@@ -588,13 +588,13 @@ The default protocol used by Channel is baidu_std, which is changeable by settin
@@ -588,13 +588,13 @@ The default protocol used by Channel is baidu_std, which is changeable by settin
- PROTOCOL_BAIDU_STD or "baidu_std", which is [the standard binary protocol inside Baidu](baidu_std.md), using single connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_BAIDU_STD or "baidu_std", which is [the standard binary protocol inside Baidu](baidu_std.md), using single connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_HTTP or "http", which is http/1.0 or http/1.1, using pooled connection by default (Keep-Alive).
- PROTOCOL_HTTP or "http", which is http/1.0 or http/1.1, using pooled connection by default (Keep-Alive).
- Methods for accessing ordinary http services are listed in [Access http/h2](http_client.md).
- Methods for accessing ordinary http services are listed in [Access http/h2](http_client.md).
- Methods for accessing pb services by using http:json or http:proto are listed in [Protocols based on http/h2](http_derivatives.md)
- Methods for accessing pb services by using http:json or http:proto are listed in [http/h2 derivatives](http_derivatives.md)
- PROTOCOL_H2 or ”h2", which is http/2.0, using single connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_H2 or ”h2", which is http/2.0, using single connection by default.
- Methods for accessing ordinary h2 services are listed in [Access http/h2](http_client.md).
- Methods for accessing ordinary h2 services are listed in [Access http/h2](http_client.md).
- Methods for accessing pb services by using h2:json or h2:proto are listed in [Protocols based on http/h2](http_derivatives.md)
- Methods for accessing pb services by using h2:json or h2:proto are listed in [http/h2 derivatives](http_derivatives.md)
- "h2:grpc", which is the protocol of [gRPC](https://grpc.io) and based on h2, using single connection by default, check out [Protocols based on http/h2](http_derivatives.md) for details.
- "h2:grpc", which is the protocol of [gRPC](https://grpc.io) and based on h2, using single connection by default, check out [h2:grpc](http_derivatives.md#h2grpc) for details.
- PROTOCOL_THRIFT or "thrift", which is the protocol of [apache thrift](https://thrift.apache.org), using pooled connection by default, check out [access thrift](thrift.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_THRIFT or "thrift", which is the protocol of [apache thrift](https://thrift.apache.org), using pooled connection by default, check out [Access thrift](thrift.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_MEMCACHE or "memcache", which is binary protocol of memcached, using **single connection** by default. Check out [access memcached](memcache_client.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_MEMCACHE or "memcache", which is binary protocol of memcached, using **single connection** by default. Check out [Access memcached](memcache_client.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_REDIS or "redis", which is protocol of redis 1.2+ (the one supported by hiredis), using **single connection** by default. Check out [Access Redis](redis_client.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_REDIS or "redis", which is protocol of redis 1.2+ (the one supported by hiredis), using **single connection** by default. Check out [Access Redis](redis_client.md) for details.
- PROTOCOL_HULU_PBRPC or "hulu_pbrpc", which is protocol of hulu-pbrpc, using single connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_HULU_PBRPC or "hulu_pbrpc", which is protocol of hulu-pbrpc, using single connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_NOVA_PBRPC or "nova_pbrpc", which is protocol of Baidu ads union, using pooled connection by default.
- PROTOCOL_NOVA_PBRPC or "nova_pbrpc", which is protocol of Baidu ads union, using pooled connection by default.
Basics for accessing and serving http in brpc are listed in [http_client](http_client.md) and [http_service](http_service.md).
Basics for accessing and serving http/h2 in brpc are listed in [http_client](http_client.md) and [http_service](http_service.md).
Following section names are protocol names that can be directly set to ChannelOptions.protocol. The content after colon is parameters for the protocol to select derivative behaviors dynamically, but the base protocol is still http/1.x or http/2. As a result, these protocols are displayed at server-side as http or h2/h2c only.
Following section names are protocol names that can be directly set to ChannelOptions.protocol. The content after colon is parameters for the protocol to select derivative behaviors dynamically, but the base protocol is still http/1.x or http/2. As a result, these protocols are displayed at server-side as http or h2/h2c only.