// bthread - A M:N threading library to make applications more concurrent. // Copyright (c) 2012 Baidu, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Author: Ge,Jun (gejun@baidu.com) // Date: Tue Jul 10 17:40:58 CST 2012 #include "butil/scoped_lock.h" // BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK #include "butil/errno.h" // berror #include "butil/logging.h" #include "butil/third_party/murmurhash3/murmurhash3.h" #include "bthread/sys_futex.h" // futex_wake_private #include "bthread/interrupt_pthread.h" #include "bthread/processor.h" // cpu_relax #include "bthread/task_group.h" // TaskGroup #include "bthread/task_control.h" #include "bthread/timer_thread.h" // global_timer_thread #include <gflags/gflags.h> #include "bthread/log.h" DEFINE_int32(task_group_delete_delay, 1, "delay deletion of TaskGroup for so many seconds"); DEFINE_int32(task_group_runqueue_capacity, 4096, "capacity of runqueue in each TaskGroup"); DEFINE_int32(task_group_yield_before_idle, 0, "TaskGroup yields so many times before idle"); namespace bthread { extern BAIDU_THREAD_LOCAL TaskGroup* tls_task_group; void (*g_worker_startfn)() = NULL; // May be called in other modules to run startfn in non-worker pthreads. void run_worker_startfn() { if (g_worker_startfn) { g_worker_startfn(); } } void* TaskControl::worker_thread(void* arg) { run_worker_startfn(); #ifdef BAIDU_INTERNAL logging::ComlogInitializer comlog_initializer; #endif TaskControl* c = static_cast<TaskControl*>(arg); TaskGroup* g = c->create_group(); TaskStatistics stat; if (NULL == g) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create TaskGroup in pthread=" << pthread_self(); return NULL; } BT_VLOG << "Created worker=" << pthread_self() << " bthread=" << g->main_tid(); tls_task_group = g; c->_nworkers << 1; g->run_main_task(); stat = g->main_stat(); BT_VLOG << "Destroying worker=" << pthread_self() << " bthread=" << g->main_tid() << " idle=" << stat.cputime_ns / 1000000.0 << "ms uptime=" << g->current_uptime_ns() / 1000000.0 << "ms"; tls_task_group = NULL; g->destroy_self(); c->_nworkers << -1; return NULL; } TaskGroup* TaskControl::create_group() { TaskGroup* g = new (std::nothrow) TaskGroup(this); if (NULL == g) { LOG(FATAL) << "Fail to new TaskGroup"; return NULL; } if (g->init(FLAGS_task_group_runqueue_capacity) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to init TaskGroup"; delete g; return NULL; } if (_add_group(g) != 0) { delete g; return NULL; } return g; } static void print_rq_sizes_in_the_tc(std::ostream &os, void *arg) { TaskControl *tc = (TaskControl *)arg; tc->print_rq_sizes(os); } static double get_cumulated_worker_time_from_this(void *arg) { return static_cast<TaskControl*>(arg)->get_cumulated_worker_time(); } static int64_t get_cumulated_switch_count_from_this(void *arg) { return static_cast<TaskControl*>(arg)->get_cumulated_switch_count(); } static int64_t get_cumulated_signal_count_from_this(void *arg) { return static_cast<TaskControl*>(arg)->get_cumulated_signal_count(); } TaskControl::TaskControl() // NOTE: all fileds must be initialized before the vars. : _ngroup(0) , _groups((TaskGroup**)calloc(BTHREAD_MAX_CONCURRENCY, sizeof(TaskGroup*))) , _stop(false) , _concurrency(0) , _nworkers("bthread_worker_count") , _pending_time(NULL) // Delay exposure of following two vars because they rely on TC which // is not initialized yet. , _cumulated_worker_time(get_cumulated_worker_time_from_this, this) , _worker_usage_second(&_cumulated_worker_time, 1) , _cumulated_switch_count(get_cumulated_switch_count_from_this, this) , _switch_per_second(&_cumulated_switch_count) , _cumulated_signal_count(get_cumulated_signal_count_from_this, this) , _signal_per_second(&_cumulated_signal_count) , _status(print_rq_sizes_in_the_tc, this) , _nbthreads("bthread_count") { // calloc shall set memory to zero CHECK(_groups) << "Fail to create array of groups"; } int TaskControl::init(int concurrency) { if (_concurrency != