Commit e1d1d9af authored by zhujiashun's avatar zhujiashun

optimize impl

parent c4908ae7
......@@ -1523,25 +1523,24 @@ H2UnsentRequest::AppendAndDestroySelf(butil::IOBuf* out, Socket* socket) {
return butil::Status(EH2RUNOUTSTREAMS, "Fail to allocate stream_id");
std::unique_ptr<H2StreamContext> sctx(std::move(_sctx));
sctx->Init(ctx, id);
_sctx->Init(ctx, id);
// flow control
if (!_cntl->request_attachment().empty()) {
const int64_t data_size = _cntl->request_attachment().size();
if (!sctx->ConsumeWindowSize(data_size)) {
if (!_sctx->ConsumeWindowSize(data_size)) {
return butil::Status(ELIMIT, "remote_window_left is not enough, data_size=%" PRId64, data_size);
const int rc = ctx->TryToInsertStream(id, sctx.get());
const int rc = ctx->TryToInsertStream(id, _sctx.get());
if (rc < 0) {
return butil::Status(EINTERNAL, "Fail to insert existing stream_id");
} else if (rc > 0) {
return butil::Status(ELOGOFF, "the connection just issued GOAWAY");
_stream_id = sctx->stream_id();
// After calling TryToInsertStream, ownership of sctx is transferred to ctx
_stream_id = _sctx->stream_id();
// After calling TryToInsertStream, the ownership of _sctx is transferred to ctx
HPacker& hpacker = ctx->hpacker();
butil::IOBufAppender appender;
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