// Copyright (c) 2014 Baidu, Inc. #include <vector> #include <map> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <sys/time.h> #include <time.h> #include <typeinfo> #include <limits> #include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h> #include "json_to_pb.h" #include "zero_copy_stream_reader.h" // ZeroCopyStreamReader #include "encode_decode.h" #include "butil/base64.h" #include "butil/string_printf.h" #include "protobuf_map.h" #include "rapidjson.h" #define J2PERROR(perr, fmt, ...) \ if (perr) { \ if (!perr->empty()) { \ perr->append(", ", 2); \ } \ butil::string_appendf(perr, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } else { } namespace json2pb { Json2PbOptions::Json2PbOptions() #ifdef BAIDU_INTERNAL : base64_to_bytes(false) { #else : base64_to_bytes(true) { #endif } enum MatchType { TYPE_MATCH = 0x00, REQUIRED_OR_REPEATED_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x01, OPTIONAL_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x02 }; static void string_append_value(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& value, std::string* output) { if (value.IsNull()) { output->append("null"); } else if (value.IsBool()) { output->append(value.GetBool() ? "true" : "false"); } else if (value.IsInt()) { butil::string_appendf(output, "%d", value.GetInt()); } else if (value.IsUint()) { butil::string_appendf(output, "%u", value.GetUint()); } else if (value.IsInt64()) { butil::string_appendf(output, "%" PRId64, value.GetInt64()); } else if (value.IsUint64()) { butil::string_appendf(output, "%" PRIu64, value.GetUint64()); } else if (value.IsDouble()) { butil::string_appendf(output, "%f", value.GetDouble()); } else if (value.IsString()) { output->push_back('"'); output->append(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength()); output->push_back('"'); } else if (value.IsArray()) { output->append("array"); } else if (value.IsObject()) { output->append("object"); } } //It will be called when type mismatch occurs, fg: convert string to uint, //and will also be called when invalid value appears, fg: invalid enum name, //invalid enum number, invalid string content to convert to double or float. //for optional field error will just append error into error message //and ends with ',' and return true. //otherwise will append error into error message and return false. inline bool value_invalid(const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, const char* type, const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& value, std::string* err) { bool optional = field->is_optional(); if (err) { if (!err->empty()) { err->append(", "); } err->append("Invalid value `"); string_append_value(value, err); butil::string_appendf(err, "' for %sfield `%s' which SHOULD be %s", optional ? "optional " : "", field->full_name().c_str(), type); } if (!optional) { return false; } return true; } template<typename T> inline bool convert_string_to_double_float_type( void (google::protobuf::Reflection::*func)( google::protobuf::Message* message, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, T value) const, google::protobuf::Message* message, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection, const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& item, std::string* err) { const char* limit_type = item.GetString(); // MUST be string here if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN && strcasecmp(limit_type, "NaN") == 0) { (reflection->*func)(message, field, std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()); return true; } if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity && strcasecmp(limit_type, "Infinity") == 0) { (reflection->*func)(message, field, std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()); return true; } if (std::numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity && strcasecmp(limit_type, "-Infinity") == 0) { (reflection->*func)(message, field, -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()); return true; } return value_invalid(field, typeid(T).name(), item, err); } inline bool convert_float_type(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& item, bool repeated, google::protobuf::Message* message, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection, std::string* err) { if (item.IsNumber()) { if (repeated) { reflection->AddFloat(message, field, item.GetDouble()); } else { reflection->SetFloat(message, field, item.GetDouble()); } } else if (item.IsString()) { if (!convert_string_to_double_float_type( (repeated ? &google::protobuf::Reflection::AddFloat : &google::protobuf::Reflection::SetFloat), message, field, reflection, item, err)) { return false; } } else { return value_invalid(field, "float", item, err); } return true; } inline bool convert_double_type(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& item, bool repeated, google::protobuf::Message* message, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection, std::string* err) { if (item.IsNumber()) { if (repeated) { reflection->AddDouble(message, field, item.GetDouble()); } else { reflection->SetDouble(message, field, item.GetDouble()); } } else if (item.IsString()) { if (!convert_string_to_double_float_type( (repeated ? &google::protobuf::Reflection::AddDouble : &google::protobuf::Reflection::SetDouble), message, field, reflection, item, err)) { return false; } } else { return value_invalid(field, "double", item, err); } return true; } inline bool convert_enum_type(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value&item, bool repeated, google::protobuf::Message* message, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection, std::string* err) { const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * enum_value_descriptor = NULL; if (item.IsInt()) { enum_value_descriptor = field->enum_type()->FindValueByNumber(item.GetInt()); } else