// iobuf - A non-continuous zero-copied buffer // Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Thu Nov 22 13:57:56 CST 2012 // Inlined implementations of some methods defined in iobuf.h #ifndef BUTIL_IOBUF_INL_H #define BUTIL_IOBUF_INL_H void* fast_memcpy(void *__restrict dest, const void *__restrict src, size_t n); namespace butil { inline ssize_t IOBuf::cut_into_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t size_hint) { return pcut_into_file_descriptor(fd, -1, size_hint); } inline ssize_t IOBuf::cut_multiple_into_file_descriptor( int fd, IOBuf* const* pieces, size_t count) { return pcut_multiple_into_file_descriptor(fd, -1, pieces, count); } inline ssize_t IOPortal::append_from_file_descriptor(int fd, size_t max_count) { return pappend_from_file_descriptor(fd, -1, max_count); } inline void IOPortal::return_cached_blocks() { if (_block) { return_cached_blocks_impl(_block); _block = NULL; } } inline void reset_block_ref(IOBuf::BlockRef& ref) { ref.offset = 0; ref.length = 0; ref.block = NULL; } inline IOBuf::IOBuf() { reset_block_ref(_sv.refs[0]); reset_block_ref(_sv.refs[1]); } inline IOBuf::IOBuf(const Movable& rhs) { _sv = rhs.value()._sv; new (&rhs.value()) IOBuf; } inline void IOBuf::operator=(const Movable& rhs) { clear(); _sv = rhs.value()._sv; new (&rhs.value()) IOBuf; } inline void IOBuf::operator=(const char* s) { clear(); append(s); } inline void IOBuf::operator=(const std::string& s) { clear(); append(s); } inline void IOBuf::swap(IOBuf& other) { const SmallView tmp = other._sv; other._sv = _sv; _sv = tmp; } inline int IOBuf::cut_until(IOBuf* out, char const* delim) { if (*delim) { if (!*(delim+1)) { return _cut_by_char(out, *delim); } else { return _cut_by_delim(out, delim, strlen(delim)); } } return -1; } inline int IOBuf::cut_until(IOBuf* out, const std::string& delim) { if (delim.length() == 1UL) { return _cut_by_char(out, delim[0]); } else if (delim.length() > 1UL) { return _cut_by_delim(out, delim.data(), delim.length()); } else { return -1; } } inline int IOBuf::append(const std::string& s) { return append(s.data(), s.length()); } inline std::string IOBuf::to_string() const { std::string s; copy_to(&s); return s; } inline bool IOBuf::empty() const { return _small() ? !_sv.refs[0].block : !_bv.nbytes; } inline size_t IOBuf::length() const { return _small() ? (_sv.refs[0].length + _sv.refs[1].length) : _bv.nbytes; } inline bool IOBuf::_small() const { return _bv.magic >= 0; } inline size_t IOBuf::_ref_num() const { return _small() ? (!!_sv.refs[0].block + !!_sv.refs[1].block) : _bv.nref; } inline IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_front_ref() { return _small() ? _sv.refs[0] : _bv.refs[_bv.start]; } inline const IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_front_ref() const { return _small() ? _sv.refs[0] : _bv.refs[_bv.start]; } inline IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_back_ref() { return _small() ? _sv.refs[!!_sv.refs[1].block] : _bv.ref_at(_bv.nref - 1); } inline const IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_back_ref() const { return _small() ? _sv.refs[!!_sv.refs[1].block] : _bv.ref_at(_bv.nref - 1); } inline IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_ref_at(size_t i) { return _small() ? _sv.refs[i] : _bv.ref_at(i); } inline const IOBuf::BlockRef& IOBuf::_ref_at(size_t i) const { return _small() ? _sv.refs[i] : _bv.ref_at(i); } inline const IOBuf::BlockRef* IOBuf::_pref_at(size_t i) const { if (_small()) { return i < (!!_sv.refs[0].block + !!_sv.refs[1].block) ? &_sv.refs[i] : NULL; } else { return i < _bv.nref ? &_bv.ref_at(i) : NULL; } } inline bool operator==(const IOBuf::BlockRef& r1, const IOBuf::BlockRef& r2) { return r1.offset == r2.offset && r1.length == r2.length && r1.block == r2.block; } inline bool operator!=(const IOBuf::BlockRef& r1, const IOBuf::BlockRef& r2) { return !(r1 == r2); } inline void IOBuf::_push_back_ref(const BlockRef& r) { if (_small()) { return _push_or_move_back_ref_to_smallview<false>(r); } else { return _push_or_move_back_ref_to_bigview<false>(r); } } inline void IOBuf::_move_back_ref(const BlockRef& r) { if (_small()) { return _push_or_move_back_ref_to_smallview<true>(r); } else { return _push_or_move_back_ref_to_bigview<true>(r); } } inline int IOBufAppender::append(const void* src, size_t n) { const size_t size = (char*)_data_end - (char*)_data; if (n <= size) { fast_memcpy(_data, src, n); _data = (char*)_data + n; return 0; } if (size != 0) { fast_memcpy(_data, src, size); src = (const char*)src + size; n -= size; } if (add_block() != 0) { return -1; } return append(src, n); // tailr } inline int IOBufAppender::append(const StringPiece& str) { return append(str.data(), str.size()); } inline int IOBufAppender::push_back(char c) { if (_data == _data_end) { if (add_block() != 0) { return -1; } } char* const p = (char*)_data; *p = c; _data = p + 1; return 0; } inline int IOBufAppender::add_block() { int size = 0; if (_zc_stream.Next(&_data, &size)) { _data_end = (char*)_data + size; return 0; } _data = NULL; _data_end = NULL; return -1; } inline void IOBufAppender::shrink() { const size_t size = (char*)_data_end - (char*)_data; if (size != 0) { _zc_stream.BackUp(size); _data = NULL; _data_end = NULL; } } inline IOBufBytesIterator::IOBufBytesIterator(const butil::IOBuf& buf) : _block_begin(NULL), _block_end(NULL), _block_count(0), _bytes_left(buf.length()), _buf(&buf) { try_next_block(); } inline void IOBufBytesIterator::try_next_block() { if (_bytes_left == 0) { return; } butil::StringPiece s = _buf->backing_block(_block_count++); _block_begin = s.data(); _block_end = s.data() + std::min(s.size(), (size_t)_bytes_left); } inline void IOBufBytesIterator::operator++() { ++_block_begin; --_bytes_left; if (_block_begin == _block_end) { try_next_block(); } } inline size_t IOBufBytesIterator::copy_and_forward(void* buf, size_t n) { size_t nc = 0; while (nc < n && *this != NULL) { const size_t block_size = _block_end - _block_begin; const size_t to_copy = std::min(block_size, n - nc); fast_memcpy((char*)buf + nc, _block_begin, to_copy); _block_begin += to_copy; _bytes_left -= to_copy; nc += to_copy; if (_block_begin == _block_end) { try_next_block(); } } return nc; } inline size_t IOBufBytesIterator::copy_and_forward(std::string* s, size_t n) { bool resized = false; if (s->size() < n) { resized = true; s->resize(n); } const size_t nc = copy_and_forward(const_cast<char*>(s->data()), n); if (nc < n && resized) { s->resize(nc); } return nc; } } // namespace butil #endif // BUTIL_IOBUF_INL_H