYLOAD); ASSERT_GT(len2, (size_t)DEFAULT_PAYLOAD); ASSERT_GT(len3, (size_t)DEFAULT_PAYLOAD); ASSERT_EQ(full_len, len1 + len2 + len3); for (size_t i = 0; i < full_len; ++i) { str[i] = i * 7; } const_iovec vec2[] = {{str, len1}, {str + len1, len2}, {str + len1 + len2, len3}}; b.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.appendv(vec2, arraysize(vec2))); ASSERT_EQ(full_len, b.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(str, b.to_string().data(), full_len)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, reserve) { butil::IOBuf b; ASSERT_EQ(butil::IOBuf::INVALID_AREA, b.reserve(0)); const size_t NRESERVED1 = 5; const butil::IOBuf::Area a1 = b.reserve(NRESERVED1); ASSERT_TRUE(a1 != butil::IOBuf::INVALID_AREA); ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED1, b.size()); b.append("hello world"); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.unsafe_assign(a1, "prefix")); // `x' will not be copied ASSERT_EQ("prefihello world", b.to_string()); ASSERT_EQ(16, b.size()); // pop/append sth. from back-side and assign again. ASSERT_EQ(5, b.pop_back(5)); ASSERT_EQ("prefihello ", b.to_string()); b.append("blahblahfoobar"); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.unsafe_assign(a1, "goodorbad")); // `x' will not be copied ASSERT_EQ("goodohello blahblahfoobar", b.to_string()); // append a long string and assign again. std::string s1(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 3, '\0'); for (size_t i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i) { s1[i] = i * 7; } ASSERT_EQ(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 3, s1.size()); // remove everything after reserved area ASSERT_GE(b.size(), NRESERVED1); b.pop_back(b.size() - NRESERVED1); ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED1, b.size()); b.append(s1); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.unsafe_assign(a1, "appleblahblah")); ASSERT_EQ("apple" + s1, b.to_string()); // Reserve long b.pop_back(b.size() - NRESERVED1); ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED1, b.size()); const size_t NRESERVED2 = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 3; const butil::IOBuf::Area a2 = b.reserve(NRESERVED2); ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED1 + NRESERVED2, b.size()); b.append(s1); ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED1 + NRESERVED2 + s1.size(), b.size()); std::string s2(NRESERVED2, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < s2.size(); ++i) { s2[i] = i * 13; } ASSERT_EQ(NRESERVED2, s2.size()); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.unsafe_assign(a2, s2.data())); ASSERT_EQ("apple" + s2 + s1, b.to_string()); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.unsafe_assign(a1, "orangeblahblah")); ASSERT_EQ("orang" + s2 + s1, b.to_string()); } struct FakeBlock { int nshared; FakeBlock() : nshared(1) {} }; TEST_F(IOBufTest, iobuf_as_queue) { install_debug_allocator(); // If INITIAL_CAP gets bigger, creating butil::IOBuf::Block are very // small. Since We don't access butil::IOBuf::Block::data in this case. // We replace butil::IOBuf::Block with FakeBlock with only nshared (in // the same offset) FakeBlock* blocks[butil::IOBuf::INITIAL_CAP+16]; const size_t NBLOCKS = ARRAY_SIZE(blocks); butil::IOBuf::BlockRef r[NBLOCKS]; const size_t LENGTH = 7UL; for (size_t i = 0; i < NBLOCKS; ++i) { ASSERT_TRUE((blocks[i] = new FakeBlock)); r[i].offset = 1; r[i].length = LENGTH; r[i].block = (butil::IOBuf::Block*)blocks[i]; } butil::IOBuf p; // Empty ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(-1, p._pop_front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p.length()); // Add one ref p._push_back_ref(r[0]); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(LENGTH, p.length()); ASSERT_EQ(r[0], p._front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[0], p._back_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[0], p._ref_at(0)); ASSERT_EQ(2, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r[0].block)); // Add second ref p._push_back_ref(r[1]); ASSERT_EQ(2UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(LENGTH*2, p.length()); ASSERT_EQ(r[0], p._front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[1], p._back_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[0], p._ref_at(0)); ASSERT_EQ(r[1], p._ref_at(1)); ASSERT_EQ(2, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r[1].block)); // Pop a ref ASSERT_EQ(0, p._pop_front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(LENGTH, p.length()); ASSERT_EQ(r[1], p._front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[1], p._back_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[1], p._ref_at(0)); //ASSERT_EQ(1, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r[0].block)); // Pop second ASSERT_EQ(0, p._pop_front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p.length()); //ASSERT_EQ(1, r[1].block->nshared); // Add INITIAL_CAP+2 refs, r[0] and r[1] are used, don't use again for (size_t i = 0; i < butil::IOBuf::INITIAL_CAP+2; ++i) { p._push_back_ref(r[i+2]); ASSERT_EQ(i+1, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(p._ref_num()*LENGTH, p.length()); ASSERT_EQ(r[2], p._front_ref()) << i; ASSERT_EQ(r[i+2], p._back_ref()); for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; j+=std::max(1UL, i/20) /*not