if (item.IsString()) { enum_value_descriptor = field->enum_type()->FindValueByName(item.GetString()); } if (!enum_value_descriptor) { return value_invalid(field, "enum", item, err); } if (repeated) { reflection->AddEnum(message, field, enum_value_descriptor); } else { reflection->SetEnum(message, field, enum_value_descriptor); } return true; } bool JsonValueToProtoMessage(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& json_value, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* err); //Json value to protobuf convert rules for type: //Json value type Protobuf type convert rules //int int uint int64 uint64 valid convert is available //uint int uint int64 uint64 valid convert is available //int64 int uint int64 uint64 valid convert is available //uint64 int uint int64 uint64 valid convert is available //int uint int64 uint64 float double available //"NaN" "Infinity" "-Infinity" float double only "NaN" "Infinity" "-Infinity" is available //int enum valid enum number value is available //string enum valid enum name value is available //other mismatch type convertion will be regarded as error. #define J2PCHECKTYPE(value, cpptype, jsontype) ({ \ MatchType match_type = TYPE_MATCH; \ if (!value.Is##jsontype()) { \ match_type = OPTIONAL_TYPE_MISMATCH; \ if (!value_invalid(field, #cpptype, value, err)) { \ return false; \ } \ } \ match_type; \ }) static bool JsonValueToProtoField(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& value, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* err) { if (value.IsNull()) { if (field->is_required()) { J2PERROR(err, "Missing required field: %s", field->full_name().c_str()); return false; } return true; } if (field->is_repeated()) { if (!value.IsArray()) { J2PERROR(err, "Invalid value for repeated field: %s", field->full_name().c_str()); return false; } } const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection(); switch (field->cpp_type()) { #define CASE_FIELD_TYPE(cpptype, method, jsontype) \ case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##cpptype: { \ if (field->is_repeated()) { \ const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); \ for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { \ const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value & item = value[index]; \ if (TYPE_MATCH == J2PCHECKTYPE(item, cpptype, jsontype)) { \ reflection->Add##method(message, field, item.Get##jsontype()); \ } \ } \ } else if (TYPE_MATCH == J2PCHECKTYPE(value, cpptype, jsontype)) { \ reflection->Set##method(message, field, value.Get##jsontype()); \ } \ break; \ } CASE_FIELD_TYPE(INT32, Int32, Int); CASE_FIELD_TYPE(UINT32, UInt32, Uint); CASE_FIELD_TYPE(BOOL, Bool, Bool); CASE_FIELD_TYPE(INT64, Int64, Int64); CASE_FIELD_TYPE(UINT64, UInt64, Uint64); #undef CASE_FIELD_TYPE case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: if (field->is_repeated()) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value & item = value[index]; if (!convert_float_type(item, true, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } } } else if (!convert_float_type(value, false, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: if (field->is_repeated()) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value & item = value[index]; if (!convert_double_type(item, true, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } } } else if (!convert_double_type(value, false, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: if (field->is_repeated()) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value & item = value[index]; if (TYPE_MATCH == J2PCHECKTYPE(item, string, String)) { std::string str(item.GetString(), item.GetStringLength()); if (field->type() == google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES && options.base64_to_bytes) { std::string str_decoded; if (!butil::Base64Decode(str, &str_decoded)) { J2PERROR(err, "Fail to decode base64 string=%s", str.c_str()); return false; } str = str_decoded; } reflection->AddString(message, field, str); } } } else if (TYPE_MATCH == J2PCHECKTYPE(value, string, String)) { std::string str(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength()); if (field->type() == google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES && options.base64_to_bytes) { std::string str_decoded; if (!butil::Base64Decode(str, &str_decoded)) { J2PERROR(err, "Fail to decode base64 string=%s", str.c_str()); return false; } str = str_decoded; } reflection->SetString(message, field, str); } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: if (field->is_repeated()) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value & item = value[index]; if (!convert_enum_type(item, true, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } } } else if (!convert_enum_type(value, false, message, field, reflection, err)) { return false; } break; case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: if (field->is_repeated()) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType size = value.Size(); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::SizeType index = 0; index < size; ++index) { const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& item = value[index]; if (TYPE_MATCH == J2PCHECKTYPE(item, message, Object)) { if (!JsonValueToProtoMessage( item, reflection->AddMessage(message, field), options, err)) { return false; } } } } else if (!JsonValueToProtoMessage( value, reflection->MutableMessage(message, field), options, err)) { return false; } break; } return true; } bool JsonMapToProtoMap(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& value, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* map_desc, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* err) { if (!value.IsObject()) { J2PERROR(err, "Non-object value for map field: %s", map_desc->full_name().c_str()); return