Commit eb74eee6 authored by Zhu Jiashun's avatar Zhu Jiashun Committed by gejun

add http2_window_update_size to flags

parent 12b1a90c
......@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ DEFINE_bool(http2_hpack_encode_name, false,
DEFINE_bool(http2_hpack_encode_value, false,
"Encode value in HTTP2 headers with huffman encoding");
DEFINE_int32(http2_window_update_size, 2048,
"Initial window update size for flow control");
const char* H2StreamState2Str(H2StreamState s) {
switch (s) {
case H2_STREAM_IDLE: return "idle";
......@@ -232,7 +235,8 @@ friend void InitFrameHandlers();
typedef butil::FlatMap<int, H2StreamContext*> StreamMap;
butil::Mutex _stream_mutex;
StreamMap _pending_streams;
butil::atomic<int64_t> _pending_conn_window_size;
butil::Mutex _conn_window_mutex;;
int64_t _pending_conn_window_size;
inline bool add_window_size(butil::atomic<int64_t>* window_size, int64_t diff) {
......@@ -966,19 +970,17 @@ void H2Context::ReclaimWindowSize(int64_t size) {
// Spec does not stipulate how a receiver decides when to send this frame or the value
// that it sends, nor does it specify how a sender chooses to send packets.
// Implementations are able to select any algorithm that suits their needs.
// TODO(zhujiashun): optimize the number of WINDOW_UPDATE frame
//int64_t before_add = _pending_conn_window_size.fetch_add(
// size, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
//if (before_add > local_settings().initial_window_size / 3) {
// int64_t old_value =, butil::memory_order_relaxed);
// if (old_value) {
// }
std::unique_lock<butil::Mutex> mu(_stream_mutex);
_pending_conn_window_size += size;
if (_pending_conn_window_size < FLAGS_http2_window_update_size) {
_pending_conn_window_size -= FLAGS_http2_window_update_size;
char cwinbuf[FRAME_HEAD_SIZE + 4];
SerializeFrameHead(cwinbuf, 4, H2_FRAME_WINDOW_UPDATE, 0, 0);
SaveUint32(cwinbuf + FRAME_HEAD_SIZE, size);
SaveUint32(cwinbuf + FRAME_HEAD_SIZE, FLAGS_http2_window_update_size);
butil::IOBuf sendbuf;
sendbuf.append(cwinbuf, sizeof(cwinbuf));
Socket::WriteOptions wopt;
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