check all*/) { ASSERT_EQ(r[j+2], p._ref_at(j)); } ASSERT_EQ(2, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r[i+2].block)); } // Pop them all const size_t saved_ref_num = p._ref_num(); while (p._ref_num() >= 2UL) { const size_t last_ref_num = p._ref_num(); ASSERT_EQ(0, p._pop_front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(last_ref_num, p._ref_num()+1); ASSERT_EQ(p._ref_num()*LENGTH, p.length()); const size_t f = saved_ref_num - p._ref_num() + 2; ASSERT_EQ(r[f], p._front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(r[saved_ref_num+1], p._back_ref()); for (size_t j = 0; j < p._ref_num(); j += std::max(1UL, p._ref_num()/20)) { ASSERT_EQ(r[j+f], p._ref_at(j)); } //ASSERT_EQ(1, r[f-1].block->nshared); } ASSERT_EQ(1ul, p._ref_num()); // Pop last one ASSERT_EQ(0, p._pop_front_ref()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, p.length()); //ASSERT_EQ(1, r[saved_ref_num+1].block->nshared); // Delete blocks for (size_t i = 0; i < NBLOCKS; ++i) { delete blocks[i]; } } TEST_F(IOBufTest, iobuf_sanity) { install_debug_allocator(); LOG(INFO) << "sizeof(butil::IOBuf)=" << sizeof(butil::IOBuf) << " sizeof(IOPortal)=" << sizeof(butil::IOPortal); butil::IOBuf b1; std::string s1 = "hello world"; const char c1 = 'A'; const std::string s2 = "too simple"; std::string s1c = s1; s1c.erase(0, 1); // Append a c-std::string ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.append(s1.c_str())); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length(), b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(s1, to_str(b1)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1._ref_num()); // Append a char ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.push_back(c1)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length() + 1, b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(s1+c1, to_str(b1)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1._ref_num()); // Append a std::string ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.append(s2)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length() + 1 + s2.length(), b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(s1+c1+s2, to_str(b1)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1._ref_num()); // Pop first char ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1.pop_front(1)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length() + s2.length(), b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(s1c+c1+s2, to_str(b1)); // Pop all ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b1.pop_front(0)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length() + s2.length(), b1.pop_front(b1.length()+1)); ASSERT_TRUE(b1.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b1._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(b1)); // Restore ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.append(s1.c_str())); ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.push_back(c1)); ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.append(s2)); // Cut first char butil::IOBuf p; b1.cutn(&p, 0); b1.cutn(&p, 1); ASSERT_EQ(s1.substr(0, 1), to_str(p)); ASSERT_EQ(s1c+c1+s2, to_str(b1)); // Cut another two and append to p b1.cutn(&p, 2); ASSERT_EQ(s1.substr(0, 3), to_str(p)); std::string s1d = s1; s1d.erase(0, 3); ASSERT_EQ(s1d+c1+s2, to_str(b1)); // Clear b1.clear(); ASSERT_TRUE(b1.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b1._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(b1)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.substr(0, 3), to_str(p)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, copy_and_assign) { install_debug_allocator(); const size_t TARGET_SIZE = butil::IOBuf::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE * 2; butil::IOBuf buf0; buf0.append("hello"); ASSERT_EQ(1u, buf0._ref_num()); // Copy-construct from SmallView butil::IOBuf buf1 = buf0; ASSERT_EQ(1u, buf1._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(buf0, buf1); buf1.resize(TARGET_SIZE, 'z'); ASSERT_LT(2u, buf1._ref_num()); ASSERT_EQ(TARGET_SIZE, buf1.size()); // Copy-construct from BigView butil::IOBuf buf2 = buf1; ASSERT_EQ(buf1, buf2); // assign BigView to SmallView butil::IOBuf buf3; buf3 = buf1; ASSERT_EQ(buf1, buf3); // assign BigView to BigView butil::IOBuf buf4; buf4.resize(TARGET_SIZE, 'w'); ASSERT_NE(buf1, buf4); buf4 = buf1; ASSERT_EQ(buf1, buf4); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, compare) { install_debug_allocator(); const char* SEED = "abcdefghijklmnqopqrstuvwxyz"; butil::IOBuf seedbuf; seedbuf.append(SEED); const int REP = 100; butil::IOBuf b1; for (int i = 0; i < REP; ++i) { b1.append(seedbuf); b1.append(SEED); } butil::IOBuf b2; for (int i = 0; i < REP * 2; ++i) { b2.append(SEED); } ASSERT_EQ(b1, b2); butil::IOBuf b3 = b2; b2.push_back('0'); ASSERT_NE(b1, b2); ASSERT_EQ(b1, b3); b1.clear(); b2.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(b1, b2); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_and_cut_it_all) { butil::IOBuf b; const size_t N = 32768UL; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(0, b.push_back(i)); } ASSERT_EQ(N, b.length()); butil::IOBuf p; b.cutn(&p, N); ASSERT_TRUE(b.