A RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with more than 600,000 instances.
baidu-rpc prefers static linking if possible, so that deps don't have to be installed on every
machine running the code.
## Ubuntu/LinuxMint/WSL
### compile
1. install common deps: git g++ make libssl-dev
2. install gflags protobuf leveldb: libgflags-dev libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev protobuf-compiler libleveldb-dev. If you need to statically link leveldb, install libsnappy-dev as well.
3. git clone this repo. cd into the repo and run
$ sh config_brpc.sh --headers=/usr/include --libs=/usr/lib
4. make
### run example
$ cd example/echo_c++
$ make
$ ./echo_server &
$ ./echo_client
### run examples with cpu/heap profilers
Install libgoogle-perftools-dev and re-run config_brpc.sh before compiling
### compile tests
Install gmock and gtest, use the gtest embedded in gmock and don't install libgtest-dev
FATAL 04-07 20:00:03 7778 public/baidu-rpc/src/baidu/rpc/channel.cpp:123] Invalid address=`bns://group.user-persona.dumi.nj03'. You should use Init(naming_service_name, load_balancer_name, options) to access multiple servers.