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Already initialized"; return -1; } if (concurrency <= 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid concurrency=" << concurrency; return -1; } _concurrency = concurrency; // Make sure TimerThread is ready. if (get_or_create_global_timer_thread() == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to get global_timer_thread"; return -1; } _workers.resize(_concurrency); for (int i = 0; i < _concurrency; ++i) { const int rc = pthread_create(&_workers[i], NULL, worker_thread, this); if (rc) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to create _workers[" << i << "], " << berror(rc); return -1; } } _worker_usage_second.expose("bthread_worker_usage"); _switch_per_second.expose("bthread_switch_second"); _signal_per_second.expose("bthread_signal_second"); _status.expose("bthread_group_status"); // Wait for at least one group is added so that choose_one_group() // never returns NULL. // TODO: Handle the case that worker quits before add_group while (_ngroup == 0) { usleep(100); // TODO: Elaborate } return 0; } int TaskControl::add_workers(int num) { if (num <= 0) { return 0; } try { _workers.resize(_concurrency + num); } catch (...) { return 0; } const int old_concurency = _concurrency.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { // Worker will add itself to _idle_workers, so we have to add // _concurrency before create a worker. _concurrency.fetch_add(1); const int rc = pthread_create( &_workers[i + old_concurency], NULL, worker_thread, this); if (rc) { LOG(WARNING) << "Fail to create _workers[" << i + old_concurency << "], " << berror(rc); _concurrency.fetch_sub(1, butil::memory_order_release); break; } } // Cannot fail _workers.resize(_concurrency.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed)); return _concurrency.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed) - old_concurency; } TaskGroup* TaskControl::choose_one_group() { const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); if (ngroup != 0) { return _groups[butil::fast_rand_less_than(ngroup)]; } CHECK(false) << "Impossible: ngroup is 0"; return NULL; } extern int stop_and_join_epoll_threads(); void TaskControl::stop_and_join() { // Close epoll threads so that worker threads are not waiting on epoll( // which cannot be woken up by signal_task below) CHECK_EQ(0, stop_and_join_epoll_threads()); // Stop workers { BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); _stop = true; _ngroup.exchange(0, butil::memory_order_relaxed); } for (int i = 0; i < PARKING_LOT_NUM; ++i) { _pl[i].stop(); } // Interrupt blocking operations. for (size_t i = 0; i < _workers.size(); ++i) { interrupt_pthread(_workers[i]); } // Join workers for (size_t i = 0; i < _workers.size(); ++i) { pthread_join(_workers[i], NULL); } } TaskControl::~TaskControl() { // NOTE: g_task_control is not destructed now because the situation // is extremely racy. delete _pending_time.exchange(NULL, butil::memory_order_relaxed); _worker_usage_second.hide(); _switch_per_second.hide(); _signal_per_second.hide(); _status.hide(); stop_and_join(); free(_groups); _groups = NULL; } int TaskControl::_add_group(TaskGroup* g) { if (__builtin_expect(NULL == g, 0)) { return -1; } std::unique_lock<butil::Mutex> mu(_modify_group_mutex); if (_stop) { return -1; } size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); if (ngroup < (size_t)BTHREAD_MAX_CONCURRENCY) { _groups[ngroup] = g; _ngroup.store(ngroup + 1, butil::memory_order_release); } mu.unlock(); // See the comments in _destroy_group // TODO: Not needed anymore since non-worker pthread cannot have TaskGroup signal_task(65536); return 0; } void TaskControl::delete_task_group(void* arg) { delete(TaskGroup*)arg; } int TaskControl::_destroy_group(TaskGroup* g) { if (NULL == g) { LOG(ERROR) << "Param[g] is NULL"; return -1; } if (g->_control != this) { LOG(ERROR) << "TaskGroup=" << g << " does not belong to this TaskControl=" << this; return -1; } bool erased = false; { BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { if (_groups[i] == g) { // No need for atomic_thread_fence because lock did it. _groups[i] = _groups[ngroup - 1]; // Change _ngroup and keep _groups unchanged at last so that: // - If