// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // A client sending requests to server asynchronously every 1 second. #include <gflags/gflags.h> #include <butil/logging.h> #include <butil/time.h> #include <brpc/channel.h> #include <bvar/bvar.h> #include <bthread/timer_thread.h> #include <json2pb/json_to_pb.h> #include <fstream> #include "cl_test.pb.h" DEFINE_string(protocol, "baidu_std", "Protocol type. Defined in src/brpc/options.proto"); DEFINE_string(connection_type, "", "Connection type. Available values: single, pooled, short"); DEFINE_string(cntl_server, "", "IP Address of server"); DEFINE_string(echo_server, "", "IP Address of server"); DEFINE_int32(timeout_ms, 3000, "RPC timeout in milliseconds"); DEFINE_int32(max_retry, 0, "Max retries(not including the first RPC)"); DEFINE_int32(case_interval, 20, "Intervals for different test cases"); DEFINE_int32(client_qps_change_interval_us, 50000, "The interval for client changes the sending speed"); DEFINE_string(case_file, "", "File path for test_cases"); void DisplayStage(const test::Stage& stage) { std::string type; switch(stage.type()) { case test::FLUCTUATE: type = "Fluctuate"; break; case test::SMOOTH: type = "Smooth"; break; default: type = "Unknown"; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "Stage:[" << stage.lower_bound() << ':' << stage.upper_bound() << "]" << " , Type:" << type; LOG(INFO) << ss.str(); } uint32_t cast_func(void* arg) { return *(uint32_t*)arg; } butil::atomic<uint32_t> g_timeout(0); butil::atomic<uint32_t> g_error(0); butil::atomic<uint32_t> g_succ(0); bvar::PassiveStatus<uint32_t> g_timeout_bvar(cast_func, &g_timeout); bvar::PassiveStatus<uint32_t> g_error_bvar(cast_func, &g_error); bvar::PassiveStatus<uint32_t> g_succ_bvar(cast_func, &g_succ); bvar::LatencyRecorder g_latency_rec; void LoadCaseSet(test::TestCaseSet* case_set, const std::string& file_path) { std::ifstream ifs(file_path.c_str(), std::ios::in); if (!ifs) { LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to open case set file: " << file_path; } std::string case_set_json((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); std::string err; if (!json2pb::JsonToProtoMessage(case_set_json, case_set, &err)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to trans case_set from json to protobuf message: " << err; } } void HandleEchoResponse( brpc::Controller* cntl, test::NotifyResponse* response) { // std::unique_ptr makes sure cntl/response will be deleted before returning. std::unique_ptr<brpc::Controller> cntl_guard(cntl); std::unique_ptr<test::NotifyResponse> response_guard(response); if (cntl->Failed() && cntl->ErrorCode() == brpc::ERPCTIMEDOUT) { g_timeout.fetch_add(1, butil::memory_order_relaxed); LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 1000) << cntl->ErrorText(); } else if (cntl->Failed()) { g_error.fetch_add(1, butil::memory_order_relaxed); LOG_EVERY_N(INFO, 1000) << cntl->ErrorText(); } else { g_succ.fetch_add(1, butil::memory_order_relaxed); g_latency_rec << cntl->latency_us(); } } void Expose() { g_timeout_bvar.expose_as("cl", "timeout"); g_error_bvar.expose_as("cl", "failed"); g_succ_bvar.expose_as("cl", "succ"); g_latency_rec.expose("cl"); } struct TestCaseContext { TestCaseContext(const test::TestCase& tc) : running(true) , stage_index(0) , test_case(tc) , next_stage_sec(test_case.qps_stage_list(0).duration_sec() + butil::gettimeofday_s()) { DisplayStage(test_case.qps_stage_list(stage_index)); Update(); } bool Update() { if (butil::gettimeofday_s() >= next_stage_sec) { ++stage_index; if (stage_index < test_case.qps_stage_list_size()) { next_stage_sec += test_case.qps_stage_list(stage_index).duration_sec(); DisplayStage(test_case.qps_stage_list(stage_index)); } else { return false; } } int qps = 0; const test::Stage& qps_stage = test_case.qps_stage_list(stage_index); const