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(N, p.length()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, copy_to) { butil::IOBuf b; const std::string seed = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; std::string src; for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { src.append(seed); } b.append(src); ASSERT_GT(b.size(), DEFAULT_PAYLOAD); std::string s1; ASSERT_EQ(src.size(), b.copy_to(&s1)); ASSERT_EQ(src, s1); std::string s2; ASSERT_EQ(32u, b.copy_to(&s2, 32)); ASSERT_EQ(src.substr(0, 32), s2); std::string s3; const std::string expected = src.substr(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD - 1, 33); ASSERT_EQ(33u, b.copy_to(&s3, 33, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD - 1)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, s3); ASSERT_EQ(33u, b.append_to(&s3, 33, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD - 1)); ASSERT_EQ(expected + expected, s3); butil::IOBuf b1; ASSERT_EQ(src.size(), b.append_to(&b1)); ASSERT_EQ(src, b1.to_string()); butil::IOBuf b2; ASSERT_EQ(32u, b.append_to(&b2, 32)); ASSERT_EQ(src.substr(0, 32), b2.to_string()); butil::IOBuf b3; ASSERT_EQ(33u, b.append_to(&b3, 33, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD - 1)); ASSERT_EQ(expected, b3.to_string()); ASSERT_EQ(33u, b.append_to(&b3, 33, DEFAULT_PAYLOAD - 1)); ASSERT_EQ(expected + expected, b3.to_string()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_by_single_text_delim) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf b; butil::IOBuf p; std::vector<butil::IOBuf> ps; std::string s1 = "1234567\n12\n\n2567"; ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append(s1)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length(), b.length()); for (; b.cut_until(&p, "\n") == 0; ) { ps.push_back(p); p.clear(); } ASSERT_EQ(3UL, ps.size()); ASSERT_EQ("1234567", to_str(ps[0])); ASSERT_EQ("12", to_str(ps[1])); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(ps[2])); ASSERT_EQ("2567", to_str(b)); b.append("\n"); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.cut_until(&p, "\n")); ASSERT_EQ("2567", to_str(p)); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(b)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_by_multiple_text_delim) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf b; butil::IOBuf p; std::vector<butil::IOBuf> ps; std::string s1 = "\r\n1234567\r\n12\r\n\n\r2567"; ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append(s1)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length(), b.length()); for (; b.cut_until(&p, "\r\n") == 0; ) { ps.push_back(p); p.clear(); } ASSERT_EQ(3UL, ps.size()); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(ps[0])); ASSERT_EQ("1234567", to_str(ps[1])); ASSERT_EQ("12", to_str(ps[2])); ASSERT_EQ("\n\r2567", to_str(b)); b.append("\r\n"); ASSERT_EQ(0, b.cut_until(&p, "\r\n")); ASSERT_EQ("\n\r2567", to_str(p)); ASSERT_EQ("", to_str(b)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_a_lot_and_cut_them_all) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf b; butil::IOBuf p; std::string s1 = "12345678901234567"; const size_t N = 10000; for (size_t i= 0; i < N; ++i) { b.append(s1); } ASSERT_EQ(N*s1.length(), b.length()); while (b.length() >= 7) { b.cutn(&p, 7); } size_t remain = s1.length()*N % 7; ASSERT_EQ(remain, b.length()); ASSERT_EQ(s1.substr(s1.length() - remain, remain), to_str(b)); ASSERT_EQ(s1.length()*N/7*7, p.length()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_into_fd_tiny) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOPortal b1, b2; std::string ref; int fds[2]; for (int j = 10; j > 0; --j) { ref.push_back(j); } b1.append(ref); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b1.pop_front(1)); ref.erase(0, 1); ASSERT_EQ(ref, to_str(b1)); LOG(INFO) << "ref.size=" << ref.size(); //ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe(fds)); ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds)); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[0]); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[1]); while (!b1.empty() || b2.length() != ref.length()) { size_t b1len = b1.length(), b2len = b2.length(); errno = 0; printf("b1.length=%lu - %ld (%m), ", b1len, b1.cut_into_file_descriptor(fds[1])); printf("b2.length=%lu + %ld (%m)\n", b2len, b2.append_from_file_descriptor(fds[0], LONG_MAX)); } printf("b1.length=%lu, b2.length=%lu\n", b1.length(), b2.length()); ASSERT_EQ(ref, to_str(b2)); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_multiple_into_fd_tiny) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOBuf* b1[10]; butil::IOPortal b2; std::string ref; int fds[2]; for (size_t j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(b1); ++j) { std::string s; for (int i = 10; i > 0; --i) { s.push_back(j * 10 + i); } ref.append(s); butil::IOPortal* b = new butil::IOPortal(); b->append(s); b1[j] = b; } ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds)); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[0]); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[1]); ASSERT_EQ((ssize_t)ref.length(), butil::IOBuf::cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor( fds[1], b1, ARRAY_SIZE(b1))); for (size_t j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(b1); ++j) { ASSERT_TRUE(b1[j]->empty()); delete (butil::IOPortal*)b1[j]; b1[j] = NULL; } ASSERT_EQ((ssize_t)ref.length(), b2.append_from_file_descriptor(fds[0], LONG_MAX)); ASSERT_EQ(ref, to_str(b2)); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_into_fd_a_lot_of_data) { install_debug_allocator(); butil::IOPortal b0, b1, b2; std::string s, ref; int fds[2]; for (int j = rand()%7777+300000; j > 0; --j) { ref.push_back(j); s.push_back(j); if (s.length() == 1024UL || j == 1) { b0.append(s); ref.append("tailing"); b0.cutn(&b1, b0.length()); ASSERT_EQ(0, b1.append("tailing")); s.clear(); } } ASSERT_EQ(ref.length(), b1.length()); ASSERT_EQ(ref, to_str(b1)); ASSERT_TRUE(b0.empty()); LOG(INFO) << "ref.size=" << ref.size(); //ASSERT_EQ(0, pipe(fds)); ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds)); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[0]); butil::make_non_blocking(fds[1]); const int sockbufsize = 16 * 1024 - 17; ASSERT_EQ(0, setsockopt(fds[1], SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (const char*)&sockbufsize, sizeof(int))); ASSERT_EQ(0, setsockopt(fds[0], SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char*)&sockbufsize, sizeof(int))); while (!b1.empty() || b2.length() != ref.length()) { size_t b1len = b1.length(), b2len = b2.length(); errno = 0; printf("b1.length=%lu - %ld (%m), ", b1len, b1.cut_into_file_descriptor(fds[1])); printf("b2.length=%lu + %ld (%m)\n", b2len, b2.append_from_file_descriptor(fds[0], LONG_MAX)); } printf("b1.length=%lu, b2.length=%lu\n", b1.length(), b2.length()); ASSERT_EQ(ref, to_str(b2)); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_by_delim_perf) { butil::iobuf::reset_blockmem_allocate_and_deallocate(); butil::IOBuf b; butil::IOBuf p; std::vector<butil::IOBuf> ps; std::string s1 = "123456789012345678901234567890\n"; const size_t N = 100000; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(0, b.append(s1)); } ASSERT_EQ(N * s1.length(), b.length()); butil::Timer t; //ProfilerStart("cutd.prof"); t.start(); for (; b.cut_until(&p, "\n") == 0; ) { } t.stop(); //ProfilerStop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOPortal::cut_by_delim takes " << t.n_elapsed()/N << "ns, tp=" << s1.length() * N * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; show_prof_and_rm("test_iobuf", "cutd.prof", 10); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_perf) { butil::iobuf::reset_blockmem_allocate_and_deallocate(); butil::IOBuf b; butil::IOBuf p; const size_t length = 60000000UL; const size_t REP = 10; butil::Timer t; std::string s = "1234567890"; const bool push_char = false; if (!push_char) { //ProfilerStart("iobuf_append.prof"); t.start(); for (size_t j = 0; j < REP; ++j) { b.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length/s.length(); ++i) { b.append(s); } } t.stop(); //ProfilerStop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOPortal::append(std::string_" << s.length() << ") takes " << t.n_elapsed() * s.length() / length / REP << "ns, tp=" << REP * length * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; } else { //ProfilerStart("iobuf_pushback.prof"); t.start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { b.push_back(i); } t.stop(); //ProfilerStop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOPortal::push_back(char) takes " << t.n_elapsed() / length << "ns, tp=" << length * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; } ASSERT_EQ(length, b.length()); size_t w[3] = { 16, 128, 1024 }; //char name[32]; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(w); ++i) { // snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "iobuf_cut%lu.prof", w[i]); // ProfilerStart(name); t.start (); while (b.length() >= w[i]+12) { b.cutn(&p, 12); b.cutn(&p, w[i]); } t.stop (); //ProfilerStop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOPortal::cutn(12+" << w[i] << ") takes " << t.n_elapsed()*(w[i]+12)/length << "ns, tp=" << length * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; ASSERT_LT(b.length(), w[i]+12); t.start(); b.append(p); t.stop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOPortal::append(butil::IOBuf) takes " << t.n_elapsed ()/p._ref_num() << "ns, tp=" << length * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; p.clear(); ASSERT_EQ(length, b.length()); } show_prof_and_rm("test_iobuf", "./iobuf_append.prof", 10); show_prof_and_rm("test_iobuf", "./iobuf_pushback.prof", 10); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_store_append_cut) { butil::iobuf::reset_blockmem_allocate_and_deallocate(); std::string ref; ref.resize(rand()%376813+19777777); for (size_t j = 0; j < ref.size(); ++j) { ref[j] = j; } butil::IOPortal b1, b2; std::vector<butil::IOBuf> ps; ssize_t nr; size_t HINT = 16*1024UL; butil::Timer t; size_t w[3] = { 16, 128, 1024 }; char name[64]; char profname[64]; char cmd[512]; bool write_to_dev_null = true; size_t nappend, ncut; butil::TempFile f; ASSERT_EQ(0, f.save_bin(ref.data(), ref.length())); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(w); ++i) { ps.reserve(ref.size()/(w[i]+12) + 1); // LOG(INFO) << "ps.cap=" << ps.capacity(); const int ifd = open(f.fname(), O_RDONLY); ASSERT_TRUE(ifd > 0); if (write_to_dev_null) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "/dev/null"); } else { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "iobuf_asac%lu.output", w[i]); snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "cmp %s %s", f.fname(), name); } const int ofd = open(name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666); ASSERT_TRUE(ofd > 0) << strerror(errno); snprintf(profname, sizeof(profname), "iobuf_asac%lu.prof", w[i]); //ProfilerStart(profname); t.start(); nappend = ncut = 0; while ((nr = b1.append_from_file_descriptor(ifd, HINT)) > 0) { ++nappend; while (b1.length() >= w[i] + 12) { butil::IOBuf p; b1.cutn(&p, 12); b1.cutn(&p, w[i]); ps.push_back(p); } } for (size_t j = 0; j < ps.size(); ++j) { b2.append(ps[j]); if (b2.length() >= HINT) { b2.cut_into_file_descriptor(ofd); } } b2.cut_into_file_descriptor(ofd); b1.cut_into_file_descriptor(ofd); close(ifd); close(ofd); t.stop(); //ProfilerStop(); ASSERT_TRUE(b1.empty()); ASSERT_TRUE(b2.empty()); //LOG(INFO) << "ps.size=" << ps.size(); ps.clear(); LOG(INFO) << "Bandwidth of append(" << f.fname() << ")->cut(12+" << w[i] << ")->store->append->cut(" << name << ") is " << ref.length() * 1000.0 / t.n_elapsed () << "MB/s"; if (!write_to_dev_null) { ASSERT_EQ(0, system(cmd)); } remove(name); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(w); ++i) { snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "iobuf_asac%lu.prof", w[i]); show_prof_and_rm("test_iobuf", name, 10); } } TEST_F(IOBufTest, conversion_with_protobuf) { const int REP = 1000; proto::Misc m1; m1.set_required_enum(proto::CompressTypeGzip); m1.set_required_uint64(0xdeadbeef); m1.set_optional_uint64(10000); m1.set_required_string("hello iobuf"); m1.set_optional_string("hello iobuf again"); for (int i = 0; i < REP; ++i) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "value%d", i); m1.add_repeated_string(buf); } m1.set_required_bool(true); m1.set_required_int32(0xbeefdead); butil::IOBuf buf; const std::string header("just-make-sure-wrapper-does-not-clear-IOBuf"); ASSERT_EQ(0, buf.append(header)); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream out_wrapper(&buf); ASSERT_EQ(0, out_wrapper.ByteCount()); ASSERT_TRUE(m1.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&out_wrapper)); ASSERT_EQ((size_t)m1.ByteSize() + header.size(), buf.length()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.ByteSize(), out_wrapper.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(header.size(), buf.pop_front(header.size())); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream in_wrapper(buf); ASSERT_EQ(0, in_wrapper.ByteCount()); { const void* dummy_blk = NULL; int dummy_size = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(in_wrapper.Next(&dummy_blk, &dummy_size)); ASSERT_EQ(dummy_size, in_wrapper.ByteCount()); in_wrapper.BackUp(1); ASSERT_EQ(dummy_size - 1, in_wrapper.ByteCount()); const void* dummy_blk2 = NULL; int dummy_size2 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(in_wrapper.Next(&dummy_blk2, &dummy_size2)); ASSERT_EQ(1, dummy_size2); ASSERT_EQ((char*)dummy_blk + dummy_size - 1, (char*)dummy_blk2); ASSERT_EQ(dummy_size, in_wrapper.ByteCount()); in_wrapper.BackUp(dummy_size); ASSERT_EQ(0, in_wrapper.ByteCount()); } proto::Misc m2; ASSERT_TRUE(m2.ParseFromZeroCopyStream(&in_wrapper)); ASSERT_EQ(m1.ByteSize(), in_wrapper.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(m2.ByteSize(), in_wrapper.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.required_enum(), m2.required_enum()); ASSERT_FALSE(m2.has_optional_enum()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.required_uint64(), m2.required_uint64()); ASSERT_TRUE(m2.has_optional_uint64()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.optional_uint64(), m2.optional_uint64()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.required_string(), m2.required_string()); ASSERT_TRUE(m2.has_optional_string()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.optional_string(), m2.optional_string()); ASSERT_EQ(REP, m2.repeated_string_size()); for (int i = 0; i < REP; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(m1.repeated_string(i), m2.repeated_string(i)); } ASSERT_EQ(m1.required_bool(), m2.required_bool()); ASSERT_FALSE(m2.has_optional_bool()); ASSERT_EQ(m1.required_int32(), m2.required_int32()); ASSERT_FALSE(m2.has_optional_int32()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, extended_backup) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { std::cout << "i=" << i << std::endl; // Consume the left TLS block so that cases are easier to check. butil::iobuf::remove_tls_block_chain(); butil::IOBuf src; const int BLKSIZE = (i == 0 ? 1024 : butil::IOBuf::DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE); const int PLDSIZE = BLKSIZE - BLOCK_OVERHEAD; butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream out_stream1(&src, BLKSIZE); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream out_stream2(&src); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream & out_stream = (i == 0 ? out_stream1 : out_stream2); void* blk1 = NULL; int size1 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&blk1, &size1)); ASSERT_EQ(PLDSIZE, size1); ASSERT_EQ(size1, out_stream.ByteCount()); void* blk2 = NULL; int size2 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&blk2, &size2)); ASSERT_EQ(PLDSIZE, size2); ASSERT_EQ(size1 + size2, out_stream.ByteCount()); // BackUp a size that's valid for all ZeroCopyOutputStream