steal_task sees the newest _ngroup, it would not touch // _groups[ngroup -1] // - If steal_task sees old _ngroup and is still iterating on // _groups, it would not miss _groups[ngroup - 1] which was // swapped to _groups[i]. Although adding new group would // overwrite it, since we do signal_task in _add_group(), // we think the pending tasks of _groups[ngroup - 1] would // not miss. _ngroup.store(ngroup - 1, butil::memory_order_release); //_groups[ngroup - 1] = NULL; erased = true; break; } } } // Can't delete g immediately because for performance consideration, // we don't lock _modify_group_mutex in steal_task which may // access the removed group concurrently. We use simple strategy here: // Schedule a function which deletes the TaskGroup after // FLAGS_task_group_delete_delay seconds if (erased) { get_global_timer_thread()->schedule( delete_task_group, g, butil::microseconds_from_now(FLAGS_task_group_delete_delay * 1000000L)); } return 0; } bool TaskControl::steal_task(bthread_t* tid, size_t* seed, size_t offset) { // 1: Acquiring fence is paired with releasing fence in _add_group to // avoid accessing uninitialized slot of _groups. const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_acquire/*1*/); if (0 == ngroup) { return false; } // NOTE: Don't return inside `for' iteration since we need to update |seed| bool stolen = false; size_t s = *seed; for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i, s += offset) { TaskGroup* g = _groups[s % ngroup]; // g is possibly NULL because of concurrent _destroy_group if (g) { if (g->_rq.steal(tid)) { stolen = true; break; } if (g->_remote_rq.pop(tid)) { stolen = true; break; } } } *seed = s; return stolen; } void TaskControl::signal_task(int num_task) { if (num_task <= 0) { return; } // TODO(gejun): Current algorithm does not guarantee enough threads will // be created to match caller's requests. But in another side, there's also // many useless signalings according to current impl. Capping the concurrency // is a good balance between performance and timeliness of scheduling. if (num_task > 2) { num_task = 2; } int start_index = butil::fmix64(pthread_self()) % PARKING_LOT_NUM; num_task -= _pl[start_index].signal(1); if (num_task > 0) { for (int i = 1; i < PARKING_LOT_NUM && num_task > 0; ++i) { if (++start_index >= PARKING_LOT_NUM) { start_index = 0; } num_task -= _pl[start_index].signal(1); } } } void TaskControl::print_rq_sizes(std::ostream& os) { const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); DEFINE_SMALL_ARRAY(int, nums, ngroup, 128); { BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); // ngroup > _ngroup: nums[_ngroup ... ngroup-1] = 0 // ngroup < _ngroup: just ignore _groups[_ngroup ... ngroup-1] for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { nums[i] = (_groups[i] ? _groups[i]->_rq.volatile_size() : 0); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { os << nums[i] << ' '; } } double TaskControl::get_cumulated_worker_time() { int64_t cputime_ns = 0; BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { if (_groups[i]) { cputime_ns += _groups[i]->_cumulated_cputime_ns; } } return cputime_ns / 1000000000.0; } int64_t TaskControl::get_cumulated_switch_count() { int64_t c = 0; BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { if (_groups[i]) { c += _groups[i]->_nswitch; } } return c; } int64_t TaskControl::get_cumulated_signal_count() { int64_t c = 0; BAIDU_SCOPED_LOCK(_modify_group_mutex); const size_t ngroup = _ngroup.load(butil::memory_order_relaxed); for (size_t i = 0; i < ngroup; ++i) { TaskGroup* g = _groups[i]; if (g) { c += g->_nsignaled + g->_remote_nsignaled; } } return c; } bvar::LatencyRecorder* TaskControl::create_exposed_pending_time() { bool is_creator = false; _pending_time_mutex.lock(); bvar::LatencyRecorder* pt = _pending_time.load(butil::memory_order_consume); if (!pt) { pt = new bvar::LatencyRecorder; _pending_time.store(pt, butil::memory_order_release); is_creator = true; } _pending_time_mutex.unlock(); if (is_creator) { pt->expose("bthread_creation"); } return pt; } } // namespace bthread