false; } const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection(); const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* key_desc = map_desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName(KEY_NAME); const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* value_desc = map_desc->message_type()->FindFieldByName(VALUE_NAME); for (BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::ConstMemberIterator it = value.MemberBegin(); it != value.MemberEnd(); ++it) { google::protobuf::Message* entry = reflection->AddMessage(message, map_desc); const google::protobuf::Reflection* entry_reflection = entry->GetReflection(); entry_reflection->SetString( entry, key_desc, std::string(it->name.GetString(), it->name.GetStringLength())); if (!JsonValueToProtoField(it->value, value_desc, entry, options, err)) { return false; } } return true; } bool JsonValueToProtoMessage(const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value& json_value, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* err) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor = message->GetDescriptor(); if (!json_value.IsObject()) { J2PERROR(err, "`json_value' is not a json object. %s", descriptor->name().c_str()); return false; } const google::protobuf::Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection(); std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor*> fields; fields.reserve(64); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->extension_range_count(); ++i) { const google::protobuf::Descriptor::ExtensionRange* ext_range = descriptor->extension_range(i); for (int tag_number = ext_range->start; tag_number < ext_range->end; ++tag_number) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field = reflection->FindKnownExtensionByNumber(tag_number); if (field) { fields.push_back(field); } } } for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); ++i) { fields.push_back(descriptor->field(i)); } std::string field_name_str_temp; const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value* value_ptr = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field = fields[i]; const std::string& orig_name = field->name(); bool res = decode_name(orig_name, field_name_str_temp); const std::string& field_name_str = (res ? field_name_str_temp : orig_name); #ifndef RAPIDJSON_VERSION_0_1 BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::ConstMemberIterator member = json_value.FindMember(field_name_str.data()); if (member == json_value.MemberEnd()) { if (field->is_required()) { J2PERROR(err, "Missing required field: %s", field->full_name().c_str()); return false; } continue; } value_ptr = &(member->value); #else const BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Value::Member* member = json_value.FindMember(field_name_str.data()); if (member == NULL) { if (field->is_required()) { J2PERROR(err, "Missing required field: %s", field->full_name().c_str()); return false; } continue; } value_ptr = &(member->value); #endif if (IsProtobufMap(field) && value_ptr->IsObject()) { // Try to parse json like {"key":value, ...} into protobuf map if (!JsonMapToProtoMap(*value_ptr, field, message, options, err)) { return false; } } else { if (!JsonValueToProtoField(*value_ptr, field, message, options, err)) { return false; } } } return true; } bool ZeroCopyStreamToJson(BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document *dest, google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream *stream) { ZeroCopyStreamReader stream_reader(stream); dest->ParseStream<0, BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::UTF8<> >(stream_reader); return !dest->HasParseError(); } inline bool JsonToProtoMessageInline(const std::string& json_string, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* error) { if (error) { error->clear(); } BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document d; d.Parse<0>(json_string.c_str()); if (d.HasParseError()) { J2PERROR(error, "Invalid json format"); return false; } return json2pb::JsonValueToProtoMessage(d, message, options, error); } bool JsonToProtoMessage(const std::string& json_string, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* error) { return JsonToProtoMessageInline(json_string, message, options, error); } bool JsonToProtoMessage(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* stream, google::protobuf::Message* message, const Json2PbOptions& options, std::string* error) { if (error) { error->clear(); } BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document d; if (!json2pb::ZeroCopyStreamToJson(&d, stream)) { J2PERROR(error, "Invalid json format"); return false; } return json2pb::JsonValueToProtoMessage(d, message, options, error); } bool JsonToProtoMessage(const std::string& json_string, google::protobuf::Message* message, std::string* error) { return JsonToProtoMessageInline(json_string, message, Json2PbOptions(), error); } // For ABI compatibility with // (https://svn.baidu.com/public/tags/protobuf-json/protobuf-json_1-0-0-0_PD_BL) // This method should not be exposed in header, otherwise calls to // JsonToProtoMessage will be ambiguous. bool JsonToProtoMessage(std::string json_string, google::protobuf::Message* message, std::string* error) { return JsonToProtoMessageInline(json_string, message, Json2PbOptions(), error); } bool JsonToProtoMessage(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream *stream, google::protobuf::Message* message, std::string* error) { if (error) { error->clear(); } BUTIL_RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::Document d; if (!json2pb::ZeroCopyStreamToJson(&d, stream)) { J2PERROR(error, "Invalid json format"); return false; } return json2pb::JsonValueToProtoMessage(d, message, Json2PbOptions(), error); } } //namespace json2pb #undef J2PERROR #undef J2PCHECKTYPE