// Baidu RPC - A framework to host and access services throughout Baidu. // Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc. // Date: Sun Jul 13 15:04:18 CST 2014 #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "butil/gperftools_profiler.h" #include "butil/time.h" #include "butil/macros.h" #include "butil/fd_utility.h" #include "brpc/event_dispatcher.h" #include "brpc/details/has_epollrdhup.h" class EventDispatcherTest : public ::testing::Test{ protected: EventDispatcherTest(){ }; virtual ~EventDispatcherTest(){}; virtual void SetUp() { }; virtual void TearDown() { }; }; TEST_F(EventDispatcherTest, has_epollrdhup) { LOG(INFO) << brpc::has_epollrdhup; } TEST_F(EventDispatcherTest, versioned_ref) { butil::atomic<uint64_t> versioned_ref(2); versioned_ref.fetch_add(brpc::MakeVRef(0, -1), butil::memory_order_release); ASSERT_EQ(brpc::MakeVRef(1, 1), versioned_ref); } std::vector<int> err_fd; pthread_mutex_t err_fd_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; std::vector<int> rel_fd; pthread_mutex_t rel_fd_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; volatile bool client_stop = false; struct BAIDU_CACHELINE_ALIGNMENT ClientMeta { int fd; size_t times; size_t bytes; }; struct BAIDU_CACHELINE_ALIGNMENT SocketExtra : public brpc::SocketUser { char* buf; size_t buf_cap; size_t bytes; size_t times; SocketExtra() { buf_cap = 32768; buf = (char*)malloc(buf_cap); bytes = 0; times = 0; } virtual void BeforeRecycle(brpc::Socket* m) { pthread_mutex_lock(&rel_fd_mutex); rel_fd.push_back(m->fd()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&rel_fd_mutex); delete this; } static int OnEdgeTriggeredEventOnce(brpc::Socket* m) { SocketExtra* e = static_cast<SocketExtra*>(m->user()); // Read all data. do { ssize_t n = read(m->fd(), e->buf, e->buf_cap); if (n == 0 #ifdef BRPC_SOCKET_HAS_EOF || m->_eof #endif ) { pthread_mutex_lock(&err_fd_mutex); err_fd.push_back(m->fd()); pthread_mutex_unlock(&err_fd_mutex); LOG(WARNING) << "Another end closed fd=" << m->fd(); return -1; } else if (n > 0) { e->bytes += n; ++e->times; #ifdef BRPC_SOCKET_HAS_EOF if ((size_t)n < e->buf_cap && brpc::has_epollrdhup) { break; } #endif } else { if (errno == EAGAIN) { break; } else if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { PLOG(WARNING) << "Fail to read fd=" << m->fd(); return -1; } } } while (1); return 0; } static void OnEdgeTriggeredEvents(brpc::Socket* m) { int progress = brpc::Socket::PROGRESS_INIT; do { if (OnEdgeTriggeredEventOnce(m) != 0) { m->SetFailed(); return; } } while (m->MoreReadEvents(&progress)); } }; void* client_thread(void* arg) { ClientMeta* m = (ClientMeta*)arg; size_t offset = 0; m->times = 0; m->bytes = 0; const size_t buf_cap = 32768; char* buf = (char*)malloc(buf_cap); for (size_t i = 0; i < buf_cap/8; ++i) { ((uint64_t*)buf)[i] = i; } while (!client_stop) { ssize_t n; if (offset == 0) { n = write(m->fd, buf, buf_cap); } else { iovec v[2]; v[0].iov_base = buf + offset; v[0].iov_len = buf_cap - offset; v[1].iov_base = buf; v[1].iov_len = offset; n = writev(m->fd, v, 2); } if (n < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { PLOG(WARNING) << "Fail to write fd=" << m->fd; break; } } else { ++m->times; m->bytes += n; offset += n; if (offset >= buf_cap) { offset -= buf_cap; } } } EXPECT_EQ(0, close(m->fd)); return NULL; } inline uint32_t fmix32 ( uint32_t h ) { h ^= h >> 16; h *= 0x85ebca6b; h ^= h >> 13; h *= 0xc2b2ae35; h ^= h >> 16; return h; } TEST_F(EventDispatcherTest, dispatch_tasks) { #ifdef BASE_RESOURCE_POOL_NEED_FREE_ITEM_NUM const butil::ResourcePoolInfo old_info = butil::describe_resources<brpc::Socket>(); #endif client_stop = false; const size_t NCLIENT = 16; int fds[2 * NCLIENT]; bthread_t cth[NCLIENT]; ClientMeta* cm[NCLIENT]; SocketExtra* sm[NCLIENT]; for (size_t i = 0; i < NCLIENT; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, fds + 2 * i)); sm[i] = new SocketExtra; const int fd = fds[i * 2]; butil::make_non_blocking(fd); brpc::SocketId socket_id; brpc::SocketOptions options; options.fd = fd; options.user = sm[i]; options.on_edge_triggered_events = SocketExtra::OnEdgeTriggeredEvents; ASSERT_EQ(0, brpc::Socket::Create(options, &socket_id)); cm[i] = new ClientMeta; cm[i]->fd = fds[i * 2 + 1]; cm[i]->times = 0; cm[i]->bytes = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&cth[i], NULL, client_thread, cm[i])); } LOG(INFO) << "Begin to profile... (5 seconds)"; ProfilerStart("event_dispatcher.prof"); butil::Timer tm; tm.start(); sleep(5); tm.stop(); ProfilerStop(); LOG(INFO) << "End profiling"; size_t client_bytes = 0; size_t server_bytes = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NCLIENT; ++i) { client_bytes += cm[i]->bytes; server_bytes += sm[i]->bytes; } LOG(INFO) << "client_tp=" << client_bytes / (double)tm.u_elapsed() << "MB/s server_tp=" << server_bytes / (double)tm.u_elapsed() << "MB/s"; client_stop = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < NCLIENT; ++i) { pthread_join(cth[i], NULL); } sleep(1); std::vector<int> copy1, copy2; pthread_mutex_lock(&err_fd_mutex); copy1.swap(err_fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&err_fd_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&rel_fd_mutex); copy2.swap(rel_fd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&rel_fd_mutex); std::sort(copy1.begin(), copy1.end()); std::sort(copy2.begin(), copy2.end()); ASSERT_EQ(copy1.size(), copy2.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < copy1.size(); ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(copy1[i], copy2[i]) << i; } ASSERT_EQ(NCLIENT, copy1.size()); const butil::ResourcePoolInfo info = butil::describe_resources<brpc::Socket>(); LOG(INFO) << info; #ifdef BASE_RESOURCE_POOL_NEED_FREE_ITEM_NUM ASSERT_EQ(NCLIENT, info.free_item_num - old_info.free_item_num); #endif }