[English Version](../en/thrift.md) [thrift](https://thrift.apache.org/)是应用较广的RPC框架,最初由Facebook发布,后交由Apache维护。为了和thrift服务互通,同时解决thrift原生方案在多线程安全、易用性、并发能力等方面的一系列问题,brpc实现并支持thrift在NonBlocking模式下的协议(FramedProtocol), 下文均直接称为thrift协议。 示例程序:[example/thrift_extension_c++](https://github.com/brpc/brpc/tree/master/example/thrift_extension_c++/) 相比使用原生方案的优势有: - 线程安全。用户不需要为每个线程建立独立的client. - 支持同步、异步、批量同步、批量异步等访问方式,能使用ParallelChannel等组合访问方式. - 支持多种连接方式(连接池, 短连接), 支持超时、backup request、取消、tracing、内置服务等一系列RPC基本福利. - 性能更好. # 编译 为了复用解析代码,brpc对thrift的支持仍需要依赖thrift库以及thrift生成的代码,thrift格式怎么写,代码怎么生成,怎么编译等问题请参考thrift官方文档。 brpc默认不启用thrift支持也不需要thrift依赖。但如果需用thrift协议, 配置brpc环境的时候需加上--with-thrift参数. Ubuntu环境下安装thrift依赖 先参考[官方wiki](https://thrift.apache.org/docs/install/debian)安装好必备的依赖和工具,然后从[官网](https://thrift.apache.org/download)下载thrift源代码,解压编译。 ```bash wget http://www.us.apache.org/dist/thrift/0.11.0/thrift-0.11.0.tar.gz tar -xf thrift-0.11.0.tar.gz cd thrift-0.11.0/ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-ruby=no --with-python=no --with-java=no --with-go=no --with-perl=no --with-php=no --with-csharp=no --with-erlang=no --with-lua=no --with-nodejs=no make CPPFLAGS=-DFORCE_BOOST_SMART_PTR -j 4 -s sudo make install ``` 配置brpc支持thrift协议后make。编译完成后会生成libbrpc.a, 其中包含了支持thrift协议的扩展代码, 像正常使用brpc的代码一样链接即可。 ```bash sh config_brpc.sh --headers=/usr/include --libs=/usr/lib --with-thrift #或者使用cmake mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ -DWITH_THRIFT=1 ``` # Client端访问thrift server 基本步骤: - 创建一个协议设置为brpc::PROTOCOL_THRIFT的Channel - 创建brpc::ThriftStub - 使用原生Request和原生Response>发起访问 示例代码如下: ```c++ #include <brpc/channel.h> #include <brpc/thrift_message.h> // 定义了ThriftStub ... DEFINE_string(server, "", "IP Address of thrift server"); DEFINE_string(load_balancer, "", "The algorithm for load balancing"); ... brpc::ChannelOptions options; options.protocol = brpc::PROTOCOL_THRIFT; brpc::Channel thrift_channel; if (thrift_channel.Init(Flags_server.c_str(), FLAGS_load_balancer.c_str(), &options) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize thrift channel"; return -1; } brpc::ThriftStub stub(&thrift_channel); ... // example::[EchoRequest/EchoResponse]是thrift生成的消息 example::EchoRequest req; example::EchoResponse res; req.data = "hello"; stub.CallMethod("Echo", &cntl, &req, &res, NULL); if (cntl.Failed()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to send thrift request, " << cntl.ErrorText(); return -1; } ``` # Server端处理thrift请求 用户通过继承brpc::ThriftService实现处理逻辑,既可以调用thrift生成的handler以直接复用原有的函数入口,也可以像protobuf服务那样直接读取request和设置response。 ```c++ class EchoServiceImpl : public brpc::ThriftService { public: void ProcessThriftFramedRequest(brpc::Controller* cntl, brpc::ThriftFramedMessage* req, brpc::ThriftFramedMessage* res, google::protobuf::Closure* done) override { // Dispatch calls to different methods if (cntl->thrift_method_name() == "Echo") { return Echo(cntl, req->Cast<example::EchoRequest>(), res->Cast<example::EchoResponse>(), done); } else { cntl->SetFailed(brpc::ENOMETHOD, "Fail to find method=%s", cntl->thrift_method_name().c_str()); done->Run(); } } void Echo(brpc::Controller* cntl, const example::EchoRequest* req, example::EchoResponse* res, google::protobuf::Closure* done) { // This object helps you to call done->Run() in RAII style. If you need // to process the request asynchronously, pass done_guard.release(). brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done); res->data = req->data + " (processed)"; } }; ``` 实现好thrift service后,设置到ServerOptions.thrift_service并启动服务 ```c++ brpc::Server server; brpc::ServerOptions options; options.thrift_service = new EchoServiceImpl; options.idle_timeout_sec = FLAGS_idle_timeout_s; options.max_concurrency = FLAGS_max_concurrency; // Start the server. if (server.Start(FLAGS_port, &options) != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to start EchoServer"; return -1; } ``` # 简单的和原生thrift性能对比实验 测试环境: 48核 2.30GHz ## server端返回client发送的"hello"字符串 框架 | 线程数 | QPS | 平响 | cpu利用率 ---- | --- | --- | --- | --- native thrift | 60 | 6.9w | 0.9ms | 2.8% brpc thrift | 60 | 30w | 0.2ms | 18% ## server端返回"hello" * 1000 字符串 框架 | 线程数 | QPS | 平响 | cpu利用率 ---- | --- | --- | --- | --- native thrift | 60 | 5.2w | 1.1ms | 4.5% brpc thrift | 60 | 19.5w | 0.3ms | 22% ## server端做比较复杂的数学计算并返回"hello" * 1000 字符串 框架 | 线程数 | QPS | 平响 | cpu利用率 ---- | --- | --- | --- | --- native thrift | 60 | 1.7w | 3.5ms | 76% brpc thrift | 60 | 2.1w | 2.9ms | 93%