int lower_bound = qps_stage.lower_bound(); const int upper_bound = qps_stage.upper_bound(); if (qps_stage.type() == test::FLUCTUATE) { qps = butil::fast_rand_less_than(upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound; } else if (qps_stage.type() == test::SMOOTH) { qps = lower_bound + (upper_bound - lower_bound) / double(qps_stage.duration_sec()) * (qps_stage.duration_sec() - next_stage_sec + butil::gettimeofday_s()); } interval_us.store(1.0 / qps * 1000000, butil::memory_order_relaxed); return true; } butil::atomic<bool> running; butil::atomic<int64_t> interval_us; int stage_index; const test::TestCase test_case; int next_stage_sec; }; void RunUpdateTask(void* data) { TestCaseContext* context = (TestCaseContext*)data; bool should_continue = context->Update(); if (should_continue) { bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, data, butil::microseconds_from_now(FLAGS_client_qps_change_interval_us)); } else { context->running.store(false, butil::memory_order_release); } } void RunCase(test::ControlService_Stub &cntl_stub, const test::TestCase& test_case) { LOG(INFO) << "Running case:`" << test_case.case_name() << '\''; brpc::Channel channel; brpc::ChannelOptions options; options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol; options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type; options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms; options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry; if (channel.Init(FLAGS_echo_server.c_str(), &options) != 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to initialize channel"; } test::EchoService_Stub echo_stub(&channel); test::NotifyRequest cntl_req; test::NotifyResponse cntl_rsp; brpc::Controller cntl; cntl_req.set_message("StartCase"); cntl_stub.Notify(&cntl, &cntl_req, &cntl_rsp, NULL); CHECK(!cntl.Failed()) << "control failed"; TestCaseContext context(test_case); bthread::get_global_timer_thread()->schedule(RunUpdateTask, &context, butil::microseconds_from_now(FLAGS_client_qps_change_interval_us)); while (context.running.load(butil::memory_order_acquire)) { test::NotifyRequest echo_req; echo_req.set_message("hello"); brpc::Controller* echo_cntl = new brpc::Controller; test::NotifyResponse* echo_rsp = new test::NotifyResponse; google::protobuf::Closure* done = brpc::NewCallback( &HandleEchoResponse, echo_cntl, echo_rsp); echo_stub.Echo(echo_cntl, &echo_req, echo_rsp, done); ::usleep(context.interval_us.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)); } LOG(INFO) << "Waiting to stop case: `" << test_case.case_name() << '\''; ::sleep(FLAGS_case_interval); cntl.Reset(); cntl_req.set_message("StopCase"); cntl_stub.Notify(&cntl, &cntl_req, &cntl_rsp, NULL); CHECK(!cntl.Failed()) << "control failed"; LOG(INFO) << "Case `" << test_case.case_name() << "' finshed:"; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well. GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); Expose(); brpc::Channel channel; brpc::ChannelOptions options; options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol; options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type; options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms; if (channel.Init(FLAGS_cntl_server.c_str(), &options) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize channel"; return -1; } test::ControlService_Stub cntl_stub(&channel); test::TestCaseSet case_set; LoadCaseSet(&case_set, FLAGS_case_file); brpc::Controller cntl; test::NotifyRequest cntl_req; test::NotifyResponse cntl_rsp; cntl_req.set_message("ResetCaseSet"); cntl_stub.Notify(&cntl, &cntl_req, &cntl_rsp, NULL); CHECK(!cntl.Failed()) << "Cntl Failed"; for (int i = 0; i < case_set.test_case_size(); ++i) { RunCase(cntl_stub, case_set.test_case(i)); } LOG(INFO) << "EchoClient is going to quit"; return 0; }