out_stream.BackUp(PLDSIZE / 2); ASSERT_EQ(size1 + size2 - PLDSIZE / 2, out_stream.ByteCount()); void* blk3 = NULL; int size3 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&blk3, &size3)); ASSERT_EQ((char*)blk2 + PLDSIZE / 2, blk3); ASSERT_EQ(PLDSIZE / 2, size3); ASSERT_EQ(size1 + size2, out_stream.ByteCount()); // BackUp a size that's undefined in regular ZeroCopyOutputStream out_stream.BackUp(PLDSIZE * 2); ASSERT_EQ(0, out_stream.ByteCount()); void* blk4 = NULL; int size4 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&blk4, &size4)); ASSERT_EQ(PLDSIZE, size4); ASSERT_EQ(size4, out_stream.ByteCount()); if (i == 1) { ASSERT_EQ(blk1, blk4); } void* blk5 = NULL; int size5 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&blk5, &size5)); ASSERT_EQ(PLDSIZE, size5); ASSERT_EQ(size4 + size5, out_stream.ByteCount()); if (i == 1) { ASSERT_EQ(blk2, blk5); } } } TEST_F(IOBufTest, backup_iobuf_never_called_next) { { // Consume the left TLS block so that later cases are easier // to check. butil::IOBuf dummy; butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream dummy_stream(&dummy); void* dummy_data = NULL; int dummy_size = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(dummy_stream.Next(&dummy_data, &dummy_size)); } butil::IOBuf src; const size_t N = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 2; src.resize(N); ASSERT_EQ(2u, src.backing_block_num()); ASSERT_EQ(N, src.size()); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream out_stream(&src); out_stream.BackUp(1); // also succeed. ASSERT_EQ(-1, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD * 2 - 1, src.size()); ASSERT_EQ(2u, src.backing_block_num()); void* data0 = NULL; int size0 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&data0, &size0)); ASSERT_EQ(1, size0); ASSERT_EQ(0, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(2u, src.backing_block_num()); void* data1 = NULL; int size1 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&data1, &size1)); ASSERT_EQ(size1, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(3u, src.backing_block_num()); ASSERT_EQ(N + size1, src.size()); void* data2 = NULL; int size2 = 0; ASSERT_TRUE(out_stream.Next(&data2, &size2)); ASSERT_EQ(size1 + size2, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(4u, src.backing_block_num()); ASSERT_EQ(N + size1 + size2, src.size()); LOG(INFO) << "Backup1"; out_stream.BackUp(size1); // intended size1, not size2 to make this BackUp // to cross boundary of blocks. ASSERT_EQ(size2, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(N + size2, src.size()); LOG(INFO) << "Backup2"; out_stream.BackUp(size2); ASSERT_EQ(0, out_stream.ByteCount()); ASSERT_EQ(N, src.size()); } void *backup_thread(void *arg) { butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream *wrapper = (butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream *)arg; wrapper->BackUp(1024); return NULL; } TEST_F(IOBufTest, backup_in_another_thread) { butil::IOBuf buf; butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(&buf); size_t alloc_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { void *data; int len; ASSERT_TRUE(wrapper.Next(&data, &len)); alloc_size += len; } ASSERT_EQ(alloc_size, buf.length()); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { void *data; int len; ASSERT_TRUE(wrapper.Next(&data, &len)); alloc_size += len; pthread_t tid; pthread_create(&tid, NULL, backup_thread, &wrapper); pthread_join(tid, NULL); } ASSERT_EQ(alloc_size - 1024 * 10, buf.length()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, own_block) { butil::IOBuf buf; const ssize_t BLOCK_SIZE = 1024; butil::IOBuf::Block *saved_tls_block = butil::iobuf::get_tls_block_head(); butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream wrapper(&buf, BLOCK_SIZE); int alloc_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { void *data; int size; ASSERT_TRUE(wrapper.Next(&data, &size)); alloc_size += size; if (size > 1) { wrapper.BackUp(1); alloc_size -= 1; } } ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(alloc_size), buf.length()); ASSERT_EQ(saved_tls_block, butil::iobuf::get_tls_block_head()); ASSERT_EQ(butil::iobuf::block_cap(buf._front_ref().block), BLOCK_SIZE - BLOCK_OVERHEAD); } struct Foo1 { explicit Foo1(int x2) : x(x2) {} int x; }; struct Foo2 { std::vector<Foo1> foo1; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Foo1& foo1) { return os << "foo1.x=" << foo1.x; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Foo2& foo2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < foo2.foo1.size(); ++i) { os << "foo2[" << i << "]=" << foo2.foo1[i]; } return os; } TEST_F(IOBufTest, as_ostream) { butil::iobuf::reset_blockmem_allocate_and_deallocate(); butil::IOBufBuilder builder; LOG(INFO) << "sizeof(IOBufBuilder)=" << sizeof(builder) << std::endl << "sizeof(IOBuf)=" << sizeof(butil::IOBuf) << std::endl << "sizeof(IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream)=" << sizeof(butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyOutputStream) << std::endl << "sizeof(ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf)=" << sizeof(butil::ZeroCopyStreamAsStreamBuf) << std::endl << "sizeof(ostream)=" << sizeof(std::ostream); int x = -1; builder << 2 << " " << x << " " << 1.1 << " hello "; ASSERT_EQ("2 -1 1.1 hello ", builder.buf().to_string()); builder << "world!"; ASSERT_EQ("2 -1 1.1 hello world!", builder.buf().to_string()); builder.buf().clear(); builder << "world!"; ASSERT_EQ("world!", builder.buf().to_string()); Foo2 foo2; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { foo2.foo1.push_back(Foo1(i)); } builder.buf().clear(); builder << "<before>" << foo2 << "<after>"; std::ostringstream oss; oss << "<before>" << foo2 << "<after>"; ASSERT_EQ(oss.str(), builder.buf().to_string()); butil::IOBuf target; builder.move_to(target); ASSERT_TRUE(builder.buf().empty()); ASSERT_EQ(oss.str(), target.to_string()); std::ostringstream oss2; oss2 << target; ASSERT_EQ(oss.str(), oss2.str()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_from_fd_with_offset) { butil::TempFile file; file.save("dummy"); butil::fd_guard fd(open(file.fname(), O_RDWR | O_TRUNC)); ASSERT_TRUE(fd >= 0) << file.fname() << ' ' << berror(); butil::IOPortal buf; char dummy[10 * 1024]; buf.append(dummy, sizeof(dummy)); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(dummy), buf.cut_into_file_descriptor(fd)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(dummy); ++i) { butil::IOPortal b0; ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(dummy) - i, b0.pappend_from_file_descriptor(fd, i, sizeof(dummy))) << berror(); char tmp[sizeof(dummy)]; ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(dummy + i, b0.fetch(tmp, b0.length()), b0.length())); } } static butil::atomic<int> s_nthread(0); static long number_per_thread = 1024; void* cut_into_fd(void* arg) { int fd = (int)(long)arg; const long start_num = number_per_thread * s_nthread.fetch_add(1, butil::memory_order_relaxed); off_t offset = start_num * sizeof(int); for (int i = 0; i < number_per_thread; ++i) { int to_write = start_num + i; butil::IOBuf out; out.append(&to_write, sizeof(int)); CHECK_EQ(out.pcut_into_file_descriptor(fd, offset + sizeof(int) * i), (ssize_t)sizeof(int)); } return NULL; } TEST_F(IOBufTest, cut_into_fd_with_offset_multithreaded) { s_nthread.store(0); number_per_thread = 10240; pthread_t threads[8]; long fd = open(".out.txt", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); ASSERT_TRUE(fd >= 0) << berror(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(threads); ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, cut_into_fd, (void*)fd)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(threads); ++i) { pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); } for (int i = 0; i < number_per_thread * (int)ARRAY_SIZE(threads); ++i) { off_t offset = i * sizeof(int); butil::IOPortal in; ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(int), in.pappend_from_file_descriptor(fd, offset, sizeof(int))); int j; ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(j), in.cutn(&j, sizeof(j))); ASSERT_EQ(i, j); } } TEST_F(IOBufTest, slice) { size_t N = 100000; std::string expected; expected.reserve(N); butil::IOBuf buf; for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { expected.push_back(i % 26 + 'a'); buf.push_back(i % 26 + 'a'); } const size_t block_count = buf.backing_block_num(); std::string actual; actual.reserve(expected.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) { butil::StringPiece p = buf.backing_block(i); ASSERT_FALSE(p.empty()); actual.append(p.data(), p.size()); } ASSERT_TRUE(expected == actual); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, swap) { butil::IOBuf a; a.append("I'am a"); butil::IOBuf b; b.append("I'am b"); std::swap(a, b); ASSERT_TRUE(a.equals("I'am b")); ASSERT_TRUE(b.equals("I'am a")); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, resize) { butil::IOBuf a; a.resize(100); std::string as; as.resize(100); butil::IOBuf b; b.resize(100, 'b'); std::string bs; bs.resize(100, 'b'); ASSERT_EQ(100u, a.length()); ASSERT_EQ(100u, b.length()); ASSERT_TRUE(a.equals(as)); ASSERT_TRUE(b.equals(bs)); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, iterate_bytes) { butil::IOBuf a; a.append("hello world"); std::string saved_a = a.to_string(); size_t n = 0; butil::IOBufBytesIterator it(a); for (; it != NULL; ++it, ++n) { ASSERT_EQ(saved_a[n], *it); } ASSERT_EQ(saved_a.size(), n); ASSERT_TRUE(saved_a == a); // append more to the iobuf, iterator should still be ended. a.append(", this is iobuf"); ASSERT_TRUE(it == NULL); // append more-than-one-block data to the iobuf for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { a.append("ab33jm4hgaklkv;2[25lj4lkj312kl4j321kl4j3k"); } saved_a = a.to_string(); n = 0; for (butil::IOBufBytesIterator it2(a); it2 != NULL; it2++/*intended post++*/, ++n) { ASSERT_EQ(saved_a[n], *it2); } ASSERT_EQ(saved_a.size(), n); ASSERT_TRUE(saved_a == a); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, appender) { butil::IOBufAppender appender; ASSERT_EQ(0, appender.append("hello", 5)); ASSERT_EQ("hello", appender.buf()); ASSERT_EQ(0, appender.push_back(' ')); ASSERT_EQ(0, appender.append("world", 5)); ASSERT_EQ("hello world", appender.buf()); butil::IOBuf buf2; appender.move_to(buf2); ASSERT_EQ("", appender.buf()); ASSERT_EQ("hello world", buf2); std::string str; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { char buf[128]; int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "1%d2%d3%d4%d5%d", i, i, i, i, i); appender.append(buf, len); str.append(buf, len); } ASSERT_EQ(str, appender.buf()); butil::IOBuf