@@ -36,26 +36,23 @@ A RPC framework used throughout [Baidu](http://ir.baidu.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=1884
You can use it for:
* Build a server that can talk in multiple protocols (**on same port**), including:
*http/https, h2/h2c (compatible with [grpc](https://github.com/grpc/grpc), will be opensourced soon)
*restful http/https, h2/h2c (compatible with [grpc](https://github.com/grpc/grpc), will be opensourced soon).
*[rtmp](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/rtmp.h)/[flv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Video)/[hls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Live_Streaming), for building live-streaming services.
* hadoop_rpc(not opensourced yet)
* all sorts of protocols used in Baidu: baidu_std, [streaming_rpc](docs/cn/streaming_rpc.md), hulu_pbrpc, [sofa_pbrpc](https://github.com/baidu/sofa-pbrpc), nova_pbrpc, public_pbrpc, ubrpc, and nshead-based ones.
* Access all sorts of services more easily, including:
* Many protobuf-based protocols can be accessed via HTTP+json, probably from another language.
* Services can handle requests [synchronously](docs/cn/server.md) or [asynchrounously](docs/cn/server.md#异步service).
* Access all sorts of services:
* http (much more friendly than [libcurl](https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/)), h2/h2c (compatible with [grpc](https://github.com/grpc/grpc), will be opensourced soon)
*[redis](docs/cn/redis_client.md) and [memcached](docs/cn/memcache_client.md), thread-safe, more friendly and performant than the official clients
*[rtmp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real-Time_Messaging_Protocol)/[flv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Video), for building live-streaming services.
*[rtmp](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensource/baidu-rpc/files/master/blob/src/brpc/rtmp.h)/[flv](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Video), for building live-streaming services.
* all sorts of protocols used in Baidu: baidu_std, [streaming_rpc](docs/cn/streaming_rpc.md), hulu_pbrpc, [sofa_pbrpc](https://github.com/baidu/sofa-pbrpc), nova_pbrpc, public_pbrpc, ubrpc, and nshead-based ones.
* Access service [synchronously](docs/cn/client.md#同步访问) or [asynchrounously](docs/cn/client.md#异步访问), or even [semi-synchronously](docs/cn/client.md#半同步).
* Use [combo channels](docs/cn/combo_channel.md) to simplify complicated client patterns declaratively, including sharded and parallel accesses.
* rdma support (will be opensourced soon)
* Debug services [via http](docs/cn/builtin_service.md), and run online profilers.
* Get [better latency and throughput](#better-latency-and-throughput).
* Many components in baidu-rpc are customizable, including [naming services](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#名字服务)(dns, zk, etcd), [load balancers](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#负载均衡)(rr, random, consistent hashing), [new protocols](docs/cn/new_protocol.md). Extend them by your own or issue your requests.
**Check out [Getting Started](docs/cn/getting_started.md) to build!**
*[extend baidu-rpc](docs/cn/new_protocol.md) with the protocols used in your organization quickly, or customize components, including [naming services](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#名字服务)(dns, zk, etcd), [load balancers](docs/cn/load_balancing.md#负载均衡)(rr, random, consistent hashing), [new protocols](docs/cn/new_protocol.md). Extend them by your own or issue your requests.
# Advantages of baidu-rpc
@@ -71,18 +68,6 @@ Only 3 (major) user headers: [Server](http://icode.baidu.com/repo/baidu/opensour
We tried to make simple things simple. Take naming service as an example, in older RPC implementations, you may need to copy a pile of obscure code to make it work, however in baidu-rpc accessing BNS is expressed as `Init("bns://node-name"...`, DNS is "http://domain-name" and local machine list is "file:///home/work/server.list". Without any explanation, you know what it means.
### Build and access all sorts of services
baidu-rpc is capable of accessing and hosting many protocols listed in above section, additionally:
* most of the protobuf-based protocols can be accessed by HTTP+json automatically
* You can build restful http service without protobuf as well.
* You can access service [synchronously](docs/cn/client.md#同步访问) or [asynchrounously](docs/cn/client.md#异步访问), or even [semi-synchronously](docs/cn/client.md#半同步).
* Services can handle requests [synchronously](docs/cn/server.md) or [asynchrounously](docs/cn/server.md#异步service).
* Provide [combo channels](docs/cn/combo_channel.md) to simplify complicated client patterns declaratively, including sharded and parallel accesses.
More importantly, you can [extend baidu-rpc](docs/cn/new_protocol.md) with the protocols used in your organization quickly.
### Make services more reliable
baidu-rpc is extensively used in baidu-rpc, with more than 600,000 instances and 500 kinds of services, from map-reduce, table storages, high-performance computing, machine learning, indexing servers, ranking servers…. It's been proven.
@@ -99,3 +84,7 @@ Although almost all RPC implementations claim that they're "high-performant", th
* Server adjusts thread number according to load. Traditional implementations set number of threads according to latency to avoid limiting the throughput. baidu-rpc creates a new [bthread](docs/cn/bthread.md) for each request and ends the bthread when the request is done, which automatically adjusts thread number according to load.
Check out [benchmark](docs/cn/benchmark.md) for a comparison between baidu-rpc and other implementations.
# Try it!
Check out [Getting Started](docs/cn/getting_started.md) to start.