* Debug services [via http](docs/cn/builtin_service.md), and run online profilers.
* Get [better latency and throughput](#better-latency-and-throughput).
*[Extend brpc](docs/cn/new_protocol.md) with the protocols used in your organization quickly, or customize components, including [naming services](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#名字服务)(dns, zk, etcd), [load balancers](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#负载均衡)(rr, random, consistent hashing)
* Use cases inside Baidu
# Advantages of brpc
@@ -89,4 +84,63 @@ Check out [benchmark](docs/cn/benchmark.md) for a comparison between brpc and ot
# Try it!
Check out [Getting Started](docs/cn/getting_started.md) to start.
* Check out [Getting Started](docs/cn/getting_started.md) to start.
* Play with [examples](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/tree/example/).