buf3; appender.move_to(buf3); ASSERT_EQ("", appender.buf()); ASSERT_EQ(str, buf3); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, appender_perf) { const size_t N1 = 100000; butil::Timer tm1; tm1.start(); butil::IOBuf buf1; for (size_t i = 0; i < N1; ++i) { buf1.push_back(i); } tm1.stop(); butil::Timer tm2; tm2.start(); butil::IOBufAppender appender1; for (size_t i = 0; i < N1; ++i) { appender1.push_back(i); } tm2.stop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOBuf.push_back=" << tm1.n_elapsed() / N1 << "ns IOBufAppender.push_back=" << tm2.n_elapsed() / N1 << "ns"; const size_t N2 = 50000; const std::string s = "a repeatly appended string"; std::string str2; butil::IOBuf buf2; tm1.start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N2; ++i) { buf2.append(s); } tm1.stop(); tm2.start(); butil::IOBufAppender appender2; for (size_t i = 0; i < N2; ++i) { appender2.append(s); } tm2.stop(); butil::Timer tm3; tm3.start(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N2; ++i) { str2.append(s); } tm3.stop(); LOG(INFO) << "IOBuf.append=" << tm1.n_elapsed() / N2 << "ns IOBufAppender.append=" << tm2.n_elapsed() / N2 << "ns string.append=" << tm3.n_elapsed() / N2 << "ns (string-length=" << s.size() << ')'; } TEST_F(IOBufTest, printed_as_binary) { butil::IOBuf buf; std::string str; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { buf.push_back((char)i); str.push_back((char)i); } const char* const OUTPUT = "\\00\\01\\02\\03\\04\\05\\06\\07\\b\\t\\n\\0B\\0C\\r\\0E\\0F" "\\10\\11\\12\\13\\14\\15\\16\\17\\18\\19\\1A\\1B\\1C\\1D\\1E" "\\1F !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV" "WXYZ[\\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\\7F\\80\\81\\82" "\\83\\84\\85\\86\\87\\88\\89\\8A\\8B\\8C\\8D\\8E\\8F\\90\\91" "\\92\\93\\94\\95\\96\\97\\98\\99\\9A\\9B\\9C\\9D\\9E\\9F\\A0" "\\A1\\A2\\A3\\A4\\A5\\A6\\A7\\A8\\A9\\AA\\AB\\AC\\AD\\AE\\AF" "\\B0\\B1\\B2\\B3\\B4\\B5\\B6\\B7\\B8\\B9\\BA\\BB\\BC\\BD\\BE" "\\BF\\C0\\C1\\C2\\C3\\C4\\C5\\C6\\C7\\C8\\C9\\CA\\CB\\CC\\CD" "\\CE\\CF\\D0\\D1\\D2\\D3\\D4\\D5\\D6\\D7\\D8\\D9\\DA\\DB\\DC" "\\DD\\DE\\DF\\E0\\E1\\E2\\E3\\E4\\E5\\E6\\E7\\E8\\E9\\EA\\EB" "\\EC\\ED\\EE\\EF\\F0\\F1\\F2\\F3\\F4\\F5\\F6\\F7\\F8\\F9\\FA" "\\FB\\FC\\FD\\FE\\FF"; std::ostringstream os; os << butil::PrintedAsBinary(buf, 256); ASSERT_STREQ(OUTPUT, os.str().c_str()); os.str(""); os << butil::PrintedAsBinary(str, 256); ASSERT_STREQ(OUTPUT, os.str().c_str()); } TEST_F(IOBufTest, copy_to_string_from_iterator) { butil::IOBuf b0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 1 * 1024 * 1024lu; ++i) { b0.push_back(butil::fast_rand_in('a', 'z')); } butil::IOBuf b1(b0); butil::IOBufBytesIterator iter(b0); size_t nc = 0; while (nc < b0.length()) { size_t to_copy = butil::fast_rand_in(1024lu, 64 * 1024lu); butil::IOBuf b; b1.cutn(&b, to_copy); std::string s; const size_t copied = iter.copy_and_forward(&s, to_copy); ASSERT_GT(copied, 0u); ASSERT_TRUE(b.equals(s)); nc += copied; } ASSERT_EQ(nc, b0.length()); } static void* my_free_params = NULL; static void my_free(void* m) { free(m); my_free_params = m; } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_user_data_and_consume) { butil::IOBuf b0; const int REP = 16; const int len = REP * 256; char* data = (char*)malloc(len); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < REP; ++j) { data[i * REP + j] = (char)i; } } my_free_params = NULL; ASSERT_EQ(0, b0.append_user_data(data, len, my_free)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b0._ref_num()); butil::IOBuf::BlockRef r = b0._front_ref(); ASSERT_EQ(1, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r.block)); ASSERT_EQ(len, b0.size()); std::string out; ASSERT_EQ(len, b0.cutn(&out, len)); ASSERT_TRUE(b0.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(data, my_free_params); ASSERT_EQ(len, out.size()); // note: cannot memcmp with data which is already free-ed for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < REP; ++j) { ASSERT_EQ((char)i, out[i * REP + j]); } } } TEST_F(IOBufTest, append_user_data_and_share) { butil::IOBuf b0; const int REP = 16; const int len = REP * 256; char* data = (char*)malloc(len); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < REP; ++j) { data[i * REP + j] = (char)i; } } my_free_params = NULL; ASSERT_EQ(0, b0.append_user_data(data, len, my_free)); ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b0._ref_num()); butil::IOBuf::BlockRef r = b0._front_ref(); ASSERT_EQ(1, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r.block)); ASSERT_EQ(len, b0.size()); { butil::IOBuf bufs[256]; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(REP, b0.cutn(&bufs[i], REP)); ASSERT_EQ(len - (i+1) * REP, b0.size()); if (i != 255) { ASSERT_EQ(1UL, b0._ref_num()); butil::IOBuf::BlockRef r = b0._front_ref(); ASSERT_EQ(i + 2, butil::iobuf::block_shared_count(r.block)); } else { ASSERT_EQ(0UL, b0._ref_num()); ASSERT_TRUE(b0.empty()); } } ASSERT_EQ(NULL, my_free_params); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { std::string out = bufs[i].to_string(); ASSERT_EQ(REP, out.size()); for (int j = 0; j < REP; ++j) { ASSERT_EQ((char)i, out[j]); } } } ASSERT_EQ(data, my_free_params); } } // namespace